993 resultados para formulazioni sintetiche,analisi sismica
The interpretation of 64 seismic reflection profiles in the Algarve continental platform (36º 20'-37º 00' paralels and 7º 20'-8º 40' meridians) calibrated with five petroleum exploration wells, with the identification of the geometric relations between six Cenozoic seismic units (B to G) and tectonic structures, allowed the construction of sucessive time-isopach maps (twt/s) and detailed interpretation of the geologic evolution. Two major tectonic structures were identified: a) the Portimão-Monchique fracture zone (striking N-S); b) an off-shore NW-SE fault zone, probably the S. Marcos-Quarteira fault. This accident separates two tectonic domains: the western domain (with N-S and E-W predominant structures and, secondarily, NW-SE and NE-SW) and the eastern domain (dominated by WSW-ENE, NW-SE, NE-SW, NNE-SSW and NNW-SSE structures). A persistent halokinetic activity had two major moments: a) sin-C unit; b) sin- and post-E unit. An increasing flexuration of the margin was identified, with spacial and temporal variation of the subsidence. The tectonic regime is considered as generally compressive, but the interpretation of the successíve stress-fields is rendered dificult by the existence of tectonic sub-domains and evaporitic structures.
Resumen basado en el del autor en catalán
In questo elaborato finale verrà affrontato uno studio comparato dei vini dell'Emilia Romagna e della Catalogna. La tesi spazierà dall'ottenimento del vino fino ai tempi attuali. Prima perciò, si parlerà delle origini del vino fino all'attualità, della situazione mondiale del vino, così in produzione come in coltivazione, consumo, etc. Dopo si concentrarà nell'Europa, dove si analizzeranno i diversi paesi produttori, passando dopo alla produzione italiana e spagnola e infine alle regioni dell'Emilia Romagna (Italia) e della Catalogna (Spagna) dove ci sarà un analisi più dettagliata in tutti gli aspetti
Successful application of shallow seismic reflection method is related directly to the ability of the ground to transmit high-frequency seismic energy from a seismic source. The dominant frequencies of reflection data are in the range of 50 to 100 Hz and depend on the surface materials and water table. A spread of geophones send the siemsic signal to be recorded on a 12, 24 or 48 channel portable seismograph, using a single high-frequency geophone per channel. Although it is possible to find seismographs with display and processing unities, it is also possible to transfer digitalized data to a personal computer to be processed and interpreted by using specific programs. Some results of two recent field studies to specify the underground structure in the tidal flats area of Baie St. Paul (Quebec-Canada) and in glacial terrains, in the Waterloo (Ontario-Canada) region. -from English summary