940 resultados para bone-nail specific insertion point


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End caps are intended to prevent nail migration (push-out) in elastic stable intramedullary nailing. The aim of this study was to investigate the force at failure with and without end caps, and whether different insertion angles of nails and end caps would alter that force at failure. Simulated oblique fractures of the diaphysis were created in 15 artificial paediatric femurs. Titanium Elastic Nails with end caps were inserted at angles of 45°, 55° and 65° in five specimens for each angle to create three study groups. Biomechanical testing was performed with axial compression until failure. An identical fracture was created in four small adult cadaveric femurs harvested from two donors (both female, aged 81 and 85 years, height 149 cm and 156 cm, respectively). All femurs were tested without and subsequently with end caps inserted at 45°. In the artificial femurs, maximum force was not significantly different between the three groups (p = 0.613). Push-out force was significantly higher in the cadaveric specimens with the use of end caps by an up to sixfold load increase (830 N, standard deviation (SD) 280 vs 150 N, SD 120, respectively; p = 0.007). These results indicate that the nail and end cap insertion angle can be varied within 20° without altering construct stability and that the risk of elastic stable intramedullary nailing push-out can be effectively reduced by the use of end caps.


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OBJECTIVE The preservation of residual hearing in cochlear implantation opens the door for optimal functional results. This atraumatic surgical technique requires training; however, the traditional human cadaveric temporal bones have become less available or unattainable in some institutions. This study investigates the suitability of an alternative model, using cadaveric lamb temporal bone, for surgical training of atraumatic round window electrode insertion. INTERVENTION A total of 14 lamb temporal bones were dissected for cochlear implantation by four surgeons. After mastoidectomy, visualization, and drilling of the round window niche, an atraumatic round window insertion of a Medel Flex24 electrode was performed. Electrode insertion depth and position were verified by computed tomography scans. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE All cochleas were successfully implanted using the atraumatic round window approach; however, surgical access through the mastoid was substantially different when compared human anatomy. The mean number of intracochlear electrode contacts was 6.5 (range, 4-11) and the mean insertion depth 10.4 mm (range, 4-20 mm), which corresponds to a mean angular perimodiolar insertion depth of 229 degrees (range 67-540°). Full insertion of the electrode was not possible because of the smaller size of the lamb cochlea in comparison to that of the human. CONCLUSION The lamb temporal bone model is well suited as a training model for atraumatic cochlear implantation at the level of the round window. The minimally pneumatized mastoid as well as the smaller cochlea can help prepare a surgeon for difficult cochlear implantations. Because of substantial differences to human anatomy, it is not an adequate training model for other surgical techniques such as mastoidectomy and posterior tympanotomy as well as full electrode insertion.


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In trypanosomes, as in other eukaryotes, more than 95% of all mitochondrial proteins are imported into the mitochondrion. The recently characterized multisubunit ATOM complex mediates import of essentially all proteins across the outer mitochondrial membrane in T. brucei. Moreover, an additional protein termed pATOM36, which is loosely associated with the ATOM complex, has been implicated in the import of only a subset of mitochondrial matrix proteins. Here we have investigated more precisely which role pATOM36 plays in mitochondrial protein import. RNAi mediated ablation of pATOM36 specifically depletes a subset of ATOM complex subunits and as a consequence results in the collapse of the ATOM complex as shown by Blue native PAGE. In addition, a SILAC-based global proteomic analysis of uninduced and induced pATOM36 RNAi cells together with in vitro import experiments suggest that pATOM36 might be a novel protein insertase acting on a subset of alpha-helically anchored mitochondrial outer membrane proteins. Identification of pATOM36 interaction partners by co-immunoprecipitation together with immunofluorescence analysis furthermore shows that unexpectedly a fraction of the protein is associated with the tripartite attachment complex (TAC). This complex is essential for proper inheritance of the kDNA as it forms a physical connection between the kDNA and the basal body of the flagellum throughout the cell cycle. Thus, the presence of pATOM36 in the TAC provides an exciting link between mitochondrial protein import and kDNA inheritance.


