789 resultados para all Adult: 19 years


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of low laser power on the performance of anaerobic endurance of the quadriceps muscle in young subjects. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) appears to decrease some indices of muscle fatigue. Most of these effects may be due to the influence of the laser on the muscles predominantly aerobic. Animal studies and clinical trials have already shown that the laser can improve the efficiency of mitochondrial metabolism for the resynthesis of adenosine triphosphate and thus slow down - or minimize, the deleterious effects of muscle fatigue. This research was characterized as an experimental study of the controlled clinical trial, randomized, blinded, attended by 93 volunteers, military, with ages between 18 and 19 years. The subjects were randomly allocated into three groups: Control (G1), Placebo (G2) and Laser (G3). All volunteers underwent an anthropometric assessment and a protocol Fatigue. This protocol was applied to an initial assessment (AV-1) for the collection of baseline data, and a final evaluation (AV-2). As the study variables, we used the blood lactate concentrations and indices of muscle power, as average power and peak velocity. The fatigue protocol consisted of a test of speed with twenty repetitions, performed on an exercise machine leg press 45 . In conclusion, it was found that, in this study, LLLT caused a significant increase in the Average of the Averages Powers, phase eccentric exercise in leg press 45 performed by young individuals


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Instruments are used in odontology to measure the Quality of Life Related to Oral Health (OHRQoL) to scale how the oral condition interferes with functional areas, of the people s psychological and social life. This cross-sectional study, held in Natal/RN, with 215 students from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) has investigated the association between the performance of daily activities and oral health status of school adolescents from 15 to 19 years of age, through the normative index DMFT (permanent teeth decayed, missing and filled), CPI (Community Periodontal Index) and DAI (dental Aesthetic Index) and subjective questionnaire assessment of quality of life related oral health OIDP index (oral impacts on daily performance). It was also carried out the socioeconomic characteristics of students through IFRN own data. Concerning the analysis of data was performed a descriptive analysis of the variables by their absolute and relative frequencies and measures of central tendency. The chi-square test was used to assess the association between the dependent variable and the independent categorical variables and the Student t test for quantitative. It was also conducted a further multiple analysis out using Poisson regression with robust variance between the outcome "presence of impact" and the independent variables that showed p <0.20. It was used for all the statistical tests a significance level of 5%. Among the adolescents surveyed, 51.16% reported that at least one activity assessed by OIDP had hampered its implementation due to some dental problem. The difficulties were more pronounced in the activities of eating (31.6%), oral hygiene (25.6%) and smile (25.1%).The tooth position, followed by toothache, were the causes of the impacts reported by most teenagers. There was a significant association between the presence and impact of the presence of one or more decayed teeth (p = 0.012), the presence of gum bleeding (p = 0.012) and for orthodontic treatment (p = 0.003), independently of other variables. There was no significant association between oral health status and socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the adolescents. The survey results showed that there is an association between oral health status of the population studied and reports of difficulties in carrying out daily activities evaluated. The worse the oral health status, the greater the impact of this condition on the adolescents quality of life


