981 resultados para eco-friendliness


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OBJETIVO: Estabelecer o valor das seqüências ponderadas em T2 para diferenciar cistos simples de hemangiomas hepáticos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, observacional, transversal e duplo-cego em 52 pacientes com 91 lesões hepáticas (34 cistos simples e 57 hemangiomas) submetidos a ressonância magnética de abdome. A análise conjunta de todas as seqüências realizadas foi considerada o padrão-ouro. Dois observadores independentes avaliaram, subjetivamente, as seqüências TSE com TE longo e B-FFE, procurando diferenciar cistos de hemangiomas. Foram calculadas a eficácia das seqüências e a concordância interobservador e intra-observador por meio do teste kappa (κ) (p < 0,05*). RESULTADOS: As dimensões dos cistos variaram entre 0,5 e 6,5 cm (média de 1,89 cm) e as dos hemangiomas, entre 0,8 e 11 cm (média de 2,62 cm). A concordância entre a avaliação da seqüência com TE longo e o padrão-ouro foi insignificante (κ: 0,00-0,10). A concordância entre a avaliação da seqüência B-FFE e o padrão-ouro variou de substancial (κ: 0,62-0,71) a quase perfeita (κ: 0,86) para ambos os examinadores. A concordância interobservador e intra-observador para a seqüência B-FFE variou entre substancial (κ: 0,62-0,70) e quase perfeita (κ: 0,85-0,91). CONCLUSÃO: A técnica B-FFE apresenta eficácia e reprodutibilidade elevadas na diferenciação de cistos e hemangiomas.


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The advent of simple and affordable tools for molecular identification of novel insect invaders and assessment of population diversity has changed the face of invasion biology in recent years. The widespread application of these tools has brought with it an emerging understanding that patterns in biogeography, introduction history and subsequent movement and spread of many invasive alien insects are far more complex than previously thought. We reviewed the literature and found that for a number of invasive insects, there is strong and growing evidence that multiple introductions, complex global movement, and population admixture in the invaded range are commonplace. Additionally, historical paradigms related to species and strain identities and origins of common invaders are in many cases being challenged. This has major consequences for our understanding of basic biology and ecology of invasive insects and impacts quarantine, management and biocontrol programs. In addition, we found that founder effects rarely limit fitness in invasive insects and may benefit populations (by purging harmful alleles or increasing additive genetic variance). Also, while phenotypic plasticity appears important post-establishment, genetic diversity in invasive insects is often higher than expected and increases over time via multiple introductions. Further, connectivity among disjunct regions of global invasive ranges is generally far higher than expected and is often asymmetric, with some populations contributing disproportionately to global spread. We argue that the role of connectivity in driving the ecology and evolution of introduced species with multiple invasive ranges has been historically underestimated and that such species are often best understood in a global context.


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Bajo el concepto de "Cuando el muro dejó de ser sólo un muro", se propone la construcción de un muro que se va transformado en el mobiliario del patio del Museo Experimental el Eco para el Pabellón del Eco 2014.Esta proyecto finalista dirige las posibles actividades al centro del espacio vacío; y por otro lado plantea cubrir la estela y el muro de colindancia del museo con un material reflejante para multiplicar el horizonte perceptible desde el patio.


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This study focuses on the integration of eco-innovation principles into strategy and policy at the regional level. The importance of regions as a level for integrating eco-innovative programs and activities served as the point of interest for this study. Eco-innovative activities and technologies are seen as means to meet sustainable development objective of improving regions’ quality of life. This study is conducted to get an in-depth understanding and learning about eco-innovation at regional level, and to know the basic concepts that are important in integrating eco-innovation principles into regional policy. Other specific objectives of this study are to know how eco-innovation are developed and practiced in the regions of the EU, and to analyze the main characteristic features of an eco-innovation model that is specifically developed at Päijät-Häme Region in Finland. Paijät-Häme Region is noted for its successful eco-innovation strategies and programs, hence, taken as casework in this study. Both primary (interviews) and secondary data (publicly available documents) are utilized in this study. The study shows that eco-innovation plays an important role in regional strategy as reviewed based on the experience of other regions in the EU. This is because of its localized nature which makes it easier to facilitate in a regional setting. Since regional authorities and policy-makers are normally focused on solving its localized environmental problems, eco-innovation principles can easily be integrated into regional strategy. The case study highlights Päijät-Häme Region’s eco-innovation strategies and projects which are characterized by strong connection of knowledge-producing institutions. Policy instruments supporting eco-innovation (e.g. environmental technologies) are very much focused on clean technologies, hence, justifying the formation of cleantech clusters and business parks in Päijät-Häme Region. A newly conceptualized SAMPO model of eco-innovation has been developed in Päijät-Häme Region to better capture the region’s characteristics and to eventually replace the current model employed by the Päijät-Häme Regional Authority. The SAMPO model is still under construction, however, review of its principles points to some of its three important spearheads – practice-based innovation, design (eco-design) and clean technology or environmental technology (environment).


