902 resultados para elite athletes


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Le dialogue interne (D-I) est une aptitude mentale de plus en plus utilisée chez les athlètes de haut niveau mais peu étudiée dans les sports d’équipes. Son impact mérite d’être évalué dans des contextes d’équipe durant de réelles compétitions puisque le dialogue interne de l'athlète dans un sport collectif peut influencer certaines habiletés mentales telles la prise de décisions tactiques et la focalisation sur les stimuli appropriés. Ainsi, cette étude a bénéficié de la participation de 10 joueurs de hockey élites mâles âgés de 16 à 20 ans pour examiner les effets de deux traitements distincts de D-I, un axé sur la motivation et l’autre sur l’instruction. Dans cette analyse portant sur l’efficacité des sujets à accomplir des tâches de tactique collective (effet sur processus de décision) pendant des joutes de saison régulière, tous les athlètes semblent avoir amélioré leurs performances. Généralement, le groupe s’adonnant au traitement de D-I d’instruction a largement dépassé les pourcentages de réussite de celui du D-I de motivation. Cependant, les athlètes du groupe de D-I de motivation ont eu plus de succès que prévu. Il appert aussi que le traitement de D-I d’instruction ait été plus difficile à assimiler à court terme que le traitement de motivation, mais son impact positif apparaît avoir stagné moins rapidement. Les joueurs plus expérimentés n’ont pas affiché une meilleure progression dans leurs prises de décisions comparativement aux moins expérimentés. Le D-I de motivation semble avoir eu plus d’effet que celui d’instruction lorsqu’utilisé en période de fatigue et de stress.


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La pratique d’un sport de type esthétique est aujourd’hui considérée par plusieurs (Sundgot-Borgen & Torstveit, 2004; Thompson & Sherman, 2010) comme un facteur de risque à l’adoption d’attitudes et de comportements alimentaires inappropriés à l’égard de l’alimentation et de l’image corporelle (ACIAI) et ultimement au développement d’un trouble des conduites alimentaires (TCA). Les études actuelles portant sur cette problématique rapportent toutefois des résultats contradictoires. De plus, certains aspects méthodologiques associés notamment à l’hétérogénéité des échantillons limitent la portée interprétative de ces résultats. Afin de pallier les limites actuelles des écrits empiriques, cette thèse a pour but de tracer le portrait de la problématique des désordres alimentaires chez les jeunes athlètes québécoises de haut niveau en sport esthétique. Pour ce faire, un échantillon homogène de 145 adolescentes âgées de 12 à 19 ans a été constitué soit 52 athlètes de haut niveau et 93 non-athlètes. Les sports représentés sont le patinage artistique, la nage synchronisée et le ballet. À partir de cet échantillon, deux études sont réalisées. L’objectif de la première étude est de comparer l’intensité des ACIAI et la prévalence des TCA dans les deux groupes à l’aide de deux questionnaires soit le Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) et le Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3). Les résultats obtenus suggèrent qu’il n’y a pas de différence significative entre les athlètes et les non-athlètes de l’échantillon en ce qui a trait à l’intensité des ACIAI et à la prévalence des TCA. La deuxième étude est constituée de deux objectifs. Tout d’abord, comparer les deux groupes relativement aux caractéristiques personnelles suivantes : l’insatisfaction de l’image corporelle (IIC), le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle envers l’alimentation normative (SEP-AN) et l’image corporelle (SEP-IC), le perfectionnisme (P), l’ascétisme (As), la dysrégulation émotionnelle (DÉ) et le déficit intéroceptif (DI). De nature plus exploratoire, le second objectif de cette étude est de décrire et de comparer les caractéristiques personnelles qui sont associées aux ACIAI dans chacun des groupes. Afin de réaliser ces objectifs, deux autres questionnaires ont été utilisés soit le Eating Disorder Recovery Self-efficacy Questionnaire-f (EDRSQ-f) et le Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ). En somme, les analyses indiquent que les athlètes de l’échantillon présentent des niveaux plus faibles de SEP-AN et de DÉ. Ce faisant, elles auraient moins confiance en leur capacité à maintenir une alimentation normative, mais réguleraient plus efficacement leurs émotions que les adolescentes non-athlètes. Une fois l’âge et l’indice de masse corporelle contrôlés, les résultats démontrent également que le SEP-AN et l’IIC contribuent à prédire dans chaque groupe les ACIAI tels que mesurés par la recherche de minceur. Le SEP-AN a aussi été associé dans les deux groupes à l’intensité des symptômes boulimiques. Les modèles obtenus diffèrent cependant quant aux variables prédictives principales. Chez les athlètes de l’échantillon, l’intensité des conduites boulimiques est associée à la DÉ alors qu’elle est davantage liée au DI chez les adolescentes non sportives. Enfin, en plus de discuter et de comparer l’ensemble de ces résultats aux autres travaux disponibles, les apports distinctifs de la thèse et les principales limites des études sont abordés. Des pistes sont également suggérées afin d’orienter les recherches futures et des implications cliniques sont proposées.