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OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalncia de pneumonia nosocomial nas autpsias em um hospital pblico universitrio; identificar os fatores de risco relacionados pneumonia nosocomial e os potenciais fatores prognsticos relacionados ocorrncia de pneumonia nosocomial fatal; e correlacionar os achados anatomopatolgicos com a ocorrncia de pneumonia nosocomial e/ou pneumonia aspirativa. MTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 199 pacientes autopsiados, maiores de 1 ano de idade, internados no Hospital das Clnicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu da Universidade Estadual Paulista entre 1999 e 2006, cuja causa de morte (causa bsica ou associada) foi pneumonia nosocomial. Testou-se a associao dos dados demogrficos, clnicos e anatomopatolgicos com os desfechos pneumonia nosocomial fatal e pneumonia aspirativa fatal. As variveis significativas entraram na anlise multivariada. RESULTADOS: A idade mdia foi de 59 19 anos. A prevalncia de pneumonia nosocomial em autpsias foi 29%, e essa foi a causa mortis de 22,6% dos pacientes autopsiados. A pneumonia nosocomial fatal correlacionou-se com os achados anatomopatolgicos de alteraes estruturais tabgicas (OR = 3,23; IC95%: 1,26-2,95; p = 0,02) e acometimento pulmonar bilateral (OR = 3,23; IC95%: 1,26-8,30; p = 0,01). No houve associaes significativas entre as variveis e pneumonia aspirativa fatal. CONCLUSES: em nossa amostra, a pneumonia nosocomial teve prevalncia elevada e foi responsvel por quase 25% das mortes. A mortalidade favorecida por alteraes estruturais tabgicas e pneumonia bilateral. Esses achados corroboram os resultados de diversos estudos clnicos sobre pneumonia nosocomial.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Investigar os nveis sricos de retinol de 218 adolescentes de ambos os sexos com idade entre 10 e 19 anos, matriculados em colgio da rede privada de ensino da cidade de So Paulo, foi o objetivo deste trabalho. MTODOS: Para a avaliao da condio nutricional dos adolescentes, utilizaram-se as medidas antropomtricas de peso e altura e tambm a histria diettica. A dosagem de retinol foi realizada pela tcnica de espectrofotometria, considerando como nveis sricos inadequados valores <1,05mol/L (30g/dL). RESULTADOS: A mdia de ingesto, de acordo com a faixa etria, foi maior que a recomendao, porm com altos valores de desvios padro, em ambos os sexos. A prevalncia de adolescentes com nveis sricos de vitamina A abaixo do adequado foi de 30% em ambos os sexos e a anlise da correlao de ndice de Massa Corporal com os nveis sricos de retinol no mostrou significncia, como tambm a anlise da correlao entre a densidade de ingesto de vitamina A e nveis sricos de retinol. CONCLUSO: Os achados deste estudo sugerem a necessidade da realizao de mais investigaes sobre vitamina A no perodo da adolescncia, para verificar se o nvel srico baixo desse nutriente um fator de risco para a sade do adolescente ou reflexo da captao acelerada que ocorre para atender necessidades metablicas.


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Foi estudada a relao entre a ingesto diettica de clcio e os demais parmetros alimentares e antropomtricos em 60 indivduos adultos, portadores de hipertenso arterial idioptica (10 homens e 50 mulheres), com mdia etria de 48,6 anos, seguidos no Centro de Hipertenso Arterial do Hospital das Clnicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu (SP), Brasil. Foram utilizados trs mtodos diferentes de inqurito aumentar em trs diferentes ocasies: recordatrio de 24h, questionrio de freqncia alimentar, dirigido para ingesto de clcio, e registro alimentar de 3 dias. As mdias de ingesto de clcio, extradas desses inquritos, foram semelhantes, mostrando que, em relao ingesto de clcio, esses mtodos de inqurito alimentar podem ser utilizados indistintamente com o objetivo de se mensurar ingesto de clcio de um grupo de indivduos. Alm da ingesto de clcio, foi avaliada a ingesto protico-calrica e de diversos outros nutrientes, assim como realizada a antropometria desse grupo de hipertensos em trs ocasies diferentes, com intervalos variando de duas semanas a 15 meses. Quando comparado a um grupo de referncia local, constitudo de indivduos sadios, com mdia etria semelhante, o grupo de hipertensos mostrou ter menor ingesto mdia de clcio. Comparados por sexo, os homens dos dois grupos exibiram perfis nutricional e antropomtrico semelhantes. em relao s mulheres, houve diferenas quanto ingesto protico-calrica, o que se supe ser devido ingesto menor do leite e derivados entre as hipertensas. Estas estavam mais pesadas que as mulheres do grupo de referncias, custa de maior massa muscular, provavelmente devido a maior atividade fsica. Concluiu-se que o clcio diettico foi o principal item alimentar que distinguiu hipertensos de normotensos. Como existem estudos clnicos comprovando o efeito benfico da suplementao de clcio na reduo dos nveis pressricos de indivduos hipertensos, sugere-se a repetio deste tipo de trabalho, em outros locais, visando ao embasamento de programa nacional de suplementao de clcio diettico entre indivduos hipertensos idiopticos.


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Para estudar o efeito da idade sobre caractersticas ovulatrias e de fertilidade, 147 ciclos estrais de 99 guas foram agrupados em classes por idade (1 - 3-6 anos; 2 - 7-10 anos; 3 - 11-14 anos; e 4 - 15-19 anos), de acordo com o ano do nascimento. As guas foram inseminadas com smen diludo, resfriado e transportado de apenas um garanho, trs vezes por semana (segundas, quartas e sextas-feiras).O controle folicular, por meio da palpao retal, e a rufiao foram realizados diariamente, durante todo o perodo experimental. Utilizou-se, para o transporte, o smen diludo no diluidor de leite desnatado-glicose no conteiner Celle modificado, sendo a dose inseminante de 400 x 10(6) espermatozides mveis, no momento da diluio final, pr-resfriamento. O tempo mdio da coleta do smen inseminao artificial foi de 3,5 horas e a temperatura final do smen, no momento da inseminao, de 14C. No houve influncia da idade sobre a velocidade de crescimento folicular e o tamanho do folculo ovulatrio. A fertilidade decaiu aps os 15 anos de idade, traduzida pela diminuio da taxa de concepo/ciclo e eficincia de prenhez, entretanto, no foram observadas caractersticas indicativas de senescncia at os 19 anos de idade.


