996 resultados para day length


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Extensive use of fossil fuels is leading to increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere and causes changes in the carbonate chemistry of the oceans which represents a major sink for anthropogenic CO2. As a result, the oceans' surface pH is expected to decrease by ca. 0.4 units by the year 2100, a major change with potentially negative consequences for some marine species. Because of their carbonate skeleton, sea urchins and their larval stages are regarded as likely to be one of the more sensitive taxa. In order to investigate sensitivity of pre-feeding (2 days post-fertilization) and feeding (4 and 7 days post-fertilization) pluteus larvae, we raised Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos in control (pH 8.1 and pCO2 41 Pa e.g. 399 µatm) and CO2 acidified seawater with pH of 7.7 (pCO2 134 Pa e.g. 1318 µatm) and investigated growth, calcification and survival. At three time points (day 2, day 4 and day 7 post-fertilization), we measured the expression of 26 representative genes important for metabolism, calcification and ion regulation using RT-qPCR. After one week of development, we observed a significant difference in growth. Maximum differences in size were detected at day 4 (ca. 10 % reduction in body length). A comparison of gene expression patterns using PCA and ANOSIM clearly distinguished between the different age groups (Two way ANOSIM: Global R = 1) while acidification effects were less pronounced (Global R = 0.518). Significant differences in gene expression patterns (ANOSIM R = 0.938, SIMPER: 4.3% difference) were also detected at day 4 leading to the hypothesis that differences between CO2 treatments could reflect patterns of expression seen in control experiments of a younger larva and thus a developmental artifact rather than a direct CO2 effect. We found an up regulation of metabolic genes (between 10 to 20% in ATP-synthase, citrate synthase, pyruvate kinase and thiolase at day 4) and down regulation of calcification related genes (between 23 and 36% in msp130, SM30B, SM50 at day 4). Ion regulation was mainly impacted by up regulation of Na+/K+-ATPase at day 4 (15%) and down regulation of NHE3 at day 4 (45%). We conclude that in studies in which a stressor induces an alteration in the speed of development, it is crucial to employ experimental designs with a high time resolution in order to correct for developmental artifacts. This helps prevent misinterpretation of stressor effects on organism physiology.


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Larvae of the Mediterranean pteropod Cavolinia inflexa were maintained at controlled pHT values of 8.1, 7.82 and 7.51, equivalent respectively to pCO2 levels of 380, 857 and 1713 µatm. At pHT 7.82 larvae exhibited malformations and lower shell growth, compared to the control condition. At pHT 7.51 the larvae did not make shells but were viable and showed a normal development. However, smaller shells or no shells will have both ecological (food web) and biogeochemical (export of carbon and carbonate) consequences. These results confirm that 1pteropods, as well as the species dependent upon them as a food resource, will be severely impacted by ocean acidification.


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Nitrogen requirements at bulb initiation for production of intermediate-day onions Article in Acta horticulturae · October 2016 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1142.11 1st Rui Machado 16.44 · Universidade de Évora 2nd David R. Bryla 30.16 · United States Department of Agriculture Abstract Nitrogen requirements at bulb initiation for production of intermediate-day onions Authors: R.M.A. Machado, D.R. Bryla Keywords: Allium cepa, crop growth, nitrogen uptake, soil nitrate Abstract: The effect of nitrogen application on growth, nitrogen (N) uptake, yield, and quality of intermediate-day onion (Allium cepa 'Guimar') was evaluated in the field in southern Portugal. Plants were fertilized with 30 kg ha-1 N at transplanting, 10 kg ha-1 N at 29 days after transplanting (DAT) during early leaf growth, and with 0, 20, 40 and 60 kg ha-1 N at 51 DAT at the initiation of bulbing. The root system of plants in each treatment were concentrated in the top 0.1 m of soil and limited to 0.3 m depth but neither root length density nor rooting depth were affected by N application during later stages of bulb development. Leaf and bulb dry matter, on the other hand, increased linearly with N rate during bulb growth (85 DAT) and at harvest (114 DAT), respectively. Soil nitrate-N (NO3-N) at 0-0.3 m depth likewise increased linearly with N rate during bulb growth but declined from 15-30 mg kg-1 at bulbing to >10 mg kg-1 in each treatment by harvest. A substantial amount of N in the plants, which ranged from 302-525 mg, was taken up from the soil. Application of 60 kg ha-1 N resulted in luxury consumption. Yield (fresh bulb weight) increased from 0.19 kg plant-1 with no N at bulbing to as much as 0.28 kg plant-1 with 60 kg ha-1 N. Bulbs harvested from plants fertilized 40-60 kg ha-1 N averaged 8.2-8.5 cm in diameter, while those from plants with no N at bulbing averaged only 7.2 cm in diameter. Application of N fertilizer is thus recommended at bulbing to increase N uptake, yield, and bulb size of intermediate-day onions, particularly in dry Mediterranean climates where many onions are produced. Other components of quality, including neck diameter, bulb water content, total soluble solids, and juice pH, were not affect by N applied at bulbing.