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Recientemente, Bergman et al. desarrollaron el índice de adiposidad corporal (IAC), como un marcador de obesidad por exceso de grasa corporal en la práctica clínica. En este estudio se evaluó la validez del IAC como marcador de obesidad por exceso de adiposidad, además de examinar la capacidad predictiva del IAC con componentes e índices metabólicos asociados al SM en adultos de Bogotá, Colombia.


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The effect of an adventure race (Ecomotion Pr), which lasted for 4-5 days, on neutrophil and lymphocyte death from elite athletes was investigated. Blood was collected from 11 athletes at rest and after the adventure race. The following parameters of cell death were measured in neutrophils and lymphocytes: cell membrane integrity, DNA fragmentation, mitochondrial transmembrane depolarization and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Phagocytosis capacity was also evaluated in neutrophils. The adventure race raised the proportion of cells with the loss of membrane integrity; lymphocytes by 14% and neutrophils by 16.4%. The proportion of lymphocytes with DNA fragmentation (2.9-fold) and mitochondrial transmembrane depolarization (1.5-fold) increased. However, these parameters did not change in neutrophils. ROS production remained unchanged in lymphocytes, whereas an increase by 2.2-fold was found in neutrophils due to the race. Despite these changes, the phagocytosis capacity did not change in neutrophils after the race. In conclusion, the Ecomotion Pr race-induced neutrophil death by necrosis (as indicated by the loss of membrane integrity) and led to lymphocyte death by apoptosis (as indicated by increase DNA fragmentation and depolarization of mitochondrial membrane).


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LEVADA-PIRES, A. C., M. F. CURY-BOAVENTURA, R. GORJAO, S. M. HIRABARA. E. F. PUGGINA, I. L. PELLEGRINOTTI, L. A. DOMINGUES FILHO, R. CURI, and T. C. PITHON-CURI. Induction of Lymphocyte Death by Short- and Long-Duration Triathlon Competitions. Med. Sci. Sporty Exerc., Vol. 4 1, No. 10, pp. 1896-1901, 2009. Purpose: The effect of triathlon competitions on death of lymphocytes from elite athletes was investigated. Material and Methods: Blood was collected from sedentary volunteers and triathletes at rest and after a short-duration triathlon (SDT) and after a long-duration triathlon (LDT-half Ironman) competitions. Results: The athletes had lowered lymphocyte proliferation capacity compared with sedentary volunteers either at rest or after the competitions. There was no difference in the parameters associated with lymphocyte death when sedentary volunteers were compared with triathletes at rest. Lymphocytes from triathletes after SDT competition showed an increase in DNA fragmentation, phosphatidylserine externalization, and mitochondrial transmembrane depolarization and did not alter membrane integrity when compared with cells from athletes at rest. In contrast, the LDT competition raised the proportion of lymphocytes with loss of membrane integrity when compared with cells from athletes at rest and did not change the apoptotic parameters. The LDT competition induced an increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by lymphocytes compared with triathletes at rest. The SDT competition did not alter ROS production by lymphocytes when compared with cells from triathletes at rest. ROS production by lymphocytes after LDT competition was 60% higher than in SDT. Conclusions: Evidence is presented herein that an LDT competition caused lymphocyte death by necrosis, whereas an SDT induced lymphocyte apoptosis. The mechanism for lymphocyte death induced by the triathlon competitions may involve an increase in ROS production at different extents.


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This paper used a qualitative technique from a social scientific perspective, a model based on Hewitt and his theory of the self-concept. The purpose of this study was to investigate why some elite athletes experience troublesome periods after their career ending. Interviews were performed with five elite athletes with varying experiences after career ending. The length of the elite athlete careers vary between 7 to 17 years. Two groups were made based upon experiences after career ending. Group 1 had experienced problems, for example suicide tendency, and group 2 had not. The result shows that a troublesome period can come up independently of career ending. The self-concept was investigated during the career and further different kind of variables which could affect the self as training and competition, social relations both before and after termination from sport. Result indicates that an individual in group 2 who has a high complexity in the self-concept based upon significant others outside the elite sport during the career copes with the new situation after career ending much better than group 1 who have not. To build up the self based only upon significant others in the elite sport seems to give expression in a strengthen self. Intensity in training and competition did not have a connection with a troublesome period after retirement from sport but it could prevent establishing contact with others outside the elite sport and reduce a high complexity in the self-concept. The result further shows that elite athletes who practise an individual sport trains in to a greater extent than elite athletes in a seasonal sport. Result also shows that practising a sport with one day off a week, contributes to better opportunities for developing a higher complexity in the self-concept. Suspicions has also rouse that practising an elite sport on the highest level can lead to extensive focusing that further leads to social isolation from individuals outside elite sport. To build up the self upon significant others outside elite sport during the career and keep in touch with significant others from elite sport after the career seems to be the key to avoid problems after the career ending. Suggestions about further investigations are made to see if medial exposure and status can affect the self.