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Chronic hypertrophic pododermatitis cases in six horses of different breeds, aging 14 months to 19 years are described. The lesion begun with a infiltrative tissue in the frog and sole regions of the hoof, characterized by a fast and disorganized growth, with a papillary aspect, white colored in the roots and dark on the extremity, with a necrotic secretion and an extremely fetid odor. Microscopically, an exuberant epidermic proliferative tissue was observed, intermingled with little connective tissue. The horses were divided into two treatment groups. In the first group, including three young mares and a foal, showing lesions in only one limb, a surgical resection of the invasive mass was performed, followed by cauterization of the remaining edges and subsequent daily local application of antiseptic substances. In three of these horses, recurrence of the initial lesion occurred, with fast growth of hyperplasic tissue, affecting almost all the frog and half of the sole. Two horses developed contraction deformities of the hoof. In the second group, one male and one female, each with lesions in two limbs, after surgical debridement of the tissue, the animals received daily applications of picric acid 5%, associated to local use of oxitetracyclin. Although one of these cases required a second surgical intervention for removal of the mass, the horses showed after a period of two to three months total absence of the infiltrative tissue. The use of local picric acid 5% and oxitetracyclin associated to previous surgical debridement showed to be more efficient than the use of antiseptic substances in the treatment of chronic hypertrophic pododermatitis.


