946 resultados para atividade enzimática
A G6PD é expressa em todos os tecidos, onde catalisa a primeira etapa da via das pentoses-fosfato. O NADPH produzido pela ação da G6PD serve como doador de elétrons na biossíntese redutora. Pelo fato de os glóbulos vermelhos não terem mitocôndria, a via das pentoses-fosfato é a única fonte de NADPH e essencial para sua proteção contra o stress oxidativo. A deficiência da G6PD é classificada como anemia hemolítica hereditária ligada ao cromossomo X, associada a manifestações clínicas heterogêneas. O gene da G6PD possui cerca de 140 variantes moleculares já descritas, muitas dessas associadas à enzimopatia. Considerando-se a alta freqüência populacional da deficiência de G6PD, a constituição da população do Rio Grande do Sul e as dificuldades diagnósticas desta deficiência, este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar os aspectos laboratoriais do diagnóstico da deficiência de G6PD em nosso meio. Para a quantificação da atividade da G6PD, foi utilizado o método enzimáticocolorimétrico com normalização da hemoglobina (kit intercientífica) e para as análises moleculares foram investigadas as mutações 202, 376 e 563 por PCR/RFLP. O presente estudo revelou uma prevalência combinada de 7,9% das duas formas de deficiência de G6PD (completa e parcial) no Rio Grande do Sul, com alta prevalência de pacientes parcialmente deficientes e sem correlação com origem étnica. Usando técnicas bioquímicas e moleculares, foi caracterizada a deficiência de G6PD em amostras de Porto Alegre como sendo principalmente devida às mutações G202A e A376G, representando a variante G6PD A-, confirmando uma distribuição homogênea do padrão G6PD A- no Brasil. Os resultados apresentados aqui demonstraram que as condições de estocagem (temperatura principalmente) desempenham um papel fundamental na atividade da G6PD, especialmente nas coletas em papel filtro. Na avaliação da acurácia do método enzimático de medida da atividade da G6PD as sensibilidades e especificidades calculadas para os valores de cut-off estabelecido em uma população normal foram: para 2,9 U/gHb ( 11,4% e 100%), para 8 U/g Hb (77,1% e 94,7%) e para 11,5 U/g hb (97,1% e 76,3%). Estima-se que a deficiência de ambas as formas combinadas de G6PD seja de aproximadamente 8% numa amostra do RS. A partir de uma probabilidade pré-teste de 8,0%, após a realização do ensaio enzimático, a probabilidade pós-teste de uma pessoa ser deficiente de G6PD com nível enzimático inferior a 8 U/g Hb passa a ser 55,9%. Ao passo que para níveis superiores a 11,5 U/gHb esta probabilidade de deficiência diminui para 0,37%. Pode-se concluir que o método empregado (kit Intercientífica) foi adequado para avaliar a atividade enzimática de G6PD em amostras de sangue total. É um método capaz de detectar a deficiência de G6PD, demonstrando de forma satisfatória o grau de deficiência em indivíduos que possuem mutações que causam deficiência enzimática menos severa, inclusive mulheres heterozigotas. A análise molecular pode identificar o tipo de variante mas não pode indicar o risco real para as mulheres portadoras, que é diretamente estimado pelo nível de atividade enzimática.
