771 resultados para inferencia fuzzy
One of the most important problems in optical pattern recognition by correlation is the appearance of sidelobes in the correlation plane, which causes false alarms. We present a method that eliminate sidelobes of up to a given height if certain conditions are satisfied. The method can be applied to any generalized synthetic discriminant function filter and is capable of rejecting lateral peaks that are even higher than the central correlation. Satisfactory results were obtained in both computer simulations and optical implementation.
Modeling of water movement in non-saturated soil usually requires a large number of parameters and variables, such as initial soil water content, saturated water content and saturated hydraulic conductivity, which can be assessed relatively easily. Dimensional flow of water in the soil is usually modeled by a nonlinear partial differential equation, known as the Richards equation. Since this equation cannot be solved analytically in certain cases, one way to approach its solution is by numerical algorithms. The success of numerical models in describing the dynamics of water in the soil is closely related to the accuracy with which the water-physical parameters are determined. That has been a big challenge in the use of numerical models because these parameters are generally difficult to determine since they present great spatial variability in the soil. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and use methods that properly incorporate the uncertainties inherent to water displacement in soils. In this paper, a model based on fuzzy logic is used as an alternative to describe water flow in the vadose zone. This fuzzy model was developed to simulate the displacement of water in a non-vegetated crop soil during the period called the emergency phase. The principle of this model consists of a Mamdani fuzzy rule-based system in which the rules are based on the moisture content of adjacent soil layers. The performances of the results modeled by the fuzzy system were evaluated by the evolution of moisture profiles over time as compared to those obtained in the field. The results obtained through use of the fuzzy model provided satisfactory reproduction of soil moisture profiles.
RESUMO O conhecimento dos solos é cada vez mais importante para que o uso dele seja realizado corretamente na agropecuária, no crescimento urbano, na conservação dos recursos naturais, entre outros. Entretanto, verifica-se carência de profissionais qualificados para a caracterização e os mapeamentos pedológicos, particularmente em escalas de maior detalhamento. Essa carência, aliada aos avanços das ferramentas computacionais e do sensoriamento remoto, promoveu o surgimento do Mapeamento Digital de Solos (MDS), que busca auxiliar e agilizar as atividades de levantamento pedológico. Assim, este trabalho objetivou desenvolver uma metodologia de delimitaçao de unidades de solos em topossequências por meio do comportamento espectral dos solos no comprimento de onda do Visível-Infravermelho Próximo (Vis-NIR). A metodologia espectral consistiu na obtenção das curvas espectrais dos solos por meio do espectrorradiômetro FieldSpecPro e da redução do número de informações espectrais por meio da análise de Componentes Principais, seguida de agrupamento das amostras mediante método fuzzy k-médias. Foram selecionadas cinco topossequências com pontos equidistantes de 30 m para caracterizar as classes de solos e amostragens. Foram descritas oito classes de solos distintas, que tiveram caracterização detalhada e classificação em perfis pedológicos. No restante dos pontos, a caracterização das classes de solos foi feita com base na classificação dos solos realizada nos perfis pedológicos, com coleta de amostras por meio de tradagens nas profundidades de 0,00-0,20 e 0,80-1,00 m, perfazendo o total de 162 amostras ao longo das cinco topossequências. As amostras foram analisadas pelas metodologias convencional e espectral, para que os resultados pudessem ser comparados e avaliados. Dessa forma, foram realizadas análises morfológicas, físicas (textura) e químicas nas amostras de solo. Das cinco topossequências estudadas, os resultados foram satisfatoriamente semelhantes; alguns solos não foram perfeitamente individualizados pela metodologia espectral, em razão da grande semelhança em seus comportamentos espectrais, como demonstrado pelo Latossolo Vermelho Férrico e Nitossolo Vermelho Férrico. A metodologia espectral foi capaz de diferenciar solos com resposta espectral distinta e estabelecer limites nas topossequências, apresentando grande potencial para ser implementada em levantamentos pedológicos.
PURPOSE: To objectively characterize different heart tissues from functional and viability images provided by composite-strain-encoding (C-SENC) MRI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: C-SENC is a new MRI technique for simultaneously acquiring cardiac functional and viability images. In this work, an unsupervised multi-stage fuzzy clustering method is proposed to identify different heart tissues in the C-SENC images. The method is based on sequential application of the fuzzy c-means (FCM) and iterative self-organizing data (ISODATA) clustering algorithms. The proposed method is tested on simulated heart images and on images from nine patients with and without myocardial infarction (MI). The resulting clustered images are compared with MRI delayed-enhancement (DE) viability images for determining MI. Also, Bland-Altman analysis is conducted between the two methods. RESULTS: Normal myocardium, infarcted myocardium, and blood are correctly identified using the proposed method. The clustered images correctly identified 90 +/- 4% of the pixels defined as infarct in the DE images. In addition, 89 +/- 5% of the pixels defined as infarct in the clustered images were also defined as infarct in DE images. The Bland-Altman results show no bias between the two methods in identifying MI. CONCLUSION: The proposed technique allows for objectively identifying divergent heart tissues, which would be potentially important for clinical decision-making in patients with MI.
