826 resultados para distance transforms


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Path integration is known to provide information to keep track of spatial location. Surprisingly, few investigations concerning sex differences in computation of the traveling distance have been done. This work was aimed at analyzing the reproduction of both passive and active linear displacements in women and men. To this end, the displacement of blindfolded subjects was done in a wheelchair, then on foot, three times in each condition for a fixed distance. Copies of passive and active traveling distance, distance estimations and pointing responses towards the starting point were analyzed. In passive condition and comparatively to men, women error was larger. Whereas traveling distance was generally underestimated in women, it was overestimated in men. In active condition, no sex differences were observed. When blindfolded subjects have to estimate the traveling distance, the female error was larger than the male one. But, when subjects were asked to indicate the visual cue corresponding to the traveling distance, the male error was larger than the female one. Finally, pointing to the starting point (0°) after a whole-body rotation showed a larger deviation from 0° in men than in women. These results suggest that sex of the subjects influence brain computation of path integration information.


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Optimal robust M-estimates of a multidimensional parameter are described using Hampel's infinitesimal approach. The optimal estimates are derived by minimizing a measure of efficiency under the model, subject to a bounded measure of infinitesimal robustness. To this purpose we define measures of efficiency and infinitesimal sensitivity based on the Hellinger distance.We show that these two measures coincide with similar ones defined by Yohai using the Kullback-Leibler divergence, and therefore the corresponding optimal estimates coincide too.We also give an example where we fit a negative binomial distribution to a real dataset of "days of stay in hospital" using the optimal robust estimates.


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BACKGROUND: Transgressive segregation describes the occurrence of novel phenotypes in hybrids with extreme trait values not observed in either parental species. A previously experimentally untested prediction is that the amount of transgression increases with the genetic distance between hybridizing species. This follows from QTL studies suggesting that transgression is most commonly due to complementary gene action or epistasis, which become more frequent at larger genetic distances. This is because the number of QTLs fixed for alleles with opposing signs in different species should increase with time since speciation provided that speciation is not driven by disruptive selection. We measured the amount of transgression occurring in hybrids of cichlid fish bred from species pairs with gradually increasing genetic distances and varying phenotypic similarity. Transgression in multi-trait shape phenotypes was quantified using landmark-based geometric morphometric methods. RESULTS: We found that genetic distance explained 52% and 78% of the variation in transgression frequency in F1 and F2 hybrids, respectively. Confirming theoretical predictions, transgression when measured in F2 hybrids, increased linearly with genetic distance between hybridizing species. Phenotypic similarity of species on the other hand was not related to the amount of transgression. CONCLUSION: The commonness and ease with which novel phenotypes are produced in cichlid hybrids between unrelated species has important implications for the interaction of hybridization with adaptation and speciation. Hybridization may generate new genotypes with adaptive potential that did not reside as standing genetic variation in either parental population, potentially enhancing a population's responsiveness to selection. Our results make it conceivable that hybridization contributed to the rapid rates of phenotypic evolution in the large and rapid adaptive radiations of haplochromine cichlids.


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Introduction: The beneficial effect of physical exercise on bone mineral density (BMD) is at least partly explained by the forces exerted directly on the bones. Male runners present generally higher BMD than sedentary individuals. We postulated that the proximal tibia BMD is related to the running distance as well as to the magnitude of the shocks (while running) in male runners. Methods: A prospective study (three yearly measurements) included 81 healthy male subjects: 16 sedentary lean subjects and three groups of runners (5-30 km/week, n=19; 30-50 km/week, n=29; 50-100 km/week, n=17). Several measurements were performed at the proximal tibia level: volumetric BMD (vBMD), cortical index (CI) i.e. an index of cortical bone thickness and peak accelerations (an index of shocks during heel strike) while running (measured by a 3-D accelerometer). A general linear model assessed the prediction of vBMD or CI by a) simple effects (running distance, peak accelerations, time) and b) interactions (for instance if vBMD prediction by peak acceleration depends on running distance). Results: CI and vBMD a) increase with running distance to reach a plateau over 30 km/wk, b) are positively associated with peak accelerations over 30 km/week. Discussion: Running may be associated with high peak accelerations in order to have beneficial effects on BMD. More important strains are needed to be associated with the same increase in BMD during running sessions of short duration than those of long duration. Conclusion: CI and vBMD are associated with the magnitude of the shocks during heel strike in runners. Key words: Bone mineral density, strains, physical exercise, running distance.


