528 resultados para germinal
Diferents aspectes de la reproducció de la cabra de mar Maja brachydactyla s’han estudiat amb l’objectiu d’obtenir coneixements bàsics i aplicats al cultiu en captivitat d’aquesta espècie de gran interès comercial i aqüícola. L’anatomia interna de l’aparell reproductor masculí, el procés d’espermatogènesi, amb especial èmfasi amb la formació de l’acrosoma, i l’estructura i organització l’espermatozoide s’han descrit amb tècniques microscòpiques avançades. El desenvolupament de les gònades durant els primeres fases del desenvolupament post- embrionari (fases larvàries i primer cranc juvenil) han estat descrites mitjançant la quantificació de l’expressió del gen vasa, el qual és expressat específicament per les cèl•lules de la línia germinal. Aquests coneixements són bàsics per a la comprensió del paper dels mascles en la la reproducció i la seva aplicació posterior en condicions de captivitat. La reproducció en captivitat s’ha estudiat amb una sèrie d’experiments amb l’objectiu de determinar la quantitat, pes sec i composició bioquímica proximal de les larves acabades d’eclosionar en condicions de captivitat i l’efecte de les condicions ambientals, com ara el fotoperíode i la salinitat, sobre aquests paràmetres. Aquests experiments demostren què es poden obtenir larves de la cabra de mar en condicions de captivitat què podrien ser utilitzades per a la producció i l’efecte sobre la reproducció del fotoperíode i salinitat.
Various types of "nuages" and "lamellae anulata" can be found during Dermatobia hominis spermatogenesis. In spermatogonia, the "nuages" occur as granules juxtaposed to the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear envelope or as cytoplasmic granules similar to glycogen granules. In spermatocytes, in addition to the "nuages", dense spherical bodies of approximately 1.0 µm in diameter are also observed. In the spermatids the "nuages" can be of the following types: perinuclear granules, spherical granules with diameters varying in length from 0.5 to 1.0 µm, granules similar to glycogen granules, granules with variable diameters which accumulate at the flagellum base forming the centriole adjunct, or remain in the cytoplasm. "Nuages" can also be observed in these cellular types as dense masses, without a definite outline and are common to animal germinal cells in general. The "lamellae anulata" on the other hand, are observed only in spermatocytes I and in early spermatids, being always immersed in electron-dense material of indefinite outline. In spermatids, the "lamellae anulata" are close to the nuclear envelope suggesting, in spite of opposing opinions, that these cells are envolved in the synthesis and transport of material from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.
Cervical lymph nodes biopsies from 31 HIV positive patients (with or without AIDS) were studied by histologic methods and immunohistochemistry (StreptABC staining of paraffin sections) to identify cellular and extracellular matrix components. The results were the following: (1) the biopsies were included in the stages of follicular hyperplasia without fragmentation FH-FF (4 cases); follicular hyperplasia with follicular fragmentation FH+FF (16 cases); follicular involution FI (6 cases) and diffuse pattern DP (5 cases); (2) the most important alteration was the germinal centers disruption due to follicle lysis, which began in the light zone; (3) there was coincidence between intrafollicular hemorrhages and segmental hyaline mycroangiopathy; (4) during the progression of the disease occurred: (a) an increase in the number of mast cells, CD68+ and Mac387+ macrophages; (b) a diffuse augment of collagen III, elastic fibers, laminin, fibronectin and proteoglycans; (c) maintenance of Factor VIII - related antigens in the vascular endothelial cells, with decrease in the expression of Ulex-Europeus I lectin. Follicular hyperplasia (FH-FF or FH+FF) was the most common histologic pattern recognized in the lymph nodes of patients without AIDS and follicular involution and difuse pattern were seen in those who had AIDS. The results indicate that the lymph node biopsies may provide important information about the evolutive stage of the disease and its prognosis.
