998 resultados para epidemiological aspects


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Almost all individuals (182) belonging to an Amazonian riverine population (Portuchuelo, RO, Brazil) were investigated for ascertaining data on epidemiological aspects of malaria. Thirteen genetic blood polymorphisms were investigated (ABO, MNSs, Rh, Kell, and Duffy systems, haptoglobins, hemoglobins, and the enzymes glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glyoxalase, phosphoglucomutase, carbonic anhydrase, red cell acid phosphatase, and esterase D). The results indicated that the Duffy system is associated with susceptibility to malaria, as observed in other endemic areas. Moreover, suggestions also arose indicating that the EsD and Rh loci may be significantly associated with resistance to malaria. If statistical type II errors and sample stratification could be ruled out, hypotheses on the existence of a causal mechanism or an unknown closely linked locus involved in susceptibility to malaria infection may explain the present findings.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of temperature on the development of Schistosoma mansoni infections in Biomphalaria glabrata. The snails were infected at 15, 20, and 30ºC, and the cercarial release was analyzed after 30 and 60 days post-infection. Our results showed that a decrease in the temperature has a substantial influence on the development of S. mansoni infection in B. glabrata, with significant differences (p < 0.05) between 15 and 30ºC. These data could provide a better understanding of the epidemiological aspects of schistosomiasis.


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This study investigated some epidemiological aspects of the Mansonella ozzardi in municipality of Coari, Amazonas. Clinical symptoms were correlated with the filarial infection and the parasitic infection rates (PIR) were estimated in simuliid vectors. The general M. ozzardi human prevalence rate was 13.3% (231/1733), of which 10.2% (109/1069) were from the urban area and 18.4% (122/664) from the rural area. The prevalence rates were higher in men (14.5% urban and 19.7% rural) than in women (6.7% urban and 17.2% rural) and occurred in most age groups. The indices of microfilaremics were higher in people > 51 years old (26.9% urban and 61.5% rural). High prevalence rates were observed in retired people (27.1% urban area), housewives and farmer (41.6% and 25%, respectively, in rural area). The main clinical symptoms were joint pains and sensation of leg coldness. Only Cerqueirellum argentiscutum (Simuliidae) transmits M. ozzardi in this municipality (PIR = 5.6% urban and 7.1% rural). M. ozzardi is a widely distributed parasitic disease in Coari. Thus, temporary residency in the region of people from other localities involved with the local gas exploitation might be a contributing factor in spreading the disease.


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The observation concerns a patient who was professionally exposed to silica dust. Radiologically he presented a diffuse interstitial infiltrate and clinically an obstructive syndrome with emphysem. The diagnosis of silicosis was made. The development was followed during 12 years without important modification of the X-ray or the respiratory functions. The patient died of a ruptured aortic aneurysm. At the autopsy the examination of the lungs permitted to exclude the initial diagnosis of silicosis and to conclude to an histiocytosis X. This diagnostic mistake allows to get on some radiological, clinical and epidemiological aspects, characteristic or these both pathologies.


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This work reports a survey of Leptospira spp in pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) in the Pantanal wetlands of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil by serology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Seventy pampas deer were captured in the dry season and surveyed using PCR, microscopic agglutination test (MAT) (n = 51) and by both techniques (n = 47). PCR detected infections in two pampas deer and MAT detected infections in three. Through sequencing and phylogenetic analyses, the PCR-amplified fragment detected in deer was identified as Leptospira interrogans. Serovars Pomona and Butembo were detected using MAT and the highest titre was 200 for serovar Pomona. Epidemiological aspects of the findings are discussed.


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since 1999 data from pulmonary hypertension (PH) patients from all PH centres in Switzerland were prospectively collected. We analyse the epidemiological aspects of these data. PH was defined as a mean pulmonary artery pressure of >25 mm Hg at rest or >30 mm Hg during exercise. Patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), PH associated with lung diseases, PH due to chronic thrombotic and/or embolic disease (CTEPH), or PH due to miscellaneous disorders were registered. Data from adult patients included between January 1999 and December 2004 were analysed. 250 patients were registered (age 58 +/- 16 years, 104 (41%) males). 152 patients (61%) had PAH, 73 (29%) had CTEPH and 18 (7%) had PH associated with lung disease. Patients <50 years (32%) were more likely to have PAH than patients >50 years (76% vs. 53%, p <0.005). Twenty-four patients (10%) were lost to followup, 58 patients (26%) died and 150 (66%) survived without transplantation or thrombendarterectomy. Survivors differed from patients who died in the baseline six-minute walking distance (400 m [300-459] vs. 273 m [174-415]), the functional impairment (NYHA class III/IV 86% vs. 98%), mixed venous saturation (63% [57-68] vs. 56% [50-61]) and right atrial pressure (7 mm Hg [4-11] vs. 11 mm Hg [4-18]). PH is a disease affecting adults of all ages. The management of these patients in specialised centres guarantees a high quality of care. Analysis of the registry data could be an instrument for quality control and might help identify weak points in assessment and treatment of these patients.


