925 resultados para Writing self-awareness


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INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: This presentation draws on a body of work assessing cultural safety's potential to generate change in mental health nursing research (Cox and Simpson 2015), in education and in clinical practice (Cox and Taua 2013, 2016; Happell, Cowin, Roper, Lakeman & Cox 2013). It presents evidence to suggest that cultural safety could resolve the conceptual confusion surrounding culture and diversity in nursing curricular, in clinical and in research practice. The history and nature of mental health work recommend cultural safety to focus attention on diversity, power imbalance, racism, cultural dominance, and structural inequality, identified as barriers and tensions in clinical practice and in service user participation. Cultural safety gives mental health nursing a well theorized and articulated model, which is evolving to improve practice into the future. DESCRIPTION: This work involved an immersion in the literature on cultural safety and the Service User Research movement. It draws on 5 months' work with a service users' research group in the UK and reflections on 9 years of cultural safety teaching. POLICY/PRACTICE CHANGE: This work provokes a crucial change of emphasis from locating the source of issues in the diversity of people to locating it in how society responds to diversity: a change from individualistic to systemic concerns. IMPLICATIONS FOR MENTAL HEALTH NURSING: Cultural safety in clinical practice, education, and research is specifically concerned with awareness of the impact of systemic workplace cultures and with staff cultural self-awareness to bring about cultural change and person-centred care of individuals' unique needs and aspirations within their life context.


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ABSTRACT The author Zacharias Topelius as a religious educator The present study concerns the author Zacharias Topelius (1818-98) as a religious educator. The study´s main questions are as follows: What is the theological and pedagogical content of Topelius books and how is his religious instruction linked with the history of his time. The primary sources are his educational books Naturens bok (The Book of the Nature, 1856), Boken om vårt land (The Book of our Land, 1875) and Evangelium för Barnen (Gospel for Children, 1893), as well as his storybooks Läsning för barn I-VIII (Reading for Children I-VIII, 1865-96). The dissertation concerns the his-tory of religious education. Its primary method is background-based systematic analy-sis. In Topelius children s books the view of God is characterised both as an omnipresent spirit and as Providence, who guides world history according to his plan. In addition to Lutheranism this view is also influenced by Nationalism and Romanticism. The theological content of the books emphasises instruction in Christian life that is natural to normative children s books. Topelius strongly expresses the importance of a personal relationship to God, an idealistic Christian view of one s fellow man and of one s own nation as well as the value of nature conservation. The books of Topelius were some of the first educational works on nature preservation in Finland. The didactic quality of Topelius children s books was high for 19th century Finland. Their main emphasis in terms of educational goals is on civilisation (Bildung), self-awareness, national solidarity and living idealism. The pedagogical argumentation is mostly based on theological, historical, social and rational reasoning. The primary principles in Topelius teaching are Christian nationalism, idealistic harmony and the agrarian bourgeois. Christian nationalism is the main element of Topelius religious education. He considers the fatherland as a God-given project and the taking care of it as a part of holy service. Idealistic harmony is seen as the comprehensive development of one s character in the sense of romantic idealism. The agrarian bourgeois principle combines the Finnish peasant tradition with the values of 19th century modern bourgeois culture. I have named Topelius vision of religious education the Christian national project of civilisation (Bildung). Its main theses are home, religion and fatherland. The author himself strongly believed in this vision and never questioned it despite its national chauvinism and theological inconsistency. The religious ideology represented in Topelius educational works and storybooks was popular among pedagogues during the whole era of the Finnish folk school. It fit per-fectly with the Christian national discourse stemming from 19th century ideological ten-dencies. Due to their appropriate content combined with their practical language and pedagogical methods, the books were popular both at school and in the home for a long period of time. Therefore the books of Topelius aptly symbolise the religious education of their time and manifest their author s pedagogical talent as a national religious educator and as a populariser of Christian nationalism. Topelius books have had a lasting influence on Finnish religiosity. Key words: Topelius, theology, religion, education, nationalism and national project


