844 resultados para business-to-business marketing
Traditional focus on the study of high-technology firms and products has practically ignored the importance and potential contributions of the sales force, especially in business-to-business marketing. This article suggests that traditional sales force strategies associated with high-technology products have been supply driven (i.e., driven by the strategies of the marketing firm). We suggest that in order to enhance the success of high-technology products and services, firms need to be more demand driven in their sales structures (i.e., driven by the strategies of the buying firm). We suggest that it is imperative that high-technology firms adopt “solution selling” to enhance high-technology adoption as well as enhance competitiveness. We describe this change in focus and draw out its various managerial and academic implications.
In many firms, the marketing department plays a minor role in new product development (NPD). However, recent research demonstrates that marketing capabilities more strongly influence firm performance than other areas such as research and development. This finding underscores the importance of identifying relevant capabilities that can improve the position of marketing within the NPD process as part of the quest to improve innovation performance. However, thus far, it has remained unclear precisely how the marketing department can increase its influence on NPD to enhance a firm's innovation performance. The results of this study demonstrate that the relationship between marketing capabilities and innovation performance is generally mediated by the decision influence of marketing on NPD. In particular, both marketing research quality and the ability to translate customer needs into product characteristics serve to increase marketing's influence on NPD. This increased influence, in turn, positively contributes to overall firm innovation performance. Hence, these results show that in addition to having the appropriate marketing capabilities, the marketing department must achieve a status in which these capabilities can translate into performance implications.
A marketing-szakirodalom szerint az ár az egyik legfontosabb marketingeszköz, és a vállalati versenyképesség értelmezésében is meghatározó szerepe van. A megfelelő árképzés kialakítása ugyanakkor összetett folyamat, amely önmagában is külön képességnek tekinthető, és kell befektetést igényel. A szerző az elemzés során így arra volt kíváncsi, hogy a vezető, azaz a versenyképes vállalatok árazási gyakorlata mutat-e eltéréseket, és, ha igen, melyek azok a területek, amelyek leginkább összefüggnek az eredményességükkel. A háromszáz hazai vállalatra kiterjedő kutatás során azt találta, hogy a vezető vállalatok valamelyest másképp tekintenek az ár szerepére és szignifikánsan magasabb árszínvonalon értékesítenek. Ez nagyobb mozgásteret enged számukra, a versenytársak árkihívásaira így könnyebben tudnak árakciókkal válaszolni. Árképzési céljaikban azonban kevésbé mutatkoznak különbségek, mert számukra is kihívást jelent a válság, és nekik is több szempontnak kell egyszerre megfelelniük. Az árak meghatározásánál azonban több tényezőt vesznek figyelembe és jobban támaszkodnak a vevőkről szerzett információkra. ______________ According to the marketing literature the price is one of the most important marketing tools and it plays a dominant role in the interpretation of corporate competitiveness, as well. The appropriate pricing, however, a complex process that can be regarded as a distinct capability and it requires sufficient investment itself. In this analysis the author enquired if the pricing practice of the leading, that is, the most competitive companies has a different profile, and if yes, which areas are associated with the success of them. Based on the survey of 300 domestic organisations he found that the leading companies consider the role of price in a slightly different way and they price their products or services significantly higherthan the others. This let them some space to manoeuvre and they can react with price promotions when the competitors challenge them with price activities. Regarding the pricing objectives the author couldn’t identify differences. The leading companies are also affected by the economic crisis and they have to match many expectations at the same time but they take more factors into consideration when they set their prices and more likely use customer information.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão Empresarial, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
