1000 resultados para fluoride sodium


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the formation and dissolution of calcium fluoride on the enamel surface after application of two fluoride gel-saliva mixtures. METHOD AND MATERIALS: From each of 80 bovine incisors, two enamel specimens were prepared and subjected to two different treatment procedures. In group 1, 80 specimens were treated with a mixture of an amine fluoride gel (1.25% F-; pH 5.2; 5 minutes) and human saliva. In group 2, 80 enamel blocks were subjected to a mixture of sodium fluoride gel (1.25% F; pH 5.5; 5 minutes) and human saliva. Subsequent to fluoride treatment, 40 specimens from each group were stored in human saliva and sterile water, respectively. Ten specimens were removed after each of 1 hour, 24 hours, 2 days, and 5 days and analyzed according to potassium hydroxide-soluble fluoride. RESULTS: Application of amine fluoride gel resulted in a higher amount of potassium hydroxide-soluble fluoride than did sodium fluoride gel 1 hour after application. Saliva exerted an inhibitory effect according to the dissolution rate of calcium fluoride. However, after 5 days, more than 90% of the precipitated calcium fluoride was dissolved in the amine fluoride group, and almost all potassium hydroxide-soluble fluoride was lost in the sodium fluoride group. Calcium fluoride apparently dissolves rapidly, even at almost neutral pH. CONCLUSION: Considering the limitations of an in vitro study, it is concluded that highly concentrated fluoride gels should be applied at an adequate frequency to reestablish a calcium fluoride-like layer.


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Dental erosion develops through chronic exposure to extrinsic/intrinsic acids with a low pH. Enamel erosion is characterized by a centripetal dissolution leaving a small demineralized zone behind. In contrast, erosive demineralization in dentin is more complex as the acid-induced mineral dissolution leads to the exposure of collagenous organic matrix, which hampers ion diffusion and, thus, reduces further progression of the lesion. Topical fluoridation inducing the formation of a protective layer on dental hard tissue, which is composed of CaF(2) (in case of conventional fluorides like amine fluoride or sodium fluoride) or of metal-rich surface precipitates (in case of titanium tetrafluoride or tin-containing fluoride products), appears to be most effective on enamel. In dentin, the preventive effect of fluorides is highly dependent on the presence of the organic matrix. In situ studies have shown a higher protective potential of fluoride in enamel compared to dentin, probably as the organic matrix is affected by enzymatical and chemical degradation as well as by abrasive influences in the clinical situation. There is convincing evidence that fluoride, in general, can strengthen teeth against erosive acid damage, and high-concentration fluoride agents and/or frequent applications are considered potentially effective approaches in preventing dental erosion. The use of tin-containing fluoride products might provide the best approach for effective prevention of dental erosion. Further properly designed in situ or clinical studies are recommended in order to better understand the relative differences in performance of the various fluoride agents and formulations.


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AIMS The aim of this single-site, randomized, controlled, double-blind, 3-arm parallel study was to determine the effectiveness of a prophylaxis paste containing 15% calcium sodium phosphosilicate (CSPS; NovaMin(®) ) with and without fluoride in reducing dentine hypersensitivity immediately after a single application and 28 days following dental scaling and root planing. MATERIALS & METHODS Overall, 151 subjects were enrolled in this study. All subjects received a scaling and root planing procedure followed by a final prophylaxis step using one of three different prophylaxis pastes: Test-A (15% NovaMin(®) and NaF), Test-B (15% NovaMin(®) ) and a control. Dentine hypersensitivity was assessed by tactile stimulus (Yeaple Probe(®) ) and by air blast (Schiff scale) at baseline, immediately after and 28 days after a prophylaxis procedure. One hundred and forty-nine subjects completed the study. RESULTS Subjects having received the test prophylaxis pastes showed statistically lower (anova, p < 0.05) dentine hypersensitivity compared with the control group immediately after the prophylaxis procedure (Yeaple Probe(®) : Test-A = 20.9 ± 12.6, Test-B = 22.7 ± 12.9, Control=11.2 ± 3.1; Schiff score: Test-A = 1.1 ± 0.6, Test-B = 1.1 ± 0.6, Control = 2.0 ± 0.7) and after 28 days (Yeaple probe: Test-A = 21.5 ± 11.9, Test-B = 20.6 ± 11.3, Control = 11.8 ± 6.0; Schiff score: Test-A = 1.0 ± 0.6, Test-B = 1.0 ± 0.6, Control = 2.0 ± 0.7). CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, the single application of both fluoridated and non-fluoridated prophylaxis pastes containing 15% CSPS (NovaMin(®) ) provided a significant reduction of dentine hypersensitivity up to at least 28 days.