Motivation. The study of human brain development in itsearly stage is today possible thanks to in vivo fetalmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. Aquantitative analysis of fetal cortical surfacerepresents a new approach which can be used as a markerof the cerebral maturation (as gyration) and also forstudying central nervous system pathologies [1]. However,this quantitative approach is a major challenge forseveral reasons. First, movement of the fetus inside theamniotic cavity requires very fast MRI sequences tominimize motion artifacts, resulting in a poor spatialresolution and/or lower SNR. Second, due to the ongoingmyelination and cortical maturation, the appearance ofthe developing brain differs very much from thehomogenous tissue types found in adults. Third, due tolow resolution, fetal MR images considerably suffer ofpartial volume (PV) effect, sometimes in large areas.Today extensive efforts are made to deal with thereconstruction of high resolution 3D fetal volumes[2,3,4] to cope with intra-volume motion and low SNR.However, few studies exist related to the automatedsegmentation of MR fetal imaging. [5] and [6] work on thesegmentation of specific areas of the fetal brain such asposterior fossa, brainstem or germinal matrix. Firstattempt for automated brain tissue segmentation has beenpresented in [7] and in our previous work [8]. Bothmethods apply the Expectation-Maximization Markov RandomField (EM-MRF) framework but contrary to [7] we do notneed from any anatomical atlas prior. Data set &Methods. Prenatal MR imaging was performed with a 1-Tsystem (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee) using single shotfast spin echo (ssFSE) sequences (TR 7000 ms, TE 180 ms,FOV 40 x 40 cm, slice thickness 5.4mm, in plane spatialresolution 1.09mm). Each fetus has 6 axial volumes(around 15 slices per volume), each of them acquired inabout 1 min. Each volume is shifted by 1 mm with respectto the previous one. Gestational age (GA) ranges from 29to 32 weeks. Mother is under sedation. Each volume ismanually segmented to extract fetal brain fromsurrounding maternal tissues. Then, in-homogeneityintensity correction is performed using [9] and linearintensity normalization is performed to have intensityvalues that range from 0 to 255. Note that due tointra-tissue variability of developing brain someintensity variability still remains. For each fetus, ahigh spatial resolution image of isotropic voxel size of1.09 mm is created applying [2] and using B-splines forthe scattered data interpolation [10] (see Fig. 1). Then,basal ganglia (BS) segmentation is performed on thissuper reconstructed volume. Active contour framework witha Level Set (LS) implementation is used. Our LS follows aslightly different formulation from well-known Chan-Vese[11] formulation. In our case, the LS evolves forcing themean of the inside of the curve to be the mean intensityof basal ganglia. Moreover, we add local spatial priorthrough a probabilistic map created by fitting anellipsoid onto the basal ganglia region. Some userinteraction is needed to set the mean intensity of BG(green dots in Fig. 2) and the initial fitting points forthe probabilistic prior map (blue points in Fig. 2). Oncebasal ganglia are removed from the image, brain tissuesegmentation is performed as described in [8]. Results.The case study presented here has 29 weeks of GA. Thehigh resolution reconstructed volume is presented in Fig.1. The steps of BG segmentation are shown in Fig. 2.Overlap in comparison with manual segmentation isquantified by the Dice similarity index (DSI) equal to0.829 (values above 0.7 are considered a very goodagreement). Such BG segmentation has been applied on 3other subjects ranging for 29 to 32 GA and the DSI hasbeen of 0.856, 0.794 and 0.785. Our segmentation of theinner (red and blue contours) and outer cortical surface(green contour) is presented in Fig. 3. Finally, torefine the results we include our WM segmentation in theFreesurfer software [12] and some manual corrections toobtain Fig.4. Discussion. Precise cortical surfaceextraction of fetal brain is needed for quantitativestudies of early human brain development. Our workcombines the well known statistical classificationframework with the active contour segmentation forcentral gray mater extraction. A main advantage of thepresented procedure for fetal brain surface extraction isthat we do not include any spatial prior coming fromanatomical atlases. The results presented here arepreliminary but promising. Our efforts are now in testingsuch approach on a wider range of gestational ages thatwe will include in the final version of this work andstudying as well its generalization to different scannersand different type of MRI sequences. References. [1]Guibaud, Prenatal Diagnosis 29(4) (2009). [2] Rousseau,Acad. Rad. 13(9), 2006, [3] Jiang, IEEE TMI 2007. [4]Warfield IADB, MICCAI 2009. [5] Claude, IEEE Trans. Bio.Eng. 51(4) (2004). [6] Habas, MICCAI (Pt. 1) 2008. [7]Bertelsen, ISMRM 2009 [8] Bach Cuadra, IADB, MICCAI 2009.[9] Styner, IEEE TMI 19(39 (2000). [10] Lee, IEEE Trans.Visual. And Comp. Graph. 3(3), 1997, [11] Chan, IEEETrans. Img. Proc, 10(2), 2001 [12] Freesurfer,http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu.