The main objective of this paper is to identify some of the key issues encountered by tsunami-affected small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the process of rehabilitation and re-establishment in Sri Lanka. The second objective is to assess how far these affected industries have received various benefits and supports from bodies such as government agencies, private sector firms, donors and NGOs to help them get back into business. The final objective is to recommend policies and strategies to develop the tsunami-affected SMEs in a self-sustaining manner and within a certain time period. The main database of firms for this research has been obtained from the Industrial Development Board, which conducted a survey covering 4,389 tsunami-affected micro- and SMEs. In addition to this, information from various state organizations and NGOs-based sources has been used. This paper identifies the main issues related to tsunami-affected SMEs ranging from basic infrastructure provision up to finance, marketing, machinery, technology, training, product identification and development and so forth. In fact, it is shown that there are no significant differences between issues faced by SMEs in general and tsunami-affected SMEs, apart of course from the effects of a sudden disaster (the tidal wave). Consequently, these issues can be generalized as issues relevant to SMEs in Sri Lanka as a whole. However, under the flood and rain of local and foreign assistance, there have been more pledges and promises than actual deliveries and, so, tsunami-affected SMEs have received comparatively little support and assistance in recovering and no records can be found as to where the colossal amount of foreign assistance received has actually gone. Finally, this paper recommends various types of business incubator centres and entrepreneurial enhancing skill programmes for the revamping of tsunami-affected SMEs in addition to the normal disaster risk management plan.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to focus on how firms draw on historical references in corporate marketing. The paper seeks to analyze the logic behind such efforts from a corporate identity perspective and to propose potential risks and/or benefits of doing so. The paper aims to inspire the understanding of how references to history are used in marketing and the outcome of such use. Design/methodology/approach – The paper mainly draws on literature relating to corporate marketing and the use of history in organizations. Combining these theories, and pointing at empirical examples, the paper clarifies why references to history can be important mani-festations of corporate identity. The paper comes up with propositions concerning what consequences the reference to history in corporate marketing can have for firms’ marketing strategies and business development. Findings – The paper outlines a connection among corporate identity, organizational identity, and image through corporate communications. It suggests that among the range of corporate characteristics, historical references can be particular valuable for corporate communications thanks to the reliability age can provide (as opposed to liabilities of newness). Still, elaborations suggest that the planned use of historical references has both pros and cons in terms of business development. Originality/value – Despite the notion that history, as an inevitable and distinctive firm feature, can play an important role in corporate marketing, research on the topic is quite scarce. This paper offers some remedy to this gap by elaborating on the internal and external rationales for applying historical references and how these can be explained in connections between corporate identity and history.
el punto central de esta investigación será identificar las principales fortalezas y oportunidades de las empresas colombianas frente al Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos, con miras al desarrollo de un proceso de exportación no tradicional e internacionalización, en los estados de Virginia y Washington. Para esto debemos primero reconocer las oportunidades que el mercado colombiano ha aprovechado en los estados de Virginia y Washington, segundo revisar si el tratado de libre comercio de Colombia con Estados unidos representa alguna amenaza o por el contrario oportunidades para nuestras empresas colombianas y por ultimo identificar ¿Qué herramientas necesitan nuestras empresas para aprovechar las oportunidades inherentes al TLC?
Bloompack nace a partir de la desaparición de una empresa que se dedicaba a la fabricación y comercialización de empaques para flores en el municipio de Cajicá, Cundinamarca y en la cual me desempeñaba como Jefe de Producción. Es decir, mi labor era recibir los pedidos que hacían las fincas floricultoras y responder por que la línea de producción elaborara la cantidad necesaria de empaques para cumplir con éstos. La producción se dará por fuente propia, se estableció la infraestructura necesaria para la elaboración de los empaques. Se adquirió la máquina para la elaboración de los empaques, una maquina que sella el plástico que se va a usar-polipropileno biorientado-y deja el empaque formado. De igual forma se adquirió media tonelada de plástico para atender los pedidos iniciales de los clientes. El establecimiento de la infraestructura de Bloompack significó una inversión inicial de $10’700.000.
The growth of direct marketing has been attributed to rapid advances in technology and the changing market context. The fundamental ability of direct marketers to communicate with consumers and to elicit a response, combined with the ubiquitous nature and power of mobile digital technology, provides a synergy that will increase the potential for the success of direct marketing. The aim of this paper is to provide an analytical framework identifying the developments in the digital environment from e-marketing to m-marketing, and to alert direct marketers to the enhanced capabilities available to them.