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The nail unit is the largest and a rather complex skin appendage. It is located on the dorsal aspect of the tips of fingers and toes and has important protective and sensory functions. Development begins in utero between weeks 7 and 8 and is fully formed at birth. For its correct development, a great number of signals are necessary. Anatomically, it consists of 4 epithelial components: the matrix that forms the nail plate; the nail bed that firmly attaches the plate to the distal phalanx; the hyponychium that forms a natural barrier at the physiological point of separation of the nail from the bed; and the eponychium that represents the undersurface of the proximal nail fold which is responsible for the formation of the cuticle. The connective tissue components of the matrix and nail bed dermis are located between the corresponding epithelia and the bone of the distal phalanx. Characteristics of the connective tissue include: a morphogenetic potency for the regeneration of their epithelia; the lateral and proximal nail folds form a distally open frame for the growing nail; and the tip of the digit has rich sensible and sensory innervation. The blood supply is provided by the paired volar and dorsal digital arteries. Veins and lymphatic vessels are less well defined. The microscopic anatomy varies from nail subregion to subregion. Several different biopsy techniques are available for the histopathological evaluation of nail alterations.


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OBJECTIVES The aim of the present longitudinal study was to investigate bacterial colonization of the internal implant cavity and to evaluate a possible association with peri-implant bone loss. METHODS A total of 264 paper point samples were harvested from the intra-implant cavity of 66 implants in 26 patients immediately following implant insertion and after 3, 4, and 12 months. Samples were evaluated for Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Treponema denticola, and Tannerella forsythia as well as total bacterial counts by real-time PCR. Bone loss was evaluated on standardized radiographs up to 25 months after implant insertion. For the statistical analysis of the data, mixed effects models were fitted. RESULTS There was an increase in the frequency of detection as well as in the mean counts of the selected bacteria over time. The evaluation of the target bacteria revealed a significant association of Pr. intermedia at 4 and 12 months with peri-implant bone loss at 25 months (4 months: P = 0.009; 12 months: P = 0.021). CONCLUSIONS The present study could demonstrate a progressive colonization by periodontopathogenic bacteria in the internal cavities of two-piece implants. The results suggest that internal colonization with Pr. intermedia was associated with peri-implant bone loss.


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Point-of-decision signs to promote stair use have been found to be effective in various environments. However, these signs have been more consistently successful in public access settings that use escalators, such as shopping centers and transportation stations, compared to worksite settings, which are more likely to contain elevators that are not directly adjacent to the stairs. Therefore, this study tested the effectiveness of two point-of-decision sign prompts to increase stair use in a university worksite setting. Also, this study investigated the importance of the message content of the signs. One sign displayed a general health promotion message, while the other sign presented more specific information. Overall, this project examined whether the presence of the point-of-decision signs increases stair use. In addition, this research determined whether the general or specific sign promotes greater stair use. ^ Inconspicuous observers measured stair use both before the signs were present and while they were posted. The study setting was the University of Texas School of Nursing, and the target population was anyone who entered the building, including employees, students, and visitors. The study was conducted over six weeks and included two weeks of baseline measurement, two weeks with the general sign posted, and two weeks with the specific sign posted. Each sign was displayed on a stand in the decision point area near the stairs and the elevator. Logistic regression was used to analyze the data. ^ After adjustment for covariates, the odds of stair use were significantly greater during the intervention period than the baseline period. Furthermore, the specific sign period showed significantly greater odds of stair use than the general sign period. These results indicate that a point-of-decision sign intervention can be effective at promoting stair use in a university worksite setting and that a sign with a specific health information message may be more effective at promoting stair use than a sign with a general health promotion message. These findings can be considered when planning future worksite and university based stair promotion interventions.^


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The til-1 locus was identified as a common retroviral integration site in virus-accelerated lymphomas of CD2-myc transgenic mice. We now show that viral insertions at til-1 lead to transcriptional activation of PEBP2αA (CBFA1), a transcription factor related to the Drosophila segmentation gene product, Runt. Insertions are upstream and in the opposite orientation to the gene and appear to activate a variant promoter that is normally silent in T cells. Activity of this promoter was detected in rodent osteogenic sarcoma cells and primary osteoblasts, implicating bone as the normal site of promoter activity. The isoforms encoded by the activated gene all encompass the conserved runt DNA-binding domain and share a novel N terminus different from the previously reported PEBP2αA products. Minor products include isoforms with internal deletions due to exon skipping and a novel C-terminal domain unrelated to known runt domain factors. The major isoform expressed from the activated til-1 locus (G1) was found to account for virtually all of the core binding factor activity in nuclear extracts from its corresponding lymphoma cell line. Another member of this gene family, AML1(CBFA2), is well known for its involvement in human hemopoietic tumors. These results provide evidence of a direct oncogenic role for PEBP2αA and indicate that the Myc and Runt family genes can cooperate in oncogenesis.


