963 resultados para food habits


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A high intake of fruit and vegetables (FV) is associated with reduced risk of chronic disease, although the evidence base is mostly observational. Blood biomarkers offer an objective indicator of FV intake, potentially improving estimates of intakes based on traditional methods. A valid biomarker of overall FV intake would be able to confirm population intakes, more precisely evaluate the association between intakes and health outcomes and confirm compliance in FV interventions. Several substances have been proposed as biomarkers of FV intake: vitamin C, the carotenoids and polyphenols. Certain biomarkers are strong predictors of single FV; however, the proposed single biomarkers of FV consumption are only modestly predictive of overall FV consumption. This is likely to be due to the complexity of the FV food group. While accurately measuring FV intake is important in nutrition research, another critical question is: how best can an increase in FV intake be achieved? Increased FV intake has been achieved in efficacy studies using intensive dietary advice. Alternative, less intensive methods for encouraging FV consumption need to be developed and tested for population level intervention. Systematic reviews suggest peer support to be an effective strategy to promote dietary change. This review will describe the evidence for a link between increased FV intake and good health, outline possible novel biomarkers of FV consumption, present the most recently available data on population intake of FV and examine the usefulness of different approaches to encourage increased consumption of FV.


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Nutritional biomarkers-biochemical, functional, or clinical indices of nutrient intake, status, or functional effects--are needed to support evidence-based clinical guidance and effective health programs and policies related to food, nutrition, and health. Such indices can reveal information about biological or physiological responses to dietary behavior or pathogenic processes, and can be used to monitor responses to therapeutic interventions and to provide information on interindividual differences in response to diet and nutrition. Many nutritional biomarkers are available; yet there has been no formal mechanism to establish consensus regarding the optimal biomarkers for particular nutrients and applications.


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Ageing of the population, together with prolonged retention of teeth, has brought new challenges to dentistry. Whereas in the past oral care for the elderly was restricted to provision of dentures, older patients are now presenting with dental caries and failed restorations. These problems may have an impact on their general health and quality of life. Poor oral hygiene, xerostomia and diet are among the risk factors for caries in older patients and need to be addressed in order to achieve control of the disease. Carious lesions can be treated conservatively in many cases or may need surgical management.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Caries is an oral health issue among older patients and can result in tooth loss. Oral health has a great impact on general health and quality of life of elderly people.


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BACKGROUND: Physical inactivity has been associated with obesity and related chronic diseases. Understanding built environment (BE) influences on specific domains of physical activity (PA) around homes and workplaces is important for public health interventions to increase population PA.

PURPOSE: To examine the association of home and workplace BE features with PA occurring across specific life domains (work, leisure, and travel).

METHODS: Between 2012 and 2013, telephone interviews were conducted with participants in four Missouri metropolitan areas. Questions included sociodemographic characteristics, home and workplace supports for PA, and dietary behaviors. Data analysis was conducted in 2013; logistic regression was used to examine associations between BE features and domain-specific PA.

RESULTS: In home neighborhoods, seven of 12 BE features (availability of fruits and vegetables, presence of shops and stores, bike facilities, recreation facilities, crime rate, seeing others active, and interesting things) were associated with leisure PA. The global average score of home neighborhood BE features was associated with greater odds of travel PA (AOR=1.99, 95% CI=1.46, 2.72); leisure PA (AOR=1.84, 95% CI=1.44, 2.34); and total PA (AOR=1.41, 95% CI=1.04, 1.92). Associations between workplace neighborhoods' BE features and workplace PA were small but in the expected direction.

CONCLUSIONS: This study offers empirical evidence on BE supports for domain-specific PA. Findings suggest that diverse, attractive, and walkable neighborhoods around workplaces support walking, bicycling, and use of public transit. Public health practitioners, researchers, and worksite leaders could benefit by utilizing worksite domains and measures from this study for future BE assessments.


