926 resultados para investigative practical work


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Como indica el título, esta tesis plantea el estudio de la arquitectura doméstica elaborada por los arquitectos japoneses Kazuyo Sejima y Ryue Nishizawa. Más concretamente, la investigación se ciñe a un conjunto integrado por veinticinco casas que los arquitectos proyectaron entre 1987, momento en el que Sejima establece su propia oficina, y 2010, fecha en la que el reconocimiento del trabajo que ambos venían desarrollando queda certificado a nivel internacional, ya que ese año son galardonados con el premio Pritzker y comisarían la Bienal deVenecia. Del estudio conjunto y sistemático de estos proyectos, y de sus distintas versiones se espera poder obtener una serie de criterios exegéticos que permitan comprenderlos y explicarlos mejor, relacionándolos entre sí de manera coherente. A estos criterios es a lo que hemos denominado estrategias. En el momento en el que se inicia esta investigación se detectó un vacío editorial respecto al tema tratado, apenas había textos, propios o ajenos que abordaran esta faceta de la obra de Sejima y Nishizawa en profundidad. No en vano, algunos críticos han acuñado el apelativo de "arquitectos sin palabras" para referirse, tanto a ellos como a la generación de arquitectos que la pareja encabeza, dando a entender que se trata de una arquitectura carente de explicación.1 Sin embargo, esta investigación sostiene que el hecho de que los arquitectos no hablen en exceso de su obra y mantengan una actitud centrada en desarrollar de forma práctica su trabajo no quiere decir que prescindan de realizar operaciones compositivas altamente idealizadas y abstractas, refrendadas por un marco cultural y teórico que se pueda describir. Tras recopilar, ordenar y analizar un número lo suficientemente amplio como para ser significativo de las manifestaciones verbales que los arquitectos han realizado a lo largo del periodo estudiado, se ha observado que de entre todos los términos que los dos socios que integran SANAA emplean para describir sus proyectos, uno de los más relevantes y quizás también el más general resulta la palabra “sistema”.2 El modo en el que ambos describen los principios de su arquitectura, diferenciando entre los componentes del programa, y las relaciones que se establecen entre éstos, y entre ellos y el exterior permiten sostener que no se trata de un uso accidental término. Paralelamente, al mismo tiempo que se indaga sobre el corpus intelectual de esta teoría se intenta detallar las circunstancias que favorecieron tal trasvase de ideas entre Occidente y Japón y como acabaron llegando al ámbito de estos arquitectos. Al amparo de este marco teórico y tras redibujar las viviendas documentadas, se intentará describir los rasgos de la estructura material de las viviendas analizadas, así como cartografiar los patrones organizativos que las caracterizan. Para ello se empleará el rigor instrumental que aporta la teoría de grafos como método habitual para la representación, estudio y caracterización de sistemas. Los resultados de la investigación evidencian que hay una serie de estrategias — tanto materiales como organizativas— que enunciadas en sus primeros proyectos se van desarrollando en obras posteriores, conformado sistemas que están paulatinamente más organizados. Y que llegado un punto en la trayectoria de estos arquitectos, se observa que tales estrategias, se van superponiendo de distinta forma en diversos proyectos, por lo que es posible agruparlos y hablar de ellos atendiendo a características comunes. Finalmente, el estudio concluye que tanto a nivel material como reladonal, bien podría decirse que en el periodo estudiado, las estrategias empleadas por Sejima y Nishizawa para elaborar su arquitectura doméstica persiguen un objetivo común que se fundamenta en la elaboración de planteamientos sintéticos que les permiten explorar y responder creativamente ante las disyuntivas previamente establecidas, precisamente explotando el potencial de las paradojas que las originan. ABSTRACT As the title suggest itself, this thesis deals about the study of domestic architecture developed by Japanese architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa. More specifically, research focus its attention on a group of twenty five houses that both architects projected from 1987, when Sejima establishes her own practice, and 2010, as the moment in which their work obtains international acknowledgment, since this year they are awarded the Pritzker prize and cúrate the Venice Biennale. From the combined and systematic study of all these projects, and their different versions are expected to obtain a series of exegetical criteria to relate to each other, understand and explain better. These criteria are what we cali strategies. By the time when this research began, an editorial emptiness about the treaty issue was detected; there were barely texts that addressed this aspect of the work of Sejima and Nishizawa in depth, neither the ones written by the architects themselves ñor by other authors. Some critics have coined the ñame "wordless generation" to refer to both them as to the generation of architects that the couple leads, implying that it is an architecture devoid of explanation.3 However, this study argües that the fact that architects do not speak too much about his work and keep themselves focused on developing practical work attitude does not mean that dispense perform highly idealized and abstract compositional operations, fueled by a frame cultural and theoretical that can be described. After collect, sort and analyze a large enough number of verbal statements done by the architects about their work as to be meaningful, it was observed that of all the terms that the two partners that intégrate SANAA used to describe their projects, one of the most important and, perhaps one of the most general, is the word "system".4 The way in which both describe the principies of their architecture distinguishing between program components and the relationships established between them, and between them and the outside allow us the view that it is not accidental use of a term. Similarly, while it investigates the intellectual corpus of this theory it attempts to explain some of the circumstances that favored such transfer of ideas between the West and Japan and how eventually reaching the scope of these architects. Under this framework and after redraw the documented houses we attempt to describe the characteristics of the material structure of the projects tested, as well as mapping the organizational patterns that characterize them. For this, we use the instrumental rigor that brings graph theory, as a regular method of representation, study and characterization of systems used. The research results show that there are a number of strategies -both material and organizational level- that once they are set out in its first projects are developed in later works. Bringing up systems that are gradually more and more organized. And at one point in the career of these architects, such strategies are observed, they are superimposed differently on various projects, making it possible to group them and discuss them according to common characteristics. Finally, the study condueles that both materially and organizational it could be said that in the period studied, the strategies employed by Sejima and Nishizawa to develop its domestic architecture pursue a common goal, which is based on the development of synthetic approaches that allow them explore and respond creatively to the previously established dilemmas precisely exploiting the paradoxical potential that originates them.


