279 resultados para champignons mycorhiziens arbusculaires (CMA)


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随着群组通信业务的普及,群组通信的相关安全研究也随之兴起。群组密码学的概念首先由 Desmedt 提出。与传统通信中的密码学方案相比,群组密码学具有很多优点,并已经成功地运用到视频点播和分布式系统等一些应用场景中。群签名,环签名,广播加密等密码学体制作为群组密码学的重要分支都得到了学术界的密切关注。本文的研究工作集中在群组密码学的一个重要组成部分:群组密钥管理,即多个(群组)用户在不安全的开放网络环境中通过一定的协议产生一个共享的会话密钥,为后面的通信提供各种安全性保护。 本文的研究工作主要包含两个方面,群组密钥分发协议和可证明安全的认证群组密钥协商协议。在对已有的群组密钥管理方案进行了大量的调查与分析后,我们在此基础上提出了一些有价值的研究成果。本文的主要成果包括: 1. 在第二章中,提出了一种高效的长期 self-healing 群组密钥分发方案。和已有方案相比,新方案的优势包括:(1)我们避免了使用指数运算, 而只是域上多项式的相关运算;(2)群组管理者广播消息次数比 Staddon 等人和Blundo 等人的方案少一次;(3)用户端存储私钥数目比 Staddon 等人的方案少将近一半;(4)新协议的安全性为无条件安全。 2. 在第三章中,构造了一个从一般群组密钥协商协议向基于口令认证的群组密钥协商协议转换的编译器。编译器的构造利用了对称加密体制,NM-CCA2 和 IK-CCA2 安全的公钥加密体制,以及 UF-CMA 安全的数字签名体制,从而使得编译器可以避免在线/离线字典攻击。 3. 在第四章中,提出了一个基于口令认证的群组密钥协商协议,使得网关在认证服务器的协助下和多个用户之间建立一个会话密钥,同时认证服务器不知道此会话密钥的任何信息(网关和认证服务器之间的信道是专用信道)。由于意识到口令的泄露往往是由于用户的不当使用造成的,所以,不同于已有的基于口令认证的门限密钥协商机制,我们的门限方案是在用户端实施。我们的门限方案要求把用户群组和认证服务器预先共享的口令(称之为群组口令)以秘密共享方式分散共享在群组用户之间,并且每个用户所存储口令的子秘密(share)值依然是一个易记忆的口令(称之为用户口令)。只有不少于 k 个用户一起才能恢复出群组口令。 4. 在第五章中,利用了Unified 模型(把用户长期私钥嵌入到密钥协商过程)构造了一个在 Strong Corruption 模型下可证明安全的强健的认证群组密钥协商协议。和已有类似方案相比,新方案所需要的签名数量明显减少,从而,计算复杂度和通信复杂度也随之降低。另外,新协议是在 Strong Corruption 模型下可证明安全,在此模型下的类似协议比较少。 5. 在第六章中,对 Desmedt 等人提出的 BD-II(树型)群组密钥协商协议做出改进。利用在树中各个节点上应用遮罩函数,我们把由于群组关系变化而对密钥更新所产生的影响限制在一个比较小的群组范围中,从而提高了协议在动态情况下运行的效率。新协议通过四个子算法:初始化,成员加入,成员撤销,子群组合并来分别应对群组密钥协商过程中所遇到的各种(动态)情况。


