909 resultados para fuzzy inference systems


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Robotic vehicle navigation in unstructured and uncertain environments is still a challenge. This paper presents the implementation of a multivalued neurofuzzy controller for autonomous ground vehicle (AGVs) in indoor environments. The control system consists of a hierarchy of mobile robot using multivalued adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system behaviors.


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Human population growth and increased industrial activity in recent decades have contributed to a range of environmental problems, including the contamination of groundwater and surface water. In order to help in the management of these resources, water quality indices are used as tools to summarize multiple parameters and express them in the form of a single number. The ability to provide both an integrated assessment of changes in environmental variables, as well as performance tracking, has resulted in such indices being increasingly employed in surface water monitoring programs. The aim of this study was to develop an Index for Public Supply Water Quality (IPS) using a fuzzy inference methodology. Linguistic systems generally provide satisfactory tools for qualitative purposes, enabling the inclusion of descriptive variables with reduced loss of individual information. Validation of the technique was achieved by analysis of measurement data obtained for the Sorocaba River, provided by CETESB. The new procedure proved more rigorous, compared to classical IPS. It could be readily applied in the evaluation of other water bodies, or be adjusted to incorporate additional parameters also considered important for the assessment of water quality.


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Currently new techniques for data processing, such as neural networks, fuzzy logic and hybrid systems are used to develop predictive models of complex systems and to estimate the desired parameters. In this article the use of an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system was investigated to estimate the productivity of wheat, using a database of combination of the following treatments: five N doses (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha(-1)), three sources (Entec, ammonium sulfate and urea), two application times of N (at sowing or at side-dressing) and two wheat cultivars (IAC 370 and E21), that were evaluated during two years in Selviria, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Through the input and output data, the system of adaptive neuro fuzzy inference learns, and then can estimate a new value of wheat yield with different N doses. The productivity prediciton error of wheat in function of five N doses, using a neuro fuzzy system, was smaller than that one obtained with a quadratic approximation. The results show that the neuro fuzzy system is a viable prediction model for estimating the wheat yield in function of N doses.


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This work proposes the development of an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) estimator applied to speed control in a three-phase induction motor sensorless drive. Usually, ANFIS is used to replace the traditional PI controller in induction motor drives. The evaluation of the estimation capability of the ANFIS in a sensorless drive is one of the contributions of this work. The ANFIS speed estimator is validated in a magnetizing flux oriented control scheme, consisting in one more contribution. As an open-loop estimator, it is applied to moderate performance drives and it is not the proposal of this work to solve the low and zero speed estimation problems. Simulations to evaluate the performance of the estimator considering the vector drive system were done from the Matlab/Simulink(R) software. To determine the benefits of the proposed model, a practical system was implemented using a voltage source inverter (VSI) to drive the motor and the vector control including the ANFIS estimator, which is carried out by the Real Time Toolbox from Matlab/Simulink(R) software and a data acquisition card from National Instruments.


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In the paper learning algorithm for adjusting weight coefficients of the Cascade Neo-Fuzzy Neural Network (CNFNN) in sequential mode is introduced. Concerned architecture has the similar structure with the Cascade-Correlation Learning Architecture proposed by S.E. Fahlman and C. Lebiere, but differs from it in type of artificial neurons. CNFNN consists of neo-fuzzy neurons, which can be adjusted using high-speed linear learning procedures. Proposed CNFNN is characterized by high learning rate, low size of learning sample and its operations can be described by fuzzy linguistic “if-then” rules providing “transparency” of received results, as compared with conventional neural networks. Using of online learning algorithm allows to process input data sequentially in real time mode.


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Esta dissertação testa e compara dois tipos de modelagem para previsão de uma mesma série temporal. Foi observada uma série temporal de distribuição de energia elétrica e, como estudo de caso, optou-se pela região metropolitana do Estado da Bahia. Foram testadas as combinações de três variáveis exógenas em cada modelo: a quantidade de clientes ligados na rede de distribuição de energia elétrica, a temperatura ambiente e a precipitação de chuvas. O modelo linear de previsão de séries temporais utilizado foi um SARIMAX. A modelagem de inteligência computacional utilizada para a previsão da série temporal foi um sistema de Inferência Fuzzy. Na busca de um melhor desempenho, foram feitos testes de quais variáveis exógenas melhor influenciam no comportamento da energia distribuída em cada modelo. Segundo a avaliação dos testes, o sistema Fuzzy de previsão foi o que obteve o menor erro. Porém dentre os menores erros, os resultados dos testes também indicaram diferentes variáveis exógenas para cada modelo de previsão.


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Este trabalho está inserido no campo da Geomática e se concentra, mais especificamente, no estudo de métodos para exploração e seleção de rotas em espaços geográficos sem delimitação prévia de vias trafegáveis. As atividades que poderiam se beneficiar de estudos desse tipo estão inseridas em áreas da engenharia, logística e robótica. Buscou-se, com as pesquisas realizadas nesse trabalho, elaborar um modelo computacional capaz de consultar as informações de um terreno, explorar uma grande quantidade de rotas viáveis e selecionar aquelas rotas que oferecessem as melhores condições de trajetória entre dois pontos de um mapa. Foi construído um sistema a partir do modelo computacional proposto para validar sua eficiência e aplicabilidade em diferentes casos de estudo. Para que esse sistema fosse construído, foram combinados conceitos de sistemas baseados em agentes, lógica nebulosa e planejamento de rotas em robótica. As informações de um terreno foram organizadas, consumidas e apresentadas pelo sistema criado, utilizando mapas digitais. Todas as funcionalidades do sistema foram construídas por meio de software livre. Como resultado, esse trabalho de pesquisa disponibiliza um sistema eficiente para o estudo, o planejamento ou a simulação de rotas sobre mapas digitais, a partir de um módulo de inferência nebuloso aplicado à classificação de rotas e um módulo de exploração de rotas baseado em agentes autônomos. A perspectiva para futuras aplicações utilizando o modelo computacional apresentado nesse trabalho é bastante abrangente. Acredita-se que, a partir dos resultados alcançados, esse sistema possa ajudar a reduzir custos e automatizar equipamentos em diversas atividades humanas.