Calomys callosus Rengger, 1830 (Rodentia: Cricetidae) is a mouse-like South American wild rodent, which is permissive to Schistosoma mansoni infection. In this paper we studied the effect of schistosomal infection in C. callosus mesenteric and omental milky spots (MS), subsidiary foci of coelom-associated lymphomyeloid tissue (CALT), during the acute, transitional (acute to chronic), and chronic phases of the infection. MS were morphologically analyzed by histological methods, using brigthfield and confocal laser scanning microscopies. The MS of infected animals were mainly of lymphomyelocytic (42 to 90 days) and lymphoplasmacytic (160 days of infection) types and showed frequent presence of lymphoid follicles with germinal centers, plasmacytogenesis and plasmacytosis, mastocytosis, megakaryopoiesis, erythropoiesis and less pronounced eosinopoiesis. These results indicate that MS are a preferential site of germinal-center-dependent and independent plasmacytogenesis, and a bone marrow-like organ, committed with various cellular lineages. The consequence of C. callosus MS reactivity for schistosomal infection is still unknown and is under investigation.
BACKGROUND: CD4+ T cell depletion and destruction and the involution of the lymphoid tissue are hallmarks of HIV infection. Although the underlying mechanisms are still unclear, apoptosis appears to play a central role. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of antiretroviral therapy on the lymph node tissue, particularly with respect to morphology and apoptosis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 1997 and 1999, two inguinal lymph nodes were excised from 31 previously untreated individuals who were in an early stage of HIV infection, the first one prior to treatment and the second after 16 to 20 months of treatment. Paraffin sections were investigated for lymph node architecture, distribution of cellular and viral markers, apoptosis, and expression of apoptotic key molecules which indirectly reflect apoptotic processes. RESULTS: After 16-20 months of antiretroviral therapy, a significant decrease in highly activated HIV-driven immune response was observed in the lymph node tissue as a marked reduction in follicular hyperplasia, a normalization of the follicular dendritic cell network, a significant increase in the number of CD4+ T cells, and a significant decrease in the number of CD8+ T cells. The expression of several proapoptotic (Fas, TRAIL, and active caspase 3) and antiapoptotic (Bcl-2 and IL-7Ralpha) molecules that were reconstituted in the tissues during therapy resembled their expression in lymph nodes of HIV-negative individuals. Limitations of the study are (a) the lack of untreated patients in the late stages, (b) for ethical reasons, the lack of a control group with untreated patients, and (c) for methodological reasons, the restriction of sequential measurements of apotpotic markers to one-third of the patients. CONCLUSION: Antiretroviral therapy initiated in the early stages in HIV infection may halt the irreversible destruction of the lymph node tissue and may partially normalize apoptotic processes.
Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) infection establishes chronic germinal centers and a lifelong neutralizing Ab response. We show that removal of the draining lymph node after establishment of the germinal center reaction led to complete loss of neutralizing Abs despite comparable infection levels in peripheral lymphocytes. Importantly, in the absence of neutralization, only the exocrine organs mammary gland, salivary gland, pancreas, and skin showed strikingly increased infection, resulting in accelerated mammary tumor development. Induction of stronger neutralization did not influence chronic infection levels of peripheral lymphoid organs but strongly inhibited mammary gland infection and virus transmission to the next generation. Taken together, we provide evidence that a tight equilibrium in virus neutralization allows limited infection of exocrine organs and controls cancer development in susceptible mouse strains. These experiments show that a strong neutralizing Ab response induced after infection is not able to control lymphoid MMTV infection. Strong neutralization, however, is capable of blocking amplification of mammary gland infection, tumor development, and virus transmission to the next generation. The results also indicate a role of neutralization in natural resistance to MMTV infection.
El tumor germinal seminoma (TGS) suposa un 50% de tots els tumors testiculars, i tot i l'excel•lent pronòstic a llarg plaç, està experimentant un increment de la incidència en un grup de la població d’entre 15-35 anys. L'Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (HSCSP) juntament amb Fundació Puigvert són centre de referència en el maneig del TGS. La intenció el treball és reportar de manera descriptiva i retrospectiva l’experiència acumulada en aquest centre al llarg dels últims 15 anys. L'aportació d'aquest estudi pretén unir esforços per tal de disminuir tractaments innecessaris en gran part dels estadis I i intentar aportar més dades en favor del tractament adaptat al risc. En aquest sentit, ha de ser un motiu més per intentar validar factors pronòstics ferms en futurs estudis i poder posicionar la teràpia adaptada al risc en una situació protocolitzada i consensuada a nivell internacional.
