201 resultados para airlines


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Contents 1.What kind of airlines? 2. Network Planning – Data – Generic / traditional – Low cost 1.What kind of airlines? 2. Network Planning – Data – Generic / traditional – Low cost


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Types of Air ABSTRACT: Transport Trading Agreements - Bilateral - “Open Skies” - Plurilateral - Multilateral


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A aviação civil de transporte aéreo regular, em Portugal, emergiu por necessidade política do Estado Corres+pondendo à política colonial internacional. Se bem que tivessem surgido algumas companhias de aviação, anteriores ao serviço aéreo dos TAP, pertencente ao SAC, a maioria com capital estrangeiro, todas tiveram por objetivo a sustentabilidade as «subverções» do Governo português. Contudo, a emergência de portugueses como pioneiros e inventores da aviação acompanhou a história internacional, mas as ações tiveram um cariz individual e não empresarial. A construção da aviação com ligação às colónias impunha-se dentro da política internacional e a «linha aérea imperial», que fora uma proposta anterior à constituição dos TAP, apareceu por vontade do Governo estabelendo essa ligação aérea e terminando com alguma apetência estrangeira na sua exploração.


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The Nature of air transport 1. Air transport is important • It is a big industry • It is vital to many industries and regions 2. It is multi-facited • Airlines • Airports • Air traffic control • Domestic and international 3. It is a network Industry • Portugal is part of Europe (legal fact) • Portugal is part of the world (globalization) 4. It is not wanted for its own sake • It “facilitates” and does not create 5. It has environmental implications • Noise • Greenhouse gas emissions


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LCC Market Development - In 1996 low cost airlines (LCCs) accounted for only 1.4% of intra-European Union capacity. By the end of 2002, low cost airlines had captured 12% of all intra-EU capacity - Currently LCCs have a 30% market share of scheduled European point-to-point passengers. According to AEA forecasts, the LC market is expected to increase to 43% of European traffic by 2011. - In 2006 140 million passengers were carried by LCCs. - Low-fare airlines have increased their presence from 13% of city pairs in 2003 to 26% in 2007. 96% of new city-pairs between 2005 and 2007 were added by LCCs. - The United Kingdom still sees the highest number of low-cost flights, followed by Spain, which has been making up a lot of ground over the last year. This is followed by Italy and Germany with slightly fewer flights. These four countries contribute to roughly three quarters of low-cost departures. France is fifth in this list with only 5% of LC flights. - easyJet and Ryanair continue to be the biggest players in the European LCC market accounting for about 40% of all LCC capacity. The top two are followed by Airberlin, which contributes another 10% leaving three carriers in control of half the European low-cost market.


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Overview Some of the Challenges - Future Technology - Capacity - Safety Working with Airports, Air Traffic Service Providers and Airlines The Role of the Regulator Air Traffic Service Providers


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1. Embraer company 2. E-Jet family: the regional revolution 3. Embraer market overview


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Este trabalho discute a liberalização do transporte aéreo no mercado Europeu, o sucesso do tráfego aéreo, e a importância da regulação de slots aeroportuários para uma concorrência leal. Presentemente, dado o crescimento e a expectativa que o tráfego aéreo cresça ainda mais, os aeroportos e as companhias aéreas debatem-se com um problema de grande dimensão, que passa pela gestão aeroportuária de slots, uma vez que a capacidade dos aeroportos é limitada, e a procura por estas estruturas tem aumentado drasticamente. Face aos vários aeroportos Europeus, estima-se que essa capacidade seja atingida brevemente, fazendo com que a congestão não se dê só apenas por um curto período diário, mas que aumente não só a sua frequência como também a sua duração. Esta congestão pode ter efeitos sobre a concorrência entre as companhias e entre os aeroportos, o que implica que haja um impacto negativo, tanto no ambiente como na segurança. O estudo terá em atenção a capacidade do Aeroporto de Lisboa, ao pedido de slots aeroportuários, a legislação nacional e internacional, outros meios de afectação de slots aeroportuários, a posição da TAP relativamente à regulamentação existente, e aos meios paralelos.


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In the competitive aviation market as a result of the emergence of low cost carriers, charter airlines have had to reconsider their approach to service provision. Specifically, the reduction in service and comfort levels offered by the low cost airlines provides charter carriers with an opportunity to differentiate their product based on the quality of the offering. To consider this strategic option we employ an on-line choice experiment to examine consumer choices with respect to the bundle of services on offer when deciding to purchase a flight, With these data we use the Bayesian methods to estimate a mixed logit specification. Our results reveal that in principle passengers are willing to pay a relatively large amount for enhanced service quality. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aircraft Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) agencies rely largely on row-data based quotation systems to select the best suppliers for the customers (airlines). The data quantity and quality becomes a key issue to determining the success of an MRO job, since we need to ensure we achieve cost and quality benchmarks. This paper introduces a data mining approach to create an MRO quotation system that enhances the data quantity and data quality, and enables significantly more precise MRO job quotations. Regular Expression was utilized to analyse descriptive textual feedback (i.e. engineer’s reports) in order to extract more referable highly normalised data for job quotation. A text mining based key influencer analysis function enables the user to proactively select sub-parts, defects and possible solutions to make queries more accurate. Implementation results show that system data would improve cost quotation in 40% of MRO jobs, would reduce service cost without causing a drop in service quality.


