975 resultados para innovative product projects


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The transition of project based manufacturing business, even more into global networks, sets up challenges for companies to manage their business in this new operating environment. One way to tackle these challenges is the successful management of product information through an extended product’s lifecycle. Thus, one objective of this research is to find ways how product information management in global project based manufacturing can be improved. Another objective is to find a solution how the target company can improve its product information management in the offer-to-procurement business process. Due to the nature of the topic, the study follows constructive research methodology with qualitative methods. By combining literature related to this topic a framework is created to improve product information management in global project based manufacturing. The improvement process in this framework is based on a systematic approach from the current state towards target state. A general aim for improvements should be the integrated product and project lifecycle information management through Lean approach. This introduced framework is applied to the target company through two case projects. Data for building view of current state and analysis is collected mostly by theme interviews and also utilizing other material from the target company. Used tools help to analyzing was the BPMN and the Trace matrix for business chains. Results of the improvement process are collected in a solution proposal which contain the strategic target state as well as long and short term objectives. The strategic target state is defined as controlled customization. Also during the improvement process are created the Information requirements chart in the offer-to-procurement business process, and the Project related initial information questionnaire to customer.


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The requirements set by the market for electrical machines become increasingly demanding requiring more sophisticated technological solutions. Companies producing electrical ma-chines are challenged to develop machines that provide competitive edge for the customer for example through increased efficiency, reliability or some customer specific special requirement. The objective of this thesis is to derive a proposal for the first steps to transform the electrical machine product development process of a manufacturing company towards lean product development. The current product development process in the company is presented together with the processes of four other companies interviewed for the thesis. On the basis of current processes of the electrical machine industry and the related literature, a generalized electrical machine product development process is derived. The management isms and –tools utilized by the companies are analyzed. Adoption of lean Pull-Event –reviews, Oobeya –management and Knowledge based product development are suggested as the initial steps of implementing lean product development paradigm in the manufacturing company. Proposals for refining the cur-rent product development process and increasing the stakeholder involvement in the development projects are made. Lean product development is finding its way to Finnish electrical machine industry, but the results will be available only after the methods have been implemented and adopted by the companies. There is some enthusiasm about the benefits of lean approach and if executed successfully it will provide competitive edge for the Finnish electrical machine industry.


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Netnography has been studying in various aspects (e.g. definitions of netnography, application of netngoraphy, conducting procedure…) within different industrial contexts. Besides, there are many studies and researches about new product development in various perspectives, such as new product development models, management of new product development project, or interaction between customers and new product design, and so on. However, the connection and the interaction between netnography and new product development have not been studied recently. This opens opportunities for the writer to study and explore unrevealed issues regarding to applying netnography in new product development. In term of the relation between netnography and new product development, there are numerous of matters need to be explored; for instance, the process of applying netnography in order to benefit to new product development, the involvement degree of netnography in new product development process, or eliminating useless information from netnography so that only crucial data is utilized, and so on. In this thesis, writer focuses on exploring how netnography is applied in new product development process, and what benefits netnography can contribute to the succeed of the project. The aims of this study are to understand how netnography is conducted for new product development purpose, and to analyse the contributions of netnography in the new product development process. To do so, a case-study strategy will be conducted with triple case studies. The case studies are chosen bases on many different criteria in order to select the most relevant cases. Eventually, the writer selected three case studies, which are Sunless tanning product project (HYVE), Listerine (NetBase), and Nivea co-creation and netnography in black and white deodorant. The case study strategy applied in this thesis includes four steps e.g. case selection, data collection, case study analysis, and generating the research outcomes from the analysis. This study of the contributions of netnography in the new product development process may be useful for the readers in many ways. It offers the fundamental knowledge of netnography market research method and basic understanding of new product development process. Additionally, it emphasizes the differences between netnography and other market research methods in order to explain the reasons why many companies and market research agents recently utilized netnography in their market research projects. Furthermore, it highlights the contributions of netnography in the new product development process in order to indicate the importance of netnography in developing new product. Thus, the potential readers of the study can be students, marketers, researchers, product developers, or business managers.


