987 resultados para immunohistochemical staining technique
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Lymphoblastic lymphoma is a malignant neoplasia that originates from B or T lymphocyte precursors and rarely occurs in the mouth. The authors report a rare case of B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma in the maxilla of a child. Clinical examination revealed facial asymmetry with a swelling of the right maxilla, covered by healthy mucosa and painful to palpation. Radiographic examination revealed a poorly defined radiolucent lesion. Based on the hypothesis of malignant neoplasia of hematopoietic origin, an incisional biopsy was performed. Histological examination revealed malignant neoplasia with proliferation of monomorphic, lymphoid cells. Immunohistochemical staining was positive for leucocyte common antigen (LCA), CD 10, CD20, CD79, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT). After the diagnosis of B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma, the patient underwent chemotherapy, but died of leukoencephalopathy and demyelinization caused by high doses of methotrexate.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Morphological and phenotypical patterns of proliferative epithelial lesions induced in the gastric stump mucosa by duodenal content reflux after Billroth II partial gastrectomy (BII) were evaluated in rats. Control animals were either sham-operated or submitted at different times after BII to Roux-en-Y (RY) surgical procedure which prevents duodenal reflux. The lesions were analysed using routine haematoxylin and eosin staining, immunohistochemical staining for pepsinogen isoenzyme 1 and histochemical procedures for mucins (paradoxical Concanavalin A, galactose oxidase Schiff and sialidase galactose oxidase Schiff reactions). Mucosal hyperplasia (H) was observed in the group submitted to BII procedure 6 weeks after surgery. Adenomatous hyperplasia (AH) also appeared 6 weeks after induction of the reflux and its incidence and size increased until the 54th week of the experiment. RY procedure performed in the normal animals at the beginning of the experiment or at the 24th week after BII gastrectomy led to a significantly lower incidence of AH which was related to the moment of surgery. Most of H was due to pyloric mucosal hyperplasia. AH consisted mainly of gastric type glands but in some animals glands of the intestinal type Were present probably originating from the intestinal mucosa. Six mucinous adenocarcinomas were observed, all of them of intestinal type. This study demonstrates that AH induced by BII procedure is a reversible lesion and that the anomalous epithelial proliferation in the stoma may lead to adenocarcinomas.
Previously we reported the majority of lesions induced hy bile reflux, in the absence of chemical carcinogens, in the rat remnant stomach to consist primarily of gastric type and secondarily of intestinal type cells, and that they are reversible after diversion of bile reflux. The present study was designed to evaluate changes in proliferative activities in cells of each type under these conditions. The frequency of adenomatous hyperplasia (AH) induced in the gastric stump mucosa by duodenal content reflux after Billroth II partial gastrectomy (BII) increased until the 54th week of the experiment. Roux-en-Y (RY) surgical procedure which prevents duodenal reflux performed at the 24th or 36th week after BII led to a decrease in AH. Cell content of the lesions was analyzed using routine H&E staining, immunohistochemical staining for pepsinogen isoenzyme 1 and histochemical procedures for mucins (paradoxical concanavalin A, galactose oxidase Schiff and sialidase galactose oxidase Schiff reactions) and proliferation in each compartment evaluated by an immunohistochemical method using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and a monoclonal antibody against BrdU. At the 54th week the number of BrdU-labeled cells per normal pyloric column was significantly (P < 0.05) increased to 10.63/pit after the BII operation, while it diminished to 5.23/pit after RY diversion, this being the same level as with the RY procedure alone. AH maintained a high rate of BrdU incorporation at 12.7% after BII operation, which was also significantly reduced (P < 0.01) to 7.0% by the RY surgery. The intestinal type cell showed highest (22.2%), the surface mucous type cell showed the next (16.5%) and the pyloric gland type cell showed lowest (5.2%) BrdU labeling indices after BII operation. All the cell types in AH showed similar proportional decreases in BrdU incorporation after RY diversion. Thus surgical intervention reverses the cell proliferation caused by bile reflux in the gastric stump.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Starvation is a physiologic stress and can significantly alter the structure of hepatic cells. This work aims to detect morphological changes in mice hepatocyte under starvation physiologic stress, based on silver staining technique. Fourteen 21 day old male mice (Mus musculus) were used, 5 as control, 5 submitted to 72 hours of starvation, and 4 were refed during 72 hours after 72 hours of starvation. After liver imprint, 15 nuclei per mouse and their respective nucleoli were outlined in millimetric paper and their areas were obtained. The results, in mm2, were transformed into μm2. The number of nucleoli per nuclei were also counted. After starvation, a statistically significant rise in nuclear and nucleolar areas occurred and no significant increase in the number of nucleoli was observed. The refeeding caused a partial recovery of the nuclear area, no significant change in the nucleolar area and a statistically significant increase in the number of nucleoli. Therefore, starvation can be considered as a modifier agent of the chromatinic structure, leading to an increase of the nuclear and nucleolar areas probably due to an increment of RNA and protein synthesis. The recovery of the stress (refeeding) did not presented a decrease of nucleolar area and evidenced a nucleoli fragmentation, probably to increase more the protein synthesis and/or due to its cycle during the interphase.
The Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) is a small rodent native to the arid regions of Mongolia and Northeastern China. The present study provides descriptions of both the cellular associations of the seminiferous-epithelium cycle and relative frequencies of stages in the gerbil. Based on the development of the acrosomic system and the nuclear morphology changes using the PAS-H staining technique, the transformation of spermatids into spermatozoa was divided into 15 steps. The first 12 steps were used to identify 12 stages or cellular associations and the other three steps were spread among the first six stages of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. The relative frequencies found for stages I through XII were: 13.15; 8.06; 8.98; 6.48; 5.37; 6.71; 7.36; 7.45; 7.27; 5.83; 11.53 and 11.81, respectively. Stage I had the highest frequency while stage V proved the lowest frequency among the XII stages. The pattern of spermatogenesis is similar to those of rodents used as laboratory animals. The present description is the first for this rodent and provides the foundation for a variety of future studies of the testis in this animal. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Ag-NOR staining technique and image analysis were used to evaluate morphological parameters (area, perimeter and axis ratio) in nucleoli from normal thyroids and from thyroids bearing proliferating lesions (carcinomas, adenomas and hyperplasias). Regions with normal appearance located close to adenomatous and carcinomatous regions, in the thyroid of every patient, were also analyzed for comparison with the respective pathological regions and with normal thyroids. Statistical analysis of data for the nucleolar area and perimeter allowed the separation of adenomas and carcinomas from hyperplasias and normal tissue but not the two components in each of these two groups. However, if we look at the numbers, a sequence of increasing nucleolar mean areas in the order: normal, hyperplasia, adenoma and carcinoma may be observed, indicating the sequence of increasing rRNA requirements in these different kinds of cells. The axis ratio that denotes the nucleolar shape (round or oblong) did not show significant differences among tissues, suggesting that shape is not important in the characterization of these pathologies. Differences in nucleolar areas and perimeter between normal and affected regions from each patient were statistically significant for adenomas and carcinomas. When these normal regions were compared with the normal thyroids, significant differences were not obtained in the three evaluated parameters. The observations and their importance for histopathological diagnosis are discussed.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the distribution of microorganisms in the root canal system (RCS) and periapical lesions of dogs' teeth after rotary instrumentation and placement of different calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2]-based intracanal dressings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Chronic periapical lesions were experimentally induced in 80 premolar roots of four dogs. Instrumentation was undertaken using the ProFile rotary system and irrigation with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite. The following Ca(OH) 2-based pastes were applied for 21 days: group 1 - Calen (n=18); group 2 - Calen+CPMC (n=20); group 3 - Ca(OH)2 p.a. + anaesthetic solution (n=16) and group 4 - Ca(OH)2 p.a.+ 2% chlorhexidine digluconate (n=18). Eight root canals without endodontic treatment constituted the control group. Histological sections were obtained and stained with Brown & Brenn staining technique to evaluate the presence of microorganisms in the main root canal, ramifications of the apical delta and secondary canals, apical cementoplasts, dentinal tubules, areas of cemental resorption and periapical lesions. The results were analyzed statistically by the Mann-Whitney U test (p<0.05). RESULTS: The control group showed the highest prevalence of microorganisms in all sites evaluated. Gram-positive cocci, bacilli and filaments were the most frequent morphotypes. Similar microbial distribution patterns in the RCS and areas of cementum resorption were observed in all groups (p>0.05). The percentage of RCS sites containing microorganisms in groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and control were: 67.6%, 62.5%, 78.2%, 62.0% and 87.6%, respectively. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the histomicrobiological analysis showed that the rotary instrumentation and the different calcium hydroxide pastes employed did not effectively eliminate the infection from the RCS and periapical lesions. However, several bacteria seen in the histological sections were probably dead or were inactivated by the biomechanical preparation and calcium hydroxide-based intracanal dressing.