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The study focuses on the Finnish home makeover shows Inno (2004 , Nelonen) and Kodin kääntöpiiri (2001 2005; YLE TV2) and their episodes broadcast in spring 2004. The research material also includes the websites of both shows and messages concerning Inno from an online discussion forum. As people decorate their homes and reflect on them, they engage in negotiations of taste and in the construction of the ideal self. The main question of the study is: how are representations of the gendered self produced in home makeover shows? The broader theoretical and methodological context of the study is based on intersectionality, or simultaneous study of different identity categories. In this study, the main focus is on the intersections of gender, class and sexuality. Hence, the secondary research question is: how do ways of doing gender intersect with producing the ideas of class and sexuality in the representations of home makeover shows? The theoretical framework of the study combines Judith Butler s theory of gender performativity and Pierre Bourdieu s theory of taste. The analysis is founded upon a close reading focusing on the details and ambiguous meanings contained in the televisual representation. Home makeover shows are explored as a part of contemporary television culture, which is characterised by a significant increase in the number of both television channels and global television formats, as well as the hybridisation of programme types. Researchers on lifestyle television have paid attention to male designers and their ability to reconstruct meanings related to domesticity and home decoration as feminine spheres. The dissertation contributes to this discussion by analysing the representations of the male interior decorator in Inno and the four female interior decorators in Kodin kääntöpiiri. The focus is on the professional self and how it is both gendered and defined as an arbiter of taste. The programme concepts produce the impression that the makeover homes and their occupants are ordinary . The manufactured sense of ordinariness often conceals differences between the participants. One argument of the study is that the ordinariness of participants on lifestyle television should not be taken for granted without further reflection on the implications of labeling something as ordinary. Updating of interior decoration in home makeover shows can be interpreted as an area of doing gender that requires deliberation, effort, expert knowledge and a sufficient budget. The ideal lay decorator is portrayed as culturally omnivorous, brave and receptive to new ideas. The ability to reflect on ways of representing masculinity and femininity through decoration is also implied. In home makeover shows, greater self-awareness regarding the ways in which gender is produced does not lead to repeating gender differently. The idea of normative heterosexuality is in a hegemonic position in the representations of the participants. In Inno and Kodin kääntöpiiri questions of class are not made explicit. However, the idea of class is produced indirectly e.g. by describing the apartments and houses of the participants, by discussing their hobbies or interest in cultural products. In Inno, home decoration is primarily depicted as an individualistic consumer choice, while in Kodin kääntöpiiri it is often defined as a way to strengthen the ties of nuclear families. In Kodin kääntöpiiri, the ethos of familism is combined with pleasures gained from consumption and DIY activities. As a whole, the multidisciplinary study indicates a great number of differences between the two shows.


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[SPA] Las disciplinas artísticas siempre han sido un campo tan beneficioso como poco utilizado en educación. En esta propuesta de taller de teatro musical en educación primaria se ha indagado en el mundo de la pedagogía teatral y su relación con la música y el juego como técnicas de transmisión de valores y desarrollo de aprendizajes. La puesta en práctica mediante el diseño e implementación de un taller por parte del mediador ha logrado que los alumnos muestren avances significativos en diversos campos como el autoconocimiento corporal o el descubrimiento de nuevos géneros musicales, además de favorecer a la dinámica grupal dentro y fuera del taller. De cara al futuro, este proceso ha abierto las puertas a nuevas propuestas en el ámbito de la dramatización infantil así como al interés formativo del propio educador.


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[EU]Goierriko eskualdean egun batean burutzen diren bidai guztien %9a bakarrik burutzen da garraio publiko bidez. Hau gertatzearen bizilagunen “aitzakia” nagusia honakoa da: zerbitzua oso txarra da. Niri ordea, ondorengo zalantza datorkit burura: nahiz eta zerbitzua hobea izan, garraio publikoa gehiago erabiliko litzateke? Hau biraka dabilen gurpil zoroa da. Zerbitzua txarra delako ez dabil jende gehiago, baina ez du merezi zerbitzua hobetzea jende gutxi ibiltzen delako. Guzti hau argitzearren eta Goierriko garraio publikoaren hobekuntza sustatzeko zer egin daitekeen aztertzeko garatu da lan hau. Hobekuntza termino hau autobus gehiago jartzearekin erlazionatzen dugu gehienetan, baina nik beste planteamendu bat eman nahi izan diot. Bidaiari gutxi daudenez, ezin dira maiztasun handiz autobusak ezarri, proiektua ez baita bideragarria. Horregatik dagoen zerbitzua, gutxi bada ere, bizilagunei erabat moldatua egotea mahaigaineratu nahi izan dut, bizilagun hauen sentsibilizazioari arreta berezia eskainiz.