O sector da saúde ocupa, actualmente, um espaço muito visível na nossa sociedade, quer seja em termos económicos como sociais. Os utentes têm alterado as suas atitudes, tendo vindo a preocupar-se e a exigir cada vez mais dos serviços de saúde. Estas mudanças têm conduzido as Organizações a desenvolver serviços mais orientados para o marketing. Desta forma, reconhece-se a importância dessa avaliação como forma de aumentar os níveis de satisfação dos utentes e da eficiência organizacional. A estratégia de Marketing, passa pela escolha dos mercados alvo, da sua posição competitiva face aos seus concorrentes, que permita atender os seus utentes. Neste contexto, o Marketing poderá desempenhar um papel preponderante na rentabilidade e competitividade das Organizações, pelo que se achou pertinente desenvolver as estratégias de Marketing numa Instituição Privada de Saúde. Assim, no âmbito do 2º. Ano de Mestrado de Gestão das Organizações, ramo Unidades de Saúde, foi realizado um estágio na área do Marketing e Imagem, que teve lugar no Hospital de Santa Maria – Porto. Assim, com este relatório pretende-se reflectir sobre as actividades desenvolvidas, desde a conceptualização à realização das mesmas, e o seu impacto na Organização e, simultaneamente, disponibilizar um instrumento de avaliação da Unidade Curricular.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão de Empresas/MBA.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação do Mestre Paulo Gonçalves e da Doutora Madalena Vilas Boas Esta versão não contém as críticas e sugestões dos elementos do júri
With the increasing technological innovation, the concept of marketing and its applications become more functional and wide. Today is visible the development of mobile marketing campaigns, ie marketing campaigns for mobile devices (mobile phones, smartphones, PDAs, tablets). Taking advantage of mobile devices services (bluetooth networks, Wi-Fi, WAP, SMS service, MMS) as a vehicle to approach and communicate with consumers, bluetooth technology is a potential way of mobile marketing to become increasingly less invasive to consumers. This study seeks to answer the question "what factors may motivate the Portuguese consumer to adopt the bluetooth marketing?". According to the literature review on the concept of mobile marketing, bluetooth marketing and consumer behaviour theories, we propose a conceptual model capable of investigating the relationships between the determinants of responsiveness to bluetooth marketing. The empirical study developed from a set of hypotheses and implementation of an online questionnaire to a sample of 755 respondents, demonstrated that there is a relationship between factors such as, technology ease of use, file exchanging and influence of peers, and the receptivity to bluetooth marketing. Also information value of mobile advertising messages, such as entertainment and personalization relates to responsiveness. The consumer’s perceived control over mobile promotional messages and the safety features of the technology, also showed a positive relationship with the receptivity to bluetooth marketing.
A presente investigação incide sobre as perceções que alunos, pais, professores e público em geral têm sobre uma escola privada quanto à sua imagem e qualidade do serviço prestado. Traçando fronteiras, marcando distâncias ou assinalando caminhos comuns, pretende-se articular conceitos e ferramentas intrínsecas à área do marketing com a esfera do âmbito educacional. A pesquisa centrou-se num estudo de caso, tendo-se optado por uma análise dentro do paradigma qualitativo-interpretativo.
Na sociedade atual as organizações estão cada vez mais conscientes do valor que têm os seus recursos humanos. Na Era da grande concorrência e mutações constantes dos serviços, lidera quem primar pela diferença, e sem dúvida que quem faz a diferença são os bons colaboradores. São estes talentos que as empresas querem atrair, motivar, desenvolver e reter. As organizações intentam aplicar o marketing interno, em detrimento das técnicas tradicionais de motivação e gestão dos colaboradores, sendo que aquelas procuravam ações e comportamentos nos colaboradores que possibilitassem atingir os objetivos da organização. O marketing interno assenta na ideia de que antes de satisfazer as necessidades e expectativas dos clientes externos, a organização deve preocupar-se em satisfazer as necessidades e expectativas dos clientes internos. O marketing interno possui ferramentas que utilizadas no seio da organização e de forma estratégica, podem ser cruciais para uma postura cada vez mais adequada, bem como para o comprometimento para com a empresa e desempenho dos colaboradores. Este projeto de investigação busca analisar a implementação do marketing interno, pelo próprio olhar dos gestores de recursos humanos de empresas portuguesas, tendo como objetivo central perceber a importância dada pelos gestores de recursos humanos ao marketing interno. Para tal recorreu-se à metodologia qualitativa, com recurso a entrevistas semiestruturadas, as quais serão analisadas através da análise de conteúdo, nomeadamente a análise temática ou categorial.