139 resultados para insured
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar o processo de mercantilização da educação superior, partindo do estudo dos cursos de pós-graduação lato sensu da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), no período de 2008 a 2012. Entendemos que a pós-graduação lato sensu - PGLS ganhou destaque no Brasil para atender a uma demanda de profissionais carentes de qualificação, em nível superior, para atuar no mercado de trabalho. No entanto, a partir de 1990, a mesma ganha novos contornos, sendo desvinculada da CAPES e sem um órgão regulador que controle sua oferta, aliado ao fato de não ser atendida pela política educacional de pós-graduação. O cenário que se encontra em vigor é a oferta de cursos autofinanciados e conveniados, sendo mantidos mediante cobrança de mensalidades ou convênio com outras instituições. O fato gera algumas contradições, como no caso da legislação, para a Constituição Federal de 1988 estabelece que o ensino seja gratuito em estabelecimentos oficiais, no entanto, o Conselho Superior de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão da UFPA aprovou a Resolução UFPA nº 4.065/2010, regulamentando a oferta desses cursos, caracterizando assim uma das faces de adoção da lógica mercantil no interior dessa universidade pública. Para nossas análises e discussões, buscamos aproximações com o materialismo histórico-dialético e utilizamos como fonte de dados os documentos oficiais nacionais e institucionais, dados disponíveis no Sistema de Pós-Graduação On Line, Relatório de Gestão da UFPA, Pareceres de Aprovação, Projetos e Relatórios dos Cursos selecionados para compor a pesquisa, bem como entrevista semiestruturada com 10 sujeitos. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram que dos 264 cursos lato sensu ofertados entre 2008 e 2012, 65,2% destes foram autofinanciados, 22,7% conveniados e 12,1% gratuitos. Além disso, foram identificados valores diferenciados no pagamento de hora-aula, nas mensalidades e despesas com coordenadores, principalmente entre cursos de uma mesma unidade acadêmica. Ademais, a análise da utilização dos recursos captados mostra que nos cursos autofinanciados a maioria das despesas são para pagamento de hora-aula, já os cursos conveniados destinam a maioria das receitas para manutenção dos cursos com passagens, diárias, material de escritório, e outros. Em síntese, o estudo mostra a consolidação da mercantilização da PGLS na UFPA, haja vista a rentabilidade que estes cursos propiciam, principalmente para determinadas áreas do conhecimento, seja mediante complementação salarial, seja na adequação dessa instituição à dinâmica capitalista atual no prevalecimento da lógica mercantil para a pós-graduação lato sensu.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
La ricerca ha ad oggetto l’analisi della disciplina della responsabilità del vettore terrestre di merci per conto terzi ed i riflessi che detta disciplina ha avuto modo di svilupparsi nel mercato assicurativo. L’attenzione è stata rivolta al contratto di trasporto di cose in generale, seguendone la disciplina codicistica e le evoluzioni legislative intervenute. Particolare rilievo assume la novella apportata all’art. 1696 c.c., introdotta dall’art. 10 del Dlgs. 286/2005, grazie alla quale l’ordinamento italiano ha potuto codificare il limite di indennizzo dovuto dal vettore nell’ipotesi di colpa lieve, L’introduzione del limite legale di indennizzo per le ipotesi di responsabilità per perdita o avaria della merce trasportata ha generato nel mondo assicurativo interessanti reazioni. L’elaborato esamina anche l’evoluzione giurisprudenziale formatisi in tema di responsabilità vettoriale, evidenziando il crescente rigore imposto dalla giurisprudenza fondato sul principio del receptum. Tale fenomeno ha visto immediata reazione nel mercato assicurativo il quale, sulla base di testi contrattuali non dissimili tra le diverse compagnie di assicurazioni operanti sul mercato domestico e che traevano origine dai formulari approvati dall’ANIA, ha seguito l’evoluzione giurisprudenziale apportando significative restrizioni al rischio tipico previsto dalle coperture della responsabilità civile vettoriale. La ricerca si è poi focalizzata sull’esame delle più comuni clausole contemplate dalle polizze di assicurazioni di responsabilità civile e sul loro significato alla luce delle disposizioni di legge in materia. Tale analisi riveste preminente interesse poiché consente di verificare in concreto come l’assicurazione possa effettivamente costituire per l’impresa di trasporto non tanto un costo bensì una opportunità di risparmio da un lato ed un modello comportamentale, sebbene indotto, dall’altro lato per il raggiungimento di quei canoni di diligenza che qualsiasi operatore del settore dovrebbe tenere durante l’esecuzione del trasporto ed il cui venir meno determina, come detto, sensibili effetti pregiudizievoli di carattere economico.
STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective case review. OBJECTIVES: In the present study, the neurological outcome, retirement and prognostic factors of patients with spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA) were evaluated. SETTING: Swiss national work accident insurance database. METHODS: The medical histories of 32 patients who were insured by the Swiss Accident Insurance Fund (SUVA) and had SCIWORA between 1995 and 2004 were evaluated thoroughly. Moreover, all available magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans were evaluated. RESULTS: At the last follow-up, none of the patients had complete spinal cord injury, only 4 patients had severe deficits and 12 patients had normal motor and sensory function in the neurological examination. However, only 7 out of 32 patients had returned to full-time work and 10 out of 32 patients were fully retired. Both the presence of spinal cord change (ρ=0.51) and higher maximum spinal cord compression (ρ=0.57) in MRI scan correlated with the likelihood for retirement; older age (ρ=0.38) and physical load of work (ρ=0.4) correlated with retirement to a lesser extent. CONCLUSION: Although the neurological outcome of SCIWORA is mostly good, the retirement rate is high. Presence of spinal cord change and severity of cord compression are the best predictors for the degree of retirement.
Studies are suggesting that hurricane hazard patterns (e.g. intensity and frequency) may change as a consequence of the changing global climate. As hurricane patterns change, it can be expected that hurricane damage risks and costs may change as a result. This indicates the necessity to develop hurricane risk assessment models that are capable of accounting for changing hurricane hazard patterns, and develop hurricane mitigation and climatic adaptation strategies. This thesis proposes a comprehensive hurricane risk assessment and mitigation strategies that account for a changing global climate and that has the ability of being adapted to various types of infrastructure including residential buildings and power distribution poles. The framework includes hurricane wind field models, hurricane surge height models and hurricane vulnerability models to estimate damage risks due to hurricane wind speed, hurricane frequency, and hurricane-induced storm surge and accounts for the timedependant properties of these parameters as a result of climate change. The research then implements median insured house values, discount rates, housing inventory, etc. to estimate hurricane damage costs to residential construction. The framework was also adapted to timber distribution poles to assess the impacts climate change may have on timber distribution pole failure. This research finds that climate change may have a significant impact on the hurricane damage risks and damage costs of residential construction and timber distribution poles. In an effort to reduce damage costs, this research develops mitigation/adaptation strategies for residential construction and timber distribution poles. The costeffectiveness of these adaptation/mitigation strategies are evaluated through the use of a Life-Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis. In addition, a scenario-based analysis of mitigation strategies for timber distribution poles is included. For both residential construction and timber distribution poles, adaptation/mitigation measures were found to reduce damage costs. Finally, the research develops the Coastal Community Social Vulnerability Index (CCSVI) to include the social vulnerability of a region to hurricane hazards within this hurricane risk assessment. This index quantifies the social vulnerability of a region, by combining various social characteristics of a region with time-dependant parameters of hurricanes (i.e. hurricane wind and hurricane-induced storm surge). Climate change was found to have an impact on the CCSVI (i.e. climate change may have an impact on the social vulnerability of hurricane-prone regions).
The Melungeons, a minority recognized in Southern Appalachia where they settled in the early 1800s, have mixed heritage—European, Mediterranean, Native American, and Sub-Saharan African. Their dark skin and distinctive features have marked them and been the cause of racial persecution both by custom and by law in Appalachia for two centuries. Their marginalization has led to an insider mentality, which I call a “literacy” of Melungeon-ness that affects every facet of their lives. Just a century ago, while specialized practices such as farming, preserving food, hunting, gathering, and distilling insured survival in the unforgiving mountain environment, few Melungeons could read or write. Required to pay property taxes and render military service, they were denied education, suffrage, and other legal rights. In the late 1890s visionary Melungeon leader Batey Collins invited Presbyterian homemissionaries to settle in one Tennessee Melungeon community where they established a church and built a school of unparalleled excellence. Educator-ministers Mary Rankin and Chester Leonard creatively reified the theories of Dewey, Montessori, and Rauschenbusch, but, despite their efforts, school literacy did not neutralize difference. Now, taking reading and writing for granted, Melungeons are exploring their identity by creating websites and participating in listserv discussions. These online expressions, which provide texts for rhetorical, semiotic, and socio-linguistic analysis, illustrate not solidarity but fragmentation on issues of origins and legitimacy. Armed with literacies of difference stemming from both nature and nurture, Melungeons are using literacy practices to embrace the difference they cannot escape.