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The leaves of all plants use elaborate and inducible defence systems to protect themselves. A wide variety of such defences are known and they include defence chemicals such as alkaloids, phenolics and terpenes, physical structures ranging from fibre cells to silica deposits, and a wide variety of defence proteins many of which target digestive processes in herbivores. It has long been known that the defence responses of plants under attack by insects are not restricted to the site of attack. Instead, if a leaf is damaged, defence can be triggered in other parts of the plant body, for example in distal leaves or even in roots and flowers. This raises the question of what are the organ-to-organ signals that coordinate this process. Several hypotheses have been proposed. These include the long-distance transfer of chemical signals through the plant vasculature, hydraulic signals that may transit through the xylem, and electrical signals that would move through living tissues such as the phloem. Much evidence for each of these scenarios has been published. In this thesis we took advantage of the fact that many plant defence responses are regulated by a signal transduction pathway based on a molecule called jasmonic acid. We used this molecule, one of its derivatives (jasmonoyl-isoleucine), and some of the genes it regulates as markers. Using these we investigated the possible role of the electrical signals in the leaf- to-leaf activation of the jasmonate pathway. We found that feeding insects stimulate easily detected electrical activity in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana and we used non-invasive surface electrodes to record this activity. This approach showed that jasmonate pathway activity and the electrical activity provoked by mechanical wounding occurred within identical spatial boundaries. Measurements of the apparent speed of surface potentials agreed well with previous velocity estimates for the speed of leaf-to-leaf signals that activate the jasmonate pathway. Using this knowledge we were able to investigate the effects of current injection into Arabidopsis leaves. This resulted in the strong expression of many jasmonate-regulated genes. All these results showed that electrical activity and the activation of jasmonate signalling were highly correlated. In order to test for possible causal links between the two processes, we conducted a small-scale reverse genetic screen on a series of T-DNA insertion mutants in ion channel genes and in other genes encoding proteins such as proton pumps. This screen, which was based on surface potential measurements, revealed that mutations in genes related to ionotropic glutamate receptors in animals had impaired electrical activity after wounding. Combining mutation of two of these glutamate-receptor-like genes in a double mutant reduced the response of leaves to current injection. When a leaf of this double mutant was wounded it failed to transmit a long-distance signal to a distal leaf. This result distinguished the double mutant from the wild-type plant and provides the first genetic evidence that electrical signalling is necessary to coordinate defence responses between organs in plants. - Les feuilles des plantes disposent de systèmes de défense inductibles très élaborés. Un grand nombre de ces systèmes de défenses sont connus et sont basés sur des composés chimiques comme les alcaloïdes, les composés phénoliques ou les terpènes, des systèmes physiques allant de la production de cellules fibreuses aux cristaux de silice ainsi qu'un grand nombre de protéines de défense ciblant le processus digestif des herbivores. Il est connu dépuis longtemps que la réponse défensive de la plante face à l'attaque pas un insecte n'est pas seulement localisée au niveau de la zone d'attaque. A la place, si une feuille est attaquée, les systèmes de défense peuvent être activés ailleurs dans la plante, comme par exemple dans d'autres feuilles, les racines ou même les fleurs. Ces observations soulèvent la question de la nature des signaux d'organes à organes qui régulent ces systèmes. Plusieurs hypothèses ont été formulées; une ou plusieures molécules pourraient être véhiculées dans la plante grâce au système vasculaire, un signal hydraulique transmis au travers du xylème ou encore des signaux électriques transmis par les cellules comme dans le phloème par exemple. De nombreuses études ont été publiées sur ces différentes hypothèses. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons choisi d'utiliser à notre avantage le fait que de nombreuses réponses de défense de la plante sont régulées par une même voie de signalisation utilisant l'acide jasmonique. Nous avons utilisé comme marqueurs cette molécule, un de ses dérivés (le jasmonoyl-isoleucine) ainsi que certains des gènes que l'acide jasmonique régule. Nous avons alors testé l'implication de la transmission de signaux électriques dans l'activation de la voie du jasmonate de feuille à feuille. Nous avons découvert que les insectes qui se nourrissent de feuilles d'Arabidopsis thaliana activent un signal électrique que nous avons pu mesurer grâce à une technique non invasive d'électrodes de surface. Les enregistrements ont montré que la génération de signaux électriques et l'activation de la voie du jasmonate avaient lieu aux mêmes endroits. La mesure de la vitesse de déplacement des impulsions électriques correspond aux estimations faites concernant l'activation de la voie du jasmonate. Grâce à cela, nous avons pu tester l'effet d'injection de courant électrique dans les feuilles d'Arabidopsis. La conséquence a été une forte expression de nombreux gènes de la voie du jasmonate, suggérant une forte corrélation entre l'activité électrique et l'activation de la voie du jasmonate. Afin de tester le lien de cause entre ces deux phénomènes, nous avons entrepris un criblage génétique sur une série de mutants d'insertion à l'ADN-T dans des gènes de canaux ioniques et d'autres gènes d'intérêt comme les gènes des pompes à protons. Ce criblage, basé sur la mesure de potentiels de surface, a permis de montrer que plusieurs mutations de gènes liés aux récepteurs au glutamate ionotropique présentent une baisse drastique de leurs activités électriques après une blessure mécanique des feuilles par rapport au type sauvage. Par la combinaison de deux mutations de ces récepteurs au glutamate en un double mutant, on obtient une réponse à la stimulation électrique encore plus faible. Quand une feuille du double mutant est blessée, elle est incapable de transmettre un signal à longue distance vers une feuille éloignée. Ce résultat permet de distinguer le double mutant de la plante sauvage et amène la première preuve génétique que l'activité électrique est nécessaire pour coordonner les réponses de défense entre les organes chez les plantes.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine whether V˙O(2) kinetics and specifically, the time constant of transitions from rest to heavy (τ(p)H) and severe (τ(p)S) exercise intensities, are related to middle distance swimming performance. DESIGN: Fourteen highly trained male swimmers (mean ± SD: 20.5 ± 3.0 yr; 75.4 ± 12.4 kg; 1.80 ± 0.07 m) performed an discontinuous incremental test, as well as square wave transitions for heavy and severe swimming intensities, to determine V˙O(2) kinetics parameters using two exponential functions. METHODS: All the tests involved front-crawl swimming with breath-by-breath analysis using the Aquatrainer swimming snorkel. Endurance performance was recorded as the time taken to complete a 400 m freestyle swim within an official competition (T400), one month from the date of the other tests. RESULTS: T400 (Mean ± SD) (251.4 ± 12.4 s) was significantly correlated with τ(p)H (15.8 ± 4.8s; r=0.62; p=0.02) and τ(p)S (15.8 ± 4.7s; r=0.61; p=0.02). The best single predictor of 400 m freestyle time, out of the variables that were assessed, was the velocity at V˙O(2max)vV˙O(2max), which accounted for 80% of the variation in performance between swimmers. However, τ(p)H and V˙O(2max) were also found to influence the prediction of T400 when they were included in a regression model that involved respiratory parameters only. CONCLUSIONS: Faster kinetics during the primary phase of the V˙O(2) response is associated with better performance during middle-distance swimming. However, vV˙O(2max) appears to be a better predictor of T400.