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The Mediterranean Diet concept was formulated during the sixties, in association with the food consumption pattern of Mediterranean areas that produced olive oil and shared common health styles. These areas, besides their own cultural and religious differences, share common food habits, such as: - The use of olive oil (supplier of monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants); - The abundant use of cereals, mainly under the form of excellent quality bread, flour and pasta (providing fibre and energy); - Large and variegate consumption of fruit (fresh and dried), nuts and vegetables (colourful, rich in fibre, antioxidants and other protective materials); - Abundant use of herbs and spices (rich in antioxidants and other protective materials); - Simple culinary methods, using short cooking times and low temperatures (which enhance the preservation of food nutritional and sensorial characteristics). The Mediterranean Diet reflects a set of characteristics that make it internationally recognized as a health promoter eating pattern, where the relation between monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids is highly advantageous for the former, fibre, vitamins and natural antioxidants intake is high, together with a low consumption of animal protein and salt. The obtained results show contents in protein, lipid and carbohydrates very adequate to the “DRI”; The relation between mono and saturated fatty acids (40:9) should be emphasised, together with the high fibre content. Protective nutrients show remarkable results, with a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, in particular Vitamin A, complex B vitamins, biotin, vit. E, folic acid, iron, manganese and selenium, that are widely recognised as important antioxidants and responsible for the good function of the immune system. In conclusion, tomato soup, consumed traditionally as a poor meal, shows to be a health promoter nutritionally complete recipe.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão e Conservação da Natureza.


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Resumo: Na promoção de comportamentos alimentares saudáveis ao longo da vida. que deve iniciar-se o mais precocemente possível, a educação alimentar é um elemento chave. O jardim-de-infância é um espaço efectivo na implementação de projectos de educação alimentar, onde os educadores de infância são actores imprescindíveis. Este estudo teve como objectivo desenvolver uma metodologia apropriada para identificar as capacidades de estudantes de educação de infância e avaliar as suas aptidões no contexto da educação alimentar infantil. A população alvo do estudo foram estudantes do 4ºano da licenciatura em educação de infância de instituições públicas e privadas da área metropolitana de Lisboa (n=287). Construiu-se um videograma, integrador dos domínios da aprendizagem (cognitivo e afectivo) e dos factores associados aos comportamentos em saúde (predisponentes, capacitadores e de esforço). A construção dos questionários estruturou-se em: conhecimentos-atitudes-comportamentos.Pretendia-se que os estudantes transmitissem a sua opinião, de acordo com os questionários.Os estudantes manifestaram conhecimentos, no âmbito da alimentação infantil e da utilidade e aplicabilidade da educação alimentar.Nenhum estudante apresentou conhecimentos negativos, numa escala de zero a 18 valores, 86,9% obtiveram uma classificação entre 11 e 17 valores e 13,1% a classificação máxima.A atitude dos estudantes revelou-se consensual com o desejável, 98,5% apresentaram atitudes positivas face aos aspectos estruturadores das actividades de educação alimentar.No domínio do "saber fazer" 51,0% dos estudantes demonstraram fragilidades no seu desempenho/comportamento. Em conclusão, a utilização do questionário demonstrou ser apropriado para a medição dos conhecimentos, das atitudes e como forma de os estudantes, após visionarem o videograma, espelharem o seu desempenho/comportamento face à representação do educador de infância. A taxa de resposta nunca foi inferior a 98,9% (n=284). No domínio dos conhecimentos, os estudantes manifestaram concepções positivas no campo da alimentação infantil e da educação alimentar. As atitudes enfatizaram-se no domínio afectivo, nos aspectos relacionais e comunicacionais. No domínio dos comportamentos, 91,8% dos estudantes apresentaram dificuldades na identificação dos aspectos menos correctos do desempenho dos actores do video, o que pode sugerir lacunas no âmbito do "saber fazer". Abstract:Nutrition education is key element to promote lifelong healthy eating behaviours and it must begin since early stages of life. Nursery schools are an effective space in the implementation of nutrition education projects, where the nursery teachers are indispensable actors. The aim of this study was to develop an appropriate methodology to identify nursery education student´s skills and evaluate their attitudes in the childhood nutrition education's context. The study's population were students of the 4th degree in private and public nursery education universities in Lisbon metropolitan area (n=287). A video integrator of learning domains (cognitive and affective) and of factors associated with health behaviours (predisposing, enabling and reinforcing) was developed. Questionnaire´s construction was structured in: knowledge-attitudes-behaviours.According to the questionnaires students were asked to transmit their opinion. Students revealed knowledge, in the scope of the childhood nutrition and in utility and applicability of nutrition education. No students presented negative results in knowledge ina zero - 18 scale; 86,9% students obtained a classification between 11 and 17 and the maximum classification was obtained by 13.1% students. Student's attitude was according to win the desirable, 98,5% student´s revealed positive attitudes in the nutrition education's structure aspects of chilhood activities.In the domain of the "know to do" 51,0% of students showed fragilities in their performance/behaviour. In conclusion, the questionnaire´s utilization confirm to be appropriated in measurement knowledge and attitudes and also, after watching the video, as a way for students reflect their performance/behaviour face to the nursery teacher´s representation. Answer´s rate was never lower than 98.9% (n=284). In the knowledge's domain students demonstrated positive conceptions in the childhood nutrition and nutrition education's fields. Attitudes were emphasized in the effective domain in the communication and relational aspects. In behaviour's domain 91.8% students presented difficulties in identifying the less correct aspects of the video actor's performance what may suggest gaps in the "know to do" scope.


