904 resultados para hexapole permanent magnet
A hybrid magnetic instrumentation to detect a magnetic field from a permanent magnet, and to detect magnetic markers and tracers using alternating current biosusceptometry (ACB) is discussed. The instrument was used to in vitro evaluation of the esophageal transit time. The sensitivity between both magnetic methods was compared, showing sensitivity for in vivo applications. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.
Este trabalho apresenta uma bancada para testes em geradores elétricos, utilizados em aerogeradores de pequeno porte. O sistema é composto basicamente por um motor de indução trifásico, que simula um rotor eólico, acoplado mecanicamente ao gerador elétrico submetido ao ensaio; um inversor de frequência, usado para variação da velocidade do motor; transdutores de grandezas elétricas, que efetuam a medição dos parâmetros de interesse (tensões e correntes instantâneas) na saída do gerador; um sensor de velocidade angular, para medição da rotação que é fornecida ao eixo do motor; um microcomputador, para monitoração e armazenamento dos parâmetros medidos, e controle do inversor de frequência, por meio de um programa computacional desenvolvido; e uma placa de aquisição de dados, que serve como interface entre os transdutores/sensores e o microcomputador. A velocidade angular fornecida ao gerador em ensaio pode ser variada conforme valores fornecidos de velocidades de vento, as quais são associadas a valores correspondentes de rotação, a fim de simular o comportamento de um rotor eólico. Dessa forma, é possível traçar a curva de potência (potência versus velocidade de vento) do gerador ensaiado e analisar seu desempenho. Apresenta-se também neste trabalho os resultados de medições realizadas na bancada, referentes aos ensaios de um gerador comercial de pequena potência (1 kW) e de outro desenvolvido em projeto de pesquisa, ambos do tipo de imã permanente com fluxo axial.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB
The biomagnetic techniques use different magnetic field detectors to measure parameters of the human physiology. Those techniques present the advantage of being noninvasive and radiation free. Among them we can show up the Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID), the Current Alternate Biosusceptometry (ACB) and, more recently, the employment of anisotropic magnetoresistive sensors. Those magnetic sensors have a low cost and good sensitivity to measure different physiological parameters using magnetic markers. The biomagnetic techniques have being used successfully through study on the characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract. Recent research, the magnetoresistors were used to evaluate the transit time and localization of magnetic sources in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The objective of this work is the characterization, with in vitro tests, of a biomagnetic instrumentation using two 3-axis magnetoresistors arranged in a gradiometric coplanar setup to evaluate esophageal transit time, analyze and compare the results of experimental signals and the magnetic theory, as well as evaluate the instrumentation gain with use of tri-axial sensor front to the mono-axial sensor. The instrumentation is composed by two three-axis sensing magnetometers, precision power supply and amplifier electronic circuits. The sensors fixed in a coplanar setup were separate by distance of 18 cm. The sensitivity tests had been carried through using a cylindrical magnet (ø = 4 mm and h = 4 mm) of neodymium-iron-boron (grid 35). The tests were done moving the permanent magnet on the sensors parallel axis, simulating the food transit in... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper describes a practical activity, part of the renewable energy course where the students have to build their own complete wind generation system, including blades, PM-generator, power electronics and control. After connecting the system to the electric grid the system has been tested during real wind scenarios. The paper will describe the electric part of the work surface-mounted permanent magnet machine design criteria as well as the power electronics part for the power control and the grid connection. A Kalman filter is used for the voltage phase estimation and current commands obtained in order to control active and reactive power. The connection to the grid has been done and active and reactive power has been measured in the system.
