996 resultados para core-annular flow
[EN] 1. The present study examined whether reductions in muscle blood flow with exercise-induced dehydration would reduce substrate delivery and metabolite and heat removal to and from active skeletal muscles during prolonged exercise in the heat. A second aim was to examine the effects of dehydration on fuel utilisation across the exercising leg and identify factors related to fatigue. 2. Seven cyclists performed two cycle ergometer exercise trials in the heat (35 C; 61 +/- 2 % of maximal oxygen consumption rate, VO2,max), separated by 1 week. During the first trial (dehydration, DE), they cycled until volitional exhaustion (135 +/- 4 min, mean +/- s.e.m.), while developing progressive DE and hyperthermia (3.9 +/- 0.3 % body weight loss and 39.7 +/- 0.2 C oesophageal temperature, Toes). On the second trial (control), they cycled for the same period of time maintaining euhydration by ingesting fluids and stabilising Toes at 38.2 +/- 0.1 degrees C. 3. After 20 min of exercise in both trials, leg blood flow (LBF) and leg exchange of lactate, glucose, free fatty acids (FFA) and glycerol were similar. During the 20 to 135 +/- 4 min period of exercise, LBF declined significantly in DE but tended to increase in control. Therefore, after 120 and 135 +/- 4 min of DE, LBF was 0.6 +/- 0.2 and 1.0 +/- 0.3 l min-1 lower (P < 0.05), respectively, compared with control. 4. The lower LBF after 2 h in DE did not alter glucose or FFA delivery compared with control. However, DE resulted in lower (P < 0.05) net FFA uptake and higher (P < 0.05) muscle glycogen utilisation (45 %), muscle lactate accumulation (4.6-fold) and net lactate release (52 %), without altering net glycerol release or net glucose uptake. 5. In both trials, the mean convective heat transfer from the exercising legs to the body core ranged from 6.3 +/- 1.7 to 7.2 +/- 1.3 kJ min-1, thereby accounting for 35-40 % of the estimated rate of heat production ( approximately 18 kJ min-1). 6. At exhaustion in DE, blood lactate values were low whereas blood glucose and muscle glycogen levels were still high. Exhaustion coincided with high body temperature ( approximately 40 C). 7. In conclusion, the present results demonstrate that reductions in exercising muscle blood flow with dehydration do not impair either the delivery of glucose and FFA or the removal of lactate during moderately intense prolonged exercise in the heat. However, dehydration during exercise in the heat elevates carbohydrate oxidation and lactate production. A major finding is that more than one-half of the metabolic heat liberated in the contracting leg muscles is dissipated directly to the surrounding environment. The present results indicate that hyperthermia, rather than altered metabolism, is the main factor underlying the early fatigue with dehydration during prolonged exercise in the heat.
[EN] The accuracy and performance of current variational optical ow methods have considerably increased during the last years. The complexity of these techniques is high and enough care has to be taken for the implementation. The aim of this work is to present a comprehensible implementation of recent variational optical flow methods. We start with an energy model that relies on brightness and gradient constancy terms and a ow-based smoothness term. We minimize this energy model and derive an e cient implicit numerical scheme. In the experimental results, we evaluate the accuracy and performance of this implementation with the Middlebury benchmark database. We show that it is a competitive solution with respect to current methods in the literature. In order to increase the performance, we use a simple strategy to parallelize the execution on multi-core processors.