A acidemia metilmalônica é uma desordem metabólica hereditária caracterizada bioquimicamente pelo acúmulo tecidual de ácido metilmalônico (MMA) e clinicamente por deterioração neurológica progressiva e falência renal. Os avanços no tratamento dessa doença alcançados nos últimos anos possibilitaram uma diminuição significativa na mortalidade dos mesmos. Entretanto, a morbidade continua alta, pois a maioria dos pacientes afetados por acidemia metilmalônica, mesmo recebendo o melhor tratamento disponível no momento, apresenta graus variáveis de comprometimento do sistema nervoso central refletido em retardo mental e atraso no desenvolvimento psicomotor. No presente estudo investigamos os efeitos in vivo da administração crônica do MMA em ratos Wistar durante o seu desenvolvimento (do 5º ao 28º dia de vida pós-natal) sobre o comportamento dos mesmos na tarefa do labirinto aquático de Morris. A tarefa foi realizada após um período de recuperação dos animais de 30 dias com o intuito de verificar dano neurológico permanente ou de longa duração nos animais. O labirinto aquático de Morris é uma tarefa bastante útil para a avaliação de aprendizado e memória espaciais. O protocolo da tarefa foi ligeiramente modificado para servir ao propósito de nosso trabalho, ou seja, o de avaliar o efeito da administração crônica de drogas sobre o comportamento de ratos. Verificamos que a administração crônica de MMA não provocou efeito no peso corporal, velocidade de natação e na fase de aquisição da tarefa. Porém, o tratamento prejudicou o desempenho dos animais no treino reverso, o que é condizente com comportamento perseverativo. Também avaliamos o efeito do ácido ascórbico, que foi administrado isoladamente ou em combinação com o MMA para testarmos se o estresse oxidativo poderia estar relacionado com as alterações comportamentais observadas no grupo tratado com MMA. Observamos que este antioxidante preveniu as alterações comportamentais provocadas pelo MMA, indicando que o estresse oxidativo pode estar envolvido com o efeito encontrado. Passamos então a avaliar o efeito in vitro do MMA sobre parâmetros de estresse oxidativo, mais especificamente na técnica de dosagem de substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBA-RS), que é um parâmetro de lipoperoxidação, e sobre o potencial antioxidante total do tecido (TRAP) e a reatividade antioxidante do tecido (TAR), que são parâmetros de defesas antioxidantes teciduais. O MMA na concentração de 2,5 mM aumentou a lipoperoxidação in vitro em homogeneizado de estriado e hipocampo de ratos e diminuiu o TRAP e o TAR em homogeneizado de estriado de ratos. Tais resultados indicam fortemente que o MMA induz estresse oxidativo. Finalmente investigamos o efeito in vitro do MMA sobre a atividade enzimática dos complexos da cadeia respiratória em várias estruturas cerebrais e em órgãos periféricos em ratos de 30 dias de vida no sentido de melhor esclarecer os mecanismos fisiopatológicos dos danos teciduais desta doença. Verificamos que o MMA causou uma inibição significativa da atividade do complexo II da cadeia respiratória em estriado e hipocampo quando baixas concentrações de sucinato foram utilizadas no meio de incubação. Além disso, verificamos que este efeito inibitório do MMA sobre o complexo II ocorreu somente após exposição do homogeneizado ao ácido por pelo menos 10 minutos, além do que esta inibição não foi prevenida pela co-incubação com o inibidor da óxido nítrico sintetase Nω- nitro-L-argininametilester (L-NAME) ou por uma associação de catalase e superóxido dismutase. Estes resultados sugerem que as espécies reativas de oxigênio e nitrogênio mais comuns não estão envolvidas neste efeito, tornando improvável que a inibição do complexo II da cadeia respiratória seja mediada por estresse oxidativo. O MMA também causou uma inibição do complexo II-III em estriado, hipocampo, rim, fígado e coração; e inibiu o complexo I-III em fígado e rim. O complexo IV não foi afetado pela incubação com o ácido em nenhuma das estruturas testadas. Portanto, tomados em seu conjunto, estes resultados indicam que o MMA bloqueia a cadeia respiratória. Os resultados de nosso trabalho indicam que a administração crônica de MMA em ratos em desenvolvimento provocou alterações comportamentais de longa duração provavelmente mediadas por radicais livres, pois tais alterações foram prevenidas pelo antioxidante ácido ascórbico. O MMA também induziu estresse oxidativo in vitro em estriado e hipocampo e inibiu de forma diferenciada os complexos da cadeia respiratória nos tecidos estudados, sendo que as estruturas mais vulneráveis a esta ação foram o estriado e o hipocampo. Finalmente, nossos resultados sugerem que antioxidantes podem ajudar a prevenir, ou pelo menos atenuar, os danos teciduais provocados pelo MMA na acidemia metilmalônica.
