433 resultados para intuition


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Based on the Aristotelian criterion referred to as 'abductio', Peirce suggests a method of hypothetical inference, which operates in a different way than the deductive and inductive methods. “Abduction is nothing but guessing” (Peirce, 7.219). This principle is of extreme value for the study of our understanding of mathematical self-similarity in both of its typical presentations: relative or absolute. For the first case, abduction incarnates the quantitative/qualitative relationships of a self-similar object or process; for the second case, abduction makes understandable the statistical treatment of self-similarity, 'guessing' the continuity of geometric features to the infinity through the use of a systematic stereotype (for instance, the assumption that the general shape of the Sierpiński triangle continuates identically into its particular shapes). The metaphor coined by Peirce, of an exact map containig itself the same exact map (a map of itself), is not only the most important precedent of Mandelbrot’s problem of measuring the boundaries of a continuous irregular surface with a logarithmic ruler, but also still being a useful abstraction for the conceptualisation of relative and absolute self-similarity, and its mechanisms of implementation. It is useful, also, for explaining some of the most basic geometric ontologies as mental constructions: in the notion of infinite convergence of points in the corners of a triangle, or the intuition for defining two parallel straight lines as two lines in a plane that 'never' intersect.


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Det tysta kunnandet utgör en stor del av kunskapsresursen både hos oss som individer och i arbetsorganisationerna. Trots att vi omger oss med böcker, manualer och databaser, som alla är exempel på explicit kunskap, så är det ”den rätta känslan”, erfarenheten och våra färdigheter som avgör om och hur vi klarar av våra uppgifter. Dessa begrepp är alla relaterade till den tysta dimensionen av kunskap. En dimension som traditionellt karaktäriserats som abstrakt, individuell, omedveten, praktisk, erfarenhetsbaserad och framför allt svår att uttrycka. Alla dessa är karaktärsdrag som ställt speciella krav inom kunskapsforskning och -ledning. Resultatet av detta är att både forskning och ledning av det tysta kunnandet har åsidosatts till förmån för forskning och ledning av explicit kunskap. Ett bidragande problem har varit bristen på lämpliga metoder för att ur ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv studera och leda tyst kunnande. Ett annat problem har varit oklarhet i begreppet tyst kunskap. Detta har lett till brist på förståelse och/eller missförstånd. För att råda bot på svårigheten att uttrycka vårt tysta kunnande har människan utvecklat olika begrepp som i vår vardagskommunikation symboliserar tyst kunnande. Begrepp som intuition, människokännedom, förhandlingsförmåga och kultur används vanligt och med dem uttrycker vi den tysta dimensionen av kunnande. Dessa begrepp utgör även grunden för den intervjumetod som utvecklats för att empiriskt studera eller i ledningssyfte kartlägga tyst kunnande. Metoden använder dessa ”Epitet för Tyst Kunskap” (ETK) som bas för stimuluskort-intervjuer. Intervjuer som visat sig öka möjligheten att utforska och kartlägga tyst kunnande i organisationer oberoende av om man är forskare eller företagsledare.


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This paper is concerned with grasping biological cells in aqueous medium with miniature grippers that can also help estimate forces using vision-based displacement measurement and computation. We present the design, fabrication, and testing of three single-piece, compliant miniature grippers with parallel and angular jaw motions. Two grippers were designed using experience and intuition, while the third one was designed using topology optimization with implicit manufacturing constraints. These grippers were fabricated using different manufacturing techniques using spring steel and polydimethylsiloxane ( PDMS). The grippers also serve the purpose of a force sensor. Toward this, we present a vision-based force-sensing technique by solving Cauchy's problem in elasticity using an improved algorithm. We validated this technique at the macroscale, where there was an independent method to estimate the force. In this study, the gripper was used to hold a yeast ball and a zebrafish egg cell of less than 1 mm in diameter. The forces involved were estimated to be about 30 and 10 mN for the yeast ball and the zebrafish egg cell, respectively.


