996 resultados para Zero current switching
We show that the electromagnetic current for a system composed by two charged bosons has a structure of many bodies even in the impulse approximation, when described in the time x +. In terms of the two body component for the bound state, the current contains two body operators. We discuss the process of pair creation by the photon and interpret it as a zero mode contribution to the current and its consequences for the components of currents in the light front. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
The purpose of this work is to present a frequency domain model to demonstrate the operation of an electromagnetic arrangement for controlling the injection of zero-sequence currents in the electrical system. Considering the diversity of sequential distribution of harmonic components of a current, the device proposed can be used in the process of mitigation of zero-sequence components. This device, here called electromagnetic suppressor, consists of a blocker and filter both electromagnetic, whose joint operation can provide paths of high and low impedances that can be conveniently adjusted in order to search for a desired performance. This study presents physical considerations, mathematical modeling and computer simulations that clearly demonstrate the viability of this application as a more viable alternative in the conception of filtering systems. The performance analysis is based on the frequency response of harmonic transmittances. The efficacy of this technique in direct actions to maximize the harmonic mitigation process is demonstrated. ©2010 IEEE.
This paper reveals new contributions to the analysis and development of mitigating harmonic distortion devices. Considering the variety of sequential distribution of harmonic current, in the use of passive filters, one can point out the electromagnetic blocking device, which have received particular attention due to its robustness and low cost of installation. In this context, aiming the evaluation of the reliability of the results obtained through mathematical modeling, experimental tests are carried out using a low-power prototype, highlighting particular aspects related to its function as a zero-sequence harmonic blocking. © 2011 IEEE.
This paper presents a new methodology for the operation and control of a single-phase current-source (CS) Boost Inverter, considering that the conventional CS boost inverter has a right-half-plane (RHP) zero in its control-to-output transfer function, and this RHP zero causes the known non-minimum-phase effects. In this context, a special design with low boost inductance and a multi-loop control is developed in order to assure stable and very fast dynamics. Furthermore, the proposed inverter presents output voltage with very low total harmonic distortion (THD), reduced components and high power density. Therefore, this paper presents the inverter operation, the proposed control technique, the main simulation results and a prototype in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal. © 2011 IEEE.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The arrival of migratory shorebirds on beaches in urban communities in developing countries is a current challenge for the protection of these migrant birds. Nearctic-Neotropical migrants rely on roosting and feeding sites during their stopover on wintering sites in the Southern Hemisphere to acquire sufficient energy to complete their migratory cycles. On the other hand, cities in the Southern Hemisphere are growing rapidly, which results in increasing competition for space between humans and birds, such as for use in beach habitats. In the present study, I analyze the probability for occurrence for Nearctic-Neotropical migratory birds relative to the number of people in southeastern Brazil, the most populated region of South America. The frequency of occurrence of migrants, their distance of tolerance to people and the number of people were recorded in sample areas (circle plots with 20 m radius) on a 9 km stretch of urban beaches from November to February from 2009 to 2013. The probability of occurrence of Nearctic birds decreased as the number of people increased. When the number of people exceeded 20, the probability of occurrence of birds was almost zero. Furthermore, more than 95 % of birds moved off when people were within 16 m of reach. These results are discussed in the context of conservation actions since no management plan has been developed for migrant shorebirds that use urban beaches as stopover or wintering sites in developing countries.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Springer et al. (2003) contend that sequential declines occurred in North Pacific populations of harbor and fur seals, Steller sea lions, and sea otters. They hypothesize that these were due to increased predation by killer whales, when industrial whaling’s removal of large whales as a supposed primary food source precipitated a prey switch. Using a regional approach, we reexamined whale catch data, killer whale predation observations, and the current biomass and trends of potential prey, and found little support for the prey-switching hypothesis. Large whale biomass in the Bering Sea did not decline as much as suggested by Springer et al., and much of the reduction occurred 50–100 yr ago, well before the declines of pinnipeds and sea otters began; thus, the need to switch prey starting in the 1970s is doubtful. With the sole exception that the sea otter decline followed the decline of pinnipeds, the reported declines were not in fact sequential. Given this, it is unlikely that a sequential megafaunal collapse from whales to sea otters occurred. The spatial and temporal patterns of pinniped and sea otter population trends are more complex than Springer et al. suggest, and are often inconsistent with their hypothesis. Populations remained stable or increased in many areas, despite extensive historical whaling and high killer whale abundance. Furthermore, observed killer whale predation has largely involved pinnipeds and small cetaceans; there is little evidence that large whales were ever a major prey item in high latitudes. Small cetaceans (ignored by Springer et al.) were likely abundant throughout the period. Overall, we suggest that the Springer et al. hypothesis represents a misleading and simplistic view of events and trophic relationships within this complex marine ecosystem.