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The implantation of the new Architecture Degree and the important normative changes in the building sector imply the need to use new teaching methodologies that enhance skills and competences in order to response to the increasing requirements demanded by society to the future architect. The aim of this paper is to present, analyze and discuss the development of multidisciplinary workshops as a new teaching methodology used in several Construction subjects of the Architecture Degree in the University of Alicante. Workshops conceived with the aim to synthesize and complement the technical knowledge acquired by the students during the Degree and to enhance the skills and competencies necessary for the professional practice. With that purpose, we decided to experiment on current subjects of the degree during this academic year, by applying the requirements defined in the future Architecture Degree in a practical way, through workshops between different subjects, superposing the technical knowledge with the resolution of constructive problems in the development of an architectural project. Developing these workshops between subjects we can dissolve the traditional boundaries between different areas of the Degree. This multidisciplinary workshop methodology allows the use of all the global knowledge acquired by students during their studies and at the same time, it enhances students’ ability to communicate and discuss their ideas and solutions in public. It also increases their capacity of self-criticism, and it foments their ability to undertake learning strategies and research in an autonomous way. The used methodology is based on the development of a practical work common to several subjects of different knowledge areas within the "Technology Block" of the future Architecture Degree. Thus, students work approaching the problem in a global way discussing simultaneously with teachers from different areas. By using these new workshops we stimulate an interactive class versus a traditional lecture. Work is evaluated continuously, valuing the participative pupil´s attitude, working in groups in class time, reaching weekly objectives and stimulating the individual responsibility and positive interdependence of the pupil inside the working group. The exercises are designed to improve students’ ability to transmit their ideas and solutions in public, knowing how to discuss and defend their technical resolutions to peers and teachers (Peer Reviewing), their capacity for self-criticism and their capacity to undertake strategies and autonomous learning processes at the same time they develop a personal research into new technologies, systems and materials. Students have shown their majority preference for this teaching methodology by the multidisciplinary workshops offered in the last years, with very satisfactory academic results. In conclusion, it can be verified nowadays the viability of the introduction of new contents and new teaching methodologies necessary for the acquisition of the skills in the future Architecture Degree, through workshops between several subjects that have had a great acceptance in students and positive contrasted academic results.