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Over the past decade, there has been an increase in available data describing the incidence of sports injuries. However, the outcomes of such injuries remain relatively undocumented. Psychological aspects of sports injury rehabilitation have been documented in elite athletes but not in cohorts of general sports participants. The few studies that have described the financial costs of sports injuries have typically not assessed how these injuries affect quality of life. Despite recent estimates that lost quality of life accounts for 81% of total sports injury costs,1 this has received relatively little attention in the literature. The aim of this paper is to describe the quality of life outcomes associated with sports injuries and to present some preliminary observations about how these change over a six-week period.


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Background: The effect of surgery on patellar tendinopathy (jumper's knee) is questionable, and conservative treatment protocols have not been properly documented.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a newly developed eccentric training program for patellar tendinopathy in volleyball players during the competitive season.

Study Design: Randomized clinical trial.

Methods: Patients were recruited from male and female elite volleyball teams in Norway, and the diagnosis was based on clinical examination alone. Of 51 players diagnosed with patellar tendinopathy, 29 could be included in the study. The training group (n = 13) performed squats on a 25° decline board as a home exercise program (3 × 15 repetitions twice daily) for a 12-week intervention period during the final half of the competitive season. The eccentric (downward) component was done on the affected leg. The control group (n = 16) trained as usual. The primary outcome was a symptom-based questionnaire developed specifically for patellar tendinopathy (Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment score), and patients were followed up before and after the intervention period, as well as after 6 and 30 weeks. All subjects self-recorded training to document their activity level (eccentric training, volleyball training, matches, other training).

There was no change in Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment score during the intervention period in the training (pre, 71.1 ± 11.3; post, 70.2 ± 15.4) or control group (pre, 76.4 ± 12.1; post, 75.4 ± 16.7), nor was there any change during the follow-up period at 6 weeks or 6 months. The training group completed 8.2 ± 4.6 weekly sessions of eccentric training during the intervention period (59% of the recommended volume), and there was no difference between groups in training or competition load.

Conclusion: There was no effect on knee function from a 12-week program with eccentric training among a group of volleyball players with patellar tendinopathy who continued to train and compete during the treatment period. Whether the training would be effective if the patients did not participate in sports activity is not known.


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Performance in strength and power sports is greatly affected by a variety of anthropometric factors. The goal of performance normalization is to factor out the effects of confounding factors and compute a canonical (normalized) performance measure from the observed absolute performance. Performance normalization is applied in the ranking of elite athletes, as well as in the early stages of youth talent selection. Consequently, it is crucial that the process is principled and fair. The corpus of previous work on this topic, which is significant, is uniform in the methodology adopted. Performance normalization is universally reduced to a regression task: the collected performance data are used to fit a regression function that is then used to scale future performances. The present article demonstrates that this approach is fundamentally flawed. It inherently creates a bias that unfairly penalizes athletes with certain allometric characteristics, and, by virtue of its adoption in the ranking and selection of elite athletes, propagates and strengthens this bias over time. The main flaws are shown to originate in the criteria for selecting the data used for regression, as well as in the manner in which the regression model is applied in normalization. This analysis brings into light the aforesaid methodological flaws and motivates further work on the development of principled methods, the foundations of which are also laid out in this work.


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Sports represent an ideal field to explore the importance of everyday surveillance practices. The routines of preparation associated with conducting or participating in a sports mega event at international level highlight unique facets of surveillance as everyday and normalised elements of elite international or professional sports performance. While these routines do have potential individual or social costs, or are open to various forms of subversion by athletes willing to challenge the broader objectives of fair play, other forces, such as the media or formal governance reactions to a detected rule violation, provide fuel for more rigorous forms of surveillance. This spiral of surveillance permeates downwards to impact on prospective elite athletes, and outwards to impact on other forms of behaviour considered to compromise integrity or fair play. How these values mirror and intersect with norms of surveillance in everyday life is a fruitful site for on-going research and theorisation.


