937 resultados para grounded theorizing
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
La présente thèse se base sur les principes de la théorisation ancrée (Strauss & Corbin, 1998) afin de répondre au manque de documentation concernant les stratégies adoptées par des « agents intermédiaires » pour promouvoir l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche auprès des intervenants en éducation. Le terme « agent intermédiaire » réfère aux personnes qui sont positionnées à l’interface entre les producteurs et les utilisateurs des connaissances scientifiques et qui encouragent et soutiennent les intervenants scolaires dans l’application des connaissances scientifiques dans leur pratique. L’étude s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un projet du ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du Québec visant à améliorer la réussite scolaire des élèves du secondaire provenant de milieux défavorisés. Des agents intermédiaires de différents niveaux du système éducatif ayant obtenu le mandat de transférer des connaissances issues de la recherche auprès des intervenants scolaires dans les écoles visées par le projet ont été sollicités pour participer à l’étude. Une stratégie d’échantillonnage de type « boule-de-neige » (Biernacki & Waldorf, 1981; Patton, 1990) a été employée afin d’identifier les personnes reconnues par leurs pairs pour la qualité du soutien offert aux intervenants scolaires quant à l’utilisation de la recherche dans leur pratique. Seize entrevues semi-structurées ont été réalisées. L’analyse des données permet de proposer un modèle d’intervention en transfert de connaissances composé de 32 stratégies d’influence, regroupées en 6 composantes d’intervention, soit : relationnelle, cognitive, politique, facilitatrice, évaluative, de même que de soutien et de suivi continu. Les résultats suggèrent que les stratégies d’ordre relationnelle, cognitive et politique sont interdépendantes et permettent d’établir un climat favorable dans lequel les agents peuvent exercer une plus grande influence sur l’appropriation du processus de l’utilisation des connaissances des intervenants scolaire. Ils montrent en outre que la composante de soutien et de suivi continu est importante pour maintenir les changements quant à l’utilisation de la recherche dans la pratique chez les intervenants scolaires. Les implications théoriques qui découlent du modèle, ainsi que les explications des mécanismes impliqués dans les différentes composantes, sont mises en perspective tant avec la documentation scientifique en transfert de connaissances dans les secteurs de la santé et de l’éducation, qu’avec les travaux provenant de disciplines connexes (notamment la psychologie). Enfin, des pistes d’action pour la pratique sont proposées.
Most Artificial Intelligence (AI) work can be characterized as either ``high-level'' (e.g., logical, symbolic) or ``low-level'' (e.g., connectionist networks, behavior-based robotics). Each approach suffers from particular drawbacks. High-level AI uses abstractions that often have no relation to the way real, biological brains work. Low-level AI, on the other hand, tends to lack the powerful abstractions that are needed to express complex structures and relationships. I have tried to combine the best features of both approaches, by building a set of programming abstractions defined in terms of simple, biologically plausible components. At the ``ground level'', I define a primitive, perceptron-like computational unit. I then show how more abstract computational units may be implemented in terms of the primitive units, and show the utility of the abstract units in sample networks. The new units make it possible to build networks using concepts such as long-term memories, short-term memories, and frames. As a demonstration of these abstractions, I have implemented a simulator for ``creatures'' controlled by a network of abstract units. The creatures exist in a simple 2D world, and exhibit behaviors such as catching mobile prey and sorting colored blocks into matching boxes. This program demonstrates that it is possible to build systems that can interact effectively with a dynamic physical environment, yet use symbolic representations to control aspects of their behavior.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Introspecció sobre la dinàmica dels agents té un important impacte en decisions individuals i cooperatives en entorns multi-agent. Introspecció, una habilitat cognitiva provinent de la metàfora "agent", permet que els agents siguin conscients de les seves capacitats per a realitzar correctament les tasques. Aquesta introspecció, principalment sobre capacitats relacionades amb la dinàmica, proporciona als agents un raonament adequat per a assolir compromisos segurs en sistemes cooperatius. Per a tal fi, les capacitats garanteixen una representació adequada i explícita de tal dinàmica. Aquest enfocament canvia i millora la manera com els agents poden coordinar-se per a portar a terme tasques i com gestionar les seves interaccions i compromisos en entorns cooperatius. L'enfocament s'ha comprovat en escenaris on la coordinació és important, beneficiosa i necessària. Els resultats i les conclusions són presentats ressaltant els avantatges de la introspecció en la millora del rendiment dels sistemes multi-agent en tasques coordinades i assignació de tasques.