This Letter presents an analysis of the zero temperature coefficient (ZTC) bias in junctionless nanowire transistors (JNTs). Unlike in previous works, which had shown that JNT did not present a ZTC point, this work shows that ZTC may occur in JNTs depending mainly on the series resistance of the devices and its dependence on the temperature. Experimental results of drain current, threshold voltage, and series resistance are presented for both long and short channel n and p-type devices. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4744965]
Analysis of the peak-to-peak output current ripple amplitude for multiphase and multilevel inverters is presented in this PhD thesis. The current ripple is calculated on the basis of the alternating voltage component, and peak-to-peak value is defined by the current slopes and application times of the voltage levels in a switching period. Detailed analytical expressions of peak-to-peak current ripple distribution over a fundamental period are given as function of the modulation index. For all the cases, reference is made to centered and symmetrical switching patterns, generated either by carrier-based or space vector PWM. Starting from the definition and the analysis of the output current ripple in three-phase two-level inverters, the theoretical developments have been extended to the case of multiphase inverters, with emphasis on the five- and seven-phase inverters. The instantaneous current ripple is introduced for a generic balanced multiphase loads consisting of series RL impedance and ac back emf (RLE). Simplified and effective expressions to account for the maximum of the output current ripple have been defined. The peak-to-peak current ripple diagrams are presented and discussed. The analysis of the output current ripple has been extended also to multilevel inverters, specifically three-phase three-level inverters. Also in this case, the current ripple analysis is carried out for a balanced three-phase system consisting of series RL impedance and ac back emf (RLE), representing both motor loads and grid-connected applications. The peak-to-peak current ripple diagrams are presented and discussed. In addition, simulation and experimental results are carried out to prove the validity of the analytical developments in all the cases. The cases with different phase numbers and with different number of levels are compared among them, and some useful conclusions have been pointed out. Furthermore, some application examples are given.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common problem in the general population, but also a symptom of both treated and untreated depression. As a side effect of antidepressant medication, erectile dysfunction appears to be one of the principal reasons for discontinuing antidepressant treatment. Avoiding or switching antidepressants is problematic, as this may lead to an increase in depressive symptoms. Our review shows that oral phosphodiesterase inhibitors are an option in treating both ED resulting from depression and from antidepressant medication.
The role of irregular cortical firing in neuronal computation is still debated, and it is unclear how signals carried by fluctuating synaptic potentials are decoded by downstream neurons. We examined in vitro frequency versus current (f-I) relationships of layer 5 (L5) pyramidal cells of the rat medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) using fluctuating stimuli. Studies in the somatosensory cortex show that L5 neurons become insensitive to input fluctuations as input mean increases and that their f-I response becomes linear. In contrast, our results show that mPFC L5 pyramidal neurons retain an increased sensitivity to input fluctuations, whereas their sensitivity to the input mean diminishes to near zero. This implies that the discharge properties of L5 mPFC neurons are well suited to encode input fluctuations rather than input mean in their firing rates, with important consequences for information processing and stability of persistent activity at the network level.
Recently nanoscale junctions consisting of 0-D nanostructures (single molecule) or 1-D nanostructures (semiconducting nanowire) sandwiched between two metal electrodes are successfully fabricated and characterized. What lacks in the recent developments is the understanding of the mechanism behind the observed phenomena at the level of atoms and electrons. For example, the origin of observed switching effect in a semiconducting nanowire due to the influence of an external gate bias is not yet understood at the electronic structure level. On the same context, different experimental groups have reported different signs in tunneling magneto-resistance for the same organic spin valve structure, which has baffled researchers working in this field. In this thesis, we present the answers to some of these subtle questions by investigating the charge and spin transport in different nanoscale junctions. A parameter-free, single particle Green’s function approach in conjunction with a posteriori density functional theory (DFT) involving a hybrid orbital dependent functional is used to calculate the tunneling current in the coherent transport limit. The effect of spin polarization is explicitly incorporated to investigate spin transport in a nanoscale junction. Through the electron transport studies in PbS nanowire junction, a new orbital controlled mechanism behind the switching of the current is proposed. It can explain the switching behavior, not only in PbS nanowire, but in other lead-chalcogenide nanowires as well. Beside this, the electronic structure properties of this nanowire are studied using periodic DFT. The quantum confinement effect was investigated by calculating the bandgap of PbS nanowires with different diameters. Subsequently, we explain an observed semiconducting to metallic phase transition of this nanowire by calculating the bandgap of the nanowire under uniform radial strain. The compressive radial strain on the nanowire was found to be responsible for the metallic to semiconducting phase transition. Apart from studying one dimensional nanostructure, we also present transport properties in zero dimensional single molecular junctions. We proposed a new codoping approach in a single molecular carborane junction, where a cation and an anion are simultaneously doped to find the role of a single atom in the device. The main purpose was to build a molecular junction where a single atom can dictate the flow of electrons in a circuit. Recent observations of both positive and negative sign in tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) the using same organic spin-valve structure hasmystified researchers. From our spin dependent transport studies in a prototypical organic molecular tunneling device, we found that a 3% change in metal-molecule interfacial distance can alter the sign of TMR. Changing the interfacial distance by 3%, the number of participating eigenstates as well as their orbital characteristic changes for anti-parallel configuration of the magnetization at the two electrodes, leading to the sign reversal of the TMR. Apart from this, the magnetic proximity effect under applied bias is investigated quantitatively, which can be used to understand the observed unexpectedmagnetismin carbon basedmaterials when they are in close proximity with magnetic substrates.
Switching mode power supplies (SMPS) are subject to low power factor and high harmonic distortions. Active power-factor correction (APFC) is a technique to improve the power factor and to reduce the harmonic distortion of SMPSs. However, this technique results in double frequency output voltage variation which can be reduced by using a large output capacitance. Using large capacitors increases the cost and size of the converter. Furthermore, the capacitors are subject to frequent failures mainly caused by evaporation of the electrolytic solution which reduce the converter reliability. This thesis presents an optimal control method for the input current of a boost converter to reduce the size of the output capacitor. The optimum current waveform as a function of weighing factor is found by using the Euler Lagrange equation. A set of simulations are performed to determine the ideal weighing which gives the lowest possible output voltage variation as the converter still meets the IEC-61000-3-2 class-A harmonics requirements with a power factor of 0.8 or higher. The proposed method is verified by the experimental work. A boost converter is designed and it is run for different power levels, 100 W, 200 W and 400 W. The desired output voltage ripple is 10 V peak to peak for the output voltage of 200 Vdc. This ripple value corresponds to a ± 2.5% output voltage ripple. The experimental and the simulation results are found to be quite matching. A significant reduction in capacitor size, as high as 50%, is accomplished by using the proposed method.