Recirculating virgin CD4+ T cells spend their life migrating between the T zones of secondary lymphoid tissues where they screen the surface of interdigitating dendritic cells. T-cell priming starts when processed peptides or superantigen associated with class II MHC molecules are recognised. Those primed T cells that remain within the lymphoid tissue move to the outer T zone, where they interact with B cells that have taken up and processed antigen. Cognate interaction between these cells initiates immunoglobulin (Ig) class switch-recombination and proliferation of both B and T cells; much of this growth occurs outside the T zones B cells migrate to follicles, where they form germinal centres, and to extrafollicular sites of B-cell growth, where they differentiate into mainly short-lived plasma cells. T cells do not move to the extrafollicular foci, but to the follicles; there they proliferate and are subsequently involved in the selection of B cells that have mutated their Ig variable-region genes. During primary antibody responses T-cell proliferation in follicles produces many times the peak number of T cells found in that site: a substantial proportion of the CD4+ memory T-cell pool may originate from growth in follicles.
The TNF family ligands BAFF (also called BLyS) and APRIL regulate lymphocyte survival and activation. BAFF binds to three receptors, BAFF-R, TACI and BCMA, whereas APRIL interacts with TACI, BCMA and proteoglycans. The contribution of BAFF and APRIL to B-cell and plasma-cell survival, CD154 (CD40L)-independent antibody isotype switching, germinal center maintenance, T-dependent and T-independent antibody responses, and T cell co-stimulation are relatively well understood. Constitutive BAFF produced by stromal cells determines the size of the peripheral B cell pool, whereas inducible BAFF produced by myeloid and other cells supports local survival of B lymphocytes and can be associated with development of autoimmunity when deregulated.
Protein tyrosine kinases are pivotal in central nervous tissue development and maintenance. Here we focus on the expression of Ehk-1, a novel Elk-related receptor tyrosine kinase. Ehk-1 gene expression is observed in the developing and adult central nervous system and is highly regulated throughout development at both the messenger RNA and protein levels. Three messenger RNA transcripts of 8.5, 5.9 and 5.1 kb are detectable in the rat brain and a variety of splice possibilities have been identified. However, a major protein species of around M(r) 120,000 predominates throughout development. Ehk-1 messenger RNA and protein levels are highest in the first postnatal week. By in situ messenger RNA hybridization the gene is expressed by all neurons of the adult brain, but mostly in the hippocampus, cerebral cortex and large neurons of the deep cerebellar nuclei, as well as the Purkinje and granular cells of the cerebellum. At earlier stages of development, transcripts are most prominent in the periventricular germinal layers of the brain. Immunohistochemistry reveals a pronounced membrane associated protein expression in immature neurons. In the adult animal, peak reactivity was found in the neuropil with sparing of most perikarya. The spatial and temporal pattern of ehk-1 gene expression suggests a role in both the development and maintenance of differentiated neurons of the central nervous system.
Echinococcus granulosus, the etiologic agent of cystic echinococcosis (CE) in humans and other animal species, is distributed worldwide. Ten intra-specific variants, or genotypes (G1-G10), have been defined based on genetic diversity. To determine the genotypes present in endemic areas of Peru, samples were collected from cattle (44), sheep (41) and humans (14) from Junín, Puno Huancavelica, Cusco, Arequipa and Ayacucho. DNA was extracted from protoscolex and/or germinal layers derived from 99 E. granulosus isolates and used as templates to amplify the mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase subunit 1 gene. The resulting polymerase chain reaction products were sequenced and further examined by sequence analysis. All isolates, independent of the host, exhibited the G1 genotype. Phylogenetic analysis showed that three isolates from Ayacucho shared the same cluster with microvariant G1(4). The G1 genotype is considered the most widespread and infectious form of E. granulosusworldwide and our results confirm that the same patterns apply to this country. Therefore, these findings should be taken into consideration in developing prevention strategies and control programs for CE in Peru.
Members of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family induce pleiotropic biological responses, including cell growth, differentiation, and even death. Here we describe a novel member of the TNF family, designated BAFF (for B cell activating factor belonging to the TNF family), which is expressed by T cells and dendritic cells. Human BAFF was mapped to chromosome 13q32-34. Membrane-bound BAFF was processed and secreted through the action of a protease whose specificity matches that of the furin family of proprotein convertases. The expression of BAFF receptor appeared to be restricted to B cells. Both membrane-bound and soluble BAFF induced proliferation of anti-immunoglobulin M-stimulated peripheral blood B lymphocytes. Moreover, increased amounts of immunoglobulins were found in supernatants of germinal center-like B cells costimulated with BAFF. These results suggest that BAFF plays an important role as costimulator of B cell proliferation and function.