Problem structuring methods or PSMs are widely applied across a range of variable but generally small-scale organizational contexts. However, it has been argued that they are seen and experienced less often in areas of wide ranging and highly complex human activity-specifically those relating to sustainability, environment, democracy and conflict (or SEDC). In an attempt to plan, track and influence human activity in SEDC contexts, the authors in this paper make the theoretical case for a PSM, derived from various existing approaches. They show how it could make a contribution in a specific practical context-within sustainable coastal development projects around the Mediterranean which have utilized systemic and prospective sustainability analysis or, as it is now known, Imagine. The latter is itself a PSM but one which is 'bounded' within the limits of the project to help deliver the required 'deliverables' set out in the project blueprint. The authors argue that sustainable development projects would benefit from a deconstruction of process by those engaged in the project and suggest one approach that could be taken-a breakout from a project-bounded PSM to an analysis that embraces the project itself. The paper begins with an introduction to the sustainable development context and literature and then goes on to illustrate the issues by grounding the debate within a set of projects facilitated by Blue Plan for Mediterranean coastal zones. The paper goes on to show how the analytical framework could be applied and what insights might be generated.
An alternative approach to research is described that has been developed through a succession of significant construction management research projects. The approach follows the principles of iterative grounded theory, whereby researchers iterate between alternative theoretical frameworks and emergent empirical data. Of particular importance is an orientation toward mixing methods, thereby overcoming the existing tendency to dichotomize quantitative and qualitative approaches. The approach is positioned against the existing contested literature on grounded theory, and the possibility of engaging with empirical data in a “theory free” manner is discounted. Emphasis instead is given to the way in which researchers must be theoretically sensitive as a result of being steeped in relevant literatures. Knowledge of existing literatures therefore shapes the initial research design; but emergent empirical findings cause fresh theoretical perspectives to be mobilized. The advocated approach is further aligned with notions of knowledge coproduction and the underlying principles of contextualist research. It is this unique combination of ideas which characterizes the paper's contribution to the research methodology literature within the field of construction management. Examples are provided and consideration is given to the extent to which the emergent findings are generalizable beyond the specific context from which they are derived.
This commentary seeks to complement the contribution of the Building Research & Information special issue on 'Developing Theories for the Built Environment' (2008) by highlighting the important role of middle-range theories within the context of professional practice. Middle-range theories provide a form of theorizing that lies between abstract grand theorizing and atheoretical local descriptions. They are also characterized by the way in which they directly engage with the concerns of practitioners. In the context of professional practice, any commitment to theorizing should habitually be combined with an equivalent commitment to empirical research; rarely is it appropriate to neglect one in favour of the other. Any understanding of the role that theory plays in professional practice must further be informed by Schon's seminal ideas on reflective practice. Practitioners are seen to utilize theories as inputs to a process of continuous reflection, thereby guarding against complacency and routinization. The authors would challenge any assumption that academics alone are responsible for generating theories, thereby limiting the role of practitioners to their application. Such a dichotomized view is contrary to established ideas on Mode 2 knowledge production and current trends towards co-production research in the context of the built environment.
Literacy as a social practice is integrally linked with social, economic and political institutions and processes. As such, it has a material base which is fundamentally constituted in power relations. Literacy is therefore interwoven with the text and context of everyday living in which multi-levelled meanings are organically produced at both individual and societal level. This paper argues that if language thus mediates social reality, then it follows that literacy defined as a social practice cannot really be addressed as a reified, neutral activity but that it should take account of the social, cultural and political processes in which literacy practices are embedded. Drawing on the work of key writers within the field, the paper foregrounds the primary role of the state in defining the forms and levels of literacy required and made available at particular moments within society. In a case-study of the social construction of literacy meanings in pre-revolutionary Iran, it explores the view that the discourse about societal literacy levels has historically constituted a key terrain in which the struggle for control over meaning has taken place. This struggle, it is argued, sets the interests of the state to maintain ideological and political control over the production of knowledge within the culture and society over and against the needs identified by the individual for personal development, empowerment and liberation. In an overall sense, the paper examines existing theoretical perspectives on societal literacy programmes in terms of the scope that they provide for analyses that encompass the multi-levelled power relations that shape and influence dominant discourses on the relative value of literacy for both the individual and society
Purpose – This paper explores the “Western” concept of psychological capital in the People's Republic of China (PRC) and highlights critical areas of divergence and notable dimensions of similarity. Design/methodology/approach – This is an empirical study conducted in a wide range of Chinese organisational forms, employing an inductive approach based on critical incident technique. Findings – This research showed that the concept of psychological capital appears to have a degree of applicability and salience in China. A series of dimensions common in Western organisations were found in our research, including Optimism, Creativity, Resiliency, Self-confidence, Forgiveness and Gratitude, Courage and Ambition (Hope). These were found to be common types of psychological capital both in China and in the West. However, the dimensions of Courtesy and Humility (Qian-gong-you-li in Chinese), Self-possession and Sincerity fell into the “different” category. Originality/value – This paper is a first attempt to examine psychological capital in a range of organisational forms and industrial sectors in China using a grounded theory approach. It not only reports various dimensions of Chinese psychological capital, some unique to this research, but also compares and contrasts these dimensions between China and the West, highlighting further research opportunities.