432 resultados para bandgap


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Graphitic like layered materials exhibit intriguing electronic structures and thus the search for new types of two-dimensional (2D) monolayer materials is of great interest for developing novel nano-devices. By using density functional theory (DFT) method, here we for the first time investigate the structure, stability, electronic and optical properties of monolayer lead iodide (PbI2). The stability of PbI2 monolayer is first confirmed by phonon dispersion calculation. Compared to the calculation using generalized gradient approximation, screened hybrid functional and spin–orbit coupling effects can not only predicts an accurate bandgap (2.63 eV), but also the correct position of valence and conduction band edges. The biaxial strain can tune its bandgap size in a wide range from 1 eV to 3 eV, which can be understood by the strain induced uniformly change of electric field between Pb and I atomic layer. The calculated imaginary part of the dielectric function of 2D graphene/PbI2 van der Waals type hetero-structure shows significant red shift of absorption edge compared to that of a pure monolayer PbI2. Our findings highlight a new interesting 2D material with potential applications in nanoelectronics and optoelectronics.


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A Bi 2 × n surface net was grown on the Si(001) surface and studied with inverse photoemission, scanning tunnelling microscopy and ab initio and empirical pseudopotential calculations. The experiments demonstrated that Bi adsorption eliminates the dimer related π1* and π2* surface states, produced by correlated dimer buckling, leaving the bulk bandgap clear of unoccupied surface states. Ab initio calculations support this observation and demonstrate that the surface states derived from the formation of symmetric Bi dimers do not penetrate the fundamental bandgap of bulk Si. Since symmetric Bi dimers are an important structural component of the recently discovered Bi nanolines, that self-organize on Si(001) above the Bi desorption temperature, a connection will be made between our findings and the electronic structure of the nanolines.


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Amorphous carbon-sulfur (a-C:S) composite films were prepared by vapor phase pyrolysis technique. The structural changes in the a-C:S films were investigated by electron microscopy. A powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) study depicts the two-phase nature of a sulfur-incorporated a-C system. The optical bandgap energy shows a decreasing trend with an increase in the sulfur content and preparation temperature. This infers a sulfur incorporation and pyrolysis temperature induced reduction in structural disorder or increase in sp (2) or pi-sites. The presence of sulfur (S 2p) in the a-C:S sample is analyzed by the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The sp (3)/sp (2) hybridization ratio is determined by using the XPS C 1s peak fitting, and the results confirm an increase in sp (2) hybrids with sulfur addition to a-C. The electrical resistivity variation in the films depends on both the sulfur concentration and the pyrolysis temperature.


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PbS quantum dots capped with mercaptoethanol (C2H5OSH) have been synthesized in poly vinyl alcohol and used to investigate their photoluminescence (PL) response to various ions such as zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), silver (Ag), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr) and nickel (Ni). The enhancement in the PL intensity was observed with specific ions namely Zn, Cd, Hg and Ag. Among these four ions, the PL response to Hg and Ag even at sub-micro-molar concentrations was quite high, compared to that of Zn and Cd. It was observed that the change in Pb and S molar ratio has profound effect on the sensitivity of these ions. These results indicate that the sensitivity of these QDs could be fine-tuned by controlling the S concentration at the surface. Contrary to the above, Cu quenched the photoluminescence. In Cd based QDs related ion probing, Hg and Cu was found to have quenching properties, however, our PbS QDs have quenching property only for Cu ions. This was attributed to the formation HgS at the surface that has bandgap higher than PbS. Another interesting property of PbS in PVA observed is photo-brightening mechanism due to the curing of the polymer with laser. However, the presence of excess ions at the surface changes its property to photo-darkening/brightening that depends on the direction of carrier transfer mechanism (from QDs to the surface adsorbed metal ions or vice-versa). which is an interesting feature for metal ion detectivity.


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The electronic structure of group II-VI semiconductors in the stable wurtzite form is analyzed using state-of-the-art ab initio approaches to extract a simple and chemically transparent tight-binding model. This model can be used to understand the variation in the bandgap with size, for nanoclusters of these compounds. Results complement similar information already available for same systems in the zinc blende structure. A comparison with all available experimental data on quantum size effects in group II-VI semiconductor nanoclusters establishes a remarkable agreement between theory and experiment in both structure types, thereby verifying the predictive ability of our approach. The significant dependence of the quantum size effect on the structure type suggests that the experimental bandgap change at a given size compared to the bulk bandgap, may be used to indicate the structural form of the nanoclusters, particularly in the small size limit, where broadening of diffraction features often make it difficult to unambiguously determine the structure.