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The aims were to investigate the effect of monoalkyl phosphates (MAPs) and fluoride on dissolution rate of native and saliva-coated hydroxyapatite (HA). Fluoride at 300 mg/l (as NaF) inhibited dissolution of native HA by 12%, while potassium and sodium dodecyl phosphates (PDP, SDP), at 0.1% or higher, inhibited dissolution by 26-34%. MAPs, but not fluoride, also showed persistence of action. MAPs at 0.5% and fluoride at 300 mg/l were then tested separately against HA pre-treated with human saliva for 2 or 18 h. Agents were applied with brushing to half the specimens, and without brushing to the other half. In control (water-treated) specimens, pre-treatment of HA with human saliva reduced dissolution rate on average by 41% (2 h) and 63% (18 h). Brushing did not have a statistically significant effect on dissolution rate of saliva-coated specimens. In brushed specimens, fluoride significantly increased the inhibition due to 2- or 18-hour saliva pre-treatment. It is hypothesised that brushing partially removes the salivary film and allows KOH-soluble calcium fluoride formation at the surfaces of HA particles. Inhibition was reduced by PDP in 2-hour/non-brushed specimens and in 18-hour/brushed specimens. PDP did not affect dissolution rates in the remaining groups and SDP did not affect dissolution rate in any group. Possible reasons for these variable results are discussed. The experiments show that pre-treatment with saliva can significantly modify results of tests on potential anti-erosive agents and it is recommended that saliva pre-treatment should be a routine part of testing such agents.


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OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to assess the preventive effect of a fluoride-, stannous- and chitosan-containing (F/Sn/chitosan-) toothpaste (TP) on initial enamel erosion and abrasion. METHODS In total, 150 human premolar enamel specimens were ground, polished and divided into 5 toothpaste/rinse groups (n=30): (G1) placebo-TP/tap water, (G2) sodium fluoride (NaF-) TP/tap water, (G3) F/Sn/chitosan-TP/tap water, (G4) F/Sn/chitosan-TP/Sn-rinse, (G5) NaF-TP/NaF-rinse. The 8-day erosion-abrasion cyclic treatment (one cycle/day) consisted of incubating the samples in artificial saliva (30min), then submitting the samples to toothbrush abrasion (2min incubation in toothpaste slurry; brushing with 20 toothbrush strokes) and rinsing (2min; 10ml) with the respective solution: tap water (G1-G3), Sn-rinse (G4) or NaF-rinse (G5). Afterwards, the samples were submitted to erosion (2min; 30ml 1% citric acid, pH=3.6). Surface microhardness (SMH) was measured initially and after every abrasion and erosion treatment. Enamel substance loss was calculated after each abrasion. Non-parametric ANOVA followed by Wilcoxon rank tests were used for analysis. RESULTS G1 presented the greatest SMH decrease, while G4 presented the least SMH decrease (p<0.001). G3 had a similar SMH decrease to G2 and G5. Substance loss was significantly lower in G4 than all other groups (p<0.05), closely followed by G3. Both G2 and G5 showed similar calculated enamel substance loss to G1. CONCLUSION The treatment with F/Sn/chitosan-TP and tap water provided a similar SMH decrease to both NaF-TP groups, but significantly lower substance loss. F/Sn/Chitosan-TP and Sn-rinse showed a better preventive effect, which promoted less SMH decrease and reduced substance loss. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The toothpaste containing fluoride, stannous and chitosan shows promising results in reducing substance loss from erosion and abrasion. The combination of this toothpaste with the stannous-containing rinse showed even better prevention against erosion-abrasion.


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The dataset provides detailed information on the study that was conducted in Lahore's 7 major towns. The sample was taken from 472 tubewells and analyzed for major cations and anions using APHA 2012 techniques as explained herein. Besides, E.coli determination was done to check for microbial contamination. The data includes results from PHREEQC modeling of As(III)/ As(V) species and saturation indices as well as Aquachem's computed hydrochemical water facies. The WHO (2011) and EPA standards included in Aquachem identified the parameters that where in violation. Bicarbonates dominated the groundwater types with 50.21% of the samples exceeding the EPA maximum permissible limit of 250 mg/L in drinking water. Similarly, 30.51% of the samples had TDS values greater than 500 mg/L while 85.38 % of the samples exceed 10 µg/L threshold limit value of arsenic. Also, instances of high magnesium hazard values were observed which requires constant assessment if the groundwater is used for irrigation. Higher than 50% MH values are detrimental to crops which may reduce the expected yields. The membrane filtration technique using m-Endo Agar indicated that 3.59% samples had TNC (too numerous to count) values for E.coli while 5.06% showed values higher than 0 cfu/ 100 ml acceptable value in drinking water. Any traces of E-coli in a groundwater sample indicate recent fecal contamination. Such outcomes signify presence of enteric pathogens. If the groundwater is not properly dosed with disinfectants it may cause harm to human health. It is concluded that more studies are needed and proper groundwater management implement to safeguard the lives of communities that depend solely on groundwater in the city.