The majority of carbonate reservoir is oil-wet, which is an unfavorable condition for oil production. Generally, the total oil recovery after both primary and secondary recovery in an oil-wet reservoir is low. The amount of producible oil by enhanced oil recovery techniques is still large. Alkali substances are proven to be able to reverse rock wettability from oil-wet to water-wet, which is a favorable condition for oil production. However, the wettability reversal mechanism would require a noneconomical aging period to reach the maximum reversal condition. An intermittent flow with the optimum pausing period is then combined with alkali flooding (combination technique) to increase the wettability reversal mechanism and as a consequence, oil recovery is improved. The aims of this study are to evaluate the efficiency of the combination technique and to study the parameters that affect this method. In order to implement alkali flooding, reservoir rock and fluid properties were gathered, e.g. interfacial tension of fluids, rock wettability, etc. The flooding efficiency curves are obtained from core flooding and used as a major criterion for evaluation the performance of technique. The combination technique improves oil recovery when the alkali concentration is lower than 1% wt. (where the wettability reversal mechanism is dominant). The soap plug (that appears when high alkali concentration is used) is absent in this combination as seen from no drop of production rate. Moreover, the use of low alkali concentration limits alkali loss. This combination probably improves oil recovery also in the fractured carbonate reservoirs in which oil is uneconomically produced. The results from the current study indicate that the combination technique is an option that can improve the production of carbonate reservoirs. And a less quantity of alkali is consumed in the process.
A fundamental gap in the current understanding of collapsed structures in the universe concerns the thermodynamical evolution of the ordinary, baryonic component. Unopposed radiative cooling of plasma would lead to the cooling catastrophe, a massive inflow of condensing gas toward the centre of galaxies, groups and clusters. The last generation of multiwavelength observations has radically changed our view on baryons, suggesting that the heating linked to the active galactic nucleus (AGN) may be the balancing counterpart of cooling. In this Thesis, I investigate the engine of the heating regulated by the central black hole. I argue that the mechanical feedback, based on massive subrelativistic outflows, is the key to solving the cooling flow problem, i.e. dramatically quenching the cooling rates for several billion years without destroying the cool-core structure. Using an upgraded version of the parallel 3D hydrodynamic code FLASH, I show that anisotropic AGN outflows can further reproduce fundamental observed features, such as buoyant bubbles, cocoon shocks, sonic ripples, metals dredge-up, and subsonic turbulence. The latter is an essential ingredient to drive nonlinear thermal instabilities, which cause cold gas condensation, a residual of the quenched cooling flow and, later, fuel for the AGN feedback engine. The self-regulated outflows are systematically tested on the scales of massive clusters, groups and isolated elliptical galaxies: in lighter less bound objects the feedback needs to be gentler and less efficient, in order to avoid drastic overheating. In this Thesis, I describe in depth the complex hydrodynamics, involving the coupling of the feedback energy to that of the surrounding hot medium. Finally, I present the merits and flaws of all the proposed models, with a critical eye toward observational concordance.
Gli ammassi di galassie sono gli oggetti gravitazionalmente legati più grandi dell’Universo. Questi emettono principalmente in banda X tramite bremsstrahlung. Una frazione mostra anche emissione radio diffusa da parte di elettroni relativistici che spiraleggiano nel campo magnetico. Si possono classificare tre tipi di emissione: alon, relitti e mini-aloni radio (MH). I MH sono sorgenti radio su scale di ≥ 200 – 500 kpc, osservate al centro di ammassi caratterizzati dalla presenze di cool-core (CC). L’origine dei MH non è ancora chiara. Gli elettroni relativistici che emettono in banda radio hanno tempi di vita radiativi di molto inferiori a quelli necessari per diffondere sulle