953 resultados para applied field


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We propose a mathematical model for the movement in absorbing materials of photorefractive holograms under feedback constraints. We use this model to analyze the speed of a fringe-locked running hologram in photorefractive sillenite crystals that usually exhibit a strong absorption effect. Fringe-locked experiments permit us to compute the quantum efficiency for the photogeneration of charge carriers in photorefractive crystals if the effect of bulk absorption and the effective value of the externally applied field are adequately taken into consideration. A Bi12TiO20 sample was measured with the 532-nm laser wavelength, and a quantum efficiency of φ = 0.37 was obtained. Disregarding absorption leads to large errors in φ. © 2000 Optical Society of America.


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New materials, based on the well-known spinel compound NiMn 2O4, have been synthesized and characterized from the magnetic point of view. The manganese cation was partially substituted in the general formula NiMn2-xMexO4, by nonmagnetic and magnetic elements, such as Me = Ga, Zn, Ni and Cr (0 × 1). Prior to the determination of their magnetic properties, the non-substituted spinel NiMn2O4 was carefully characterized and studied as a function of the oxygen stoichiometry, based on the influence of the annealing atmosphere and quenching rate. The ferrimagnetic character was observed in all samples, with a paramagnetic-to-ferromagnetic transition temperature T c stabilized at 110 K, and well defined long-range antiferromagnetic interactions at lower temperatures, which depend on the applied field and the substitute concentration. © 2006 Sociedad Chilena de Química.


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The measurement of the phase shift φ between the transmited and difracted beams interfering along the same direction behind the hologram recorded in a photorefractive crystal is directly and accurately measured using a self-stabilized recording technique. The measured phase shift as a function of the applied electric field allows computing the Debye screening lenght and the effectively applied field coefficient of an undoped Bi 12TiO 20 crystal. The result is in good agreement with the already available information about this sample. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We have established a link between the global ac response and the local flux distribution of superconducting films by combining magnetic ac susceptibility, dc magnetization, and magneto-optical measurements. The investigated samples are three Nb films: a plain specimen, used as a reference sample, and other two films patterned with square arrays of antidots. At low temperatures and small ac amplitudes of the excitation field, the Meissner screening prevents penetration of flux into the sample. Above a certain ac drive threshold, flux avalanches are triggered during the first cycle of the ac excitation. The subsequent periodic removal, inversion, and rise of flux occurs essentially through the already-created dendrites, giving rise to an ac susceptibility signal weakly dependent on the applied field. The intradendrite flux oscillation is followed, at higher values of the excitation field, by a more drastic process consisting of creation of new dendrites and antidendrites. In this more invasive regime, the ac susceptibility shows a clear field dependence. At higher temperatures a smooth penetration occurs, and the flux profile is characteristic of a critical state. We have also shown that the regime dominated by vortex avalanches can be reliably identified by ac susceptibility measurements. © 2011 American Physical Society.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The success of magnetic hyperthermia cancer treatments rely strongly on the magnetic properties of the nanoparticles and their intricate dependence on the externally applied field. This is particularly more so as the response departs from the low field linear regime. In this paper we introduce a new parameter, referred to as the efficiency in converting electromagnetic energy into thermal energy, which is shown to be remarkably useful in the analysis of the system response, especially when the power loss is investigated as a function of the applied field amplitude. Using numerical simulations of dynamic hysteresis, through the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz model, we map in detail the efficiency as a function of all relevant parameters of the system and compare the results with simple-yet powerful-predictions based on heuristic arguments about the relaxation time. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4705392]


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In this paper we investigate the quantum phase transition from magnetic Bose Glass to magnetic Bose-Einstein condensation induced by amagnetic field in NiCl2 center dot 4SC(NH2)(2) (dichloro-tetrakis-thiourea-nickel, or DTN), doped with Br (Br-DTN) or site diluted. Quantum Monte Carlo simulations for the quantum phase transition of the model Hamiltonian for Br-DTN, as well as for site-diluted DTN, are consistent with conventional scaling at the quantum critical point and with a critical exponent z verifying the prediction z = d; moreover the correlation length exponent is found to be nu = 0.75(10), and the order parameter exponent to be beta = 0.95(10). We investigate the low-temperature thermodynamics at the quantum critical field of Br-DTN both numerically and experimentally, and extract the power-law behavior of the magnetization and of the specific heat. Our results for the exponents of the power laws, as well as previous results for the scaling of the critical temperature to magnetic ordering with the applied field, are incompatible with the conventional crossover-scaling Ansatz proposed by Fisher et al. [Phys. Rev. B 40, 546 (1989)]. However they can all be reconciled within a phenomenological Ansatz in the presence of a dangerously irrelevant operator.