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OBJECTIVE: The adjusted effect of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LCPUFA) intake during pregnancy on adiposity at birth of healthy full-term appropriate-for-gestational age neonates was evaluated. STUDY DESIGN: In a cross-sectional convenience sample of 100 mother and infant dyads, LCPUFA intake during pregnancy was assessed by food frequency questionnaire with nutrient intake calculated using Food Processor Plus. Linear regression models for neonatal body composition measurements, assessed by air displacement plethysmography and anthropometry, were adjusted for maternal LCPUFA intakes, energy and macronutrient intakes, prepregnancy body mass index and gestational weight gain. RESULT: Positive associations between maternal docosahexaenoic acid intake and ponderal index in male offspring (β=0.165; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.031-0.299; P=0.017), and between n-6:n-3 LCPUFA ratio intake and fat mass (β=0.021; 95% CI: 0.002-0.041; P=0.034) and percentage of fat mass (β=0.636; 95% CI: 0.125-1.147; P=0.016) in female offspring were found. CONCLUSION: Using a reliable validated method to assess body composition, adjusted positive associations between maternal docosahexaenoic acid intake and birth size in male offspring and between n-6:n-3 LCPUFA ratio intake and adiposity in female offspring were found, suggesting that maternal LCPUFA intake strongly influences fetal body composition.