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Leptospirosis is a rare disease in Switzerland. However its incidence is probably underestimated, due to its broad spectrum of presentations, including subclinical benign forms and the ictero-hemorragic form of the Weil's syndrome, whose mortality is high. We describe here a case of Weil's syndrome acquired in Switzerland with a favourable outcome under antibiotherapy. Even in the absence of any travel, the association of an acute renal insufficiency and jaundice with only moderate hepatic cytolysis should lead to the suspicion of leptospirosis. Clinical and epidemiological aspects of the disease are discussed in the article.


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Rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGM) are opportunistic microorganisms and widely distributed into aqueous environment and soil. Human RGM infections are usually associated with contaminated solutions or medical instruments used during invasive procedures. RGM postsurgical infections have recently emerged in Brazil and have caused national alert, considering the risk factors and epidemiological aspects. This study aimed at analysing the main factors linked to the recent RGM outbreaks, with focus on the national epidemic of Mycobacterium massiliense infections related to the BRA100 strains resistant to 2% glutaraldehyde commercial solutions commonly used for preoperative high-level disinfection. Based on previous studies and laboratorial results of assays and colaborations, it has been observed that the cases have been associated with videolaparoscopy for different applications and elective esthetic procedures, such as lipoaspiration and mammary prosthesis implant. Furthermore, outbreaks between 2004 and 2008 and the epidemic in Rio de Janeiro state may be considered particular Brazilian events. Although there are a few epidemiological published studies, some hypotheses based on common aspects related to most national nosocomial occurrences are possible, such as lack of protocols for cleaning and high-level disinfection, use of 2% glutaraldehyde as high-level disinfectant for surgical instruments, and dissemination of M. massiliense BRA100 by unknown mechanisms.


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Parasite related problems are considered one of the major health problems for sheep breeding, causing considerable economic losses to commercial husbandry. The aim of this study was to determine the technological level and the level of knowledge of farmers regarding management practices to control gastrointestinal parasites in sheep in Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil. The analysis was based on 213 questionnaires applied by official veterinarians of the State Government Agency for Animal Health (Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária, IMA), covering 16.6% of all counties. From two hundred and thirteen sheep farms sampled, 117 farms had their technological level determined. From the samples, 0.9% were characterized as high level, 45.3% as medium, and 53.0% as low technological level. The flock size ranged from 2 to 1843 with an average of 80.5 sheep per farm. The majority of the sheep production systems was extensive/semi-extensive (74.5%). The management practices adopted by the farmers to reduce parasitism were: split young and adult animals (5.6%), change pasture after deworm the animals (5.2%), use quarantine for incoming animals (2.3%), deworm newly arrived sheep (1.5%), and have regular technical assistance (31.9%). Although 76.5% of the farmers medicate the animals, treatments were performed without any major technical criteria, with an average interval of 4.6 months. The most commonly used drug families were macrocyclic lactones (38.5%) and benzimidazoles (24.9%). The management practices adopted in Minas Gerais are based on old recommendations and may not return in a good set of strategies to prevent parasite infections. Field observations reinforce the finding where farmers have obtained unsatisfactory results in maintaining the health and productivity level of their enterprises.


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The goal of this study was to characterize the epidemiological situation and the factors involved in the prevalence of babesiosis and anaplasmosis in cattle in the dairy basin of Parnaíba, Piauí, Brazil. The study was conducted in 22 farms, and collected blood samples from 202 cattle to study serological, molecular and determination of the packed cell volume (PCV). On the farms were applied surveys involving epidemiological aspects. Seroprevalence rates were: Babesia bigemina 52.5%, B. bovis 68.8%, and Anaplasma marginale 89.1%. Of the samples analyzed, 73.3% were reactive for Babesia spp. and A. marginale, showing co-infection. In PCR, B. bigemina and B. bovis were positive in 52.0% and 33.2% respectively, and A. marginale in 76.2%. Of these, 51.5% amplified DNA of Babesia spp. and A. marginale. The semi-intensive management predominated in 68.0% of the farms studied. The clinical history of babesiosis and anaplasmosis, was reported from 73% of the farms. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between age groups and for the PCV of positive compared with negative animals. The study indicates that in this region is enzootic instability for babesiosis and enzootic stability for anaplasmosis, reinforcing the fact that in Brazil there are areas of enzootic instability, even in tropical regions of the country. The PCR technique was a valuable tool for the diagnosis of these diseases and may be used to characterize a geographic region.