The use of telerobotic systems is essential for remote handling (RH) operations in radioactive areas of scientific facilities that generate high doses of radiation. Recent developments in remote handling technology has seen a great deal of effort being directed towards the design of modular remote handling control rooms equipped with a standard master arm which will be used to separately control a range of different slave devices. This application thus requires a kinematically dissimilar master-slave control scheme. In order to avoid drag and other effects such as friction or other non-linear and unmodelled slave arm effects of the common position-position architecture in nonbackdrivable slaves, this research has implemented a force-position control scheme. End-effector force is derived from motor torque values which, to avoid the use of radiation intolerant and costly sensing devices, are inferred from motor current measurement. This has been demonstrated on a 1-DOF test-rig with a permanent magnet synchronous motor teleoperated by a Sensable Phantom Omni® haptic master. This has been shown to allow accurate control while realistically conveying dynamic force information back to the operator.
En esta tesis se analiza el sistema de tracción de un vehículo eléctrico de batería desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia energética y de la exposición a campos magnéticos por parte de los pasajeros (radiación electromagnética). Este estudio incluye tanto el sistema de almacenamiento de energía como la máquina eléctrica, junto con la electrónica de potencia y los sistemas de control asociados a ambos. Los análisis y los resultados presentados en este texto están basados en modelos matemáticos, simulaciones por ordenador y ensayos experimentales a escala de laboratorio. La investigación llevada a cabo durante esta tesis tuvo siempre un marcado enfoque industrial, a pesar de estar desarrollada en un entorno de considerable carácter universitario. Las líneas de investigación acometidas tuvieron como destinatario final al diseñador y al fabricante del vehículo, a pesar de lo cual algunos de los resultados obtenidos son preliminares y/o excesivamente académicos para resultar de interés industrial. En el ámbito de la eficiencia energética, esta tesis estudia sistemas híbridos de almacenamiento de energía basados en una combinación de baterías de litio y supercondensadores. Este tipo de sistemas son analizados desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia mediante modelos matemáticos y simulaciones, cuantificando el impacto de ésta en otros parámetros tales como el envejecimiento de las baterías. Respecto a la máquina eléctrica, el estudio se ha centrado en máquinas síncronas de imanes permanentes. El análisis de la eficiencia considera tanto el diseño de la máquina como la estrategia de control, dejando parcialmente de lado el inversor y la técnica de modulación (que son incluidos en el estudio como fuentes adicionales de pérdidas, pero no como potenciales fuentes de optimización de la eficiencia). En este sentido, tanto la topología del inversor (trifásico, basado en IGBTs) como la técnica de modulación (control de corriente en banda de histéresis) se establecen desde el principio. El segundo aspecto estudiado en esta tesis es la exposición a campos magnéticos por parte de los pasajeros. Este tema se enfoca desde un punto de vista predictivo, y no desde un punto de vista de diagnóstico, puesto que se ha desarrollado una metodología para estimar el campo magnético generado por los dispositivos de potencia de un vehículo eléctrico. Esta metodología ha sido validada mediante ensayos de laboratorio. Otros aspectos importantes de esta contribución, además de la metodología en sí misma, son las consecuencias que se derivan de ella (por ejemplo, recomendaciones de diseño) y la comprensión del problema proporcionada por esta. Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis se listan a continuación: una recopilación de modelos de pérdidas correspondientes a la mayoría de dispositivos de potencia presentes en un vehículo eléctrico de batería, una metodología para analizar el funcionamiento de un sistema híbrido de almacenamiento de energía para aplicaciones de tracción, una explicación de cómo ponderar energéticamente los puntos de operación par-velocidad de un vehículo eléctrico (de utilidad para evaluar el rendimiento de una máquina eléctrica, por ejemplo), una propuesta de incluir un convertidor DC-DC en el sistema de tracción para minimizar las pérdidas globales del accionamiento (a pesar de las nuevas pérdidas introducidas por el propio DC-DC), una breve comparación entre dos tipos distintos de algoritmos de minimización de pérdidas para máquinas síncronas de imanes permanentes, una metodología predictiva para estimar la