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The aim of the thesis was to study quality management with process approach and to find out how to utilize process management to improve quality. The operating environment of organizations has changed. Organizations are focusing on their core competences and networking with suppliers and customers to ensure more effective and efficient value creation for the end customer. Quality management is moving from inspection of the output to prevention of problems from occurring in the first place and management thinking is changing from functional approach to process approach. In the theoretical part of the thesis, it is studied how to define quality, how to achieve good quality, how to improve quality, and how to make sure the improvement goes on as never ending cycle. A selection of quality tools is introduced. Process approach to quality management is described and compared to functional approach, which is the traditional way to manage operations and quality. The customer focus is also studied, and it is presented, that to ensure long term customer commitment, organization needs to react to changing customer requirements and wishes by constantly improving the processes. In the experimental part the theories are tested in a process improvement business case. It is shown how to execute a process improvement project starting from defining the customer requirements, continuing to defining the process ownership, roles and responsibilities, boundaries, interfaces and the actual process activities. The control points and measures are determined for the process, as well as the feedback and corrective action process, to ensure continual improvement can be achieved and to enable verification that customer requirements are fulfilled.


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OBJETIVO: verificar a prevalência do sinal eco glandular endocervical (EGE) e o comprimento cervical menor ou igual a 20 mm em gestantes entre a 21ª e a 24ª semana e comparar estes sinais ecográficos como fatores indicadores de parto pré-termo espontâneo. MÉTODOS: estudo prospectivo transversal no qual foram incluídas 361 gestantes da população geral, para realização de exame ultra-sonografico em idade gestacional entre a 21ª a 24ª semana. Os critérios de exclusão do estudo foram malformações müllerianas, gestações múltiplas, malformações fetais, óbito fetal, alterações da quantidade de líquido amniótico, placenta com inserção segmentar, antecedentes de cirurgia no colo uterino (conização, amputação, cerclagem) e procedimentos cirúrgicos durante a gestação. Após a realização do exame ultra-sonográfico obstétrico morfológico efetuado por via abdominal, seguiu-se o exame ecográfico por via vaginal para observação de uma faixa hipoecóica ou hiperecóica adjacente ao canal endocervical correpondente às glândulas do epitélio endocervical (EGE) e mensuração do comprimento cervical. As variáveis qualitativas são representadas por freqüência absoluta e relativa, ao passo que as variáveis quantitativas, por média, desvio-padrão, mediana e valores mínimo e máximo. A associação entre as variáveis qualitativas foi avaliada pelo teste c² ou teste exato de Fisher. Para cada variável estudada, foi calculado o risco relativo seguido do intervalo com 95% de confiança. A técnica de análise de regressão logística univariada foi utilizada para verificar, entre as variáveis estudadas, quais foram indicativas de parto pré-termo espontâneo. O nível de significância adotado foi de 95% (alfa = 5%) e descritivos (p) iguais ou inferiores a 0,05 foram considerados significantes. RESULTADOS: a incidência do parto pré-termo espontâneo foi de 5,0%. O comprimento do colo uterino revelou-se igual ou inferior a 20 mm em 3,3% da população estudada e em 27,8% das pacientes que apresentaram parto pré-termo espontâneo. A ausência do EGE foi detectada em 2,8% das pacientes estudadas e em 44,4% das pacientes que evoluíram para parto pré-termo espontâneo. A associação entre ausência do EGE e presença do colo curto revelou-se estatisticamente significante (p<0,001). A ausência do EGE teve forte associação com parto pré-termo espontâneo e risco relativo de 28,57, com intervalo de confiança (IC 95%) 14,40-56,68. A medida do comprimento cervical inferior a 20 mm também apresentou associação com parto pré-termo espontâneo (p<0,001), com risco relativo de 11,27 e IC 95% de 4,79-26,53. CONCLUSÃO: a não visualização do EGE endocervical constitui parâmetro morfológico ultra-sonográfico novo e útil na predição do parto pré-termo espontâneo nas gestações únicas da população geral. Os resultados deste trabalho indicam uma tendência clara da marcante importância da ausência do EGE como indicador do risco para parto pré-termo espontâneo, a ser confirmada em pesquisas multicêntricas futuras.