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Atmospheric turbulence causes most weather-related aircraft incidents1. Commercial aircraft encounter moderate-or-greater turbulence tens of thousands of times each year worldwide, injuring probably hundreds of passengers (occasionally fatally), costing airlines tens of millions of dollars and causing structural damage to planes1, 2, 3. Clear-air turbulence is especially difficult to avoid, because it cannot be seen by pilots or detected by satellites or on-board radar4, 5. Clear-air turbulence is linked to atmospheric jet streams6, 7, which are projected to be strengthened by anthropogenic climate change8. However, the response of clear-air turbulence to projected climate change has not previously been studied. Here we show using climate model simulations that clear-air turbulence changes significantly within the transatlantic flight corridor when the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is doubled. At cruise altitudes within 50–75° N and 10–60° W in winter, most clear-air turbulence measures show a 10–40% increase in the median strength of turbulence and a 40–170% increase in the frequency of occurrence of moderate-or-greater turbulence. Our results suggest that climate change will lead to bumpier transatlantic flights by the middle of this century. Journey times may lengthen and fuel consumption and emissions may increase. Aviation is partly responsible for changing the climate9, but our findings show for the first time how climate change could affect aviation.


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Multidimensional scaling is applied in order to visualize an analogue of the small-world effect implied by edges having different displacement velocities in transportation networks. Our findings are illustrated for two real-world systems, namely the London urban network (streets and underground) and the US highway network enhanced by some of the main US airlines routes. We also show that the travel time in these two networks is drastically changed by attacks targeting the edges with large displacement velocities. (C) 2011 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.


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The logistics of the aerospace aftermarket raises a number of very interesting challenges from the perspective of electronic contracting. This is a highly dynamic domain, where contracts are established between airlines and engine manufacturers, as well as between engine manufacturers all the way down the supply lines, providing a particularly illustrative showcase for the technologies developed in the CONTRACT project. In this paper, we describe such a domain, as well as our modelling of it as a multiagent simulator where the CONTRACT framework has been used to monitor for compliance with norms.


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This paper examines some issues related to the influence of consumers’ perception of service evaluation according to their personality characteristics. The paper discusses the application of personality traits, including the Jungian personality types, as a possible predictor of perceived satisfaction levels. The existing literature has not fully explored the relationship between airline flights’ service satisfaction levels and consumers’ personality characteristics. A well-known UK leisure airline allowed a survey to be conducted in 1998-2000. The findings suggest that there is a weak correlation between personality types and satisfaction levels, but a stronger relationship between perceptions of quality and satisfaction. The adaptation of the Jungian personality types, for use in the evaluation of leisure airlines’ service attributes, appears to be worthy of further examination.


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There are many participants in the tourism network who have vested interests in tourism development. These organizations include hotels, associations of hotels and hotel owners, inbound travel agents, travel wholesalers, tourism industry associations, airlines, cruise lines, tourism promotional agencies, regional and local tourism authorities, SME tourism businesses, conference and convention centres and many more. Individuals in the tourism industry intermittently change employment. They often remain in the industry and can move between types of organizations. Their contacts, associations and personal networks remain useful and indeed are utilized. The Interactive Approach postulated by the IMP Group proposes that both suppliers and manufacturers are often involved in close, long-lasting adaptive relationships. Firms within relationships must work together, share objectives, share information and also communicate clearly and precisely using a common language. Here relationship partners should have a similar point of view on the meaning of marketing strategy and related concepts including market segmentation, differentiation and competitive positioning.

This paper seeks to assess the nature, perspectives and characteristics of interactions in the tourism network in Australia. There are two stages of this research. The first stage obtained the perspectives of network participants on the challenges facing tourism, key growth segments, brand and promotional strategies and customer insights and satisfaction levels. Participants were also asked to provide advice to the national marketing organization on a range of developmental topics. The second stage of this research assesses the interaction patterns among network participants Network picture, network position, resource constellations, interaction, resources and activities, interdependence, adaptation, actor bonds, strategy and change are also assessed. The relationships are political and consultative in nature. There is much interdependence and possible conflict between the network participants. The national tourism body has particular skills in tourism planning and tourism research. They also have significant resources and the ability to influence inbound tourism patterns. This paper seeks to assess and understand the interactions within this network.