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We showed previously that substitution of the first residue of the influenza hemagglutinin (HA) fusion peptide Gly1 with Glu abolishes fusion activity. In the present study we asked whether this striking phenotype was due to the charge or side-chain volume of the substituted Glu. To do this we generated and characterized six mutants with substitutions at position 1: Gly1 to Ala, Ser, Val, Glu, Gln, or Lys. We found the following. All mutants were expressed at the cell surface, could be cleaved from the precursor (HA0) to the fusion permissive form (HA1-S-S-HA2), bound antibodies against the major antigenic site, bound red blood cells, and changed conformation at low pH. Only Gly, Ala, and Ser supported lipid mixing during fusion with red blood cells. Only Gly and Ala supported content mixing. Ser HA, therefore, displayed a hemifusion phenotype. The hemifusion phenotype of Ser HA was confirmed by electrophysiological studies. Our findings indicate that the first residue of the HA fusion peptide must be small (e.g., Gly, Ala, or Ser) to promote lipid mixing and must be small and apolar (e.g., Gly or Ala) to support both lipid and content mixing. The finding that Val HA displays no fusion activity underscores the idea that hydrophobicity is not the sole factor dictating fusion peptide function. The surprising finding that Ser HA displays hemifusion suggests that the HA ectodomain functions not only in the first stage of fusion, lipid mixing, but also, either directly or indirectly, in the second stage of fusion, content mixing.


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In Dictyostelium discoideum, a unique Gβ subunit is required for a G protein–coupled receptor system that mediates a variety of cellular responses. Binding of cAMP to cAR1, the receptor linked to the G protein G2, triggers a cascade of responses, including activation of adenylyl cyclase, gene induction, actin polymerization, and chemotaxis. Null mutations of the cAR1, Gα2, and Gβ genes completely impair all these responses. To dissect specificity in Gβγ signaling to downstream effectors in living cells, we screened a randomly mutagenized library of Gβ genes and isolated Gβ alleles that lacked the capacity to activate some effectors but retained the ability to regulate others. These mutant Gβ subunits were able to link cAR1 to G2, to support gene expression, and to mediate cAMP-induced actin polymerization, and some were able to mediate to chemotaxis toward cAMP. None was able to activate adenylyl cyclase, and some did not support chemotaxis. Thus, we separated in vivo functions of Gβγ by making point mutations on Gβ. Using the structure of the heterotrimeric G protein displayed in the computer program CHAIN, we examined the positions and the molecular interactions of the amino acids substituted in each of the mutant Gβs and analyzed the possible effects of each replacement. We identified several residues that are crucial for activation of the adenylyl cyclase. These residues formed an area that overlaps but is not identical to regions where bovine Gtβγ interacts with its regulators, Gα and phosducin.