scale dell’emissione diffusa. Quindi non sono semplicemente iniettati dalle galassie presenti negli ammassi ed è necessario un meccanismo di accelerazione “in-situ” nell’ICM. I MH testimoniano la presenza di meccanismi che canalizzano parte del budget energetico disponibile nei CC nell’ICM.Quindi lo studio è importante per comprendere la fisica dell’ICM e l’interazione fra le componenti non termiche e termiche. I MH si formano attraverso la riaccelerazione delle particelle relativistiche ad opera della turbolenza del gas. L’origine di questa turbolenza tuttavia non è ancora ben compresa. Gli ammassi CC sono caratterizzati da un picco della brillanza X nelle regioni centrali e da un drop della temperatura verso il centro accompagnata da aumento della densità del gas. Si ritiene che questo sia dovuto al raffreddamento del gas che quindi fluisce nelle zone centrali. Recenti osservazioni in X risultan inconsistenti con il modello classico di CF, suggerendo la presenza di una sorgente di riscaldamento del gas su scale del core degli ammassi. Recentemente Zhuravleva (2014) hanno mostrato che il riscaldamento dovuto alla turbolenza prodotta dall'AGN centrale è in grado di bilanciare il processo di raffreddamento. Abbiamo assunto che la turbolenza responsabile del riscaldamento del gas è anche responsabile dell’accelerazione delle particelle nei MH. Nell’ambito di questo scenario ci si aspetta una correlazione tra la potenza del cooling flow, PCF, che è una misura del tasso di energia emessa dal gas che raffredda nei CC, e la luminosità radio, che è una frazione dell’energia della turbolenza che è canalizzata nell’accelerazione delle particelle. In questo lavoro di tesi abbiamo utilizzato il più grande campione disponibile di MH, allo scopo di studiare la connessione fra le proprietà dei MH e quelle del gas termico nei core degli ammassi che li ospitano. Abbiamo analizzato i dati di 21 ammassi e ricavato i parametri fisici all’interno del raggio di cooling e del MH. Abbiamo ricavato la correlazione fra luminosità radio, e PCF. Abbiamo trovato che le due quantità correlano in modo quasi-lineare confermando i risultati precedenti. Tale correlazione suggerisce uno stretto legame fra le proprietà del gas nei CC e l’origine dei MH.
A new deep ice core drilling program, TALDICE, has been successfully handled by a European team at Talos Dome, in the Ross Sea sector of East Antarctica, down to 1620 m depth. Using stratigraphic markers and a new inverse method, we produce the first official chronology of the ice core, called TALDICE-1. We show that it notably improves an a priori chronology resulting from a one-dimensional ice flow model. It is in agreement with a posteriori controls of the resulting accumulation rate and thinning function along the core. An absolute uncertainty of only 300 yr is obtained over the course of the last deglaciation. This uncertainty remains lower than 600 yr over Marine Isotope Stage 3, back to 50 kyr BP. The phasing of the TALDICE ice core climate record with respect to the central East Antarctic plateau and Greenland records can thus be determined with a precision allowing for a discussion of the mechanisms at work at sub-millennial time scales.
A precise synchronization of different climate records is indispensable for a correct dynamical interpretation of paleoclimatic data. A chronology for the TALDICE ice core from the Ross Sea sector of East Antarctica has recently been presented based on methane synchronization with Greenland and the EDC ice cores and δ18Oice synchronization with EDC in the bottom part (TALDICE-1). Using new high-resolution methane data obtained with a continuous flow analysis technique, we present a refined age scale for the age interval from 55–112 thousand years (ka) before present, where TALDICE is synchronized with EDC. New and more precise tie points reduce the uncertainties of the age scale from up to 1900 yr in TALDICE-1 to below 1100 yr over most of the refined interval and shift the Talos Dome dating to significantly younger ages during the onset of Marine Isotope Stage 3. Thus, discussions of climate dynamics at sub-millennial time scales are now possible back to 110 ka, in particular during the inception of the last ice age. Calcium data of EDC and TALDICE are compared to show the impact of the refinement to the synchronization of the two ice cores not only for the gas but also for the ice age scale.