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Os fatores de risco para instalação de lesões do esporte têm sido pesquisados no sentido de facilitar o entendimento sobre o assunto. Contudo, para altos níveis de performance, nos eventos de pista e campo do atletismo, são escassos os documentos que abordam o tema. Assim, a partir da possibilidade de reunir informações sobre a condição descrita, objetivou-se com o presente estudo a exploração de fatores de risco para lesões desportivas no atletismo, a partir de inquérito aplicado a atletas da elite mundial da modalidade. A população foi composta por 60 homens e 60 mulheres alocados em grupos conforme a especificidade de sua modalidade (velocidade, resistência, arremessos e saltos). Realizou-se entrevista utilizando-se de inquérito de morbidade referida, abordando questões sobre variáveis antropométricas e de treinamento, assim como lesões. Utilizou-se a técnica da análise de variância paramétrica para as variáveis antropométricas (idade, peso, estatura) e da técnica da análise de variância não paramétrica em relação às variáveis de treinamento (anos de treinamento e horas semanais). Para associação entre momento de lesão e especialidades, utilizou-se do teste de Goodman em nível de 5% de significância. Os resultados mostraram que houve elevada freqüência de lesões na modalidade em ambos os sexos. As taxas de lesão por atleta entrevistado foram de 0,92 (velocidade), 1,08 (resistência), 1,22 (saltos) e 1,20 (arremessos). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante para as variáveis antropométricas e de treinamento em relação às provas, com exceção dos saltadores, que apresentaram diferenças para estatura e tempo de treinamento; nesse caso, os acometidos são mais altos ou praticam atletismo há menos tempo (P < 0,05). Concluiu-se que, para população estudada, o risco de lesão é acentuado, mas sem relação entre variáveis e presença de agravos, salvo para especialistas em provas de saltos, que apresentaram estatura e tempo de treinamento como fatores predisponentes à lesão.


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Purpose of reviewPhysical exercise can be both beneficial and harmful for the gastrointestinal tract in a dose-effect relationship between its intensity and health. Mild-to-moderate intensity exercises play a protective role against colon cancer, diverticular disease, cholelithiasis and constipation, whereas acute strenuous exercise may provoke heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and even gastrointestinal bleeding. This review focuses on mechanisms involved in those symptoms and their associations with type of exercises in humans.Recent findingsOne quarter to one half of elite athletes are hampered by the gastrointestinal symptoms that may deter them from participation in training and competitive events. Vigorous exercise-induced gastrointestinal symptoms are often attributed to altered motility, mechanical factor or altered neuroimmunoendocrine secretions. Training, lifestyle modifications, meal composition, adequate hydration and avoidance of excessive use of some medications are the recommendations.SummaryStrenuous exercise and dehydrated states would be the causes of gastrointestinal symptoms referred by 70% of the athletes. Gut ischemia would be the main cause of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and (bloody) diarrhea. The frequency is almost twice as high during running than during other endurance sports as cycling or swimming and 1.5-3.0 times higher in the elite athletes than the recreational exercisers.


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A prática do ciclismo off-road (mountain biking - MTB), cresceu muito nas últimas duas décadas, sendo incluído como esporte olímpico, nos Jogos de Atlanta em 1996, na modalidade Cross Country. Na última década, houve um aumento no número de publicações científicas que verificaram a demanda fisiológica durante competições, assim como o estudo de possíveis preditores da performance nesta modalidade. O objetivo deste estudo de revisão foi descrever alguns aspectos fisiológicos específicos do MTB Cross Country (MTB CC) competitivo (intensidade de provas, perfil fisiológico de atletas de elite, uso de suspensões e determinantes da performance em subidas). Observa-se na literatura analisada que as provas de MTB CC parecem impor uma sobrecarga fisiológica maior, quando analisada através da frequência cardíaca, do que provas de ciclismo de estrada com duração semelhante. Entretanto, quando analisada pela potência de pedalada, observa-se claramente a característica intermitente da modalidade, com variações de potência durante a prova entre zero e 500W, e potência média relativamente baixa em comparação aos valores de FC encontrados. Outro fator importante levantado neste estudo são as alterações fisiológicas decorrentes do uso de suspensões nas bicicletas de MTB CC. O uso deste equipamento reduz o estresse muscular provocado pelo terreno acidentado, embora pareça não afetar o gasto energético total, tanto em percurso plano como em subidas. Entretanto, é fato que o desempenho em circuitos acidentados é melhorado com o uso das suspensões. Com base nos estudos abordados nessa revisão, conclui-se que o MTB CC enquanto modalidade competitiva apresenta uma grande variação de intensidade (avaliada através da potência), sendo esta atribuída principalmente ao tipo de terreno (irregular e com muitas aclives e declives acentuados) em que as provas de MTB CC acontecem.


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Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)