970 resultados para graduates


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An analysis of DEST statistical data on nursing education had suggested that there were issues with the classification of undergraduate data and new initiatives, such as combined degrees, which were poorly captured. This project had two distinct aims. First, to explore and map exhaustively the range of undergraduate programs offered by tertiary education providers across Australia leading to an initial qualification and entry into nursing practice. Second, to explore and map in detail specialist nursing education courses offered by tertiary and other education providers across Australia. This research was funded under the Evaluations and Investigations Programme (EIP).


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The present study was commissioned for the National Review of Nursing Education. This is the second of two national studies commissioned to map in detail nursing education programs and to profile and make future projections regarding graduates from undergraduate and postgraduate nursing education courses in Australia.

The first study was undertaken in 2001 by Deakin University School of Nursing under the auspices of the 2001 Evaluation Investigations Project titled "Nursing Education and Graduates: Profiles for 1999, and 2000 with projections for 2001". This project sought data on nursing education within Australia in order to improve the accuracy of nursing education databases and to strengthen the ability of DETYA to provide advice on workforce planning. Issues that arose from that project included differences in data sets for undergraduate nursing courses in Australia and the complex process of attempting to tease out and accurately quantify postgraduate specialty courses when a trend towards postgraduate generic courses was evident. Approximately 26% of postgraduate domestic student enrolment data were reported utilising a generic nursing course category.

The purpose of this study was, therefore, twofold. Firstly, this study validated and extended the existing database developed in the previous study mapping in detail the full range of undergraduate programs offered by tertiary education providers across Australia that lead to an initial qualification and entry into nursing practice.

New data about the following was sought:

* Undergraduate nursing degrees (both three-year and four-year courses);
* Double/combined nursing degrees;
* Courses offered by private universities;
* Four-year bachelor degrees that concurrently provide both initial nurse registration and preparation for specialty nursing practice;
* Courses that facilitate ‘fast-tracking’ of students for initial nurse registration with previous tertiary or nursing studies,
* Hours and configuration of clinical experience in undergraduate nursing courses.


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This project is the second of two projects commissioned by the Nurse Policy Branch, Victorian Department of Human Services (VDHS). The project investigated nursing education at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the university sector and in the VET sector. The data gathered from the project provided VDHS with a better understanding of nurse labour force issues.


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This paper examines the influences on the potential supply of accounting graduates in Australia with reference to the personal and social influences on the decision to major in accounting using the Theory of Reasoned Action and focusing on differences between local and international students. Responses from 437 accounting majors' found that personal attitudes linked to 'intrinsic interest' and 'extrinsic interest' was influential in choice of major. 'Reference groups' were an important social influence for international students. The findings have implications for government policy and the accounting profession in terms of attracting students and particularly international students, who are sufficiently interested in accounting as a career choice to address the skill shortage in Australia.


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Federal government changes to the funding of doctoral students have focussed the attention of university management on their completion rates. The aims are to inform the allocation of institutional resources in a manner that improves the likelihood of timely doctoral completions and to highlight a process that can also be used for analyses of other key indicators of progression and attrition. The analyses and model development used national data readily available to all universities, which is collected in a standard approach through the Graduate Destinations Survey (GDS). The findings show that the most important variable for timely completion was attendance (full‐ versus part‐time), where in terms of full‐time equivalent (FTE) years of study, part‐time students were far more likely to complete quickly than full‐time students. For the full‐time students the key predictors of timely completion were residency, field of study and English‐speaking background (ESB). The timeliness of part‐time students was predicted by field of study and ESB. This study confirms that there is considerable variation by discipline for timely doctoral completions. The pragmatic application and prospective test of the derived models present a variety of opportunities for research student administrators. For example, those full‐time students scoring highly represented a concentration of timely graduates more than 7.5 times higher than the lowest‐scoring group – almost an order of magnitude of difference. In short, university management could gain tremendous value from more widely using the data available.


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The last decade has seen a substantial increase in the number of psychiatric or mental health nurses in Victoria, Australia who hold doctoral qualifications. The literature refers to the importance of scholarship for the professional development and recognition of nursing as a discipline. However, there is a paucity of literature addressing the contribution of nursing doctoral graduates to scholarship in mental health nursing or indeed the broader nursing profession. This paper presents the findings from a survey of psychiatric nurse doctoral graduates currently residing in the State of Victoria. A questionnaire was developed by the authors and distributed to the known doctoral graduates. The main findings demonstrate considerable variation in the discipline and topic of inquiry and in the extent to which doctoral studies had led to dissemination of research findings and engagement in further scholarly activity. The strengthening of mental health nursing knowledge requires scholarship and doctoral graduates are expected to make a major contribution, through research and the dissemination of findings. This paper presents a descriptive overview of doctoral graduates in one State of Australia with a particular focus on research and scholarship.