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New pandemics are a serious threat to the health of the entire world. They are essentially of viral origin and spread at large speed. A meeting on this topic was held in Lyon, France, within the XIXth Jacques Cartier Symposia, a series of France-Québec meetings held every year. New findings on HIV and AIDS, on HCV and chronic hepatitis, and an update on influenza virus and flu were covered during this meeting on December 4 and 5, 2006. Aspects of viral structure, virus-host interactions, antiviral defenses, drugs and vaccinations, and epidemiological aspects were discussed for HIV and HCV. Old and recent data on the flu epidemics ended this meeting.


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Contexte : L’hypertension artérielle (HTA) est reconnue comme un important facteur de risque des maladies cardiovasculaires et de la mortalité prématurée. Les données montrent qu’un adulte sur 4 dans le monde souffrait d’hypertension en 2000 et ce chiffre serait en augmentation. Dans les pays africains, les estimations prévoient une progression plus rapide de la prévalence de l’HTA engendrant ainsi un problème additionnel à gérer pour le système de santé qui est toujours aux prises avec les maladies transmissibles. Les progrès économiques et l’urbanisation semblent entraîner des modifications des habitudes de vie dans ces pays qui seraient associés à une émergence des maladies non transmissibles, dont l’HTA. Le Burkina Faso, pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest classé comme un pays à faibles revenus, aurait amorcé sa transition épidémiologique et il importe de faire un état sur les maladies non transmissibles en émergence. Afin de contribuer à la connaissance des aspects épidémiologiques de l’HTA au Burkina Faso, trois objectifs spécifiques ont été retenus pour la présente recherche : 1) Estimer la prévalence de l’HTA et identifier les facteurs associés dans la population rurale et la population semi-urbaine du Système de Surveillance démographique et de Santé de Kaya (Kaya HDSS) ; 2) Déterminer la différence de prévalence de l’HTA entre la zone lotie et la zone non lotie de la ville de Ouagadougou et identifier les facteurs associés ; 3) Déterminer la détection, le traitement, le contrôle de l’HTA et estimer la fréquentation des centres de santé par les personnes hypertendues nouvellement dépistées dans la population adulte du Centre Nord du Burkina Faso. Méthodologie : Le cadre de notre recherche est le Burkina Faso. Deux sites ont fait l’objet de nos investigations. Kaya HDSS, situé dans la région du Centre Nord du Burkina Faso a servi de site pour les enquêtes ayant permis l’atteinte du premier et du troisième objectif général. Une étude transversale a été menée en fin 2012 sur un échantillon aléatoire de 1645 adultes résidents du site. Un entretien suivi de mesures anthropométriques et de la pression artérielle (PA) ont été réalisés au domicile des participants. Toutes les personnes qui avaient une PA élevée (PA systolique ≥ 140 mm Hg et/ou PA diastolique ≥ 90 mm Hg) et qui n’avaient pas été diagnostiquées auparavant ont été référées à une formation sanitaire. Un second entretien a été réalisé avec ces personnes environ un mois après. Pour le second objectif général, c’est le système de surveillance démographique et de santé de Ouagadougou (Ouaga HDSS) qui a été retenu comme site. Ouaga HDSS couvre 5 quartiers de la zone nord de Ouagadougou. Une étude transversale a été réalisée en 2010 sur un échantillon aléatoire représentatif de la population adulte résidante du site (N = 2041). Des entretiens suivis de mesures anthropométriques et de la PA ont été réalisés durant l’enquête. Résultats : Notre premier article examine la prévalence de l’HTA et les facteurs associés en milieu rural et en milieu semi-urbain. Au total 1481 participants ont été dépistés et la prévalence totale pondérée était de 9,4 % (95 % IC : 7,3 % - 11,4 %) avec une grande différence entre le milieu semi-urbain et le milieu rural : un adulte sur 10 était hypertendu en milieu semi-urbain contre un adulte sur 20 en milieu rural. L’analyse multivariée nous a permis d’identifier l’âge avancé, le milieu semi-urbain et l’histoire familiale de l’HTA comme des facteurs de risque. Dans le deuxième article, nous avons déterminé la différence entre la zone lotie et la zone non lotie du milieu urbain en ce qui concerne l’HTA. Sur 2 041 adultes enquêtés, la prévalence totale est estimée à 18,6 % (95 % IC : 16,9 % - 20,3 %). Après ajustement avec l’âge, il n’y avait pas de différence de prévalence entre la zone lotie et la zone non lotie de la ville de Ouagadougou. Dans ce milieu urbain, l’obésité et l’inactivité physique sont confirmées comme des facteurs à risque. En plus des personnes âgées qui constituent un groupe à risque, les migrants venant du milieu rural et les veuves ont été identifiés comme des personnes à risque. Notre troisième article examine la détection, le traitement, le contrôle de l’HTA ainsi que la fréquentation des structures de santé par les personnes nouvellement dépistées hypertendues dans le milieu non urbain. Sur les 1481 participants à l’étude, 41 % n’avaient jamais mesuré leur PA. Sur les 123 participants (9,4 %) dépistés comme hypertendus, 26,8 % avaient déjà bénéficié d’un diagnostic et 75,8 % de ces derniers étaient sous traitement anti hypertensif. Parmi les participants sous traitement, 60 % (15 sur 25) avaient leur PA sous contrôle. Le suivi de 2 mois a permis de retrouver 72 des 90 personnes nouvellement dépistées. Seulement 50 % ont été en consultation et parmi ces derniers 76 % (28 personnes sur les 37) ont reçu une confirmation de leur hypertension. Conclusion : Notre recherche montre l’évolution de l’HTA en fonction du niveau d’urbanisation de la population. Même si les maladies infectieuses restent la priorité du système de santé, la lutte contre l’HTA doit s’inscrire dans un cadre général de lutte contre les maladies cardiovasculaires. Cette lutte doit être amorcée maintenant avant que des proportions inquiétantes ne soient atteintes. Des actions de prévention telles que la promotion de saines habitudes de vie, le dépistage de masse et un renforcement des capacités du système de soins sont à mettre en œuvre.