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In all political systems there is a gap between the rhetoric of electoral programmes and the practical work of institutions, argues author Riccardo Perissich, but the ‘vision thing’ is often a necessary prerequisite to reaching difficult decisions. When it comes to European institutions, which include the member states acting collectively, the desirable vision – the goal of European unity – has always been there and is still very much alive. Also, the existence of a broadly defined political goal has often facilitated agreements that were in fact purely necessary. However, because we lack a pan-European constituency to debate it, the narrative about this goal has been translated into different languages and is all but common. In fact, we have never seriously tried to unify it. Indeed, Europeans stopped debating what is desirable a long time ago: they simply react to events.


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On verso: Med School. Practical work pictures


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On verso: Practical work pictures.


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On verso: Practical work picture


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On verso: Practical work picture


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John Jacob Abel (seated) and his assistant, Archibald Muirhead, in his laboratory (source: Not Just Any Medical School by Horace W. Davenport) On verso: Practical work pictures. Seated: Prof. Abel. 1891


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Relatório de Estágio para a obtenção do grau de Mestre na área de Educação e Comunicação Multimédia


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During the SINOPS project, an optimal state of the art simulation of the marine silicon cycle is attempted employing a biogeochemical ocean general circulation model (BOGCM) through three particular time steps relevant for global (paleo-) climate. In order to tune the model optimally, results of the simulations are compared to a comprehensive data set of 'real' observations. SINOPS' scientific data management ensures that data structure becomes homogeneous throughout the project. Practical work routine comprises systematic progress from data acquisition, through preparation, processing, quality check and archiving, up to the presentation of data to the scientific community. Meta-information and analytical data are mapped by an n-dimensional catalogue in order to itemize the analytical value and to serve as an unambiguous identifier. In practice, data management is carried out by means of the online-accessible information system PANGAEA, which offers a tool set comprising a data warehouse, Graphical Information System (GIS), 2-D plot, cross-section plot, etc. and whose multidimensional data model promotes scientific data mining. Besides scientific and technical aspects, this alliance between scientific project team and data management crew serves to integrate the participants and allows them to gain mutual respect and appreciation.


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I sjukhuskorridorerna står flera rum tomma och operationssalar används inte fullt ut. Anledningen är inte att medborgarna blivit friskare, inte heller är det ekonomin som är huvudorsaken, skälet är bristen på sjuksköterskor1. År 2015 publicerades en artikel om att allt fler sjuksköterskor lämnar Falu Lasarett på grund av dess tunga tre skift2. Vid denna studies början ville vi gå till botten med vad som är attraktivt i sjuksköterskeyrket, varför man väljer att bli sjuksköterska när yrket tycks vara kantat av negativa faktorer. Det vi tidigt märkte var att yrket inte endast kunde beskrivas som antingen attraktivt eller oattraktivt. Syftet med studien blev därför att identifiera attraktiva och oattraktiva faktorer i sjuksköterskeyrket. För att nå syftet eftersöktes respondenter via sociala medier där spridningen blev stor och stoppades när nio sjuksköterskor valt att delta. Respondenterna hade anställning på Falu Lasarett och intervjuas med hjälp av processmetoden "attraktivt arbete". Denna metod har varit ett verktyg i insamlandet av teori och empiri, faktorerna har gett oss handfasta sökord och varit användbara för respondenterna att resonera kring. Resultatet visade att respondenterna upplevde att relationer och social kontakt bidrog till yrkets attraktivitet. De ansåg sig även bli stimulerade av det varierande arbetet i form av tankearbete, praktiskt arbete och det resultat de presterade. De förbättringsområden som studien identifierat är föga förvånande; lön, arbetstid, arbetstakt, status, erkänsla, företaget, ledarskap men även faktorn eftertraktad bedömdes som mindre attraktiv då respondenterna ansåg att de endast var eftertraktade på grund av sin yrkestitel. Störst fokus har lagts på ledarskap, en faktor som tidigt identifierades som ett förbättringsområde. Problematiken kring ledarskapet tycks bottna i det faktum att chefsrekryteringar sker internt på arbetsplatsen och att de chefsutbildningar som erbjuds inte räcker till. Studien har för avsikt att identifiera förbättringsområden, ingen intention har funnits om att studien skulle resultera i en handlingsplan. Vi ser ämnet för komplext för att en C-uppsats skulle kunna landa i en lösning på de problem som sjuksköterskeyrket dras med.