exposición a campos magnéticos por parte de los pasajeros de un vehículo eléctrico (debida a los equipos de potencia), y finalmente algunas conclusiones y recomendaciones de diseño respecto a dicha exposición a campos magnéticos. ABSTRACT This dissertation analyzes the powertrain of a battery electric vehicle, focusing on energy efficiency and passenger exposure to electromagnetic fields (electromagnetic radiation). This study comprises the energy storage system as well as the electric machine, along with their associated power electronics and control systems. The analysis and conclusions presented in this dissertation are based on mathematical models, computer simulations and laboratory scale tests. The research performed during this thesis was intended to be of industrial nature, despite being developed in a university. In this sense, the work described in this document was carried out thinking of both the designer and the manufacturer of the vehicle. However, some of the results obtained lack industrial readiness, and therefore they remain utterly academic. Regarding energy efficiency, hybrid energy storage systems consisting in lithium batteries, supercapacitors and up to two DC-DC power converters are considered. These kind of systems are analyzed by means of mathematical models and simulations from the energy efficiency point of view, quantifying its impact on other relevant aspects such as battery aging. Concerning the electric machine, permanent magnet synchronous machines are studied in this work. The energy efficiency analysis comprises the machine design and the control strategy, while the inverter and its modulation technique are taken into account but only as sources of further power losses, and not as potential sources for further efficiency optimization. In this sense, both the inverter topology (3-phase IGBT-based inverter) and the switching technique (hysteresis current control) are fixed from the beginning. The second aspect studied in this work is passenger exposure to magnetic fields. This topic is approached from the prediction point of view, rather than from the diagnosis point of view. In other words, a methodology to estimate the magnetic field generated by the power devices of an electric vehicle is proposed and analyzed in this dissertation. This methodology has been validated by laboratory tests. The most important aspects of this contribution, apart from the methodology itself, are the consequences (for instance, design guidelines) and the understanding of the magnetic radiation issue provided by it. The main contributions of this dissertation are listed next: a compilation of loss models for most of the power devices found in a battery electric vehicle powertrain, a simulation-based methodology to analyze hybrid energy storage performance in traction applications, an explanation of how to assign energy-based weights to different operating points in traction drives (useful when assessing electrical machine performance, for instance), a proposal to include one DC-DC converter in electric powertrains to minimize overall power losses in the system (despite the new losses added by the DC-DC), a brief comparison between two kinds of loss-minimization algorithms for permanent magnet synchronous machines in terms of adaptability and energy efficiency, a predictive methodology to estimate passenger magnetic field exposure due to power devices in an electric vehicle, and finally some useful conclusions and design guidelines concerning magnetic field exposure.
After gravistimulation of Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. protonemata in the dark, amyloplast sedimentation was followed by upward curvature in the wild-type (WT) and downward curvature in the wwr mutant (wrong way response). We used ponderomotive forces induced by high-gradient magnetic fields (HGMF) to simulate the effect of gravity and displace the presumptive statoliths. The field was applied by placing protonemata either between two permanent magnets at the edge of the gap, close to the edge of a magnetized ferromagnetic wedge, or close to a small (<1 mm) permanent magnet. Continuous application of an HGMF in all three configurations resulted in plastid displacement and induced curvature in tip cells of WT and wwr protonemata. WT cells curved toward the HGMF, and wwr cells curved away from the HGMF, comparable to gravitropism. Plastids isolated from protonemal cultures had densities ranging from 1.24 to 1.38 g cm−3. Plastid density was similar for both genotypes, but the mutant contained larger plastids than the WT. The size difference might explain the stronger response of the wwr protonemata to the HGMF. Our data support the plastid-based theory of gravitropic sensing and suggest that HGMF-induced ponderomotive forces can substitute for gravity.