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The aim of the present thesis was to explore possible promotional actions to support the emergence of eco-industrial business networks in Finland. The main objectives were to investigate what kind of factors affect in the development of eco-industrial networks and further make suggestions in what kinds of actions this could be supported. In addition, since the active facilitation was discovered as one potential promoting activity, further investigation about facilitation process in Finnish context was conducted and also main characteristics of nationwide facilitation programme were identified. This thesis contains literature review of network orchestration and eco-industrial networks. The latter consists of green supply chain management and industrial symbiosis, although the main focus of the study leans on the concept of industrial symbiosis. The empirical data of the study was obtained from semi-structured expert interviews. These interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The study identified four main promotional activities for eco-industrial networks: 1) building awareness, 2) incentives, 3) dismantling of legislative barriers and 4) active facilitation. In addition, a framework for facilitation activities in Finnish context was built and main characteristics of nationwide facilitation programme were identified.


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Tesis (Maestría en Artes con orientación en Artes Visuales) UANL, 2014.


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Instead of developing easily degradable, and low-priced insecticides, we are going after highly sophisticated chemicals. Here, an attempt is being made to develop safer formulations of insecticides of botanical origin. Different parts of the plants were chosen based on their use in countryside and villages The dried plant materials were extracted with petroleum ether, and were applied on Tribolium castaneum. The results were statistically analysed. The active principles from Croton tigilium and Leea sambucina, the most potential plants, were isolated using Column Chromatography, TLC, and Hydrolysis. The isolated principles were analysed spectroscopically ( UV-Vis., IR, NMR, and MS ) to identify their chemical nature. The active principles from Leea and Croton were identified as a cholisterate derivative and a phorbol derivative respectively. In order to ascertain the environmental combatibility of the principles, degradation by soil bacteria was studied. The isolated principles were made into three type of formulations using stabilizers .The formulations were applied on Snake gourd semilooper, Pulse beetle, and mosquito larvae. Also the biocidal activity of the formulations was studied. Both Leea derivative and Croton derivative could be formulated effectively and were effective against a variety of pests. They are eco-friendly, as there is no artificial chemicals involved.


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The present study has identified an actinomycete culture (S. psammoticus) which was capable of producing all the three major ligninolytic enzymes. The study revealed that least explored mangrove regions are potential sources for the isolation of actinomycetes with novel characteristics. The laccase production by the strain in SmF and SSF was found to be much higher than the reported values. The growth of the organism was favoured by alkaline pH and salinity of the medium. The enzyme also exhibited novel characteristics such as activity and stability at alkaline pH and salt tolerance. These two characters are quite significant from the industrial point of view making the enzyme an ideal candidate for industrial applications. Many of the application studies to date are focused on enzymes from fungal sources. However, the fungal laccases, which are mostly acidic in nature, could not be used universally for all application purposes especially, for the treatment of effluents from different industries, largely due to the alkaline nature of the effluents. Under such situations the enzymes from organisms like S. psammoticus with wide pH range could play a better role than the fungal counterparts. In the present study, the ability of the isolated strain and laccase in the degradation of dyes and phenolic compounds was successfully proved. The reusability of the immobilized enzyme system made the entire treatment process inexpensive. Thus it can be concluded from the present study that the laccase from this organism could be hopefully employed for the eco-friendly treatment of dye or phenol containing industrial effluents from various sources.


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The present work aims to study induced maturation of the pearl oyster for induced spawning experiments. The work on larval development was done with a view to developing techniques for the artificial rearing of commercially important pearl oyster P fucata, and also to elucidate the principles and problems of tropical bivalve larvae in general for detailed investigations in the future. The present study is designed to probe into the details of the basic aspects of the biology related to the hatchery technology of Pinctada fucata and the understanding of the factors which influence induction of maturation, spawning, larval rearing and spat settlement. This would go a long way in the upgradation of hatchery technology of the Indian Pearl oyster Pinctada fucata fora commercial level seed production..