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I denna studie har vi undersökt fyra förskolepedagogers förhållningssätt, normer och tankar kring genus samt om deras uppfattning stämmer överens med deras agerande i den praktiska verksamheten. Syftet med denna studie var att få mer kunskap om hur genusmedvetenheten kan se ut på förskolan idag samt att ta reda på om alla barn ges samma förutsättningar i vår studerade leksituation; bygg och konstruktionsleken. En framträdande frågeställning har varit att få fatt vilka normer som råder bland pedagogerna och hur de tar sig uttryck i verksamheten. Som teoretisk ansats har vi använt oss utav feministisk poststrukturalism och data har vi samlat in genom observationer av verksamheten samt intervjuer med pedagogerna. Resultatet visar på att det finns en motsättning mellan pedagogernas egna uppfattningar om sitt förhållningssätt och deras agerande i det praktiska arbetet. I resultatet framkom även att pedagogerna såg sig själva som genusneutrala, trots detta framträdde en viss könstraditionell syn på föreställningen kring barns agerande och fysiska uttryck. Gällande alla barns likvärdiga förutsättningar visar ett av våra huvudresultat på en tydlig diskriminering gentemot de yngsta barnen på förskolan.


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Syftet med denna studie är att kontrastera en utvald organisations strategier för att attrahera, behålla, utveckla och avveckla de viktigaste resurserna mot Talent Management och dess komponenter. Studien ämnar således mot att göra en kontrastering mellan traditionellt kompetensförsörjningsarbete mot det mer moderna konceptet Talent Management. Författarna har valt att undersöka detta genom att samla empiri från intervjuer med sex medarbetare kombinerat med analys av interna dokument. Resultatet visar att delar av myndighetens arbete med kompetensförsörjning kan likställas med Talent Management men att vissa komponenter är uteblivna. Baserat på resultatet framhålls i resultatdiskussionen att myndigheten möter stora utmaningar gällande enhetligt arbete med kompetensutveckling, kompetensförsörjning och ledarskap på grund utav det delegerade ansvaret från central nivå. I slutskedet av avsnittet för resultatdiskussion redovisas även en sammanfattande slutsats som grundar sig i ett framgångsrikt arbete inom blocken attrahera och avsluta samtidigt som arbete inom blocket behålla och utveckla varierar inom organisationen, dels på grund av delegerat ansvar. Slutligen presenteras förbättringsförslag inom organisationen och vidare forskning inom ämnet. 


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A ausência de motivação, na generalidade, é uma questão atual na escola, patente nas diversas vertentes de ensino, em alunos e professores. Assim, o presente trabalho surge no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais no 3.º ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário, com o propósito de estudar este problema, em particular nas Artes Visuais. Pretende-se fornecer informações, de modo a ser possível identificar e solucionar problemas relativos à motivação, de professores e alunos, especificamente, na disciplina de Educação Visual. A escolha desta temática partiu da preocupação, sentida não só enquanto aluna, mas também enquanto professora, com a confrontação de falta de motivação em sala de aula. Partindo do princípio que a prática do ensino deve estar em consonância com necessidades emocionais, sociais e cognitivas, foi elaborado o presente estudo que, em simultâneo, sustentou a prática de ensino supervisionada. Nesta pesquisa, procura-se compreender o domínio emocional, ainda que inferiorizado, nas relações existentes na sala de aula, de modo a que estas deem o seu contributo para o processo de aprendizagem. Com particular ênfase na problemática da motivação, são estruturadas estratégias de ação para uso em contexto escolar. Este estudo é complementado com o trabalho prático, decorrido em contexto sala de aula, de forma a verificar o potencial dos conceitos teóricos investigados. Para tal, foram realizados quatro projetos, em duas turmas de diferentes níveis de escolaridade e caraterísticas singulares. Recolhidos e analisados dados, obtidos nesta componente prática, procurou-se validar as vantagens do ensino que responde a necessidades não só cognitivas, como também sociais e emocionais.


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RELATÓRIO DE ESTÁGIO apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico, sob orientação da Professora Doutora Brigite Carvalho da Silva e do Mestre Pedro Miguel Bastos Ferreira