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Aim: To evaluate the effect of different in-office bleaching agents on the permeability, roughness and surface microhardness of human enamel. Methods: For evaluation of roughness and microhardness, 40 hemi-faces of 20 premolars were subjected to initial roughness (Ra parameter) and microhardness (VHN) measurements. Thirty-two premolar’s crowns were used for permeability test. Then, all specimens were randomly divided into four groups: C - without bleaching (control), HP35 - bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP), HPF38 - 38% HP+fluoride, HPC35 - 35% HP+calcium. Final roughness (FR) and microhardness (FM) measurements were evaluated. For permeability, the 32 crowns were immersed in 1% sodium hypochlorite (20 min) and silver nitrate solutions (2 h) and subjected to developing solution under fluorescent light (16 h). Three sections from the crowns were analyzed in light microscope (100x) to evaluate the scores of permeability: Score 0 - no tracer agent penetration; Score 1 - less than half the thickness of enamel penetration; Score 2 - tracer agent reaching half the enamel thickness; Score 3 - entire enamel depth penetration, without reaching dentin and Score 4 - tracer agent reaching dentin. For roughness and microhardness evaluation were used one-way ANOVA and Dunnet post-test for independent samples, and t test for paired samples. For permeability, the data were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis and Dunn tests. Results: A significantly higher permeability and surface roughness were observed in groups HP35, HPF38 and HPC35 compared to the C group, as well as decreased microhardness (p<0.05). Conclusions: All bleaching agents increased permeability and surface roughness, and decreased microhardness of human enamel; thus, the addition of fluoride or calcium was not beneficial.


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The title compound catena-poly[aqua-mu3-2-nitrocinnamato], [Na(C9H6NO4)(H2O)2]n, the sodium salt of trans-2-nitrocinnamic acid, is a one-dimensional coordination polymer based on six-coordinate octahedral NaO6 centres comprising three facially-related monodentate carboxylate O-atom donors from separate ligands (all bridging)[Na-O, 2.4370(13)-2.5046(13)A] and three water molecules (two bridging, one monodentate) [Na-O, 2.3782(13)-2.4404(17)A]. The structure is also stabilized by intra-chain water-O-H...O(carboxylate) and O-H...O(nitro) hydrogen bonds.


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The binding interaction of the pesticide Isoprocarb and its degradation product, sodium 2-isopropylphenate, with bovine serum albumin (BSA) was studied by spectrofluorimetry under simulated physiological conditions. Both Isoprocarb and sodium 2-isopropylphenate quenched the intrinsic fluorescence of BSA. This quenching proceeded via a static mechanism. The thermodynamic parameters (ΔH°, ΔS° and ΔG°) obtained from the fluorescence data measured at two different temperatures showed that the binding of Isoprocarb to BSA involved hydrogen bonds and that of sodium 2-isopropylphenate to BSA involved hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy of the interaction of BSA with either Isoprocarb or sodium 2-isopropylphenate showed that the molecular structure of the BSA was changed significantly, which is consistent with the known toxicity of the pesticide, i.e., the protein is denatured. The sodium 2-isopropylphenate, was estimated to be about 4–5 times more toxic than its parent, Isoprocarb. Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and the resolution of the three-way excitation–emission fluorescence spectra by the PARAFAC method extracted the relative concentration profiles of BSA, Isoprocab and sodium 2-isopropylphenate as a function of the added sodium 2-isopropylphenate. These profiles showed that the degradation product, sodium 2-isopropylphenate, displaced the pesticide in a competitive reaction with the BSA protein.


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A new solid composite polymer electrolyte was reported by incorporating Azino-bis-(3-ethyl benzo thiazoline-6-sulphonate) ion [ABTS] as dopant in poly(vinylidene flouride) along with redox couple (1-/13-). Under certain conditions, the electrolyte composition forms brush like nano-rods while it is doped with Azino-bis-(3-ethly) benzo thiazoline-6-sulphonate) ion [ABTS], a pi-electron donor. The polymer electrolyte forms nanoscale interpenetrating network with the crystalline order of the polymer electrolyte that seems to be a desirable architecture for the active layer of the photoelectrochemical cell. With this new polymer electrolyte, dye-sensitized solar cell was fabricated using N3 dye absorbed over Ti02- nonoparticles (photoanode) and conducting carbon cement coated on the conducting press (FTO, photocathode). This polymer composite has been successfully used as a promising candidate as solid polymer electrolyte in nanocrystalline dye-sensitized solar cell.


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Dynamic and controlled rate thermal analysis (CRTA) has been used to characterise alunites of formula [M(Al)3(SO4)2(OH)6 ] where M+ is the cations K+, Na+ or NH4+. Thermal decomposition occurs in a series of steps. (a) dehydration, (b) well defined dehydroxylation and (c) desulphation. CRTA offers a better resolution and a more detailed interpretation of water formation processes via approaching equilibrium conditions of decomposition through the elimination of the slow transfer of heat to the sample as a controlling parameter on the process of decomposition. Constant-rate decomposition processes of water formation reveal the subtle nature of dehydration and dehydroxylation.


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Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and copolymers of vinylidene fluoride with hexafluoropropylene, trifluoroethylene and chlorotrifluoroethylene have been exposed to gamma irradiation in vacuum, up to doses of 1MGy under identical conditions, to obtain a ranking of radiation sensitivities. Changes in the tensile properties, crystalline melting points,heats of fusion, gel contents and solvent uptake factors were used as the defining parameters. The initial degree of crystallinity and film processing had the greatest influence on relative radiation damage, although the cross-linked network features were almost identical in their solvent swelling characteristics, regardless of the comonomer composition or content.