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The low-temperature states of bosonic fluids exhibit fundamental quantum effects at the macroscopic scale: the best-known examples are Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity, which have been tested experimentally in a variety of different systems. When bosons interact, disorder can destroy condensation, leading to a 'Bose glass'. This phase has been very elusive in experiments owing to the absence of any broken symmetry and to the simultaneous absence of a finite energy gap in the spectrum. Here we report the observation of a Bose glass of field-induced magnetic quasiparticles in a doped quantum magnet (bromine-doped dichloro-tetrakis-thiourea-nickel, DTN). The physics of DTN in a magnetic field is equivalent to that of a lattice gas of bosons in the grand canonical ensemble; bromine doping introduces disorder into the hopping and interaction strength of the bosons, leading to their localization into a Bose glass down to zero field, where it becomes an incompressible Mott glass. The transition from the Bose glass (corresponding to a gapless spin liquid) to the Bose-Einstein condensate (corresponding to a magnetically ordered phase) is marked by a universal exponent that governs the scaling of the critical temperature with the applied field, in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. Our study represents a quantitative experimental account of the universal features of disordered bosons in the grand canonical ensemble.


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Electrospinning (ES) can readily produce polymer fibers with cross-sectional dimensions ranging from tens of nanometers to tens of microns. Qualitative estimates of surface area coverage are rather intuitive. However, quantitative analytical and numerical methods for predicting surface coverage during ES have not been covered in sufficient depth to be applied in the design of novel materials, surfaces, and devices from ES fibers. This article presents a modeling approach to ES surface coverage where an analytical model is derived for use in quantitative prediction of surface coverage of ES fibers. The analytical model is used to predict the diameter of circular deposition areas of constant field strength and constant electrostatic force. Experimental results of polyvinyl alcohol fibers are reported and compared to numerical models to supplement the analytical model derived. The analytical model provides scientists and engineers a method for estimating surface area coverage. Both applied voltage and capillary-to-collection-plate separation are treated as independent variables for the analysis. The electric field produced by the ES process was modeled using COMSOL Multiphysics software to determine a correlation between the applied field strength and the size of the deposition area of the ES fibers. MATLAB scripts were utilized to combine the numerical COMSOL results with derived analytical equations. Experimental results reinforce the parametric trends produced via modeling and lend credibility to the use of modeling techniques for the qualitative prediction of surface area coverage from ES. (Copyright: 2014 American Vacuum Society.)


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Recent studies of Schwinger pair production have demonstrated that the asymptotic particle spectrum is extremely sensitive to the applied field profile. We extend the idea of the dynamically assisted Schwinger effect from single pulse profiles to more realistic field configurations to be generated in an all-optical experiment searching for pair creation. We use the quantum kinetic approach to study the particle production and employ a multi-start method, combined with optimal control theory, to determine a set of parameters for which the particle yield in the forward direction in momentum space is maximized. We argue that this strategy can be used to enhance the signal of pair production on a given detector in an experimental setup.


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The production of electron–positron pairs in time-dependent electric fields (Schwinger mechanism) depends non-linearly on the applied field profile. Accordingly, the resulting momentum spectrum is extremely sensitive to small variations of the field parameters. Owing to this non-linear dependence it is so far unpredictable how to choose a field configuration such that a predetermined momentum distribution is generated. We show that quantum kinetic theory along with optimal control theory can be used to approximately solve this inverse problem for Schwinger pair production. We exemplify this by studying the superposition of a small number of harmonic components resulting in predetermined signatures in the asymptotic momentum spectrum. In the long run, our results could facilitate the observation of this yet unobserved pair production mechanism in quantum electrodynamics by providing suggestions for tailored field configurations.


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Amorphous samples with helical induced anisotropy show magnetization processes that can be controlled by applying a longitudinal magnetic field simultaneously with an alternating current flowing through the sample. By varying the current amplitude and the phase difference between current and applied field, a wide range of coercivity and susceptibility values can be achieved. This work shows that the apparent coercive field and the susceptibility can be controlled in amorphous ribbons with helical anisotropy. These characteristics make these samples very suitable for their application as sensor cores, magnetic amplifiers, variable reluctance transformer cores, etc


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A system to evaluate nanoparticles efficiency in hyperthermia applications is presented. The method allows a direct measurement of the power dissipated by the nanoparticles through the determination of the first harmonic component of the in quadrature magnetic moment induced by the applied field. The magnetic moment is measured by using an induction method. To avoid errors and reduce the noise signal a double in phase demodulation technique is used. To test the system viability we have measured nanowires, nanoparticles and copper samples of different volumes to prove by comparing experimental and modeled results