In this article, the objective is to demonstrate the effects of different decision styles on strategic decisions and likewise, on an organization. The technique that was presented in the study is based on the transformation of linguistic variables to numerical value intervals. In this model, the study benefits from fuzzy logic methodology and fuzzy numbers. This fuzzy methodology approach allows us to examine the relations between decision making styles and strategic management processes when there is uncertainty. The purpose is to provide results to companies that may help them to exercise the most appropriate decision making style for its different strategic management processes. The study is leaving more research topics for further studies that may be applied to other decision making areas within the strategic management process.
The atomic force microscope is not only a very convenient tool for studying the topography of different samples, but it can also be used to measure specific binding forces between molecules. For this purpose, one type of molecule is attached to the tip and the other one to the substrate. Approaching the tip to the substrate allows the molecules to bind together. Retracting the tip breaks the newly formed bond. The rupture of a specific bond appears in the force-distance curves as a spike from which the binding force can be deduced. In this article we present an algorithm to automatically process force-distance curves in order to obtain bond strength histograms. The algorithm is based on a fuzzy logic approach that permits an evaluation of "quality" for every event and makes the detection procedure much faster compared to a manual selection. In this article, the software has been applied to measure the binding strength between tubuline and microtubuline associated proteins.
Vagueness and high dimensional space data are usual features of current data. The paper is an approach to identify conceptual structures among fuzzy three dimensional data sets in order to get conceptual hierarchy. We propose a fuzzy extension of the Galois connections that allows to demonstrate an isomorphism theorem between fuzzy sets closures which is the basis for generating lattices ordered-sets
This work focuses on the prediction of the two main nitrogenous variables that describe the water quality at the effluent of a Wastewater Treatment Plant. We have developed two kind of Neural Networks architectures based on considering only one output or, in the other hand, the usual five effluent variables that define the water quality: suspended solids, biochemical organic matter, chemical organic matter, total nitrogen and total Kjedhal nitrogen. Two learning techniques based on a classical adaptative gradient and a Kalman filter have been implemented. In order to try to improve generalization and performance we have selected variables by means genetic algorithms and fuzzy systems. The training, testing and validation sets show that the final networks are able to learn enough well the simulated available data specially for the total nitrogen
Due to the large number of characteristics, there is a need to extract the most relevant characteristicsfrom the input data, so that the amount of information lost in this way is minimal, and the classification realized with the projected data set is relevant with respect to the original data. In order to achieve this feature extraction, different statistical techniques, as well as the principal components analysis (PCA) may be used. This thesis describes an extension of principal components analysis (PCA) allowing the extraction ofa finite number of relevant features from high-dimensional fuzzy data and noisy data. PCA finds linear combinations of the original measurement variables that describe the significant variation in the data. The comparisonof the two proposed methods was produced by using postoperative patient data. Experiment results demonstrate the ability of using the proposed two methods in complex data. Fuzzy PCA was used in the classificationproblem. The classification was applied by using the similarity classifier algorithm where total similarity measures weights are optimized with differential evolution algorithm. This thesis presents the comparison of the classification results based on the obtained data from the fuzzy PCA.
This thesis presents a topological approach to studying fuzzy setsby means of modifier operators. Modifier operators are mathematical models, e.g., for hedges, and we present briefly different approaches to studying modifier operators. We are interested in compositional modifier operators, modifiers for short, and these modifiers depend on binary relations. We show that if a modifier depends on a reflexive and transitive binary relation on U, then there exists a unique topology on U such that this modifier is the closure operator in that topology. Also, if U is finite then there exists a lattice isomorphism between the class of all reflexive and transitive relations and the class of all topologies on U. We define topological similarity relation "≈" between L-fuzzy sets in an universe U, and show that the class LU/ ≈ is isomorphic with the class of all topologies on U, if U is finite and L is suitable. We consider finite bitopological spaces as approximation spaces, and we show that lower and upper approximations can be computed by means of α-level sets also in the case of equivalence relations. This means that approximations in the sense of Rough Set Theory can be computed by means of α-level sets. Finally, we present and application to data analysis: we study an approach to detecting dependencies of attributes in data base-like systems, called information systems.