Die effektiv zu zahlende Prämie bestimmt sich in der Privaten Krankenversicherung als Summe aus Tarifbeiträgen, (optimalen) Selbsttragungen und Beitragsrückerstattungen. Letztere dienen der sekundären Prämiendifferenzierung. Ändert nun ein Versicherer sein Rückerstattungssystem, so hat dieses ohne Anpassung der primären Prämiendifferenzierung Auswirkungen auf die gesamte Belastung der Versicherten. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden auf Basis theoretischer Überlegungen zur optimalen Selbsttragung in der Krankenversicherung die finanziellen Folgen der Änderung eines realen Beitragsrückerstattungssystems untersucht. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass stärker differenzierende Systeme nicht in jeder Modellvariante zu einer differenzierteren Gesamtbelastung als weniger differenzierende Systeme führen – die durchgeführte Umstellung selbst aber die Belastung der Versicherten um ca. 4% erhöht.
Clinical medical librarianship is entering its second decade, but little evaluative data has accrued in the literature. Variations from the original programs and novel new approaches have insured the survival of the program so far. The clinical librarian (CL) forms a vital link between the library and the health care professional, operating as an important information transfer agent. However, to further insure the survival of these vital programs, hard evaluative evidence is needed. The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) at Galveston began a CL Program in 1978/79. An extensive three-year pre/post evaluation study was conducted using a specifically developed evaluation model, which, if adopted by others, will provide the needed comparative data. Both a pilot study, or formative evaluation, and a summative evaluation were conducted. The results of this evaluation confirmed many of the conclusions reported by other CL programs. Eight hypotheses were proposed at the beginning of this study. Data were collected and used to support acceptance or rejection of the null hypotheses, and conclusions were drawn according to the results. Implications relevant to the study conclusions and future trends in medical librarianship are also discussed in the closing chapter.
This study examines the social and behavioral determinants of two types of primary care, seeing a physician or a pharmacist, for Koreans and evaluates the equity of the Korean national health insurance system. The study applies the Aday and Andersen access framework to cross-sectional data from the 1992 Korean National Health Interview Survey (N = 21,841).^ The study found that in Korea, the elderly were most likely, and children least likely, to have used physician services. Women, household heads, those in small families, and the less educated were more likely than their counterparts to use physician and pharmacist services. Health status and need were important determinants of Koreans seeing a doctor or a pharmacist. Differences in need substantially accounted for the original differences observed between subgroups. Resources associated with having insurance coverage, a regular source of care, and place of residence (rural/urban) ameliorated to some extent the subgroup differences in the use of physicians' and pharmacists' services among Koreans. They were also major independent predictors of access. Having insurance remains a particularly important predictor of who uses physician services. Among the insured, trade-offs in the use of physician and pharmacist services were found in the current system, i.e., uninsured and poor Koreans were more likely to use pharmacist services, while insured and rural Koreans were more likely to use doctor services. Among the insured, cost sharing rates are lower for physician than for pharmacist services. Self-employed persons were less likely than government and industrial workers to use physician services. An underlying expectation under universal health insurance was that the Korean health care system would be equitable. The research results, however, did not fully support this expectation.^ The policy implications of these findings are that measures are required to extend insurance coverage to the uninsured, to equalize differences in benefit packages between health plans, and to expand the availability of physicians in rural areas. Further research is also needed to understand those who do not currently have a regular source of care and why and the access barriers that may exist for selected demographic subgroups (those in large families and unmarried or divorced/widowed persons). ^
Background In Switzerland, age is the predominant driver of solidarity transfers in risk adjustment (RA). Concerns have been voiced regarding growing imbalances in cost sharing between young and old insured due to demographic changes (larger fraction of elderly >65 years and rise in average age). Particularly young adults aged 19–25 with limited incomes have to shoulder increasing solidarity burdens. Between 1996 and 2011, monthly intergenerational solidarity payments for young adults have doubled from CHF 87 to CHF 182, which corresponds to the highest absolute transfer increase of all age groups. Results By constructing models for age-specific RA growth and for calculating the lifetime sum of RA transfers we investigated the causes and consequences of demographic changes on RA payments. The models suggest that the main driver for RA increases in the past was below average health care expenditure (HCE) growth in young adults, which was only half as high (average 2% per year) compared with older adults (average 4% per year). Shifts in age group distributions were only accountable for 2% of the CHF 95 rise in RA payments. Despite rising risk adjustment debts for young insured the balance of lifetime transfers remains positive as long as HCE growth rates are greater than the discount rate used in this model (3%). Moreover, the life-cycle model predicts that the lifetime rate of return on RA payments may even be further increased by demographic changes. Nevertheless, continued growth of RA contributions may overwhelm vulnerable age groups such as young adults. We therefore propose methods to limit the burden of social health insurance for specific age groups (e.g. young adults in Switzerland) by capping solidarity payments. Conclusions Taken together, our mathematical modelling framework helps to gain a better understanding of how demographic changes interact with risk adjustment and how redistribution of funds between age groups can be controlled without inducing further selection incentives. Those methods can help to construct more equitable systems of health financing in light of population aging.