A new technique for on-line high resolution isotopic analysis of liquid water, tailored for ice core studies is presented. We built an interface between a Wavelength Scanned Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer (WS-CRDS) purchased from Picarro Inc. and a Continuous Flow Analysis (CFA) system. The system offers the possibility to perform simultaneuous water isotopic analysis of δ18O and δD on a continuous stream of liquid water as generated from a continuously melted ice rod. Injection of sub μl amounts of liquid water is achieved by pumping sample through a fused silica capillary and instantaneously vaporizing it with 100% efficiency in a~home made oven at a temperature of 170 °C. A calibration procedure allows for proper reporting of the data on the VSMOW–SLAP scale. We apply the necessary corrections based on the assessed performance of the system regarding instrumental drifts and dependance on the water concentration in the optical cavity. The melt rates are monitored in order to assign a depth scale to the measured isotopic profiles. Application of spectral methods yields the combined uncertainty of the system at below 0.1‰ and 0.5‰ for δ18O and δD, respectively. This performance is comparable to that achieved with mass spectrometry. Dispersion of the sample in the transfer lines limits the temporal resolution of the technique. In this work we investigate and assess these dispersion effects. By using an optimal filtering method we show how the measured profiles can be corrected for the smoothing effects resulting from the sample dispersion. Considering the significant advantages the technique offers, i.e. simultaneuous measurement of δ18O and δD, potentially in combination with chemical components that are traditionally measured on CFA systems, notable reduction on analysis time and power consumption, we consider it as an alternative to traditional isotope ratio mass spectrometry with the possibility to be deployed for field ice core studies. We present data acquired in the field during the 2010 season as part of the NEEM deep ice core drilling project in North Greenland.
A chronology called EDML1 has been developed for the EPICA ice core from Dronning Maud Land (EDML). EDML1 is closely interlinked with EDC3, the new chronology for the EPICA ice core from Dome-C (EDC) through a stratigraphic match between EDML and EDC that consists of 322 volcanic match points over the last 128 ka. The EDC3 chronology comprises a glaciological model at EDC, which is constrained and later selectively tuned using primary dating information from EDC as well as from EDML, the latter being transferred using the tight stratigraphic link between the two cores. Finally, EDML1 was built by exporting EDC3 to EDML. For ages younger than 41 ka BP the new synchronized time scale EDML1/EDC3 is based on dated volcanic events and on a match to the Greenlandic ice core chronology GICC05 via 10Be and methane. The internal consistency between EDML1 and EDC3 is estimated to be typically ~6 years and always less than 450 years over the last 128 ka (always less than 130 years over the last 60 ka), which reflects an unprecedented synchrony of time scales. EDML1 ends at 150 ka BP (2417 m depth) because the match between EDML and EDC becomes ambiguous further down. This hints at a complex ice flow history for the deepest 350 m of the EDML ice core.
The experiments observe and measure the length of the annular regime in fully condensing quasi-steady (steady-in-the-mean) flows of pure FC-72 vapor in a horizontal condenser (rectangular cross-section of 2 mm height, 15 mm width, and 1 m length). The sides and top of the duct are made of clear plastic that allows flow visualization. The experimental system in which this condenser is used is able to control and achieve different quasi-steady mass flow rates, inlet pressures, and wall cooling conditions (by adjustment of the temperature and flow rate of the cooling water flowing underneath the condensing-plate). The reported correlations and measurements for the annular length are also vital information for determining the length of the annular regime and proposing extended correlation (covering many vapors and a larger parameter set than the experimentally reported version here) by ongoing independent modeling and computational simulation approach.