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I discuss role responsibly, individual responsibility and collective responsibility in corporate multinational setting. My case study is about minerals used in electronics that come from the Democratic Republic of Congo. What I try to show throughout the thesis is how many things need to be taken into consideration when we discuss the responsibility of individuals in corporations. No easy and simple answers are available. Instead, we must keep in mind the complexity of the situation at all times, judging cases on individual basis, emphasizing the importance of individual judgement and virtue, as well as the responsibility we all share as members of groups and the wider society. I begin by discussing the demands that are placed on us as employees. There is always a potential for a conflict between our different roles and also the wider demands placed on us. Role demands are usually much more specific than the wider question of how we should act as human beings. The terminology of roles can also be misleading as it can create illusions about our work selves being somehow radically separated from our everyday, true selves. The nature of collective decision-making and its implications for responsibility is important too. When discussing the moral responsibility of an employee in a corporate setting, one must take into account arguments from individual and collective responsibility, as well as role ethics. Individual responsibility is not a separate or competing notion from that of collective responsibility. Rather, the two are interlinked. Individuals' responsibilities in collective settings combine both individual responsibility and collective responsibility (which is different from aggregate individual responsibility). In the majority of cases, both will apply in various degrees. Some members might have individual responsibility in addition to the collective responsibility, while others just the collective responsibility. There are also times when no-one bears individual moral responsibility but the members are still responsible for the collective part. My intuition is that collective moral responsibility is strongly linked to the way the collective setting affects individual judgements and moulds the decisions, and how the individuals use the collective setting to further their own ends. Individuals remain the moral agents but responsibility is collective if the actions in question are collective in character. I also explore the impacts of bureaucratic ethic and its influence on the individual. Bureaucracies can compartmentalize work to such a degree that individual human action is reduced to mere behaviour. Responsibility is diffused and the people working in the bureaucracy can come to view their actions to be outside the normal human realm where they would be responsible for what they do. Language games and rules, anonymity, internal power struggles, and the fragmentation of information are just some of the reasons responsibility and morality can get blurry in big institutional settings. Throughout the thesis I defend the following theses: ● People act differently depending on their roles. This is necessary for our society to function, but the more specific role demands should always be kept in check by the wider requirements of being a good human being. ● Acts in corporations (and other large collectives) are not reducible to individual actions, and cannot be explained fully by the behaviour of individual employees. ● Individuals are responsible for the actions that they undertake in the collective as role occupiers and are very rarely off the hook. Hiding behind role demands is usually only an excuse and shows a lack of virtue. ● Individuals in roles can be responsible even when the collective is not. This depends on if the act they performed was corporate in nature or not. ● Bureaucratic structure affects individual thinking and is not always a healthy environment to work in. ● Individual members can share responsibility with the collective and our share of the collective responsibility is strongly linked to our relations. ● Corporations and other collectives can be responsible for harm even when no individual is at fault. The structure and the policies of the collective are crucial. ● Socialization plays an important role in our morality at both work and outside it. We are all responsible for the kind of moral context we create. ● When accepting a role or a position in a collective, we are attaching ourselves with the values of that collective. ● Ethical theories should put more emphasis on good judgement and decision-making instead of vague generalisations. My conclusion is that the individual person is always in the centre when it comes to responsibility, and not so easily off the hook as we sometimes think. What we do, and especially who we choose to associate ourselves with, does matter and we should be more careful when we choose who we work for. Individuals within corporations are responsible for choosing that the corporation they associate with is one that they can ascribe to morally, if not fully, then at least for the most part. Individuals are also inclusively responsible to a varying degree for the collective activities they contribute to, even in overdetermined contexts. We all are responsible for the kind of corporations we choose to support through our actions as consumers, investors and citizens.


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In the absence of a reliable method for a priori prediction of structure and properties of inorganic solid materials, an experimental approach involving a systematic study of composition, structure and properties combined with chemical intuition based on previous experience is likely to be a viable alternative to the problem of rational design of inorganic materials. The approach is illustrated by taking perovskite lithium-ion conductors as an example.