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Introduction: This study is based on the metaphor of the ‘rural pipeline’ into medical practice. The four stages of the rural
pipeline are: (1) contact between rural secondary schools and the medical profession; (2) selection of rural students into medical
programs; (3) rural exposure during medical training; and (4) measures to address retention of the rural medical workforce.
Methods: Using the rural pipeline template we conducted a literature review, analysed the selection methods of Australian
graduate entry medical schools and interviewed 17 interns about their medical career aspirations.
Results: Literature review: The literature was reviewed to assess the effectiveness of selection practices to predict successful
gradation and the impact of rural pipeline components on eventual rural practice. Undergraduate academic performance is the
strongest predictor of medical course academic performance. The predictive power of interviews is modest. There are limited data
on the predictive power of other measures of non-cognitive performance or the content of the undergraduate degree. Prior rural
residence is the strongest predictor of choice of a rural career but extended rural exposure during medical training also has a
significant impact. The most significant influencing factors are: professional support at national, state and local levels; career
pathway opportunities; contentedness of the practitioner’s spouse in rural communities; preparedness to adopt a rural lifestyle;
educational opportunities for children; and proximity to extended family and social circle. Analysis of selection methods: Staff
involved in student selection into 9 Australian graduate entry medical schools were interviewed. Four themes were identified:
(1) rurality as a factor in student selection; (2) rurality as a factor in student selection interviews; (3) rural representation on student
selection interview panels; (4) rural experience during the medical course. Interns’ career intentions: Three themes were identified:
(1) the efficacy of the rural pipeline; (2) community connectedness through the rural pipeline; (3) impediments to the effect of the
rural pipeline, the most significant being a partner who was not committed to rural life
Conclusion: Based on the literature review and interviews, 11 strategies are suggested to increase the number of graduates
choosing a career in rural medicine, and one strategy for maintaining practitioners in rural health settings after graduation.


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Aims to investigate the transition of graduates from school-to-work through the triagulation of three data sets. A 3-stage model based on what graduates "want", "do" and "get" in their first job was designed. Findings revealed causality between the three stages.


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Simon Marginson and Gary Rhoades coined the term ‘glonacal’ the express the interconnectedness of global, national and local social relations, especially in terms educational systems and experiences. This paper presents some selected data from a recent ARC Discovery Project entitled Research capacity-building: the development of the Australian PhD programs in national and emerging global contexts. Some of selected data show the extent Australian PhD theses have addressed topics in South and East Asia as an illustration of how research capacity-building may be created in/for Australia through topics which address problems or ideas located in other (in this case East and South Asia) national and local contexts. Other data relate to the international movements of—particularly astronomy and chemistry—PhD graduates out of Australia, some of whom return to Australia. The paper discusses these movements in terms of PhD culture being ‘glonacal’ in nature from its programs and postdoctoral relations.


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The authors (with colleagues) have conducted research into Australian doctoral education for over a decade. Two recent projects have produced as part of their outcomes: a database coded by discipline of all Australian PhD theses (dissertations) from 1987–2006. This paper commences with an overview of this work in terms of its purposes, research methods and outcomes. It is contextualized in terms of the current Australian and international debates about the nature, substance and impact of doctoral education on nations, societies, communities and economies. The paper presents some analyses of trends in the 1987–2006 Australian PhD theses. The period 1987-2006 covers several major changes in university education in Australia from the impact of the establishment of the Unified National System in the early 1990s, through the implementation of the Research Training Scheme (RTS) from 2001, the deliberations and demise of the Research Quality Framework (RQF), the rise of Excellence in Research Australia (ERA), through to the review of research training and the research workforce in Australian universities by the House of Representatives. The paper presents and tabulates a variety of trends from the bibliometric and bibliographic data, in particular those relating to the ebb and flow of PhDs in particular disciplines. The implications for national, institutional and disciplinary planners and policymakers with interests in the development and sustainability of research capacity are discussed.