Polylactide (PLA) is a biodegradable polymer that has been used in particle form for drug release, due to its biocompatibility, tailorable degradation kinetics, and desirable mechanical properties. Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) may be either dissolved or encapsulated within these biomaterials to create micro- or nanoparticles. Delivery of an AIP within fine particles may overcome solubility or stability issues that can result in early elimination or degradation of the AIP in a hostile biological environment. Furthermore, it is a promising method for controlling the rate of drug delivery and dosage. The goal of this project is to develop a simple and cost-effective device that allows us to produce monodisperse micro- and nanocapsules with controllable size and adjustable sheath thickness on demand. To achieve this goal, we have studied the dual-capillary electrospray and pulsed electrospray. Dual-capillary electrospray has received considerable attention in recent years due to its ability to create core-shell structures in a single-step. However, it also increases the difficulty of controlling the inner and outer particle morphology, since two simultaneous flows are required. Conventional electrospraying has been mainly conducted using direct-current (DC) voltage with little control over anything but the electrical potential. In contrast, control over the input voltage waveform (i.e. pulsing) in electrospraying offers greater control over the process variables. Poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) microspheres and microcapsules were successfully fabricated via pulsed-DC electrospray and dual-capillary electrospray, respectively. Core shell combinations produced include: Water/PLLA, PLLA/polyethylene glycol (PEG), and oleic Acid/PLLA. In this study, we designed a novel high-voltage pulse forming network and a set of new designs for coaxial electrospray nozzles. We also investigated the effect of the pulsed voltage characteristics (e.g. pulse frequency, pulse amplitude and pulse width) on the particle’s size and uniformity. We found that pulse frequency, pulse amplitude, pulse width, and the combinations of these factors had a statistically significant effect on the particle’s size. In addition, factors such as polymer concentration, solvent type, feed flow rate, collection method, temperature, and humidity can significantly affect the size and shape of the particles formed.
The dissipation of high heat flux from integrated circuit chips and the maintenance of acceptable junction temperatures in high powered electronics require advanced cooling technologies. One such technology is two-phase cooling in microchannels under confined flow boiling conditions. In macroscale flow boiling bubbles will nucleate on the channel walls, grow, and depart from the surface. In microscale flow boiling bubbles can fill the channel diameter before the liquid drag force has a chance to sweep them off the channel wall. As a confined bubble elongates in a microchannel, it traps thin liquid films between the heated wall and the vapor core that are subject to large temperature gradients. The thin films evaporate rapidly, sometimes faster than the incoming mass flux can replenish bulk fluid in the microchannel. When the local vapor pressure spike exceeds the inlet pressure, it forces the upstream interface to travel back into the inlet plenum and create flow boiling instabilities. Flow boiling instabilities reduce the temperature at which critical heat flux occurs and create channel dryout. Dryout causes high surface temperatures that can destroy the electronic circuits that use two-phase micro heat exchangers for cooling. Flow boiling instability is characterized by periodic oscillation of flow regimes which induce oscillations in fluid temperature, wall temperatures, pressure drop, and mass flux. When nanofluids are used in flow boiling, the nanoparticles become deposited on the heated surface and change its thermal conductivity, roughness, capillarity, wettability, and nucleation site density. It also affects heat transfer by changing bubble departure diameter, bubble departure frequency, and the evaporation of the micro and macrolayer beneath the growing bubbles. Flow boiling was investigated in this study using degassed, deionized water, and 0.001 vol% aluminum oxide nanofluids in a single rectangular brass microchannel with a hydraulic diameter of 229 µm for one inlet fluid temperature of 63°C and two constant flow rates of 0.41 ml/min and 0.82 ml/min. The power input was adjusted for two average surface temperatures of 103°C and 119°C at each flow rate. High speed images were taken periodically for water and nanofluid flow boiling after durations of 25, 75, and 125 minutes from the start of flow. The change in regime timing revealed the effect of nanoparticle suspension and deposition on the Onset of Nucelate Boiling (ONB) and the Onset of Bubble Elongation (OBE). Cycle duration and bubble frequencies are reported for different nanofluid flow boiling durations. The addition of nanoparticles was found to stabilize bubble nucleation and growth and limit the recession rate of the upstream and downstream interfaces, mitigating the spreading of dry spots and elongating the thin film regions to increase thin film evaporation.