Os motores de corrente contínua convencionais são muito bem conhecidos pela sua robustez e pelo seu alto nível de controlabilidade, alem do fato de possibilitarem a operação na região de enfraquecimento de campo (modo motor), quando esta situação se fizer necessária. Por estas características, as máquinas de corrente contínua ainda são empregadas nos dias atuais em nichos específicos de utilização. Não obstante, a máquina c.c. apresenta algumas desvantagens, principalmente a intensiva e dispendiosa manutenção eletromecânica necessária para sua operação. Como opção de sanar este problema, surgiram na década de 60, as máquinas elétricas de corrente contínua sem escovas (brushless) com excitação por ímãs permanentes de fluxo trapezoidal. O problema destas máquinas se deve justamente a impossibilidade da variação de fluxo de excitação uma vez que são produzidos puramente pelos ímãs. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem como propósito, o estudo de topologias diferenciadas da máquina elétrica, através de um circuito magnético não convencional para aplicação e utilização em sistemas de tração elétrica para operação na região de enfraquecimento de campo através da variação do fluxo resultante no entreferro. Como objeto de estudo, foi focada a topologia de fluxo axial com excitação híbrida, ou seja, dupla excitação (excitação a ímãs permanentes e excitação elétrica). Para o projeto da topologia proposta, nesta tese, adicionalmente ao método analítico, foram realizadas simulações computacionais para a comparação e refinamento dos resultados das grandezas eletromagnéticas da máquina.
A second-harmonic direct current (DC) ripple compensation technique is presented for a multi-phase, fault-tolerant, permanent magnet machine. The analysis has been undertaken in a general manner for any pair of phases in operation with the remaining phases inactive. The compensation technique determines the required alternating currents in the machine to eliminate the second-harmonic DC-link current, while at the same time minimising the total rms current in the windings. An additional benefit of the compensation technique is a reduction in the magnitude of the electromagnetic torque ripple. Practical results are included from a 70 kW, five-phase generator system to validate the analysis and illustrate the performance of the compensation technique.
Synchronous reluctance motors (SynRMs) are gaining in popularity in industrial drives due to their permanent magnet-free, competitive performance, and robust features. This paper studies the power losses in a 90-kW converter-fed SynRM drive by a calorimetric method in comparison of the traditional input-output method. After the converter and the motor were measured simultaneously in separate chambers, the converter was installed inside the large-size chamber next to the motor and the total drive system losses were obtained using one chamber. The uncertainty of both measurement methods is analyzed and discussed.
In this work we demonstrate the potential of permanent magnet based magnetic resonance sensors to monitor and assess the extent of pore clogging in water filtration systems. The performance of the sensor was tested on artificially clogged gravel substrates and on gravel bed samples from constructed wetlands used to treat wastewater. Data indicate that the spin lattice relaxation time is linearly related to the hydraulic conductivity in such systems. In addition, within biologically active filters we demonstrate the ability to determine the relative ratio of biomass to abiotic solids, a measurement which is not possible using alternative techniques. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Permanent-magnet (PM) synchronous machines (PMSMs) can provide excellent performance in terms of torque density, energy efficiency, and controllability. However, PMs on the rotor are prone to centrifugal force, which may break their physical integrity, particularly at high-speed operation. Typically, PMs are bound with carbon fiber or retained by alloy sleeves on the rotor surface. This paper is concerned with the design of a rotor retaining sleeve for a 1.12-MW 18-kr/min PM machine; its electromagnetic performance is investigated by the 2-D finite-element method (FEM). Theoretical and numerical analyses of the rotor stress are carried out. For the carbon fiber protective measure, the stresses of three PM configurations and three pole filler materials are compared in terms of operating temperature, rotor speed, retaining sleeve thickness, and interference fit. Then, a new hybrid protective measure is proposed and analyzed by the 2-D FEM for operational speeds up to 22 kr/min (1.2 times the rated speed). The rotor losses and machine temperatures with the carbon fiber retaining sleeve and the hybrid retaining sleeve are compared, and the sleeve design is refined. Two rotors using both designs are prototyped and experimentally tested to validate the effectiveness of the developed techniques for PM machines. The developed retaining sleeve makes it possible to operate megawatt PM machines at high speeds of 22 kr/min. This opens doors for many high-power high-speed applications such as turbo-generator, aerospace, and submarine motor drives.