Serines proteinases inhibitors (PIs) are widely distributed in nature and are able to inhibit both in vitro and in vivo enzymatic activites. Seed PIs in than leguminous are classified in seven families, Bowman-Birk and Kunitz type families that most studied representing an important role in the first line of defense toward insects pests. Some Kunitz type inhibitors possess activities serine and cysteine for proteinases named bifunctional inhibitor, as ApTKI the inhibitor isolate from seed of Adenanthera pavonina. The A. pavonina inhibitor presenting the uncommon property and was used for interaction studies between proteinases serine (trypsin) and cysteine (papain). In order to determinate the in vitro interaction of ApTKI against enzymes inhibitor purification was carried cut by using chromatographic techniques and inhibition assays. The 3D model of the bifunctional inhibitor ApTKI was constructed SWISS-MODEL program by homology modeling using soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI, pdb:1ba7), as template which presented 40% of identity to A. pavonina inhibitor. Model quality was evaluated by PROCHECK program. Moreover in silico analyzes of formed complex between the enzymes and ApTKI was evaluated by HEX 4.5 program. In vitro results confirmed the inhibitory assays, where the inhibitor presented the ability to simultaneously inhibit trypsin and papain. The residues encountered in the inhibitor model of folder structural three-dimensional that make contact to enzymes target coud explain the specificity pattern against serine and cysteine proteinases
The present study examines the chemical composition and their effects on free radicals, inflammation, angiogenesis, coagulation, VEGF effects and cellular proliferation of a polysaccharides from alga Sargassum vulgare. The sulfated polysaccharide was extracted from brown seaweed by proteolysis with enzymes maxataze. The presence of proteins and sugars were observed in crude polysaccharides. Fractionation of this crude extract was made with growing concentration of acetone (0.3-1.5 v) and produced four groups of polysaccharides. Anionic polysaccharides from brown seaweed Sargassum vulgare, SV1and PSV1 were fractionated (SV1) and purified (PSV1), and displayed with high total sugars and sulfate content and very low level of protein. This fucan SV1 contains low levels of protein and high carbohydrate and sulfate content. This polysaccharides prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) at 50 μg (>240 s). SV1 was found to have no effect on prothrombin time (PT), corresponding to the extrinsic pathway of coagulation. SV1 exhibits high antithrombotic action in vivo, with a concentration ten times higher than heparin. Polysaccharides from S. vulgare promoted direct inhibition enzymatic activity of thrombin and stimulated enzymatic activity of FXa. SV1 showed optimal inhibitory activity of thrombin (50.2±0.28%) at a concentration of 25 μg/mL. Its antioxidant action on scavenging radicals by DPPH was (22%), indicating the polymer has no cytotoxic action (hemolytic) on ABO and Rh blood types in different erythrocyte groups and displays strong anti-inflammatory action on all concentrations tested in the carrageenan-induced paw edema model, demonstrated by reduced edema and cellular infiltration. Angiogenesis is a dynamic process of proliferation and differentiation. It requires endothelial proliferation, migration, and tube formation. In this context, endothelial cells are a preferred target for several studies and therapies. The antiangiogenic efficacy of polysaccharides was examined in vivo in the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model by using fertilized eggs. Decreases in the density of the capillaries were assessed and scored. The results showed that SV1 and PSV1 have an inhibitory effect on angiogenesis. These results were also confirmed by inhibition tubulogenesis in rabbit aorta endothelial cell (RAEC) in matrigel. These compounds were assessed in Apoptosis assay (Annexin V - FITC / PI) and cell viability by MTT assay of RAEC. These polysaccharides do not affect the viability and do not have apoptotic or necrotic action. RAEC cell when incubated with SV1 and PSV1showed inhibition of VEGF secretion, observed when compounds were incubated at 25, 50 and 100 μg/μL. The VEGF secretion with the RAEC cell line for 24 h, was more effective for PSV1 at 50 μg/μL(71.4%) than SV1 100 μg/μL (75.9%). SV1 and PSV1 had an antiproliferative action (47%) against tumor cell line HeLa. Our results indicate that these sulfated polysaccharides have antiangiogenic and antitumoral actions
studies using UV as a source of DNA damage. However, even though unrepaired UV-induced DNA damages are related to mutagenesis, cell death and tumorigenesis, they do not explain phenotypes such as neurodegeneration and internal tumors observed in patients with syndromes like Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) and Cockayne Syndrome (CS) that are associated with NER deficiency. Recent evidences point to a role of NER in the repair of 8-oxodG, a typical substrate of Base Excision Repair (BER). Since deficiencies in BER result in genomic instability, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer, it was investigated in this research the impact of XPC deficiency on BER functions in human cells. It was analyzed both the expression and the cellular localization of APE1, OGG1 e PARP-1, the mainly BER enzymes, in different NER-deficient human fibroblasts. The endogenous levels of these enzymes are reduced in XPC deficient cells. Surprisingly, XP-C fibroblasts were more resistant to oxidative agents than the other NER deficient fibroblasts, despite presenting the highest of 8-oxodG. Furthermore, subtle changes in the nuclear and mitochondrial