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We report an efficient and fast solvothermal route to prepare highly crystalline monodispersed InP quantum dots. This solvothermal route, not only ensures inert atmosphere, which is strictly required for the synthesis of phase pure InP quantum dots but also allows a reaction temperature as high as 430 degrees C, which is otherwise impossible to achieve using a typical solution chemistry; the higher reaction temperature makes the reaction more facile. This method also has a judicious control over the size of the quantum dots and thus in tuning the bandgap.


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The light and heat induced changes in the optical band gap of Sb/As2S3 nanomultilayered chalcogenide film has been studied. Even though the changes in optical bandgap are attributed to the light and heat induced interdiffusion, the diffusional intermixing between the layers is rather different with light and heat. The observed difference in the light and heat induced interdiffusion is due to unequal diffusion coefficients of light and heat predicted by thermal spike model.


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Modulation of material physical and chemical properties through selective surface engineering is currently one of the most active research fields, aimed at optimizing functional performance for applications. The activity of exposed crystal planes determines the catalytic, sensory, photocatalytic, and electrochemical behavior of a material. In the research on nanomagnets, it opens up new perspectives in the fields of nanoelectronics, spintronics, and quantum computation. Herein, we demonstrate controllable magnetic modulation of α-MnO 2 nanowires, which displayed surface ferromagnetism or antiferromagnetism, depending on the exposed plane. First-principles density functional theory calculations confirm that both Mn- and O-terminated α-MnO2(1 1 0) surfaces exhibit ferromagnetic ordering. The investigation of surface-controlled magnetic particles will lead to significant progress in our fundamental understanding of functional aspects of magnetism on the nanoscale, facilitating rational design of nanomagnets. Moreover, we approved that the facet engineering pave the way on designing semiconductors possessing unique properties for novel energy applications, owing to that the bandgap and the electronic transport of the semiconductor can be tailored via exposed surface modulations.


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Oriented, single-crystalline, one-dimensional (1D) TiO2 nanostructures would be most desirable for providing fascinating properties and features, such as high electron mobility or quantum confinement effects, high specific surface area, and even high mechanical strength, but achieving these structures has been limited by the availability of synthetic techniques. In this study, a concept for precisely controlling the morphology of 1D TiO2 nanostructures by tuning the hydrolysis rate of titanium precursors is proposed. Based on this innovation, oriented 1D rutile TiO2 nanostructure arrays with continually adjustable morphologies, from nanorods (NRODs) to nanoribbons (NRIBs), and then nanowires (NWs), as well as the transient state morphologies, were successfully synthesized. The proposed method is a significant finding in terms of controlling the morphology of the 1D TiO2 nano-architectures, which leads to significant changes in their band structures. It is worth noting that the synthesized rutile NRIBs and NWs have a comparable bandgap and conduction band edge height to those of the anatase phase, which in turn enhances their photochemical activity. In photovoltaic performance tests, the photoanode constructed from the oriented NRIB arrays possesses not only a high surface area for sufficient dye loading and better light scattering in the visible light range than for the other morphologies, but also a wider bandgap and higher conduction band edge, with more than 200% improvement in power conversion efficiency in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) compared with NROD morphology.


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One of the least known compounds among transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) is the layered triclinic technetium dichalcogenides (TcX2, X = S, Se). In this work, we systematically study the structural, mechanical, electronic, and optical properties of TcS2 and TcSe2 monolayers based on density functional theory (DFT). We find that TcS2 and TcSe2 can be easily exfoliated in a monolayer form because their formation and cleavage energy are analogous to those of other experimentally realized TMDCs monolayer. By using a hybrid DFT functional, the TcS2 and TcSe2 monolayers are calculated to be indirect semiconductors with band gaps of 1.91 and 1.69 eV, respectively. However, bilayer TcS2 exhibits direct-bandgap character, and both TcS2 and TcSe2 monolayers can be tuned from semiconductor to metal under effective tensile/compressive strains. Calculations of visible light absorption indicate that 2D TcS2 and TcSe2 generally possess better capability of harvesting sunlight compared to single-layer MoS2 and ReSe2, implying their potential as excellent light-absorbers. Most interestingly, we have discovered that the TcSe2 monolayer is an excellent photocatalyst for splitting water into hydrogen due to the perfect fit of band edge positions with respect to the water reduction and oxidation potentials. Our predictions expand the two-dimensional (2D) family of TMDCs, and the remarkable electronic/optical properties of monolayer TcS2 and TcSe2 will place them among the most promising 2D TMDCs for renewable energy application in the future.