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We present the concept, prototypes, and an optimal design method for a compliant mechanism kit as a parallel to the kits available for rigid-body mechanisms. The kit consists of flexible beams and connectors that can be easily hand-assembled using snap fits. It enables users, using their creativity and mechanics intuition, to quickly realize a compliant mechanism. The mechanisms assembled in this manner accurately capture the essential behavior of the topology, shape, size and material aspects and thereby can lead the way for a real compliant mechanism for practical use. Also described in this paper are the design of the connector to which flexible beams can be added in eight different directions; and prototyping of the spring steel connectors as well as beams using wire-cut electro discharge machining. It is noted in this paper that the concept of the kit also resolves a discrepancy in the finite element (FE) modeling of beam-based compliant mechanisms. The discrepancy arises when two or more beams are joining at one point and thus leading to increased stiffness. After resolving this discrepancy, this work extends the topology optimization to automatically generate designs that can be assembled with the kit. Thus, the kit and the accompanying analysis and optimal synthesis procedures comprise a self-contained educational as well as a research and pragmatic toolset for compliant mechanisms. The paper also illustrates how human creativity finds new ways of using the kit beyond the original intended use and how it is useful even for a novice to design compliant mechanisms.


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Synfire waves are propagating spike packets in synfire chains, which are feedforward chains embedded in random networks. Although synfire waves have proved to be effective quantification for network activity with clear relations to network structure, their utilities are largely limited to feedforward networks with low background activity. To overcome these shortcomings, we describe a novel generalisation of synfire waves, and define `synconset wave' as a cascade of first spikes within a synchronisation event. Synconset waves would occur in `synconset chains', which are feedforward chains embedded in possibly heavily recurrent networks with heavy background activity. We probed the utility of synconset waves using simulation of single compartment neuron network models with biophysically realistic conductances, and demonstrated that the spread of synconset waves directly follows from the network connectivity matrix and is modulated by top-down inputs and the resultant oscillations. Such synconset profiles lend intuitive insights into network organisation in terms of connection probabilities between various network regions rather than an adjacency matrix. To test this intuition, we develop a Bayesian likelihood function that quantifies the probability that an observed synfire wave was caused by a given network. Further, we demonstrate it's utility in the inverse problem of identifying the network that caused a given synfire wave. This method was effective even in highly subsampled networks where only a small subset of neurons were accessible, thus showing it's utility in experimental estimation of connectomes in real neuronal-networks. Together, we propose synconset chains/waves as an effective framework for understanding the impact of network structure on function, and as a step towards developing physiology-driven network identification methods. Finally, as synconset chains extend the utilities of synfire chains to arbitrary networks, we suggest utilities of our framework to several aspects of network physiology including cell assemblies, population codes, and oscillatory synchrony.


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In this article, we look at the political business cycle problem through the lens of uncertainty. The feedback control used by us is the famous NKPC with stochasticity and wage rigidities. We extend the New Keynesian Phillips Curve model to the continuous time stochastic set up with an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. We minimize relevant expected quadratic cost by solving the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. The basic intuition of the classical model is qualitatively carried forward in our set up but uncertainty also plays an important role in determining the optimal trajectory of the voter support function. The internal variability of the system acts as a base shifter for the support function in the risk neutral case. The role of uncertainty is even more prominent in the risk averse case where all the shape parameters are directly dependent on variability. Thus, in this case variability controls both the rates of change as well as the base shift parameters. To gain more insight we have also studied the model when the coefficients are time invariant and studied numerical solutions. The close relationship between the unemployment rate and the support function for the incumbent party is highlighted. The role of uncertainty in creating sampling fluctuation in this set up, possibly towards apparently anomalous results, is also explored.


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Resumen: La vera intenzione teologica di Anselmo d’Aosta nello scrivere il Proslogion e il vero significato del suo celebre unum argumentum vanno visti nella funzione che la ragione svolge necessariamente all’interno della vita di fede del cristiano. Anselmo, come Tommaso d’Aquino, non sostiene che l’esistenza di Dio sia un “articulus fidei” ma piuttosto uno dei “praeambula fidei”. La ragione naturale ha la certezza che Dio esiste, ancora prima della dimostrazione metafisica, e questo non fa che confermare l’assurdità di pensare che non esista il fondamento reale di tutte le cose esistenti.


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Resumen: De acuerdo con el autor, la capacidad del alma de conocerse a sí misma está en la raíz del problema de la persona. Más aún, el entendimiento deber ser interpretado antológicamente como una actividad del alma. Se lleva a cabo un análisis del concepto de persona en algunos filósofos medievales y modernos. También hay referencias a pensadores contemporáneos. El autor sostiene que la noción que Spaemann introduce, considerando la intencionalidad como meramente un sentimiento o negatividad, es insuficiente. El mencionado sentimiento subjetivo es idéntico al concepto de ‘intuición experienciante’ en la fenomenología; pero es insuficiente para permitirnos comprender la esencia de la persona como una entidad espiritual. El autor afirma que cada ser humano debería ser reconocido, no sólo como una creatura racional, sino también como persona, en especial cuando nos referimos a este ser humano o a esta alma. Agrega que las consecuencias prácticas de esta perspectiva son de gran importancia.