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RACIONAL: O megaesôfago constitui problema de saúde pública em nosso país, pois acomete indivíduos em sua fase de maior produtividade. Os doentes com essa afecção podem apresentar em sua evolução associação com câncer do esôfago. OBJETIVO: Analisar os aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos de pacientes com megaesôfago e câncer do esôfago. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados de maneira retrospectiva 20 pacientes com megaesôfago e câncer (grupo 1) e 20 com câncer do esôfago (grupo 2). Estudaram-se os dados demográficos, hábitos (etilismo e tabagismo), tipo histológico do tumor, localização da lesão, diferenciação celular, estádio, tratamento e sobrevida. RESULTADOS: Não foi observada diferença entre os grupos, com relação à idade, sexo, localização da lesão, tipo histológico do tumor, diferenciação celular, estádio e sobrevida. Com relação aos hábitos de vida, a associação de etilismo e tabagismo foi observada em maior número de pacientes com câncer do esôfago sem o antecedente de megaesôfago. CONCLUSÃO: As características clínicas dos pacientes com megaesôfago e câncer não diferem daqueles com neoplasia maligna esofágica não associada ao megaesôfago, principalmente no que se refere ao prognóstico desfavorável frente ao tratamento instituído. Nos pacientes com megaesôfago o tumor pode se localizar em qualquer porção do órgão.


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Verificou-se a prevalência dos enteroparasitas em 279 crianças (0 a 6 anos) de quatro creches municipais de Botucatu/SP. Foram coletadas três amostras de fezes de cada criança e processadas pelos métodos Hoffman, Faust e Ritchie e posterior coloração do esfregaço fecal pelos métodos de Auramina-O e Ziehl-Neelsen modificado para diagnóstico de Cryptosporidium sp. e método da fita gomada para diagnóstico de Enterobius vermicularis. Das crianças analisadas apresentaram-se parasitadas 53.40%, sendo que o parasita mais freqüente foi Giardia duodenalis (26.88%). Verificou-se associação significativa entre enteroparasitose, renda familiar, escolaridade materna e idade; quanto maior a renda e o grau escolar, menor a freqüência de enteroparasitas. Observou-se que G. duodenalis é mais prevalente em crianças de 0 a 4 anos e E. vermicularis em crianças entre três e quatro anos de idade. A elevada prevalência de enteroparasitas em creches sugere estrutura complexa em sua epidemiologia, onde fatores além do saneamento devem ser considerados.


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Purpose. To evaluate whether menstrual irregularity in morbidly obese women is indicative of metabolic dysfunction.Patients and Methods. Fifty-seven women with morbid obesity were evaluated. They were divided into two groups: one comprising women without menstrual dysfunctions or hirsutism (Group 1), and another obese women showing menstrual dysfunction with or without hirsutism (Group 2). The following were evaluated: age, colour, childbirth, marital status, profession, socio-economic level, education, age at menarche, body weight, height, body mass index, presence of hirsutism (Ferriman Gallwey Index), abdominal circumference, hip circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, menstrual cycle, blood pressure, presence of acanthosis nigricans, insulin resistance (IR), fasting glycaemia, total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, triglycerides, thyroid-stimulating hormone, free T4, luteinising hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone, prolactin, total testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, insulin and the Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA test).Results. Clinical and epidemiological aspects did not present statistical differences. Clinical and laboratory parameters did not show statistically significant alterations; however, HOMA test values for Group 2 were significantly higher than those for Group 1.Conclusions. The presence of IR in class III obese women can cause menstrual dysfunctions such as amenorrhoea or oligomenorrhoea even in the absence of hyperandrogenism, suggesting that IR plays an important role in the ovarian mechanisms involved in the menstrual cycle control.