localization of APE1 were detected in XP-C fibroblasts. To confirm the impact of XPC deficiency in the regulation of APE1 and OGG1 expression and activity, we constructed a XPC-complemented cell line. Although the XPC complementation was only partial, we found that XPC-complemented cells presented increased levels of OGG1 than XPC-deficient cells. The extracts from XPC-complemented cells also presented an elevated OGG1 enzimatic activity. However, it was not observed changes in APE1 expression and activity in the XPCcomplemented cells. In addition, we found that full-length APE1 (37 kDa) and OGG1- α are in the mitochondria of XPC-deficient fibroblasts and XPC-complemented fibroblasts before and after induction of oxidative stress. On the other hand, the expression of APE1 and PARP-1 are not altered in brain and liver of XPC knockout mice. However, XPC deficiency changed the APE1 localization in hypoccampus and hypothalamus. We also observed a physical interaction between XPC and APE1 proteins in human cells. In conclusion, the data suggest that XPC protein has a role in the regulation of OGG1 expression and activity in human cells and is involved mainly in the regulation of APE1 localization in mice. Aditionally, the response of NER deficient cells under oxidative stress may not be only associated to the NER deficiency per se, but it may include the new functions of NER enzymes in regulation of expression and cell localization of BER proteins
The acquisition of oligosaccharides from chitosan has been the subject of several studies in the pharmaceutical, biochemical, food and medical due to functional properties of these compounds. This study aimed to boost its production of chitooligosaccharides (COS) through the optimization of production and characterization of chitosanolytic enzymes secreted by microorganisms Paenibacillus chitinolyticus and Paenibacillus ehimensis, and evaluating the antioxidant potential of the products obtained. In the process of optimizing the production of chitosanase were employed strategies Fractional Factorial Experimental Design and Central Composite Rotatable Design. The results identified the chitosan, peptone and yeast extract as the components that influenced the production of chitosanase by these microorganisms. With the optimization of the culture media was possible to obtain an increase of approximately 8.1 times (from 0.043 to 0.35 U.mL U.mL-1) and 7.6 times (from 0.08 U.mL-1 to 0.61 U.mL-1) in the enzymatic activity of chitosanase produced by P. chitinolyticus and P. ehimensis respectively. Enzyme complexes showed high stability in temperature ranges between 30º and 55º C and pH between 5.0 and 9.0. Has seen the share of organic solvents, divalent ions and other chemical agents on the activity of these enzymes, demonstrating high stability of these crude complexes and dependence of Mn2+. The COS generated showed the ability of DPPH radical scavenging activity, reaching a maximum rate of scavenging of 61% and 39% when they were produced with enzymes of P. ehimensis and P. chitinolyticus respectively. The use of these enzymes in raw form might facilitate its use for industrial applications
Marine algae are one of the major sources of biologic compounds. In extracellular matrix of these organisms there are sulfated polysaccharides that functions as structural components and provides protection against dehydration. The fraction 1.0 (F1.0) rich in sulfated galactans obtained from red seaweed Hypnea musciformis was physicochemical characterized and evaluated for pharmacologic activity through antioxidant activity, cytotoxic action on erythrocytes, anticoagulant, stimulatory action under antithrombotic heparan sulfate synthesis and their effects on cell proliferation and cycle cell progression. The main components of F1.0 were carbohydrates (49.70 ± 0.10%) and sulfate (44.59 ± 0.015%), presenting phenolic compounds (4.79 ± 0.016%) and low protein contamination (0.92 ± 0.001%). Fraction 1.0 showed polidisperse profile and signs in infrared analysis in 1262, 1074 and 930, 900 and 850 attributed to sulfate esters S=O bond, presence of a 3,6- anidrogalactose C-O bond, non-sulfated β-D-galactose and a C-O-SO4 bond in galactose C4, respectively. The fraction rich in sulfated galactans exhibited strong antioxidant action under lipid peroxidation assay with IC50 of 0.003 mg/mL. Besides the inhibition of hemolysis induced by H2O2 in erythrocytes treated with F1.0, this fraction did not promote significant cytotoxity under erythrocytes membranes. F1.0 exhibited low anticoagulant activity causing moderate direct inhibition of enzimatic activity of thrombin. This fraction promoted stimulation around of 4.6 times on this synthesis of heparan sulfate (HS) by rabbit aortic endothelial cells (RAEC) in culture when was compared with non treated cells. The fraction of this algae displayed antiproliferative action under RAEC cells causing incresing on cell number on S fase, blocking the cycle cell progression. Thus F1.0 presented cytostatic and no cytotoxic action under this cell lineage. These results suggest that F1.0 from H. musciformis have antioxidant potential which is a great effect for a compound used as food and in food industry which could be an alternative to food industry to prevent quality decay of lipid containing food due to lipid peroxidation. These polysaccharides prevent the lipid peroxidation once the fraction in study exhibited strong inhibitory action of this process. Furthermore that F1.0 present strong antithrombotic action promoting the stimulation of antithrombotic HS synthesis by endothelial cells, being important for thrombosis preventing, by its inhibitory action under reactive oxygen species (ROS) in some in vitro methods, being involved in promotion of hypercoagulability state.