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K. Rasmani and Q. Shen. Data-driven fuzzy rule generation and its application for student academic performance evaluation. Applied Intelligence, 25(3):305-319, 2006.


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Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) models are real-time neural networks for category learning, pattern recognition, and prediction. Unsupervised fuzzy ART and supervised fuzzy ARTMAP networks synthesize fuzzy logic and ART by exploiting the formal similarity between tile computations of fuzzy subsethood and the dynamics of ART category choice, search, and learning. Fuzzy ART self-organizes stable recognition categories in response to arbitrary sequences of analog or binary input patterns. It generalizes the binary ART 1 model, replacing the set-theoretic intersection (∩) with the fuzzy intersection(∧), or component-wise minimum. A normalization procedure called complement coding leads to a symmetric theory in which the fuzzy intersection and the fuzzy union (∨), or component-wise maximum, play complementary roles. A geometric interpretation of fuzzy ART represents each category as a box that increases in size as weights decrease. This paper analyzes fuzzy ART models that employ various choice functions for category selection. One such function minimizes total weight change during learning. Benchmark simulations compare peformance of fuzzy ARTMAP systems that use different choice functions.


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This paper investigates a possible application of Preisach model to control shape memory alloy (SMA) actuators using an internal model control strategy. The developed strategy consists in including the Preisach hysteresis model of SMA actuator and the inverse Preisach model within the control structure. In this work, an extrema input hystory and a fuzzy inference is utilized to replace the classical Preisach model. This allows to reduce a large amount of experimental parameters and computation time of the classical Preisach model. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller in improving control performance and hysteresis compensation of SMA actuators, experimental results from real time control are presented.


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Collaborative networks are typically formed by heterogeneous and autonomous entities, and thus it is natural that each member has its own set of core-values. Since these values somehow drive the behaviour of the involved entities, the ability to quickly identify partners with compatible or common core-values represents an important element for the success of collaborative networks. However, tools to assess or measure the level of alignment of core-values are lacking. Since the concept of 'alignment' in this context is still ill-defined and shows a multifaceted nature, three perspectives are discussed. The first one uses a causal maps approach in order to capture, structure, and represent the influence relationships among core-values. This representation provides the basis to measure the alignment in terms of the structural similarity and influence among value systems. The second perspective considers the compatibility and incompatibility among core-values in order to define the alignment level. Under this perspective we propose a fuzzy inference system to estimate the alignment level, since this approach allows dealing with variables that are vaguely defined, and whose inter-relationships are difficult to define. Another advantage provided by this method is the possibility to incorporate expert human judgment in the definition of the alignment level. The last perspective uses a belief Bayesian network method, and was selected in order to assess the alignment level based on members' past behaviour. An example of application is presented where the details of each method are discussed.


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Fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) are intelligent systems, based on heuristic knowledge, that have been largely applied in numerous areas of everyday life. They can be used to describe a linear or nonlinear system and are suitable when a real system is not known or too difficult to find their model. FLC provide a formal methodology for representing, manipulating and implementing a human heuristic knowledge on how to control a system. These controllers can be seen as artificial decision makers that operate in a closed-loop system, in real time. The main aim of this work was to develop a single optimal fuzzy controller, easily adaptable to a wide range of systems – simple to complex, linear to nonlinear – and able to control all these systems. Due to their efficiency in searching and finding optimal solution for high complexity problems, GAs were used to perform the FLC tuning by finding the best parameters to obtain the best responses. The work was performed using the MATLAB/SIMULINK software. This is a very useful tool that provides an easy way to test and analyse the FLC, the PID and the GAs in the same environment. Therefore, it was proposed a Fuzzy PID controller (FL-PID) type namely, the Fuzzy PD+I. For that, the controller was compared with the classical PID controller tuned with, the heuristic Ziegler-Nichols tuning method, the optimal Zhuang-Atherton tuning method and the GA method itself. The IAE, ISE, ITAE and ITSE criteria, used as the GA fitness functions, were applied to compare the controllers performance used in this work. Overall, and for most systems, the FL-PID results tuned with GAs were very satisfactory. Moreover, in some cases the results were substantially better than for the other PID controllers. The best system responses were obtained with the IAE and ITAE criteria used to tune the FL-PID and PID controllers.


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The main activity carried out by the geophysicist when interpreting seismic data, in terms of both importance and time spent is tracking (or picking) seismic events. in practice, this activity turns out to be rather challenging, particularly when the targeted event is interrupted by discontinuities such as geological faults or exhibits lateral changes in seismic character. In recent years, several automated schemes, known as auto-trackers, have been developed to assist the interpreter in this tedious and time-consuming task. The automatic tracking tool available in modem interpretation software packages often employs artificial neural networks (ANN's) to identify seismic picks belonging to target events through a pattern recognition process. The ability of ANNs to track horizons across discontinuities largely depends on how reliably data patterns characterise these horizons. While seismic attributes are commonly used to characterise amplitude peaks forming a seismic horizon, some researchers in the field claim that inherent seismic information is lost in the attribute extraction process and advocate instead the use of raw data (amplitude samples). This paper investigates the performance of ANNs using either characterisation methods, and demonstrates how the complementarity of both seismic attributes and raw data can be exploited in conjunction with other geological information in a fuzzy inference system (FIS) to achieve an enhanced auto-tracking performance.