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoitus on rakentaa mobiilipeliyritykselle tuotekehitysprosessin alkupään prosessi tuotekehityksen tehostamiseksi. Toimialan dynaamisuudesta ja hyperkilpailullisuudesta johtuen sekä projektien abstraktin luonteen takia tulee mobiilipelikehitysyritysten erityisesti panostaa tuotekehityksen alkuvaiheisiin. Työ tutkii yleisiä tuotekehityksen periaatteita sekä yleisiä olemassaolevia tuotekehitysprosesseja. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat erityisesti innovatiivinen organisaatio ja benchmarking tuotekehityksen apuna. Yleisesti tuotekehitysprosesseista tutustutaan yleisimpiin malleihin, jotka ovat olleet valtavirran käytössä jo pitkään. Prosessien tarkastelun lisäksi niitä tutkitaan kriittisesti ja löydetään osa-alueita, joihin tulee keskittyä erityisesti tuotekehitysprosessin alkupään järjestämisessä. Lisäksi työssä paneudutaan alan menestyneiden yritysten toimintatapoihin, joista haetaan oppia rakennettavaan malliin. Työssä käsitellään myös toimialan ominaispiirteitä, joista johtuen perinteiset tuotekehitysprosessit eivät ole optimaalisia alalle. Työn tuloksena saadaan virtaviivainen prosessimalli, joka maksimoi luovuuden, mutta säästää resursseja ja luo selkeät linjat prosessin läpivientiin. Rakennettuun malliin pohditaan myös kehitysehdotuksia, ja sille on laadittu kevyt jatkokehityssuunnitelma. Malli menee suoraan yrityksen käyttöön, joten lopullinen malli tulee myös hioutumaan tuotekehitysprojektien edetessä. Työssä on erityistä se, että työn tekijä on toiminut alalla työtehtävissä, ja malli on hioutunut pitkän ajan kuluessa. Täten suuri osa työstä on tekijän hiljaisen tiedon avaamista ja pohtimista.


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In the Finnish university society the commercialization research projects has not been a focus of interest until now. The reasons for the growing interest towards commercialization research projects are their possibility to develop our economy simultaneously by providing new technologies and products. This study focuses on the examination of what kind of high-technology oriented research can be commercialized and how. The aim is to generate understanding of how commercialization research projects should proceed and to find concrete ways of improving the of commercialization research projects. As its research method, the study analyzes four different university high-technology research projects which have been commercially oriented and have to some degree been able to commercialize the product or technology developed during the research phase. The data has been gathered mainly by semi-structured interviews of people involved in these particular projects or cases. The findings from the interviews have been reflected to the final reports of the projects, provided by TEKES, and later on the data gained has been compared to each other. Also a literature review has been produced about the subject of commercializing university research with the purpose of providing known theories and framework connected with the subject. The study reveals five main factors related to commercializing high-tech research. These factors are: The Team, Market potential and competitiveness, Product and technology, Funding and Steering Group. Also the uncertainties related to these factors have been addressed. As a conclusion the study provides the main aspects that should be considered when starting a commercialization research project. Also a combining hierarchical framework has been provided related to the five factors presented. In Chapter 5 the study addresses the main tasks or steps to be taken in order to get public funding for a commercially oriented research project and later on the actual steps to be executed in order to successfully commercialize these high-tech research projects.


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This thesis focuses on consolidation the recommendations on the integration of consumer in new product development (NPD) given in the academic literature, and on the example of the three NPD projects in the case company. The empirical findings advocate that the case company fulfills the principles of consumer-led NPD, and it is only one-step away of the full consumer empowerment strategy. Therefore, its NPD can be seen as an example of consumer-led NPD implementation. The findings also suggest that the product can be developed in consumer-led way regardless of the source of an idea (product- or need-driven), the target audience and resources assigned, in case when consumer mindset is integrated on all levels of organisation: strategic, cultural, operational and process. It is possible with top-management commitment, internal consumer research group, and the sophisticated consumer research methods. The specific managerial recommendations are given on developing consumer-led culture, strategy, NPD process and the appropriate consumer research methods and techniques.