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Intercâmbio entre Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite e Exército Brasileiro; MD-EB, Ministério da Defesa (Exército Brasileiro); Construção da Sede Própria; CTEx, Centro Tecnológico do Exercito; Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite recebe visita do chefe do Centro Tecnológico do Exército; EsAO, Escola de Aperfeiçoamento do Exército 9 Chefe de Comunicação e Negócios da Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite participa do exercício de treinamento; Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite entrega material à EsAO; Oficiais da EsAO recebem curso na Unidade; 11ª Bda Inf L, Companhia de Comando da Brigada de Infantaria Leve; Troca de comando na 11ª Bda Inf L 14 Dia do Soldado; 2ª Cia Com L, Companhia de Comunicações Leve; Unidade prestigia atividades comemorativas da 2ª Cia Com L; Oficiais da 2ª Cia Com L visitam a Unidade; 13º RCMec, Regimento de Cavalaria Mecanizado; Embrapa marca presença na troca de comando do 13º RCMec; 28º BIL, Batalhão de Infantaria Leve; Unidade participa do Dia da Infantaria; 2ª B Log, Batalhão Logístico (Comando); 2ª RM-SE, Região Militar do Sudeste; Comandante da 2ª Região Militar do Sudeste visita a futura sede da Unidade; GSI-PR, Gabinete de Segurança Institucional da Presidência da República; Reunião no GSI discute trabalhos em conjunto e o andamento das obras da nova sede da Unidade; Representantes do Gabinete de Segurança Institucional da Presidência da República visitam as obras da nova sede; CMA, Comando Militar da Amazônia; CMO, Comando Militar do Oeste; CMP, Comando Militar do Planalto; CMNE, Comando Militar do Nordeste; CML, Comando Militar do Leste; CMSE, Comando Militar do Sudeste; CMS, Comando Militar do Sul; DIVULGAÇÃO de informações sobre as ações realizadas; Envio do boletim informativo Via Satélite pela internet e mala direta; Divulgação de relatórios anuais das atividades relacionadas no âmbito da parceria.


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The proposed model, called the combinatorial and competitive spatio-temporal memory or CCSTM, provides an elegant solution to the general problem of having to store and recall spatio-temporal patterns in which states or sequences of states can recur in various contexts. For example, fig. 1 shows two state sequences that have a common subsequence, C and D. The CCSTM assumes that any state has a distributed representation as a collection of features. Each feature has an associated competitive module (CM) containing K cells. On any given occurrence of a particular feature, A, exactly one of the cells in CMA will be chosen to represent it. It is the particular set of cells active on the previous time step that determines which cells are chosen to represent instances of their associated features on the current time step. If we assume that typically S features are active in any state then any state has K^S different neural representations. This huge space of possible neural representations of any state is what underlies the model's ability to store and recall numerous context-sensitive state sequences. The purpose of this paper is simply to describe this mechanism.


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The corrosion of reinforcement in bridge deck slabs has been the cause of major deterioration and high costs in repair and maintenance.This problem could be overcome by reducing the amount of reinforcement and/or altering the location.This is possible because, in addition to the strength provided by the reinforcement, bridge deck slabs have an inherent strength due to the in-plane arching forces set up as a result of restraint provided by the slab boundary conditions. This is known as arching action or Compressive Membrane Action (CMA). It has been recognised for some time that laterally restrained slabs exhibit strengths far in excess of those predicted by most design codes but the phenomenon has not been recognised by the majority of bridge design engineers. This paper presents the results of laboratory tests on fifteen reinforced concrete slab strips typical of a bridge deck slab and compares them to predicted strengths using the current codes and CMA theory. The tests showed that the strength of laterally restrained slabs is sensitive to both the degree of external lateral restraint and the concrete compressive strength.The tests particularly highlighted the benefits in strength obtained from very high strength concrete slabs. The theory extends the existing knowledge of CMA in slabs with concrete compressive strengths up to 100 N/mm[2] and promotes more economical and durable bridge deck construction by utilising the benefits of high strength concrete.


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The deterioration of infrastructure, such as bridges, has been one of the major challenges facing both the designers and the owners of such utilities. Sustainable development and a climate of increasing commercialism has led to a requirement for more accurate means of structural analysis. Bridge assessment is one area where this is particularly relevant. It has been known for some time that bridge deck slabs have inherent enhanced strength due to the presence of arching or compressive membrane action (CMA) but only in recent years has there been some acceptance of a rational treatment of this phenomenon for design and assessment purposes. To use the benefits of arching action, this paper presents the results of tests carried out on a reinforced-concrete beam and slab bridge in Northern Ireland that incorporated novel reinforcement type and position. The research was aimed at extending previous laboratory tests on 1/3scale bridge deck edge panels. The measured crack widths and deflections have been compared with the current code requirements.


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The current global environment and the general increase in the spread and use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) by companies and consumers, make the use of these technologies as essential to confront the growing competition in the market. Focused on this sector, in this research we analyze the use of electronic commerce, as through websites as through electronic markets, and the use of social networking tools as enablers of business. For this aim, we conducted a comparative analysis between the Andalusian olive oil cooperatives and other legal forms which are present in the sector.