Plodia interpunctella (Indian meal moth) is a cosmopolitan pest that attacks not only a wide range of stored grain as well other food products. Due to its economic importance several researches have focused in a method with ability to control this pest with few or no damage to the environment. The study of digestive enzymes inhibitors, lectins and chitin-binding proteins, has often been proposed as an alternative to reduce insect damage. In this study we report the major classes of digestive enzymes during larval growth in P. Interpunctella, being those proteinases actives at pH 9.5 and optimum temperature of 50 oC to both larvae of the 3rd instar and pre-pupal stage of development. In vitro and zymogram assays presented the effects of several inhibitors, such as SBTI, TLCK and PMSF to intestinal homogenate of 3rd instar larvae of 62%, 92% and 87% of inhibition and In pre-pupal stage of 87%, 62 % and 55% of inhibition, respectively. Zymograms showed inhibition of two low molecular masses protein bands by TLCK and that in presence of SBTI were retarded. These results are indicative of predominance of digestive serine proteinases in gut homogenate from Plodia interpunctella larvae. This serine proteinase was then used as a target to evaluate the effect of SBTI on larvae in in vivo assay. Effect of SBTI on mortality and larval mass was not observed at until 4% of concentration (w/w) in diets. Chitin, another target to insecticidal proteins, was observed by chemical method. Moreover, optic microscopy confirmed the presence of a peritrophic membrane. Established this target, in vivo effect of EvV, a chitin binding vicilin, evaluated during the larval development of P. interpunctella and was obtained a LD50 of 0,23% and WD50 of 0,27% to this protein. Mechanism of action was proposed through of the in vivo digestibility of EvV methodology. During the passage through the larval digestive tract was observed that EvV was susceptible to digestive enzymes and a reactive fragment, visualized by Western blotting, produced by digestion was recovered after dissociation of the peritrophic membrane. The bound of EvV to peritrophic membrane was confirmed by immunohystochemical assays that showed strong immunofluorescent signal of EvV-FITC binding and peritrophic membrane. These results are a indicative that vicilins could be utilized as potential insecticide to Plodia interpunctella and a control methods using EvV as bioinsecticide should be studied to reduce lost caused by storage insect pests
The genus Saccharum belongs to Poaceae family. Sugarcane has become important monocultures in Brazil due to their products: ethanol and sugar. The production may change between different regions from Brazil. This difference is related to soil, climatic conditions and temperature that promotes oxidative stress that may induce an early flowering. The aim of this work was to identify the effects of oxidative stress. In order to analyse this, sugarcane plants were submitted to oxidative stress using hydrogen peroxide. After this treatment, the oxidative stress were analyzed Then, the plant responses were analyzed under different approaches, using morphophysiological, biochemical and molecular tools. Thus, sugarcane plants were grown under controlled conditions and until two months they were subjected first to a hydroponics condition for 24 hours in order to acclimation. After this period, these plants were submitted to oxidative stresse using 0 mM, 10 mM, 20 mM and 30 mM hydrogen peroxide during 8 hours. The histomorphometric analysis allowed us to verify that both root and leaf tissues had a structural changes as it was observed by the increased in cell volume, lignin accumulation in cell walls. Besides, this observation suggested that there was a change in redox balance. Also, it was analyzed the activity of the SOD, CAT and APX enzymes. It was observed an increase in the SOD activity in roots and it was also observed a lipid peroxidation in leaves and roots. Then, in order to identify proteins that were differently expressed in this conditions it was used the proteomic tool either by bidimensional gel or by direct sequencing using the Q-TOF EZI. The results obtained with this approach identified more than 3.000 proteins with the score ranging from 100-5000 ions. Some of the proteins identified were: light Harvesting; oxygenevolving; Thioredoxin; Ftsh-like protein Pftf precusor; Luminal-binding protein; 2 cys peroxiredoxin e Lipoxygenase. All these proteins are involved in oxidative stress response, photsynthetic pathways, and some were classified hypothetical proteins and/or unknown (30% of total). Thus, our data allows us to propose that this treatment induced an oxidative stress and the plant in response changed its physiological process, it made changes in tissue, changed the redox response in order to survival to this new condition