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This study discusses the importance of learning through the process of exporting, and more specifically how such a process can enhance the product innovativeness of a company. The purpose of this study is to investigate the appropriate sources of learning and to suggest an interactive framework for how new knowledge from exporting markets can materialize itself into product innovation. The theoretical background of the study was constructed from academic literature, which is related to concepts of learning by exporting, along with sources for learning in the market and new product development. The empirical research in the form of a qualitative case study was based on four semi-structured interviews and secondary data from the case company official site. The interview data was collected between March and April 2015 from case company employees who directly work in the department of exporting and product development. The method of thematic analysis was used to categorize and interpret the collected data. What was conclusively discovered, was that the knowledge from an exporting market can be an incentive for product innovation, especially an incremental one. Foreign customers and competitors as important sources for new knowledge contribute to the innovative process. Foreign market competitors’ influence on product improvements was high only when the competitor was a market leader or held a colossal market share, while the customers’ influence is always high. Therefore, involving a foreign customer in the development of a new product is vital to a company that is interested in benefiting from what is learned through exporting. The interactive framework, which is based on the theoretical background and findings of the study, suggests that exporting companies can raise their product innovativeness by utilizing newly gained knowledge from exporting markets. Except for input, in the form of sources of learning, and product innovation as an output, the framework contains a process of knowledge transfer, the absorptive capacity of a firm and a new product development process. In addition, the framework and the findings enhance the understanding of the disputed relationship between an exporting experience and product innovation. However, future research is needed in order to fully understand all the elements of the framework, such as the absorptive capacity of a firm as well as more case companies to be processed in order to increase the generalization of the framework


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The purpose of this thesis was the screening of power to gas projects worldwide and reviewing the technologies used and applications for the end products. This study focuses solely on technical solutions and feasibility, economical profitability is excluded. With power grids having larger penetrations of intermittent sources such as solar and wind power, the demand and production cannot be balanced in conventional methods. Technologies for storing electric power in times of surplus production are needed, and the concept called power to gas is a solution for this problem. A total of 57 projects mostly located in Europe were reviewed by going through publications, presentations and project web pages. Hydrogen is the more popular end product over methane. Power to gas is a viable concept when power production from intermittent sources needs to be smoothed and time shifted, when carbon free fuels are produced for vehicles and when chemical industry needs carbon neutral raw materials.


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“What is value in product development?” is the key question of this paper. The answer is critical to the creation of lean in product development. By knowing how much value is added by product development (PD) activities, decisions can be more rationally made about how to allocate resources, such as time and money. In order to apply the principles of Lean Thinking and remove waste from the product development system, value must be precisely defined. Unfortunately, value is a complex entity that is composed of many dimensions and has thus far eluded definition on a local level. For this reason, research has been initiated on “Measuring Value in Product Development.” This paper serves as an introduction to this research. It presents the current understanding of value in PD, the critical questions involved, and a specific research design to guide the development of a methodology for measuring value. Work in PD value currently focuses on either high-level perspectives on value, or detailed looks at the attributes that value might have locally in the PD process. Models that attempt to capture value in PD are reviewed. These methods, however, do not capture the depth necessary to allow for application. A methodology is needed to evaluate activities on a local level to determine the amount of value they add and their sensitivity with respect to performance, cost, time, and risk. Two conceptual tools are proposed. The first is a conceptual framework for value creation in PD, referred to here as the Value Creation Model. The second tool is the Value-Activity Map, which shows the relationships between specific activities and value attributes. These maps will allow a better understanding of the development of value in PD, will facilitate comparison of value development between separate projects, and will provide the information necessary to adapt process analysis tools (such as DSM) to consider value. The key questions that this research entails are: · What are the primary attributes of lifecycle value within PD? · How can one model the creation of value in a specific PD process? · Can a useful methodology be developed to quantify value in PD processes? · What are the tools necessary for application? · What PD metrics will be integrated with the necessary tools? The research milestones are: · Collection of value attributes and activities (September, 200) · Development of methodology of value-activity association (October, 2000) · Testing and refinement of the methodology (January, 2001) · Tool Development (March, 2001) · Present findings at July INCOSE conference (April, 2001) · Deliver thesis that captures a formalized methodology for defining value in PD (including LEM data sheets) (June, 2001) The research design aims for the development of two primary deliverables: a methodology to guide the incorporation of value, and a product development tool that will allow direct application.