Glacier highstands since the Last Glacial Maximum are well documented for many regions, but little is known about glacier fluctuations and lowstands during the Holocene. This is because the traces of minimum extents are difficult to identify and at many places are still ice covered, limiting the access to sample material. Here we report a new approach to assess minimal glacier extent, using a 72-m long surface-to-bedrock ice core drilled on Khukh Nuru Uul, a glacier in the Tsambagarav mountain range of the Mongolian Altai (4130 m asl, 48°39.338′N, 90°50.826′E). The small ice cap has low ice temperatures and flat bedrock topography at the drill site. This indicates minimal lateral glacier flow and thereby preserved climate signals. The upper two-thirds of the ice core contain 200 years of climate information with annual resolution, whereas the lower third is subject to strong thinning of the annual layers with a basal ice age of approximately 6000 years before present (BP). We interpret the basal ice age as indicative of ice-free conditions in the Tsambagarav mountain range at 4100 m asl prior to 6000 years BP. This age marks the onset of the Neoglaciation and the end of the Holocene Climate Optimum. The ice-free conditions allow for adjusting the Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) and derive the glacier extent in the Mongolian Altai during the Holocene Climate Optimum. Based on the ELA-shift, we conclude that most of the glaciers are not remnants of the Last Glacial Maximum but were formed during the second part of the Holocene. The ice core derived accumulation reconstruction suggests important changes in the precipitation pattern over the last 6000 years. During formation of the glacier, more humid conditions than presently prevailed followed by a long dry period from 5000 years BP until 250 years ago. Present conditions are more humid than during the past millennia. This is consistent with precipitation evolution derived from lake sediment studies in the Altai.
The important active and passive role of mineral dust aerosol in the climate and the global carbon cycle over the last glacial/interglacial cycles has been recognized. However, little data on the most important aeolian dust-derived biological micronutrient, iron (Fe), has so far been available from ice-cores from Greenland or Antarctica. Furthermore, Fe deposition reconstructions derived from the palaeoproxies particulate dust and calcium differ significantly from the Fe flux data available. The ability to measure high temporal resolution Fe data in polar ice-cores is crucial for the study of the timing and magnitude of relationships between geochemical events and biological responses in the open ocean. This work adapts an existing flow injection analysis (FIA) methodology for low-level trace Fe determinations with an existing glaciochemical analysis system, continuous flow analysis (CFA) of ice-cores. Fe-induced oxidation of N,N′-dimethyl-p-pheylenediamine (DPD) is used to quantify the biologically more important and easily leachable Fe fraction released in a controlled digestion step at pH ∼1.0. The developed method was successfully applied to the determination of labile Fe in ice-core samples collected from the Antarctic Byrd ice-core and the Greenland Ice-Core Project (GRIP) ice-core.
The recovery of a 1.5 million yr long ice core from Antarctica represents a keystone of our understanding of Quaternary climate, the progression of glaciation over this time period and the role of greenhouse gas cycles in this progression. Here we tackle the question of where such ice may still be found in the Antarctic ice sheet. We can show that such old ice is most likely to exist in the plateau area of the East Antarctic ice sheet (EAIS) without stratigraphic disturbance and should be able to be recovered after careful pre-site selection studies. Based on a simple ice and heat flow model and glaciological observations, we conclude that positions in the vicinity of major domes and saddle position on the East Antarctic Plateau will most likely have such old ice in store and represent the best study areas for dedicated reconnaissance studies in the near future. In contrast to previous ice core drill site selections, however, we strongly suggest significantly reduced ice thickness to avoid bottom melting. For example for the geothermal heat flux and accumulation conditions at Dome C, an ice thickness lower than but close to about 2500 m would be required to find 1.5 Myr old ice (i.e., more than 700 m less than at the current EPICA Dome C drill site). Within this constraint, the resolution of an Oldest-Ice record and the distance of such old ice to the bedrock should be maximized to avoid ice flow disturbances, for example, by finding locations with minimum geothermal heat flux. As the geothermal heat flux is largely unknown for the EAIS, this parameter has to be carefully determined beforehand. In addition, detailed bedrock topography and ice flow history has to be reconstructed for candidates of an Oldest-Ice ice coring site. Finally, we argue strongly for rapid access drilling before any full, deep ice coring activity commences to bring datable samples to the surface and to allow an age check of the oldest ice.