The brain tissue is made of neuronal and glial cells generated in the germinal layer bordering the ventricles. These cells divide, differentiate and migrate following specific pathways. The specification of GABAergic interneurons and glutamatergic neurons has been broadly studied but little is known about the origin, the fate and the function of early glial cells in the embryonic telencephalon. It has been commonly accepted since long that the glial cells and more particularly the astrocytes were generated after neurogenesis from the dorsal telencephalon. However, our work shows that, unlike what was previously thought, numerous glial cells (astroglia and polydendrocytes) are generated during neurogenesis in the early embryonic stages from E14.5 to E16.5, and originate from the ventral Nkx2.1-expressing precursors instead. NK2 homeobox 1 (Nkx2.1) is a member of the NK2 family of homeodomaincontaining transcription factors. The specification of the MGE precursors requires the expression of the Nkx2.1 homeobox gene. Moreover, Nkx2.1 is previously known to regulate the specification of GABAergic interneurons and early oligodendrocytes in the ventral telencephalon. Here, in my thesis work, I have discovered that, in addition, Nkx2.1 also regulates astroglia and polydendrocytes differentiation. The use of Nkx2.1 antibody and Nkx2.1 riboprobe have revealed the presence of numerous Nkx2.1-positive cells that express astroglial markers (like GLAST and GFAP) in the entire embryonic brain. Thus, to selectively fate map MGE-derived GABAergic interneurons and glia, we crossed Nkx2.1-Cre mice, Glast-Cre ERT+/- inducible mice and NG2-Cre mice with the Cre reporter Rosa26-lox-STOP-lox-YFP (Rosa26-YFP) mice. The precise origin of Nkx2.1-positive astroglia has been directly ascertained by combining glial immunostaining and focal electroporation of the pCAG-GS-EGFP plasmids into the subpallial domains of organotypic slices, as well as, by using in vitro neurosphere experiments and in utero electroporation of the pCAG-GS-tomato plasmid into the ventral pallium of E14.5 Nkx2.1-Cre+/Rosa-YFP+/- embryos. We have, thus, confirmed that the three germinal regions of the ventral telencephalon i.e. the MGE, the AEP/POA and the triangular septal nucleus are able to generate early astroglial cells. Moreover, immunohistochemistry for several astroglial cells and polydendrocyte markers, both in the Nkx2.1-/- and control embryos and in the neurospheres, has revealed a severe loss of both glial cell types in the Nkx2.1 mutants. We found that the loss of glia corresponded to a decrease of Nkx2.1-derived precursor division capacity and glial differentiation. There was a drastic decrease of BrdU+ dividing cells labeled for Nkx2.1 in the MGE*, the POA* and the septal nucleus* of Nkx2.1 mutants. In addition, we noticed that while some remaining Nkx2.1+ precursors still succeeded to give rise to post-mitotic neurons in vitro and in vivo in the Nkx2.1-/-, they completely lost the capacity to differentiate in astrocytes. Altogether, these observations indicate for the first time that the transcription factor Nkx2.1 regulates the proliferation and differentiation of precursors in three subpallial domains that generate early embryonic astroglia and polydendrocytes. Furthermore, in order to investigate the potential function of these early Nkx2.1- derived glia, we have performed multiple immunohistochemical stainings on Nkx2.1-/- and wild-type animals, and Nkx2.1-Cre mice that were crossed to Rosa-DTA+/- mice in which the highly toxic diphtheria toxin aided to selectively deplete a majority of the Nkx2.1-derived cells. Interestingly, in these two mutants, we observed a drastic and significant loss of GFAP+, GLAST+, NG2+ and S100ß+ astroglial cells at the telencephalic midline and in the medial cortical areas. This cells loss could be directly correlated with severe axonal guidance defects observed in the corpus callosum (CC), the hippocampal commissure (HIC), the fornix (F) and the anterior commissure (AC). Axonal guidance is a key step allowing neurons to form specific connections and to become organized in a functional network. The contribution of guidepost cells inside the CC and the AC in mediating the growth of commissural axons have until now been attributed to specialized midline guidepost astroglia. Previous published results in our group have unravelled that, during embryonic development, the CC is populated in addition to astroglia by numerous glutamatergic and GABAergic guidepost neurons that are essential for the correct midline crossing of callosal axons. Therefore, the relative contribution of individual neuronal or glial populations towards the guidance of commissural axons