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Cape Verde is a tropical oceanic ecosystem, highly fragmented and dispersed, with islands physically isolated by distance and depth. To understand how isolation affects the ecological variability in this archipelago, we conducted a research project on the community structure of the 18 commercially most important demersal fishes. An index of ecological distance based on species relative dominance (Di) is developed from Catch Per Unit Effort, derived from an extensive database of artisanal fisheries. Two ecological measures of distance between islands are calculated: at the species level, DDi, and at the community level, DD (sum of DDi). A physical isolation factor (Idb) combining distance (d) and bathymetry (b) is proposed. Covariance analysis shows that isolation factor is positively correlated with both DDi and DD, suggesting that Idb can be considered as an ecological isolation factor. The effect of Idb varies with season and species. This effect is stronger in summer (May to November), than in winter (December to April), which appears to be more unstable. Species react differently to Idb, independently of season. A principal component analysis on the monthly (DDi) for the 12 islands and the 18 species, complemented by an agglomerative hierarchical clustering, shows a geographic pattern of island organization, according to Idb. Results indicate that the ecological structure of demersal fish communities of Cape Verde archipelago, both in time and space, can be explained by a geographic isolation factor. The analytical approach used here is promising and could be tested in other archipelago systems.


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OBJECTIVE Identify resources that support learning mediated by technology in the field of neonatal nursing. METHOD Systematic review with searches conducted in MEDLINE, LILACS and SciELO. Titles and abstracts were independently evaluated by two experts. RESULTS Of the 2,051 references, 203 full-text articles were analyzed, resulting in the inclusion of nine studies on semiotics and semiology, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, general aspects of neonatal care, diagnostic reasoning and assessment of pain. Only two articles addressed the development of educational strategies and seven papers described the assessment of these strategies by experts and/or users. CONCLUSION Distance education is an important resource for education, and its improvement and updating, and it particularly adds advantages for neonatal nursing by approximating teaching and real-life situations and by minimizing the exposure of newborns for teaching purposes. The lack of educational initiatives mediated by technology suggests the need for the development, evaluation and dissemination of educational resources focused on nursing care of newborns and their families.


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The role of the Hippo pathway effector YAP1 in soft tissue sarcomas is poorly defined. Here we report that YAP1 activity is elevated in human embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (ERMS). In mice, sustained YAP1 hyperactivity in activated, but not quiescent, satellite cells induces ERMS with high penetrance and short latency. Via its transcriptional program with TEAD1, YAP1 directly regulates several major hallmarks of ERMS. YAP1-TEAD1 upregulate pro-proliferative and oncogenic genes and maintain the ERMS differentiation block by interfering with MYOD1 and MEF2 pro-differentiation activities. Normalization of YAP1 expression reduces tumor burden in human ERMS xenografts and allows YAP1-driven ERMS to differentiate in situ. Collectively, our results identify YAP1 as a potent ERMS oncogenic driver and a promising target for differentiation therapy.


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The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Hang up on long distance slamming!


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Ce mémoire est l’occasion de partager le résultat de la mise en place de ce dispositif de formation à distance que nous avons mené dans l’université du Cap-Vert. Dans la première partie, nous décrirons la nature de la politique éducative au Cap-Vert. Nous contextualiserons les principes de l’installation de l’université publique dans ce pays, ainsi que les intentions d’innovation pédagogique de cette université. La deuxième partie portera un regard complémentaire sur l’utilisation des TIC et de l’internet dans l’enseignement/apprentissage d’une langue, cas du français langue étrangère, et nous nous inspirerons des théories constructiviste et socio-constructiviste. Finalement, la troisième partie détaillera toutes les étapes de la conception et de la mise en place du dispositif de formation à distance. Dans cette troisième partie, nous aborderons dans un premier temps la question des enjeux et des risques du e-Learning et nous présenterons notre mission dans le projet « e-Learning.cv » mené par l’université. Puis, dans un deuxième temps nous analyserons quelques cours que nous avons mis en ligne, en sachant qu’un cours en ligne n’est pas la simple reproduction d’un support pédagogique imprimé mais il offre à l’apprenant un environnement multimédia et interactif. Finalement dans un troisième temps nous essayerons de prendre un peu de recul pour faire une analyse critique de ce que nous avons réalisé et essayer par là même de dégager les perspectives pour améliorer le travail effectué.


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One aspect of person-job fit reflects congruence between personal preferences and job design; as congruence increases so should satisfaction. We hypothesized that power distance would moderate whether fit is related to satisfaction with degree of job formalization. We obtained measures of job-formalization, fit and satisfaction, as well as organizational commitment from employees (n = 772) in a multinational firm with subsidiaries in six countries. Confirming previous findings, individuals from low power-distance cultures were most satisfied with increasing fit. However, the extent to which individuals from high power-distance cultures were satisfied did not necessarily depend on increasing fit, but mostly on whether the degree of formalization received was congruent to cultural norms. Irrespective of culture, satisfaction with formalization predicted a broad measure of organizational commitment. Apart from our novel extension of fit theory, we show how moderation can be tested in the context of polynomial response surface regression and how specific hypotheses can be tested regarding different points on the response surface.