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A new method for estimating the time to colonization of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) patients is developed in this paper. The time to colonization of MRSA is modelled using a Bayesian smoothing approach for the hazard function. There are two prior models discussed in this paper: the first difference prior and the second difference prior. The second difference prior model gives smoother estimates of the hazard functions and, when applied to data from an intensive care unit (ICU), clearly shows increasing hazard up to day 13, then a decreasing hazard. The results clearly demonstrate that the hazard is not constant and provide a useful quantification of the effect of length of stay on the risk of MRSA colonization which provides useful insight.


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This article explores how adult paid work is portrayed in 'family' feature length films. The study extends previous critical media literature which has overwhelmingly focused on depictions of gender and violence, exploring the visual content of films that is relevant to adult employment. Forty-two G/PG films were analyzed for relevant themes. Consistent with the exploratory nature of the research, themes emerged inductively from the films' content. Results reveal six major themes: males are more visible in adult work roles than women; the division of labour remains gendered; work and home are not mutually exclusive domains; organizational authority and power is wielded in punitive ways; there are avenues to better employment prospects; and status/money is paramount. The findings of the study reflect a range of subject matters related to occupational characteristics and work-related communication and interactions which are typically viewed by children in contemporary society.


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Aim – To develop and assess the predictive capabilities of a statistical model that relates routinely collected Trauma Injury Severity Score (TRISS) variables to length of hospital stay (LOS) in survivors of traumatic injury. Method – Retrospective cohort study of adults who sustained a serious traumatic injury, and who survived until discharge from Auckland City, Middlemore, Waikato, or North Shore Hospitals between 2002 and 2006. Cubic-root transformed LOS was analysed using two-level mixed-effects regression models. Results – 1498 eligible patients were identified, 1446 (97%) injured from a blunt mechanism and 52 (3%) from a penetrating mechanism. For blunt mechanism trauma, 1096 (76%) were male, average age was 37 years (range: 15-94 years), and LOS and TRISS score information was available for 1362 patients. Spearman’s correlation and the median absolute prediction error between LOS and the original TRISS model was ρ=0.31 and 10.8 days, respectively, and between LOS and the final multivariable two-level mixed-effects regression model was ρ=0.38 and 6.0 days, respectively. Insufficient data were available for the analysis of penetrating mechanism models. Conclusions – Neither the original TRISS model nor the refined model has sufficient ability to accurately or reliably predict LOS. Additional predictor variables for LOS and other indicators for morbidity need to be considered.


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This paper explores the way men are represented in present-day advertising. Most gender related studies have concentrated in studying women in advertising and claim that men are still represented as the dominant gender and in more active, independent and functional roles than women. This paper asks whether this still holds for advertising in the beginning of 21st century. Many cultural changes may have broken the earlier stereotypes, for example changes in the family life, attitudes toward various sexual identities, concepts of masculinity and femininity, and changes in cultural style.


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Both traditional and progressive curricula are inadequate for the task of responding to the economic, political, social, and cultural changes that have occurred as a result of globalization. This book documents some of the ongoing work occurring in early childhood settings that is aimed at improving, and ultimately transforming, early childhood practice in these changed and changing times. The authors do not simply critique developmental approaches or the increasing standardization of the field. Instead, they describe how they are playing around with postmodern ideas in practice and developing unique approaches to the diverse educational circumstances that confront early childhood educators. Whether it is preparing teachers, using materials, or developing policies, each chapter provides readers with possibilities for enacting pedagogies that are responsive to the contemporary circumstances shaping the lives of young children.


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This paper presents a novel approach of estimating the confidence interval of speaker verification scores. This approach is utilised to minimise the utterance lengths required in order to produce a confident verification decision. The confidence estimation method is also extended to address both the problem of high correlation in consecutive frame scores, and robustness with very limited training samples. The proposed technique achieves a drastic reduction in the typical data requirements for producing confident decisions in an automatic speaker verification system. When evaluated on the NIST 2005 SRE, the early verification decision method demonstrates that an average of 5–10 seconds of speech is sufficient to produce verification rates approaching those achieved previously using an average in excess of 100 seconds of speech.


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The purpose of this study was to verify within- and between-day repeatability and variability in children's oxygen uptake (VO^sub 2^), gross economy (GE; VO^sub 2^ divided by speed) and heart rate (HR) during treadmill walking based on self-selected speed (SS). Fourteen children (10.1 ± 1.4 years) undertook three testing sessions over 2 days in which four walking speeds, including SS were tested. Within- and between-day repeatability were assessed using the Bland and Altman method, and coefficients of variability (CV) were determined for each child across exercise bouts and averaged to obtain a mean group CV value for VO^sub 2^, GE, and HR per speed. Repeated measures analysis of variance showed no statistically significant differences in within- or between-day CV for VO^sub 2^, GE, or HR at any speed. Repeatability within- and between-day for VO^sub 2^, GE, and HR for all speeds was verified. These results suggest that submaximal VO^sub 2^ during treadmill walking is stable and reproducible at a range of speeds based on children's SS.