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RESUMO - Objectivo: descrever o estado nutricional e o padrão alimentar de grupos da população de Lisboa. Delineamento, locais e participantes: estudo transversal do estado nutricional e do padrão alimentar de homens com 38 anos e mulheres e homens com 50-65 anos que vivem na freguesia do Lumiar, do concelho de Lisboa; estudo transversal dos hábitos alimentares e do estado nutricional de adolescentes com 12 a 19 anos estudantes de escolas secundárias de Lisboa; estudo transversal da excreção de sódio em urina de 24 horas de rapazes de 7 a 8 anos de escolas primárias do Lumiar. Métodos: o estado nutricional foi avaliado com metodologias padronizadas tal como propostas pela OMS. A ingestão alimentar foi medida pelo método das 24 horas anteriores no primeiro estudo e pelo método da história alimentar no segundo estudo. Resultados: nas crianças, a excreção urinária de sódio foi uma das mais altas da Europa. Nos adolescentes, a prevalência de excesso de peso/obesidade foi de 19% nos rapazes e 16% nas raparigas. 16% dos adolescentes não tomam pequeno-almoço, mas mais de 30% comem bolos a meio da manhã. A proporção de adolescentes com uma ingestão diária de certos alimentos é de 44% para guloseimas, 43% para bolos, 29% para refrigerantes e 16% para chocolates e gelados. Por outro lado, a frequência de ingestão diária de fruta e produtos hortícolas é baixa, principalmente nos adolescentes de menor nível sócio-económico. Nos adultos, 57% dos homens com 38 anos e 80% e 74% dos homens e mulheres com 50-65 anos, respectivamente, têm excesso de peso ou obesidade. A hipertensão arterial foi detectada em mais de 20% dos homens jovens e a sua prevalência aumenta com a idade. Foi observado um colesterol sérico superior a 200 mg/dL em perto de metade dos adultos e maior do que 240 mg/dL em 28% dos homens com 38 anos, em 24% dos homens com 50-65 anos e 44% das mulheres do mesmo grupo etário. 20% dos adultos jovens têm colesterol HDL inferior a 35 mg/dL, mais do que um terço são fumadores e a ingestão de álcool representa 13% da sua ingestão calórica total. Conclusões: foram observados estilos de vida não saudáveis, nomeadamente padrões alimentares não equilibrados, uma elevada prevalência de obesidade, hipertensão e dislipidemias, e, por isso, uma percentagem relativamente elevada da população de Lisboa tem um risco elevado de doenças cárdio-vasculares e outras doenças crónicas, bem como de morte prematura.


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BACKGROUND: Several studies observed associations of various aspects of diet with mental health, but little is known about the relationship between following the 5-a-day recommendation for fruit and vegetables consumption and mental health. Thus, we examined the associations of the Swiss daily recommended fruit and vegetable intake with psychological distress. METHODS: Data from 20,220 individuals aged 15+ years from the 2012 Swiss Health Survey were analyzed. The recommended portions of fruit and vegetables per day were defined as 5-a-day (at least 2 portions of fruit and 3 of vegetables). The outcome was perceived psychological distress over the previous 4 weeks (measured by the 5-item mental health index [MHI-5]). High distress (MHI-5 score ≤ 52), moderate distress (MHI-5 > 52 and ≤ 72) and low distress (MHI-5 > 72 and ≤ 100) were differentiated and multinomial logistic regression analyses adjusted for known confounding factors were performed. RESULTS: The 5-a-day recommendation was met by 11.6 % of the participants with low distress, 9.3 % of those with moderate distress, and 6.2 % of those with high distress. Consumers fulfilling the 5-a-day recommendation had lower odds of being highly or moderately distressed than individuals consuming less fruit and vegetables (moderate vs. low distress: OR = 0.82, 95 % confidence interval [CI] 0.69-0.97; high vs. low distress: OR = 0.55, 95 % CI 0.41-0.75). CONCLUSIONS: Daily intake of 5 servings of fruit and vegetable was associated with lower psychological distress. Longitudinal studies are needed to further determine the causal nature of this relationship.


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Introduction: Les aidants des personnes âgées (PA) atteintes de la démence de type Alzheimer (DTA) sont confrontés à de nombreux défis lors du soin de leurs proches, y compris ceux liés à l’alimentation. Cependant, ces défis restent méconnus et les stratégies créées pour les gérer sont encore peu efficaces. Objectifs: Identifier les difficultés rencontrées par les aidants pendant la gestion de l’alimentation des PA atteintes de la DTA ayant participé à une intervention nutritionnelle (l’étude NIS) et dégager leurs opinions concernant cette intervention. Sujets: Trente-trois aidants des PA avec DTA du groupe intervention de l’étude NIS ont été ciblés. Méthodes: L’approche qualitative a été employée lors des entrevues individuelles auprès de ces aidants. Les entrevues ont été transcrites et le verbatim fut soumis à une analyse thématique. Résultats: Vingt-quatre aidants ont été interviewés. Quelque 58,4 % avaient 70 ans et plus et 58,3 % étaient des conjoint (es) des patients affectés. Quatre catégories de thèmes furent dégagées menant à l’identification des défis alimentaires suivants: les changements des habitudes alimentaires (altération des préférences); les perturbations du comportement alimentaire (ex. l’oubli de repas); la dépendance à la préparation des repas. L’utilité des conseils, la gentillesse et la compétence du personnel NIS, la documentation écrite offerte et la durée du suivi ont été appréciées par les aidants. Conclusion: Une meilleure compréhension de l'expérience de soin vécu par l’aidant est essentielle au développement des interventions nutritionnelles adaptées aux besoins des aidants et des PA atteintes de la DTA.