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Resumen: Este estudio analiza la teoría aristotélica de la abstracción, tratando de rescatar su sentido originario a partir de los textos del autor, así como los aportes de los aristotélicos medievales más relevantes, especialmente Tomás de Aquino. Y luego se pasa a describir algunos hitos fundamentales de la evolución posterior de dicha teoría en la historia de la Filosofía, como son: 1) La contraposición entre abstracción e intuición en Duns Escoto y Guillermo de Ockham. 2) el intuicionismo de Descartes 3) La reinterpretación empirista de la abstracción en J. Locke 4) La ausencia de la abstracción en el Espinoza, Leibniz y Kant, así como su sustitución por la “aufhebung” en Hegel. 5) La peculiar aproximación husserliana a la abstracción a partir de su método fenomenológico y 6) la relación de la teoría de la abstracción con el pensamiento de algunos autores contemporáneos como Zubiri, Polo y, especialmente, Heidegger.


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Lan honen helburua, EAE-ko curriculuma oinarritzat hartuz, Lehen Hezkuntzako testuliburuetan sormena eta intuizioa garatzen diren problemak lantzen diren, aztertu eta analizatzea da. Horrez gain, testuliburuan atal honetan gabeziak dituzten haur talde batean, mota hauetako problemak praktikan jarriko dira, beraien jarrera eta erantzuna aztertuz.


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Trata-se de um estudo do tipo qualitativo, sobre as ações experienciadas pela equipe de enfermagem no cotidiano da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTI Neonatal), tendo como objetivo apreender os aspectos éticos implícitos nas ações experienciadas pelos profissionais de enfermagem ao cuidar do recém-nascido (RN). Foram utilizados como referencial teórico-filosófico alguns autores renomados como: Mehry, Pegoraro, Pessini, entre outros. A abordagem metodológica aplicada no estudo foi a fenomenologia sociológica de Alfred Schutz, buscando, na intencionalidade das ações de enfermagem, a motivação que sustenta este cuidar. A aproximação face a face aos sujeitos do estudo deu-se solicitando o seguinte: Fale-me sobre a sua experiência ao cuidar de um RN no cotidiano da UTI. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, utilizei as questões orientadoras da entrevista fenomenológica: O que você tem em vista ao cuidar do RN na UTI? Em relação à ética, o que você pensa ao cuidar do RN? As entrevistas foram realizadas com 16 profissionais da equipe de enfermagem da UTI de uma Maternidade Pública do Município do Rio de Janeiro, escolhidos de forma aleatória. Foram respeitados os critérios estabelecidos pela Resolução n 196/96, garantindo a privacidade e o anonimato dos entrevistados, bem como aprovação do estudo pelo comitê de ética em pesquisa. A partir da análise das falas emergiram três categorias, que possibilitaram a apreensão dos aspectos éticos das ações de enfermagem na UTI como um típico. Esses profissionais têm em vista realizar o melhor cuidado desejando a cura e a alta do RN, apoiando-se na tecnologia para valorizar a perspectiva humana do cuidado na UTI e na possibilidade de agir com ética. Na realidade pesquisada, a tecnologia manifestou-se de maneira positiva no projeto intencional dos profissionais, mostrando uma enfermagem que acredita estar fazendo o seu melhor, envolvida com as questões éticas e humanas. A apreensão do típico da ação e compreensão do cotidiano da equipe de enfermagem permitirá uma avaliação crítica e reflexiva sobre a adequação da tecnologia no cuidado neonatal, bem como a adoção de medidas e estratégias que valorizem e respeitem a vida humana em toda a sua dimensão. Ratifica a sensibilidade, intuição e percepção do cuidador, propiciando um cuidado individualizado e personalizado ao RN e sua família. Além disso, contribui para se repensar novas maneiras de cuidar, utilizando a arte e a criatividade na adequação e humanização das tecnologias.