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The geographic area of the present study corresponds to the basin of the Itiquira river high course (Figure 1), in the portion that extends from the tributaries of its source, in the east of the plateau Correntes/Itiquira, in the neighbourhoods the city of Alto Gar as, to the scarp of the So Jernimo mountain range, toward the west of Itiquira, in the state of Mato Grosso, totalizing 5,361 km 2. The area is placed in the eastern part of the Alto Paraguai basin, in the western portion of the Paran Sedimentary Basin plateau. Through GIS techniques, it was possible to asses total soil losses from the Itiquira river basin, considering the years of 1966, 1985 and 1996, being based on the Universal Soil Loss Equation. Thus, in 1966 the basin lost 201,546.94 ton of soil, with an average loss of 0.37 ton/ha/year. Considering that the total area of the Itiquira river basin is of 536,100 ha, while in 1985 the soil losses had passed to 1,760,833.40 ton, with an increase of approximately 8.5 times. The average of soil losses in 1985 was of 3.28 ton/ha/year. In 1996 the basin lost 1,662,043.24 ton, with a reduction of only 9.4% in relation to 1985 but, in relation the 1966, the increase continued in the order of 8 times. The average losses per hectare in this year was in the order of 3.10 ton/ha/year (Chart 1). The map of potential of the laminar erosion for 1966 (Figure 3), shows to the highest values in small areas, situated in the northeast of the area, in Alto Garas, with values between 10 the 20 ton/ha/year and some spots in sources of the Itiquira and Ariranha rivers, with values between 1 the 5 ton/ha/year. In a general way, however, the area presents low soil loss for laminar erosion in this year, with inferior values to 1 ton/ha/year. The higher class of erosion, over 10 ton/ha/year, occupied 2,947 ha in 1966. In the year of 1985 (Figure 4), the erosive process spread over the entire studied area, and the class of erosion over of 10 ton/ha/year, already started to occupy 78,437 ha, implying an increase of approximately 27 times in 19 years. A strong increment in the erosive process was noticed in the western part of the area, to along the BR-163 road, exactly where great areas of natural vegetation (open pasture) had been transformed in culture and pasture areas. In the north-eastern part of the area it was also noticed an increment in the erosive process in agreement with the increase of culture areas and reduction of the natural areas, but it was not of so intense form as in the western portion of the area. In the year of 1996 (Figure 5), the class of erosion over of 10 ton/ha/year had diminished for a total of 53.499 ha noticing a retraction of the erosive process in the western part of the area, alongside the BR-163 road. On the other hand, it occurred a strong increment in the northern part of the area, in the neighbourhoods of the city of Alto Garas, alongside the BR-364 road and part of the MT-040 road. In a general way, in the outskirts of the city of Itiquira, in the central part of the area, it was verified an increase of the amount of zones with erosion between 0-1 ton/ha/year, passing to the immediately superior class, of 1-3 ton/ha/year; scarce data of hydrosedimentology in the UHE Itiquira (1999), shows good agreement with the values gotten for the EUPS (Chart 2). Based on the hydric classification proposal for FAO (1967) (Chart 3), it is noticed that areas with high degree of erosion (> 50) in the analysed area are very restricted, occupying 493 ha in 1985 and 332 ha in 1996 (Chart 4). In 1996 appeared as isolated spots in the north of Itiquira and Alto Garas, however beyond limits of the Itiquira river basin. These areas require special cares in its use as agricultural areas. Aiming at identifying and indicating the areas of potential risk of erosion and that need implementation of conservation practices, it was elaborated the map of limit of tolerance to the soil losses. In 1966 (Figure 6), areas with soil losses over of the tolerable were restricted to small spots located in the eastern part of the area, occupying 0.43% of the total of the area; already in 1985 (Figure 7), this percentage passed to 5.86%, spreading for all the area; in 1996 (Figure 8) it is observed a fast reduction of the areas with soil losses over of the tolerance limit, passing 5.43% of the total of the area. All the areas with losses over of the tolerable value must be considered as risk areas and were done in these areas studies for implementation of conservation practices.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical, ultrasonographic, biochemical and metabolic alterations of adolescents with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). METHODS: Retrospective observational study conducted on 44 adolescents aged 12 to 19 years, diagnosed with PCOS according to the Rotterdam Consensus. Metabolic changes were assessed according to the recommendations of the International Diabetes Federation, considering: waist circumference (WC) 90th percentile (10-15 years of age) or >80 cm (age >16 years), fasting glucose >100 mg/dL, triglycerides >150 mg/dL, HDL <40 mg/dL, and blood pressure Hg 130/85 mm. RESULTS: Mean age was 16.72.2 years and age at menarche was 11.81.4 years. The menstrual irregularity most frequently observed was amenorrhea (72.7%) followed by oligomenorrhea (27.3%); hirsutism was observed in 86.4% and acne in 56.8%. Polycystic ovaries were observed by ultrasound only in 27.3%. Mean BMI was 30.36.6 kg/m2. According to BMI, 52.3% of adolescents were obese, 13.6% were overweight and 6.8% had a healthy weight. Increased waist circumference (63.6%, 28/44) and the reduction of HDL-C (34.1%, 15/44) were the metabolic changes most frequently observed. Increased triglycerides were observed in 27.3% (12/44) and increased blood pressure and impaired fasting glucose were found in 9.1% (4/44) and 4.5% (2/44) of cases, respectively. Acanthosis nigricans was observed in 52.3% and insulin resistance in 62.8% of the adolescents with PCOS. Metabolic syndrome was identified in six children (13.6%), all of them obese or overweight. CONCLUSION: In the adolescents with PCOS studied here, menstrual irregularity and hirsutism were the most common clinical manifestations, while the sonographic findings consistent with polycystic ovaries were less prevalent. Obesity associated with insulin resistance predisposes these adolescents to a higher frequency of metabolic disorders.


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Purpose: To observe the frequency of the occurrence of the anophthalmic socket in the Middle West region of the state of So Paulo and to describe the demographic profile of the carriers in a population-based data. Methods: A cross-sectional study involve a random sampling carried out in twelve cities of the Middle West region of the state of So Paulo, for which the reference center is the city of Botucatu was done. The participators were chosen by assortment which considered the houses of these people. It was established a sampling with 11,453 people. All the exams were realized using a Mobile Ophthalmologic Unit. The research protocol included the demographic data and the complete ophthalmologic exam (anamnesis, ocular and systemic antecedents, familiar antecedents, visual acuity with and without correction, tonometry, biomicroscopy, fundoscopy, and refraction exam). All the data were transferred to an Excel spreadsheet and submitted to a descriptive analysis and were presented by the frequency of the occurrence. Results: Ophthalmic socket frequency in the Middle West region of the state of So Paulo was 0.96%. We found 11 cases of anophthalmic socket, with involvement of 0.7 % in females and 1.3 %, male. The most common causes of anophthalmic socket were glaucoma (blind painful eye), microphthalmia, trauma, and endophthalmitis. The majority of the people were 40 years old or more, and we found just one person younger than 19 years old. Conclusion: The anophthalmic socket occurred in 0.96% of the habitants of the Middle West region of So Paulo State, occurring mainly in male and with large variety of the affected ages.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ps-graduao em Cincias da Motricidade - IBRC


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Ps-graduao em Pediatria - FMB