remains largely to be investigated to understand guidance mechanisms further. Thus, we crossed Nkx2.1-Cre mice with NSE-DTA+/- mice that express the diphtheria toxin only in neurons and allowed us to selectively deplete Nkx2.1-derived GABAergic neurons. Interestingly, in the Nkx2.1-/- mice, the CC midline was totally disorganized and the callosal axons partly lost their orientation, whereas in the Nkx2.1Cre+/Rosa-DTA+/- and the Nkx2.1Cre+/NSE-DTA+/- mice, the axonal organization of the CC was not affected. In the three types of mice, hippocampal axons of the fornix were not properly fasciculated and formed disoriented bundles through the septum. Additionally, the AC formation was completely absent in Nkx2.1-/- mice and the AC was divided into two/three separate paths in the Nkx2.1Cre+/Rosa-DTA+/- mice that project in wrong territories. On the other hand, the AC didn't form or was reduced to a relatively narrower tract in the Nkx2.1Cre+/NSE-DTA+/- mice as compared to wild-type AC. These results clearly indicate that midline Nkx2.1-derived cells play a major role in commissural axons pathfinding and that both Nkx2.1-derived guidepost neurons and glia are necessary elements for the correct development of these commissures. Furthermore, during our investigations on Nkx2.1-/- and Nkx2.1Cre+/Rosa-DTA+/- mice, we noticed similar and severe defects in the erythrocytes distribution and the blood vessels network morphology in the embryonic brain of both mutants. As the Cre-mediated recombination was never observed to occur in the blood vessels of Nkx2.1-Cre mice, we inferred that the vessels defects observed were due to the loss of Nkx2.1-derived cells and not to the cells autonomous effects of Nkx2.1 in regulating endothelial cell precursors. Thereafter, the respective contribution of individual Nkx2.1-regulated neuronal or glial populations in the blood vessels network building were studied with the use of transgenic mice strains. Indeed, the use of Nkx2.1Cre+/NSE-DTA+/- mice indicated that the Nkx2.1-derived neurons were not implicated in this process. Finally, to discriminate between the two Nkx2.1-derived glial cell populations, the GLAST+ astroglia and the NG2+ polydendrocytes, an NG2-Cre mouse strain crossed to the Rosa-DTA+/- mice was used. In that mutant, the blood vessel network and the erythrocytes distribution were similarly affected as observed in Nkx2.1Cre+/Rosa-DTA+/- animals. Therefore, this result indicates that most probably, the NG2+ polydendrocytes are involved in helping to build the vessels network in the brain. Taken altogether, these observations show that during brain development, Nkx2.1- derived embryonic glial cells act as guidepost cells on the guidance of axons as well as forming vessels. Both Nkx2.1-regulated guidepost GABAergic neurons and glia collaborate to guide growing commissural axons, while polydendrocytes are implicated in regulating brain angiogenesis. - Le tissu cérébral est composé de cellules neuronales et gliales générées dans les couches germinales qui bordent les ventricules. Ces cellules se divisent, se différencient et migrent selon des voies particulières. La spécification des interneurones GABAergiques et des neurones glutamatergiques a été largement étudiée, par contre, l'origine, le destin et la fonction des cellules gliales précoces du télencéphale embryonnaire restent peu élucidées. Depuis longtemps, il était communément accepté que les cellules gliales, et plus particulièrement les astrocytes, sont générés après la neurogénèse à partir du télencéphale dorsal. Toutefois, notre travail montre que de nombreuses cellules gliales sont générées à partir de précurseurs ventraux qui expriment le gène Nkx2.1, entre E14.5 et E16.5, c'est-à dire,à des stades embryonnaires très précoces. Le gène NK2 homéobox 1 (Nkx2.1) appartient à une famille de facteurs de transcription appelée NK2. Il s'agit de protéines qui contiennent un homéo-domaine. La spécification des précurseurs de la MGE requiert l'expression du gène homéobox Nkx2.1. De plus, la fonction du gène Nkx2.1 dans la régulation de la spécification des interneurones GABAergiques et des oligodendrocytes dans le télencéphale ventral était déjà connue. Au cours de mon travail de thèse, j'ai également mis en évidence que, Nkx2.1 régule aussi les étapes de prolifération et de différenciation de divers sous-types de cellules gliales soit de type astrocytes ou bien polydendrocytes. L'utilisation d'un anticorps contre la protéine Nkx2.1 ainsi qu'une sonde à ribonucléotides contre l'ARN messager du gène Nkx2.1 ont révélé la présence de nombreuses cellules positives pour Nkx2.1 qui exprimaient des marqueurs astrocytaires (comme GLAST et GFAP) dans le télencéphale