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Formation of crystalline, monophasic indium selenide (InSe) thin solid films by elemental evaporation on hot glass substrates (400 to 530 K) is reported. The compound formation as well as the composition of the formed films are confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. The crystallinity of the rhombohedral InSe films can be improved by post-depositional annealing for t < 30 min at 533 K. The InSe thin films become Se-deficient at higher temperatures of deposition or longer duration of annealing. Optical studies reveal the bandgap to be around 1.29 eV. Under optimum conditions of preparations the lowest resistivity of ≈ 12.8 Ω cm is obtained. Durch Verdampfen aus den Elementen auf heiße Glassubstrate (400 bis 530 k) werden dünne, kristalline, einphasige Indiumselenid (InSe)-Festkörperschichten gebildet. Sowohl die Bildung der Verbindung als auch die Zusammensetzung der Schichten werden durch Röntgen-Photoelektronenspektroskopie (XPS) untersucht. Die Kristallinität der rhomboedrischen InSe-Schichten kann durch eine Temperung bei 533 K für t < 30 min nach der Abscheidung verbessert werden. Die dünnen InSe-Schichten zeigen nach Abscheidung bei höheren Temperaturen oder längerer Temperungsdauer einen Se-Unterschuß. Optische Untersuchungen ergeben, daß die Bandlücke bei etwa 1,29 eV liegt. Unter optimalen Präperationsbedingungen wird ein niedrigster Widerstand von ≈ 12.8 Ω cm erreicht.


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The optical bandgap and thermal diffusivity of Si10AsxTe90−x (10 ≤ x ≤ 50) and Si15AsxTe85−x (5 ≤ x ≤ 40) glasses have been measured using the photoacoustic technique. The anomalous behaviour observed in these properties at the mean coordination number left angle bracketrright-pointing angle bracket = 2.60 is interpreted by reference to the formation and development of a layered structure in these glasses.


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Non-linear resistors having current-limiting capabilities at lower field strengths, and voltage-limiting characteristics (varistors) at higher field strengths, were prepared from sintered polycrystalline ceramics of (Ba0.6Sr0.4)(Ti0.97Zr0.03)O3+0.3 at % La, and reannealed after painting with low-melting mixtures of Bi2O3 + PbO +B2O3. These types of non-linear characteristics were found to depend upon the non-uniform diffusion of lead and the consequent distribution of Curie points (T c) in these perovskites, resulting in diffuse phase transitions. Tunnelling of electrons across the asymmetric barrier at tetragonak-cubic interfaces changes to tunnelling across the symmetric barrier as the cubic phase is fully stabilized through Joule heating at high field strengths. Therefore the current-limiting characteristics switch over to voltage-limiting behaviour because tunnelling to acceptor-type mid-bandgap states gives way to band-to-band tunnelling.


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Semiconductor based nanoscale heterostructures are promising candidates for photocatalytic and photovoltaic applications with the sensitization of a wide bandgap semiconductor with a narrow bandgap material being the most viable strategy to maximize the utilization of the solar spectrum. Here, we present a simple wet chemical route to obtain nanoscale heterostructures of ZnO/CdS without using any molecular linker. Our method involves the nucleation of a Cd-precursor on ZnO nanorods with a subsequent sulfidation step leading to the formation of the ZnO/CdS nanoscale heterostructures. Excellent control over the loading of CdS and the microstructure is realized by merely changing the initial concentration of the sulfiding agent. We show that the heterostructures with the lowest CdS loading exhibit an exceptionally high activity for the degradation of methylene blue (MB) under solar irradiation conditions; microstructural and surface analysis reveals that the higher activity in this case is related to the dispersion of the CdS nanoparticles on the ZnO nanorod surface and to the higher concentration of surface hydroxyl species. Detailed analysis of the mechanism of formation of the nanoscale heterostructures reveals that it is possible to obtain deterministic control over the nature of the interfaces. Our synthesis method is general and applicable for other heterostructures where the interfaces need to be engineered for optimal properties. In particular, the absence of any molecular linker at the interface makes our method appealing for photovoltaic applications where faster rates of electron transfer at the heterojunctions are highly desirable.


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In this paper, we propose a novel S/D engineering for dual-gated Bilayer Graphene (BLG) Field Effect Transistor (FET) using doped semiconductors (with a bandgap) as source and drain to obtain unipolar complementary transistors. To simulate the device, a self-consistent Non-Equilibrium Green's Function (NEGF) solver has been developed and validated against published experimental data. Using the simulator, we predict an on-off ratio in excess of 10(4) and a subthreshold slope of similar to 110mV/decade with excellent scalability and current saturation, for a 20nm gate length unipolar BLG FET. However, the performance of the proposed device is found to be strongly dependent on the S/D series resistance effect. The obtained results show significant improvements over existing reports, marking an important step towards bilayer graphene logic devices.