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A spectrally efficient strategy is proposed for cooperative multiple access (CMA) channels in a centralized communication environment with $N$ users. By applying superposition coding, each user will transmit a mixture containing its own information as well as the other users', which means that each user shares parts of its power with the others. The use of superposition coding in cooperative networks was first proposed in , which will be generalized to a multiple-user scenario in this paper. Since the proposed CMA system can be seen as a precoded point-to-point multiple-antenna system, its performance can be best evaluated using the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff. By carefully categorizing the outage events, the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff can be obtained, which shows that the proposed cooperative strategy can achieve larger diversity/multiplexing gain than the compared transmission schemes at any diversity/multiplexing gain. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the proposed strategy can achieve optimal tradeoff for multiplexing gains $0leq r leq 1$ whereas the compared cooperative scheme is only optimal for $0leq r leq ({1}/{N})$. As discussed in the paper, such superiority of the proposed CMA system is due to the fact that the relaying transmission does not consume extra channel use and, hence, the deteriorating effect of cooperative communication on the data rate is effectively limited.


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In the investigation of real loading capacities in concrete bridge deck slabs,the study of this type of structure was carried out with consideration of compressive membrane action.A series of experimental test of steel-concrete bridge structures was developed with the analysis of influences from the varying of structural parameters on loading capacities,including reinforcement percentages,supporting beam sizes and concrete compressive strength.Through the study of the experimental results,it was found that the real structural loading capacities are larger than those predicted by current design methods.Therefore,based on the previous research,a prediction method for loading capacities of concrete bridge deck slabs was established with consideration of CMA,which was built based on the plastic ultimate analysis.In this method,the lateral restraint stiffness subjected by concrete bridge deck slabs was provided.The proposed theoretical model is capable of predicting the loading capacities of this type of structure accurately with comparison of results from several bridge deck experimental tests.


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This research studies the structural behaviour of bridge deck slabs under static patch loads in steel–concrete composite bridges and investigates compressive membrane action (CMA) in concrete bridge decks slabs, which governs the structural behaviour. A non-linear 3D finite element analysis models was developed using ABAQUS 6.5 software packages. Experimental data from one-span composite bridge structures are used to validate and calibrate the proposed FEM models. A series of parametric studies is conducted. The analysis results are discussed and conclusions on the behaviour of the bridge decks are presented.


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A confirmatory method has been developed and validated that allows for the simultaneous detection of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), megestrol acetate (MGA), melengestrol acetate (MLA), chlormadinone acetate (CMA) and delmadinone acetate (DMA) in animal kidney fat using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The compounds were extracted from kidney fat using acetonitrile, defatted using a hexane wash and subsequent saponification. Extracts were then purified on Isolute CN solid-phase extraction cartridges and analysed by LC-MS/MS. The method was validated in animal kidney fat in accordance with the criteria defined in Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. The decision limit (CC) was calculated to be 0.12, 0.48, 0.40, 0.63 and 0.54 g kg-1, respectively, for MPA, MGA, MLA, DMA and CMA, with respective detection capability (CC) values of 0.20, 0.81, 0.68, 1.07 and 0.92 g kg-1. The measurement uncertainty of the method was estimated at 16, 16, 19, 27 and 26% for MPA, MGA, MLA, DMA and CMA, respectively. Fortifying kidney fat samples (n = 18) in three separate assays showed the accuracy of the method to be between 98 and 100%. The precision of the method, expressed as % RSD, for within-laboratory reproducibility at three levels of fortification (1, 1.5 and 2 g kg-1 for MPA, 5, 7.5 and 10 g kg-1 for MGA, MLA, DMA and CMA) was less than 5% for all analytes.


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Arching or compressive membrane action (CMA) in reinforced concrete slabs occurs as a result of the great difference between the tensile and compressive strength of concrete. Cracking of the concrete causes a migration of the neutral axis which is accompanied by in-plane expansion of the slab at its boundaries. If this natural tendency to expand is restrained, the development of arching action enhances the strength of the slab. The term arching action is normally used to describe the arching phenomenon in one-way spanning slabs and compressive membrane action is normally used to describe the arching phenomenon in two-
way spanning slabs. This encyclopedic article presents the background to the discovery of the phenomenon of arching action and presents a factual history of the approaches to the treatment of arching action in the United Kingdom and North American bridge deck design codes. The article summarises the theoretical methodology used in the United Kingdom Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, BD81/02, which was based on the work by Kirkpatrick, Rankin & Long at Queen's University Belfast.