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El proyecto “A través del lente de Manuel H.” plantea diseñar una Fundación cuya misión es fortalecer y reconstruir la memoria de Bogotá a partir de los relatos históricos expresados en las imágenes capturadas por el Maestro Manuel H entre 1946 y 2009. Se trabajará dicho fortalecimiento a partir de tres líneas de productos que se desarrollarán durante los seis primeros años de existencia de la Fundación. Las líneas de servicios que se plantean desarrollar inicialmente, hacen referencia a exposiciones innovadoras utilizando los nuevos conceptos de las artes visuales, actividades académicas y proyectos de responsabilidad social enfocados a la fotografía, las temáticas de la colección y al Maestro Manuel H.


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The cost of tendering in the construction industry is widely suspected to be excessive, but there is little robust empirical evidence to demonstrate this. It also seems that innovative working practices may reduce the costs of undertaking construction projects and the consequent improvement in relationships should increase overall value for money. The aim of this proposed research project is to develop mechanisms for measuring the true costs of tendering based upon extensive in-house data collection undertaken in a range of different construction firms. The output from this research will enable all participants in the construction process to make better decisions about how to select members of the team and identify the price and scope of their obligations.


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The UK industry has been criticised for being slow to adopt construction process innovations. Research shows that the idiosyncrasies of participants, their roles in the system and the contextual differences between sections of the industry make this a highly complex problem. There is considerable evidence that informal social networks play a key role in diffusion of innovations. The aim is to identify informal communication networks of project participants and the role these play in the diffusion of construction innovations. The characteristics of this network will be analysed in order to understand how they can be used to accelerate innovation diffusion within and between projects. Social Network Analysis is used to determine informal communication routes. Control and experiment case study projects are used within two different organizations. This allows informal communication routes concerning innovations to be mapped, whilst testing if the informal routes can facilitate diffusion. Analysis will focus upon understanding the combination of informal strong and weak ties, and how these impede or facilitate the diffusion of the innovation. Initial work suggests the presence of an informal communication network. Actors within this informal network, and the organization's management are unaware of its' existence and their informal roles within it. Thus, the network remains an untapped medium regarding innovation diffusion. It is proposed that successful innovation diffusion is dependent upon understanding informal strong and weak ties, at project, organization and industry level.


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This paper introduces an international collaboration of EU and Asia in education, training and research in the field of sustainable built environment, which attempts to develop a network of practical and intellectual knowledge and training exchange between Chinese and European Universities in the field of sustainable building design and construction. The projects funded by the European Commission Asia Link program, UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office, British Council and the UK Engineering Physical Sciences Council (EPSRC) have been introduced. The projects have significant impacts on promoting sustainable development in built environment in China. The aim of this paper is to share the experiences with those who are interested and searching the ways to collaborate with China in education and research.


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Cybernetics is a broad subject, encompassing many aspects of electrical, electronic, and computer engineering, which suffers from a lack of understanding on the part of potential applicants and teachers when recruiting students. However, once the engineering values, fascinating science, and pathways to rewarding, diverse careers are communicated, appropriate students can be very interested in enrolling. At the University of Reading, Reading, U.K., a key route for outreach to prospective students has been achieved through the use of robots in interactive talks at schools, competitions (often funded by Public Understanding of Science projects), a collectable fortnightly magazine, exhibitions in museums, open days at the University, and appearances in the media. This paper identifies the interactive engagement, anthropomorphic acceptability, and inspirational nature of robots as being key to their successful use in outreach activities. The statistical results presented show that the continued popularity of degrees at Reading in cybernetics, electronic engineering, and robotics over the last 20 years is in part due to the outreach activities to schools and the general public.


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As integrated software solutions reshape project delivery, they alter the bases for collaboration and competition across firms in complex industries. This paper synthesises and extends literatures on strategy in project-based industries and digitally-integrated work to understand how project-based firms interact with digital infrastructures for project delivery. Four identified strategies are to: 1) develop and use capabilities to shape the integrated software solutions that are used in projects; 2) co-specialize, developing complementary assets to work repeatedly with a particular integrator firm; 3) retain flexibility by developing and maintaining capabilities in multiple digital technologies and processes; and 4) manage interfaces, translating work into project formats for coordination while hiding proprietary data and capabilities in internal systems. The paper articulates the strategic importance of digital infrastructures for delivery as well as product architectures. It concludes by discussing managerial implications of the identified strategies and areas for further research.