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L’objectif de cette recherche qualitative était de porter un regard sur la problématique du poids chez l’homme à partir des déterminants de la santé masculine définis par Courtenay (2003). En donnant la parole à 17 hommes québécois en surpoids lors d’entrevues individuelles, différentes variables associées à leur préoccupation à l’égard du poids, sont examinées. Selon ces hommes, il existe un comportement alimentaire typiquement masculin autant dans le choix des aliments que dans la façon de manger. La présence féminine joue pour eux un rôle prépondérant dans ce domaine. La vision masculine de la santé suit souvent la fonctionnalité de leur corps tandis que leur description du surpoids semble davantage partir du « vécu » et être moins stricte que la définition purement médicale. Néanmoins, beaucoup d’hommes sentent la pression de l’image du corps idéal masculin et sont souvent insatisfaits de leur corps selon la masculinité valorisée et selon la stigmatisation subie. La préoccupation des hommes à l’égard de leur santé est très présente parmi les hommes de 30-45 ans et perdre du poids dans ce contexte devient alors légitime mais les raisons évoquées varient : la santé, l’apparence, le bien-être. L’expression des douleurs émotionnelles autour du poids est difficile pour les hommes et trop souvent la masculinité traditionnelle constitue une barrière de taille à la consultation pour ces problèmes. Pour le futur, il sera donc important pour les professionnels de la santé d’intégrer les différentes caractéristiques de cette masculinité traditionnelle dans leur approche et leur communication avec les hommes en surpoids.


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Introduction: Une éducation nutritionnelle offerte à des personnes âgées contribuerait à améliorer leurs connaissances et leurs habitudes alimentaires. La présente étude s’insère dans le cadre du projet ‘Nutrition-Action’ (NA) ayant pour but de promouvoir les bases d’une alimentation saine et la pratique d’activité physique chez des sujets âgés vivant à domicile et à mobilité réduite. Objectifs : 1) Développer et présenter deux ateliers éducatifs portant sur des notions nutritionnelles précises; 2) Élaborer des outils de collecte de données; 3) Enseigner les notions nutritionnelles sous forme d’un échange continu entre la candidate à la maîtrise et les participants; 4) Évaluer l’impact des ateliers à thématique nutritionnelle sur les habitudes alimentaires des sujets. Sujets : Trente-neuf personnes âgées (PA) participants au projet NA ont été ciblées. Méthodologie : Les participants ont assisté à sept sessions éducatives sur la nutrition. Lors de ces dernières, des solutions nutritionnelles ont été proposées pour pallier à certains problèmes de santé. Une collation et une recette, appuyant le thème de la rencontre, ont été offertes aux participants après la session éducative. Un questionnaire recueillant les caractéristiques sociodémographiques, de santé et alimentaires a été administré aux participants avant le début de l’intervention. Ce même questionnaire, rehaussé en cours de route par des questions additionnelles, a été administré une deuxième fois à la fin de l’intervention. Résultats : La moyenne d’âge des participants était de 80,0 ± 7,7 ans avec une majorité de femmes (84,6%). Un changement significatif des habitudes alimentaires des participants au niveau de l’ajout de sel à table et de la monotonie de la diète a été observé. Conclusion : Les résultats de la présente étude permettent d’établir les facteurs aidant au développement d’interventions éducatives nutritionnelles ciblant des PA. Une meilleure compréhension de ces facteurs contribuerait au changement des comportements alimentaires des aînés.