embryonnaire. Afin de déterminer de manière sélective le sort des interneurones GABAergiques, des polydendrocytes et des astrocytes dérivés de la MGE, nous avons croisé soit des souris Nkx2.1-Cre, des souris Glast-Cre ERT+/- inductibles ou bien des souris NG2-Cre avec des souris Rosa26-lox-STOP-lox-YFP (Rosa26-YFP) Cre rapportrices. L'origine précise des astroglies positives pour Nkx2.1 a été directement établie en combinant une coloration immunologique pour les glies et une électroporation focale d'un plasmide pCAG-GS-EGFP dans les domaines subpalliaux de tranches organotypiques, puis également, par des cultures de neurosphères in vitro et des expériences d'électroporation in utero d'un plasmide pCAG-GS-tomato dans le pallium ventral d'embryons Nkx2.1-Cre+/Rosa- YFP+/- au stade E14.5. Nous avons donc confirmé que les trois régions germinales du télencéphale ventral, c'est-à-dire, la MGE, l'AEP/POA et le noyau triangulaire septal sont capables de générer des cellules astrogliales. D'autre part, l'immunohistochimie pour plusieurs marqueurs d'astrocytes ou de polydendrocytes, dans les embryons Nkx2.1-/- et contrôles ainsi que dans les neurosphères, a révélé une sévère perte de ces deux types gliaux chez les mutants. Nous avons trouvé que la perte de glies correspondait à une diminution de la capacité de division des précurseurs dérivés de Nkx2.1, ainsi que l'incapacité de ces précurseurs de se différencier en cellules gliales. Nous avons en effet observé une diminution importante des cellules BrdU+ en division exprimant Nkx2.1dans la MGE*, la POA* et le noyau septal* des mutants pour Nkx2.1. D'autre part, nous avons pu mettre en évidence aussi bien in vitro, qu'in vivo, que certains précurseurs Nkx2.1+ chez le mutant gardent la capacité à se différencier en neurones tandis qu'ils perdent celle de se différencier en cellules gliales. Prises dans leur ensemble, ces observations indiquent pour la première fois que le facteur de transcription Nkx2.1 régule les étapes de prolifération et de différentiation des précurseurs des trois domaines subpalliaux qui génèrent les astroglies et polydendrocytes embryonnaires précoces. Par la suite, dans le but de comprendre la fonction potentielle de ces glies précoces, nous avons procédé à de multiples colorations immunohistochimiques sur des animaux Nkx2.1-/- et sauvages, ainsi que sur des souris Nkx2.1-Cre croisées à des souris Rosa-DTA+/- dans lesquelles la toxine diphthérique hautement toxique a permis de supprimer sélectivement la majorité des cellules dérivées de Nkx2.1. De manière intéressante, nous avons observé dans ces deux mutants, une perte drastique et significative de cellules astrogliales GFAP+, GLAST+ et polydendrocytaires NG2+ et S100ß+ dans le télencéphale, à la midline et dans les aires corticales médianes. Ces pertes ont pu être directement corrélées avec des défauts de guidage axonal observés dans le corps calleux (CC), la commissure hippocampique (HIC), le fornix (F) et la commissure antérieure (AC). Le guidage axonal est une étape clé permettant aux neurones de former des connections spécifiques et de s'organiser dans un réseau fonctionnel. La contribution des cellules « guidepost » dans le CC et dans la AC comme médiateurs de la croissance des axones commissuraux à jusqu'à aujourd'hui été attribuée spécifiquement à des astroglies « guidepost » de la midline. Des résultats publiés précédemment dans notre groupe, ont permis de montrer que, pendant le développement embryonnaire, le CC est peuplé en plus de la glie par de nombreux neurones « guidepost » glutamatergiques et GABAergiques qui sont essentiels pour le croisement correct des axones callosaux à la midline. Ainsi, la contribution relative des populations individuelles neuronales ou gliales pour le guidage des axones commissuraux demande à être approfondie afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de guidage. A ces fins, nous avons croisé des souris Nkx2.1-Cre avec des souris NSE-DTA+/- qui expriment la toxine diphthérique uniquement dans les neurones et ainsi, nous avons pu sélectivement supprimer les neurones dérivés de domaines Nkx2.1+. Dans les souris Nkx2.1-/-,nous avons découvert que le CC était désorganisé avec des axones callosaux perdant partiellement leur orientation, alors que dans les souris Nkx2.1Cre+/Rosa-DTA+/- et Nkx2.1Cre+/NSE-DTA+/-, l'organisation axonale n'était pas affectée. De plus, les faisceaux hippocampiques du fornix étaient défasciculés dans les trois types de mutants. Par ailleurs, la formation de la commissure antérieure (AC) était complètement absente dans les souris Nkx2.1-/- d'une part, et d'autre part, celle-ci était divisée en deux à trois voies séparées dans les souris Nkx2.1Cre+/Rosa-DTA+/-. Finalement, la