Introdução: Os hormônios estrogênicos possuem importante papel na defesa contra as espécies reativas do oxigênio, fato que se evidencia na maior incidência de doenças cardiovasculares e neurodegenerativas após a menopausa. O exercício físico melhora as defesas antioxidantes, contudo em altas cargas e em baixas concentrações de estrógeno possui efeito aditivo ao dano oxidativo. O ácido α-lipóico possui uma ampla gama de ação antioxidante e poderia contribuir para diminuição do dano nestas condições. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar a ação do ácido α-lipóico sobre a adaptação antioxidante e funções reprodutivas de ratas submetidas a natação moderada. Material e métodos: Os animais foram submetidos a natação diária (1 hora) e sacrificados após 30, 60 e 90 dias. Os animais foram divididos em controles sedentários e exercitados; suplementados (ácido α-lipóico 100mg/Kg/dia) sedentários e exercitados e animais ovariectomizados e suplementados com ácido lipóico. Avaliou-se diariamente o ciclo estral e os seguintes marcadores de estresse oxidativos foram mensurados em fígado e sangue: atividade enzimática da SOD, GPx e CAT, além do SRAT e GSH. Resultados: O protocolo de exercício aumentou a duração do ciclo estral no grupo controle exercitado, sobretudo na fase diestral. Neste mesmo grupo, houve diminuição da lipoperoxidação com melhora da atividade antioxidante da SOD e GPx. O grupo exercitado e suplementado não apresentou alteração na duração do ciclo estral e manteve os benefícios sobre o sistema antioxidante antes observado nos animais exercitados. A suplementação antioxidante juntamente com a natação em períodos superiores a 30 dias, diminuiu o processo de adaptação antioxidante quando comparado aos animais somente exercitados. Nos animais ovariectomizados, o exercício e a suplementação com ácido lipóico não promoveu adaptação antioxidante ao contrário dos demais grupos. Conclusão: O aumento na duração do ciclo estral e a melhora nos marcadores de estresse oxidativo seriam uma resposta adaptativa frente ao exercício moderado. O ácido lipóico impediu a alteração no ciclo induzida pelo exercício, mas preservou a melhoria no sistema antioxidante. A depleção estrogênica provocada pela ovariectomia eleva o potencial de dano oxidativo gerado pelo exercício. A ação antioxidante do LA na presença de estrógeno diminuiu excessivamente o dano oxidativo, comprometendo a adaptação antioxidante a natação. Nos animais ovariectomizados, contudo, o AL promoveu adaptação antioxidante ao exercício
This study investigated the influence of partial colectomy associated with hepatectomy on the biodistribution of the 99mTc-phytate, on metabolic parameters, as well as labeling and morphology of red blood cells. Wistar rats were distributed into three groups (each with 6), nominated as colectomy, colectomy+hepatectomy and sham. In the 30th postoperative day all rats were injected with 99mTc-phytate 0.1mL i.v. (radioactivity 0.66 MBq). After 15 minutes, liver sample was harvested and weighed. Percentage radioactivity per gram of tissue (%ATI/g) was determined using an automatic gamma-counter. Serum AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase and red blood cells labeling were determined. The liver %ATI/g and red blood cells labeling were lower in colectomy and colectomy+hepatectomy rats than in sham rats (p <0.05), and no difference was detected comparing the colectomy and colectomy+hepatectomy groups. Red blood cells morphology did not differ among groups. Serum levels of AST, ALT and alkaline fosfatase were significantly higher in colectomy+hepatectomy than in colectomy rats (p<0.001). Hepatectomy associated with colectomy lowered the uptake of radiopharmaceutical in liver and in red blood cells in rats, coinciding with changes in liver enzymatic activity