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) play a major role in extracellular matrix component degradation in several normal and abnormal tissue situations; they are also found in human seminal plasma. MMPs have been found in rat prostate secretions and are nearly lobe specific in expression pattern. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether TIMP-2, like other semen components, is expressed differently from different rat prostatic lobes. Immunohistochemical staining was performed in both young and adult rat ventral (VP), lateral (LP), dorsal (DP), and anterior (AP) prostatic lobes and confirmed by western blotting. TIMP-2 expression was found in the epithelial cells in the following sequence: LP > AP > DP > VP, in both young and adult rats. In this study, 100% of adult LP presented histological signs of prostatitis, where TIMP-2 immunostaining was positive in normal epithelium even with intraluminal neutrophils, but was reduced or absent in the epithelium with intraepithelial leukocytes or with periductal stroma disorganization associated with mononuclear cell infiltration. However, TIMP-2 expression in LP was not induced by prostatitis, since younger rat LPs were also strongly TIMP-2 positive. The distal and intermediate VP regions were TIMP-2 negative, but the proximal regions were strongly stained. Western blotting results confirmed the high TIMP-2 expression in the LP lobe. Thus, TIMP-2 is expressed differently between the prostatic lobes and is another nearly lobe-specific protein, which plays a role in the regulation of MMP activity in seminal plasma and glandular homeostasis. TIMP-2 is also another regional ductal variation of VP. Further studies should address whether TIMP-2 expression is related to the highest incidence of rat LP prostatitis and adenocarcinoma. © 2006 International Federation for Cell Biology.
Pholcidae (Haplogynae) encompasses 967 described species, of which only 14 have been cytogenetic analyzed. Several chromosomal features have already been described including presence of meta- and sub-metacentric chromosomes and sex determination chromosome system (SDCS) of the X, X1X2Y, and X1X2 types, which contrast with the telo- and acrocentric chromosomes and SDCS of the X1X2 type typical of entelegyne spiders. To obtain further cytogenetic information for the family, we examined two pholcid species, Crossopriza lyoni (Blackwall 1867) and Physocyclus globosus (Taczanowski 1874) using both conventional staining and silver staining techniques. Crossopriza lyoni exhibited 2n = 23 = 22 + X in males and 2n = 24 = 22 + XX in females, while P. globosus showed 2n = 15 = 14 + X and 4n = 30 = 28 + 2X, both in male adults, 2n = 16 = 14 + XX in female adults and embryos, and 2n = 15 = 14 + X in male embryos. Both species revealed predominately metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes and a SDCS of the X/XX type. The cytogenetic data obtained in this work and those already recorded for C. lyoni indicate interpopulational and intraspecific numerical chromosome variation, suggesting the presence of chromosomal races or cytotypes in this species. The intraindividual numerical chromosome variation observed in male adult specimens of P. globosus may be explained by the presence of cytoplasmatic bridges between germ cells. The use of the silver staining technique to reveal the nucleolar organizer region (NOR) showed that chromosome pairs 4 and 6 and the X chromosome in C. lyoni are telomeric NOR-bearers, and that the chromosome pair 2 in P. globosus possesses a proximal NOR in the long arm.
The liver of P. expansa was characterized morphohistologically. To this end, twenty livers from clinically healthy male and female Podocnemis expansa, weighing from 2.0 to 4,5 kg, supplied by the commercial breeder Fazenda Moenda da Serra, in Araguapaz, state of Goiás, Brazil, were analyzed macro-and microscopically. The coelomatic cavity was opened and the topography of the fresh organs was examined visually. After the histological preparation, the slides were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE), Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS), Gomori Trichrome, Reticulin and Picrosirius. The liver of P. expansa is a voluminous organ with an approximately rectangular shape and brown coloration, varying from light to dark shades, and is divided into a right lobe, left lobe, and a central portion. The right lobe is the largest of the three portions. The gall bladder is located in a depression in the caudal portion of the right lobe, where the gall duct begins and empties into the duodenum. Histologically, the hepatocytes are arranged in the form of double cords surrounded by winding sinusoidal capillaries. In cross section, they resemble acini containing approximately two to five hepatocytes surrounding a probable central biliary canaliculus. The hepatocytes are polyhedral or pyramidal in shape, of uniform size, with a few central nuclei and others displaced peripherally, and the cytoplasm is little eosinophilic when analyzed by the HE staining technique. The parenchyma is supported by delicate reticular fibers surrounding hepatocytes and sinusoids. The parenchyma and perisinusoidal spaces contain large quantities of melanomacrophages, mainly close to the portal spaces.