Fuzzy set theory and Fuzzy logic is studied from a mathematical point of view. The main goal is to investigatecommon mathematical structures in various fuzzy logical inference systems and to establish a general mathematical basis for fuzzy logic when considered as multi-valued logic. The study is composed of six distinct publications. The first paper deals with Mattila'sLPC+Ch Calculus. THis fuzzy inference system is an attempt to introduce linguistic objects to mathematical logic without defining these objects mathematically.LPC+Ch Calculus is analyzed from algebraic point of view and it is demonstratedthat suitable factorization of the set of well formed formulae (in fact, Lindenbaum algebra) leads to a structure called ET-algebra and introduced in the beginning of the paper. On its basis, all the theorems presented by Mattila and many others can be proved in a simple way which is demonstrated in the Lemmas 1 and 2and Propositions 1-3. The conclusion critically discusses some other issues of LPC+Ch Calculus, specially that no formal semantics for it is given.In the second paper the characterization of solvability of the relational equation RoX=T, where R, X, T are fuzzy relations, X the unknown one, and o the minimum-induced composition by Sanchez, is extended to compositions induced by more general products in the general value lattice. Moreover, the procedure also applies to systemsof equations. In the third publication common features in various fuzzy logicalsystems are investigated. It turns out that adjoint couples and residuated lattices are very often present, though not always explicitly expressed. Some minor new results are also proved.The fourth study concerns Novak's paper, in which Novak introduced first-order fuzzy logic and proved, among other things, the semantico-syntactical completeness of this logic. He also demonstrated that the algebra of his logic is a generalized residuated lattice. In proving that the examination of Novak's logic can be reduced to the examination of locally finite MV-algebras.In the fifth paper a multi-valued sentential logic with values of truth in an injective MV-algebra is introduced and the axiomatizability of this logic is proved. The paper developes some ideas of Goguen and generalizes the results of Pavelka on the unit interval. Our proof for the completeness is purely algebraic. A corollary of the Completeness Theorem is that fuzzy logic on the unit interval is semantically complete if, and only if the algebra of the valuesof truth is a complete MV-algebra. The Compactness Theorem holds in our well-defined fuzzy sentential logic, while the Deduction Theorem and the Finiteness Theorem do not. Because of its generality and good-behaviour, MV-valued logic can be regarded as a mathematical basis of fuzzy reasoning. The last paper is a continuation of the fifth study. The semantics and syntax of fuzzy predicate logic with values of truth in ana injective MV-algerba are introduced, and a list of universally valid sentences is established. The system is proved to be semanticallycomplete. This proof is based on an idea utilizing some elementary properties of injective MV-algebras and MV-homomorphisms, and is purely algebraic.
Many classification systems rely on clustering techniques in which a collection of training examples is provided as an input, and a number of clusters c1,...cm modelling some concept C results as an output, such that every cluster ci is labelled as positive or negative. Given a new, unlabelled instance enew, the above classification is used to determine to which particular cluster ci this new instance belongs. In such a setting clusters can overlap, and a new unlabelled instance can be assigned to more than one cluster with conflicting labels. In the literature, such a case is usually solved non-deterministically by making a random choice. This paper presents a novel, hybrid approach to solve this situation by combining a neural network for classification along with a defeasible argumentation framework which models preference criteria for performing clustering.
PLFC is a first-order possibilistic logic dealing with fuzzy constants and fuzzily restricted quantifiers. The refutation proof method in PLFC is mainly based on a generalized resolution rule which allows an implicit graded unification among fuzzy constants. However, unification for precise object constants is classical. In order to use PLFC for similarity-based reasoning, in this paper we extend a Horn-rule sublogic of PLFC with similarity-based unification of object constants. The Horn-rule sublogic of PLFC we consider deals only with disjunctive fuzzy constants and it is equipped with a simple and efficient version of PLFC proof method. At the semantic level, it is extended by equipping each sort with a fuzzy similarity relation, and at the syntactic level, by fuzzily “enlarging” each non-fuzzy object constant in the antecedent of a Horn-rule by means of a fuzzy similarity relation.
Possibilistic Defeasible Logic Programming (P-DeLP) is a logic programming language which combines features from argumentation theory and logic programming, incorporating the treatment of possibilistic uncertainty at the object-language level. In spite of its expressive power, an important limitation in P-DeLP is that imprecise, fuzzy information cannot be expressed in the object language. One interesting alternative for solving this limitation is the use of PGL+, a possibilistic logic over Gödel logic extended with fuzzy constants. Fuzzy constants in PGL+ allow expressing disjunctive information about the unknown value of a variable, in the sense of a magnitude, modelled as a (unary) predicate. The aim of this article is twofold: firstly, we formalize DePGL+, a possibilistic defeasible logic programming language that extends P-DeLP through the use of PGL+ in order to incorporate fuzzy constants and a fuzzy unification mechanism for them. Secondly, we propose a way to handle conflicting arguments in the context of the extended framework.