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the use of rosuvastatin in patients with atherosclerosis, in relation to blood parameters of selenium and selenoproteins, and also observe possible changes in gene expression of selenoproteins in these patients. The sample consisted of 27 adult and elderly patients with a clinical diagnosis of coronary artery disease undergoing angioplasty, treated at Natal Hospital Center hospital, Natal, RN. Patients were treated with rosuvastatin 10 mg/day during four months. Anthropometric variables such as body mass index (BMI) and Waist circumference (WC) were measured before and after treatment, as well as lipid profile, blood glucose and liver enzymes (AST and ALT). The diet of the patients was also analyzed using 24-hour diet recall. We analyzed the concentrations of selenium in plasma and erythrocytes, and also the activity of Glutathione Peroxidase and gene expression by Real Time PCR of selenoproteins GPx1, SelP1 and SelN1. Patients had mean age of 61.0 ± 9.4 years, 59.3% were men and 40.7% were women. After four months of treatment there was significant reduction of CA and, according to BMI, most were overweight. The intake of macronutrients, cholesterol, polyunsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated and saturated was adequate, but the energy and fiber intake was below the recommendations. Regarding the selenium intake was observed a high prevalence of inadequacy. As expected, after treatment with rosuvastatin, a significant reduction in total cholesterol, LDL and glucose, which was not observed for HDL. Selenium concentrations in plasma and erythrocytes showed no changes, keeping within the established cutoffs. We observed a significant increase in GPx enzyme activity and mRNA expression of GPX1 and SEPN1, but not for gene SEPP1. Thus, it was found that treatment with rosuvastatin did not reduce the expression of selenoproteins. More studies are needed to clarify the effects of rosuvastatin on gene expression of selenoproteins in patients with atherosclerosis
The extraction, chemical and structural characterization of a wide variety of compounds derived from plants has been a major source of bioactive molecules. Several proteases have been isolated in the plant kingdom, with numerous pharmacological and biotechnological applications. Among the proteases isolated from plants, are the fibrinogenolytic, with relevant application in the treatment of disorders in the coagulation cascade, in addition to potential use as a tool in clinical laboratories. In this study, in addition to evaluating the effects of the protein extract of Cnidoscolus urens (L.) Arthur (Euphorbiaceae) in the coagulation cascade also investigates the presence of antimicrobial activity and characterizes the proteolytic activity detected in this extract, aiming to determine their potential pharmacological and biotechnological application. In this way, crude protein extracts obtained from the leaves of C. urens in Tris-HCl 0.05M, NaCl 0.15M, pH 7.5, were precipitated in different concentrations of acetone, and assessed for the presence of proteolytic activity in azocaseína and fibrinogen. The most active fraction (F1.0) in these tests was chosen for assessment of biological activity and biochemical characterization. The Aα chain and Bβ of fibrinogen were completely cleaved at a concentration of 0.18 μg/μL of protein fraction in 4 minutes. Fibrinogenolytic activity presented total inhibition in the presence of E-64 and partial in the presence of EDTA. The fraction demonstrated coagulant activity in plasm and reduced the APTT, demonstrating acting on the factors coagulation of the intrinsic pathway and common, not exerting effects on the PT. Fibrinolytic activity on plasma clot was detected only in SDS-PAGE in high concentrations of fraction, and there were no defibrinating. Although several proteases isolated from plants and venomous animals are classically toxic, the fraction F1.0 of C. urens not expressed hemorrhagic nor hemolytic activities. Fraction F1.0 also showed no antimicrobial activity. In proteolytic activity on the azocasein, the optimal pH was 5.0 and optimum temperature of 60ºC. The enzyme activity has been shown to be sensitive to the presence of salts tested, with inhibition for all compounds. The surfactant triton did not influence the enzyme activity, but the tween-20 and SDS inhibited the activity. In the presence of reducing agents increase in enzyme activity occurred, a typical feature of enzymes belonging to the class of cysteine proteases. Several bands with proteolytic activity were detected in zymogram, in the region of high-molecular-weight, which were inhibited by E-64. In this study, we found that C. urens presents in its constitution cysteine proteases with fibrinogenolytic and procoagulant activity, which may be isolated, with potential application in treatment of bleeding disorders, thrombolytic and clinical laboratory
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)