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Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) is highly expressed in osteoclasts and in a subset of tissue macrophages and dendritic cells. It is expressed at lower levels in the parenchymal cells of the liver, glomerular mesangial cells of the kidney and pancreatic acinar cells. We have identified novel TRAP mRNAs that differ in their 5-untranslated region (5'-UTR) sequence, but align with the known murine TRAP mRNA from the first base of Exon 2. The novel 5'-UTRs represent alternative first exons located upstream of the known 5'-UTR. A similar genomic structure exists for the human TRAP gene with partial conservation of the exon and promoter sequences. Expression of the most distal 5'-UTR (Exon 1A) is restricted to adult bone and spleen tissue. Exon 1B is expressed primarily in tissues containing TRAP-positive nonhaematopoietic cells. The known TRAP 5'-UTR (Exon 1) is expressed in tissues characteristic of myeloid cell expression. In addition the Exon 1C promoter sequence is shown to comprise distinct transcription start regions, with an osteoclast-specific transcription initiation site identified downstream of a TATA-like element. Macrophages are shown to initiate transcription of the Exon 1C transcript from a purine-rich region located upstream of the osteoclast-specific transcription start point. The distinct expression patterns for each of the TRAP 5'-UTRs suggest that TRAP mRNA expression is regulated by the use of four alternative tissue- and cell-restricted promoters. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The use of extracellular matrix materials as scaffolds for the repair and regeneration of tissues is receiving increased attention. The current study was undertaken to test whether extracellular matrix formed by osteoblasts in vitro could be used as a scaffold for osteoblast transplantation and induce new bone formation in critical size osseous defects in vivo. Human osteoblasts derived from alveolar bone were cultured in six-well plates until confluent and then in mineralization media for a further period of 3 weeks to form an osteoblast-mineralized matrix complex. Histologically, at this time point a tissue structure with a connective tissue-like morphology was formed. Type I collagen was the major extracellular component present and appeared to determine the matrix macrostructure. Other bone-related proteins such as alkaline phosphatase (ALP), bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 and -4, bone sialoprotein (BSP), osteopontin (OPN), and osteocalcin (OCN) also accumulated in the matrix. The osteoblasts embedded in this matrix expressed mRNAs for these bone-related proteins very strongly. Nodules of calcification were detected in the matrix and there was a correlation between calcification and the distribution of BSP and OPN. When this matrix was transplanted into a critical size bone defect in skulls of inummodeficient mice (SCID), new bone formation occurred. Furthermore, the cells inside the matrix survived and proliferated in the recipient sites, and were traceable by the human-specific Alu gene sequence using in situ hybridization. It was found that bone-forming cells differentiated from both transplanted human osteoblasts and activated endogenous mesenchymal cells. This study indicates that a mineralized matrix, formed by human osteoblasts in vitro, can be used as a scaffold for osteoblast transplantation, which subsequently can induce new bone formation.


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Evidence-based medicine relies on repositories of empirical research evidence that can be used to support clinical decision making for improved patient care. However, retrieving evidence from such repositories at local sites presents many challenges. This paper describes a methodological framework for automatically indexing and retrieving empirical research evidence in the form of the systematic reviews and associated studies from The Cochrane Library, where retrieved documents are specific to a patient-physician encounter and thus can be used to support evidence-based decision making at the point of care. Such an encounter is defined by three pertinent groups of concepts - diagnosis, treatment, and patient, and the framework relies on these three groups to steer indexing and retrieval of reviews and associated studies. An evaluation of the indexing and retrieval components of the proposed framework was performed using documents relevant for the pediatric asthma domain. Precision and recall values for automatic indexing of systematic reviews and associated studies were 0.93 and 0.87, and 0.81 and 0.56, respectively. Moreover, precision and recall for the retrieval of relevant systematic reviews and associated studies were 0.89 and 0.81, and 0.92 and 0.89, respectively. With minor modifications, the proposed methodological framework can be customized for other evidence repositories. © 2010 Elsevier Inc.


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La problématique de cette recherche trouve son existence dans le fait que l'intégration des jeunes au travail est un secteur d'activités humaines qui pose des problèmes importants tant sur le plan social qu'au point de vue de l'éducation. Ces derniers se manifestent à travers des ennuis sociaux comme celui du chômage des jeunes, de la pénurie de personnel qualifié ainsi que des difficultés d'intégration sociale et professionnelle. Le problème existe aussi au plan éducatif : abandons et échecs scolaires, insatisfactions reliées à l'absence d'une formation adéquate. Cette situation s'accentue encore davantage lors qu'il s'agit de jeunes en difficulté d'apprentissage ou qui ont des problèmes socio-affectifs. À travers les différentes pistes de solutions proposées (programmes de cheminements particuliers de formation, programmes de formation en alternance entre l'école et le travail et approches de collaboration entre l'école et le travail), l'auteur de cette recherche suggère que l'insertion professionnelle ou l'intégration des jeunes au travail soit examinée sous une nouvelle perspective : mieux connaître l'implication et le rôle des entreprises dans la formation et de développement des compétences d'employabilité. Cette étude présente ainsi la perception qu'ont les entreprises de l'importance et des modes d'acquisition des compétences d'employabilité des jeunes en intégration au travail.