AC était soit absente, soit réduite de manière ne former plus qu'un faisceau relativement plus étroit dans les souris Nkx2.1Cre+/NSE-DTA+/- en comparaison avec la AC sauvage. Ces derniers résultats indiquent clairement que les cellules dérivées de Nkx2.1 à la midline, jouent un rôle majeur dans le guidage des axones commissuraux et que, autant les neurones, que les astrocytes « guidepost » dérivés de Nkx2.1, sont des éléments nécessaires au développement correct de ces commissures. En outre, lors de nos investigations sur les souris Nkx2.1-/- et Nkx2.1Cre+/Rosa-DTA+/-, nous avons remarqués des défauts sévères et similaires dans la distribution des erythrocytes et dans la morphologie du réseau de vaisseaux sanguins dans le cerveau embryonnaire des deux mutants précités. Puisque nous n'avons jamais observé de recombinaison de la Cre recombinase dans les vaisseaux sanguins des souris Nkx2.1Cre, nous en avons déduit que les défauts de vaisseaux observés étaient dus à la perte de cellules dérivées de Nkx2.1. Il existerait donc en plus de la fonction cellulaire autonome de Nkx2.1 reconnue pour régulée directement la spécification des cellules endothéliales, une fonction indirecte de Nkx2.1. Afin de déterminer la contribution respective des populations individuelles neuronales ou gliales régulées par Nkx2.1 dans la construction du réseau de vaisseaux sanguins, nous avons utilisé diverses lignées de souris transgéniques. L'utilisation de souris Nkx2.1Cre+/NSE-DTA+/- a indiqué que les neurones dérivés de Nkx2.1 n'étaient pas impliqués dans ce processus. Finalement, afin de discriminer entre les deux populations de cellules gliales dérivées de Nkx2.1, les astroglies et les polydendrocytes, nous avons croisé une lignée de souris NG2-Cre avec des souris Rosa-DTA+/-. Dans ce dernier mutant, le réseau de vaisseaux sanguins du cortex ainsi que la distribution des erythrocytes étaient affectés de la même manière que dans le cortex des souris Nkx2.1Cre+/Rosa-DTA+/-. Par conséquent, ce résultat indique que très probablement, les polydendrocytes NG2+ sont impliqués dans la mise en place du réseau de vaisseaux dans le cerveau. Prises dans leur ensemble, ces observations montrent que durant le développement embryonnaire du cerveau, des sous-populations de glies régulées par Nkx2.1 jouent un rôle de cellules « guidepost » dans le guidage des axones, ainsi que des vaisseaux. Les polydendrocytes sont impliquées dans la régulation de l'angiogenèse tandis que, autant les neurones GABAergiques que les astrocytes collaborent dans le guidage des axones commissuraux en croissance.
In ovarian follicles, cumulus cells provide the oocyte with small molecules that permit growth and control maturation. These nutrients reach the germinal cell through gap junction channels, which are present between the cumulus cells and the oocyte, and between the cumulus cells. In this study the involvement of intercellular communication mediated by gap junction channels on oocyte maturation of in vitro cultured bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) was investigated. The stages of oocyte maturation were determined by Hoechst 33342 staining, which showed that 90% of COCs placed in the maturation medium for 24 h progress to the metaphase II stage. Bovine COC gap junction communication was disrupted initially using n-alkanols, which inhibit any passage through gap junctions. In the presence of 1-heptanol (3 mmol l(-1)) or octanol (3.0 mmol l(-1) and 0.3 mmol l(-1)), only 29% of the COCs reached metaphase II. Removal of the uncoupling agent was associated with restoration of oocyte maturation, indicating that treatment with n-alkanols was neither cytotoxic nor irreversible. Concentrations of connexin 43 (Cx43), the major gap junction protein expressed in the COCs, were decreased specifically using a recombinant adenovirus expressing the antisense Cx43 cDNA (Ad-asCx43). The efficacy of adenoviral infection was > 95% in cumulus cells evaluated after infection with recombinant adenoviruses expressing the green fluorescence protein. RT-PCR performed on total RNA isolated from Ad-asCx43-infected COCs showed that the rat Cx43 cDNA was transcribed. Western blot analysis revealed a three-fold decrease in Cx43 expression in COCs expressing the antisense RNA for Cx43. Injection of cumulus cells with Lucifer yellow demonstrated further that the resulting lower amount of Cx43 in infected COCs is associated with a two-fold decrease in the extent of coupling between cumulus cells. In addition, oocyte maturation was decreased by 50% in the infected COC cultures. These results indicate that Cx43-mediated communication between cumulus cells plays a crucial role in maturation of bovine oocytes.