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Pressupõe-se que o cotidiano do cuidar da integralidade do cliente com câncer de cavidade bucal (CCB) reveste-se de significado especial devido à sensibilidade e responsabilidade dos profissionais de enfermagem; e, do mesmo modo, exige destas pessoas competência e habilidades técnicas e sociais para atuar constantemente com o sofrimento. Portanto, foram elaboradas as questões de pesquisa: quais são os limites e possibilidades da aplicação do processo clínico de cuidar em enfermagem ao cliente com câncer na cavidade bucal? Os objetivos foram: descrever os limites e possibilidades de aplicação do Process Clinical Caritas, formulado por Jean Watson, aos clientes com câncer na cavidade bucal; identificar as características individuais e profissionais dos membros da equipe de enfermagem atuantes na área de oncologia; identificar os aspectos do cuidar componentes do Process Clinical Caritas (PCC) aplicados pela equipe de enfermagem junto aos clientes com CCB, analisando a autopercepção da equipe de enfermagem sobre o seu desenvolvimento de tecnologias de cuidados, comparando-o à aplicação do PCC proposto por Jean Watson. O estudo centra-se na teorização do cuidado transpessoal, visando à compreensão dos aspectos do bem-estar propiciado, inclusive pela autêntica relação interpessoal entre profissional de enfermagem e cliente. Escolheu-se a abordagem de pesquisa quantitativa, aplicando-se o método descritivo e a técnica de autorrelato. A investigação ocorreu no período de agosto a setembro de 2012 em uma Instituição de Saúde Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, especializada em oncologia. Foram sujeitos do estudo 33 membros da equipe de enfermagem, atuantes em serviço de tratamento de CCB. Para implementar a técnica de autorrelato, utilizou-se um formulário, contendo, na primeira parte, as variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais, e na segunda, uma adaptação dos 10 aspectos do PCC. Os dados quantitativos foram tratados mediante estatística descritiva simples, e as respostas sobre a aplicação do PCC foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Constatou-se que, do total de 33 sujeitos, 88% eram do sexo feminino, 37% na faixa etária de 30 a 39 anos. Predominou a renda individual de 4 a 8 salários mínimos. A maioria da equipe era composta por técnicos de enfermagem. Havia 26 especialistas em oncologia; 78% eram estatutários com carga horária de 40 horas semanais, com exercício predominante de 11 a 15 anos. Referente à aplicação dos 10 aspectos do PCC, foram delimitadas quatro categorias: respeitando as praticas espirituais e a religiosidade; proporcionando ao cliente uma relação de cuidado e conforto; ser presente e tratar o cliente com empatia e respeito; competência e orientação ao autocuidado para o cuidado integral ao cliente. Aplicando o critério de avaliação à prática dos aspectos do PCC, verificou-se que somente três: práticas de amor e gentileza; desenvolvendo relação de ajuda; e ajudar nas necessidades básicas atenderam ao PCC. Conclui-se, que além da realização dos cuidados técnicos ao cliente com CCB, é necessário que a equipe de enfermagem se conscientize da importância do cuidado transpessoal para a reconstituição do equilíbrio corporal físico, mental e espiritual do cliente, visando seu bem-estar, apesar das dificuldades do adoecimento.


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[eus] Gaur egungo eskoletan, oraindik ere, zoritxarrez, behar besteko garrantzirik ematen ez zaion eta sendotu behar den ikasleen autoezagutza fisikoaren inguruan, honako landa-lana diseinatu eta ikasleekin burutu egin da, hauengan aldaketa bat sortarazteko asmoarekin. Horretarako, prestatutako ariketa desberdinen bitartez, ikasleen arrazonamendu maila, baita maila emozionala ere landu egin da. Kontuan izanda, autoezagutzan, aldaketak epe luzean ematen direla, esku-hartze honen bidez ez dira aldaketa handirik edo esanguratsurik nabarmendu. Dena den, errespetuaren balorea ikasleengan transmititzea lortu egin da. Hori dela eta, landa lana burutu eta gero, egindakoaren inguruan, autokritika egin da.


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[es] Este trabajo presenta una intervención educativa realizada en una Ikastola del País Vasco. Su propósito es atender las necesidades que en el ámbito de la educación emocional presentan los niños y niñas de la escuela de primaria. Con este punto de partida, el objeto de estudio se sitúa en la técnica del mindfulness como herramienta educativa para el desarrollo de las competencias emocionales. El proceso de elaboración de la propuesta ha requerido buscar información sobre el objeto de estudio y elaborar un diagnóstico de necesidades a partir del cual concretar los objetivos de la intervención. Entre los resultados obtenidos cabe destacar que el alumnado participante ha sido capaz de identificar y verbalizar diferentes sentimientos y emociones con las que ha entrado en contacto en la práctica del mindfulness.


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O objetivo da tese é investigar a constituição da interioridade a partir de uma abordagem externalista. Os processos pelos quais o autoconhecimento é constituído são considerados como estando associados ao desenvolvimento da perspectiva da primeira pessoa. Adotar uma perspectiva de primeira pessoa é tornar-se capaz de fazer referência a si mesmo e conhecer seus próprios estados mentais e corporais. A autoconsciência e o autoconhecimento foram tradicionalmente subsumidos à idéia de Descartes da autoridade da primeira pessoa. Segundo a tese cartesiana, teríamos acesso privilegiado e não-empírico aos nossos estados mentais que se expressaria por meio de um conhecimento. A tese central do externalismo afirma, ao contrário, que o conteúdo dos estados mentais é constituído, em parte, pelas relações com o ambiente. A adoção da tese externalista coloca em dúvida a suposição cartesiana de que temos acesso privilegiado aos conteúdos de nossos pensamentos, restringindo, assim, a autoridade da primeira pessoa. O externalismo perceptivo de Davidson, por exemplo, oferece uma solução ternária eu-intérprete-mundo para as origens do autoconhecimento. A tese de Davidson é apresentada como reconciliando o autoconhecimento e as idéias centrais do externalismo. São apresentados dois modelos da gênese externa do eu:1) os modelos ecológicos que propõem um desenvolvimento do sentido de eu como uma função das interações do eu com o ambiente; 2) o modelo psicológico de Winnicott que propõe a emergência do sentido de eu a partir de uma relação ternária entre o eu, os outros e os objetos transicionais. Defendemos a tese de que o modelo psicológico de Winnicott é o mais adequado para descrever a conceitualização epistemológica de Davidson das origens externalistas do autoconhecimento.


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A presente tese aborda e discute a experiência sobre uma prática clínica desenvolvida a partir de demandas que se originaram no próprio campo da pesquisa, o Centro Cultural Cartola, território sociocultural, que agregou, com a instauração da clínica Afinando as Emoções, o radical psi às atividades oferecidas, passando a denominar-se psicossociocultural. Com a inserção dessa nova prática, foi possível dizer que o Centro Cultural Cartola se confirma como Território da Esperança, lugar com possibilidades de oferecer uma rede de atividades capaz de auxiliar os sujeitos no processo de ressignificação, já que promove maior consciência de si, instrumentalizando-os a romperem com a discriminação e o estigma que a pobreza lhes reserva como destino. A Afinando as Emoções configurou-se como clínica que atua no social, seja sob o ponto de vista teórico, seja por confirmar a possibilidade do exercício clínico dentro do espaço habitado pelo sujeito da demanda, no qual o desejo e as singularidades são o destaque. Também faculta aos sujeitos que lá se integram/entregam uma oportunidade de conhecerem e de experienciarem novas perspectivas de estar no mundo


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O presente trabalho resultou de um estudo antropológico sobre o Museu Severina Paraíso da Silva, dedicado à história e às tradições do grupo de candomblé da nação Xambá, cujo diferencial é estar instalado dentro de uma casa de culto afro brasileiro, o Terreiro de Santa Bárbara Ylê Axé Oyá Meguê, em Olinda, Pernambuco, Brasil. Este é um exemplo de Museu que representa a memória de um grupo social minoritário, criado por seus membros, com o objetivo de preservar seu patrimônio étnico-cultural, o qual é utilizado como categoria política para obtenção de reconhecimento perante a sociedade. Foram analisadas, neste estudo, as inter-relações em torno do Museu, observando-se aspectos como sua criação pelos próprios membros; coleta e utilização dos objetos; público-alvo; espaço físico e objetos, em especial os que não perderam seu poder simbólico, embora expostos no Museu e, principalmente, as mensagens transmitidas para a sociedade. Tais aspectos são importantes fios condutores para entender a postura dos membros do grupo em relação à sociedade e à formação de suas autoconsciências individuais e coletivas, ou seja, como eles elaboram e interpretam a identidade como grupo através do Museu; e entender também a importância do Museu na construção da memória e preservação da identidade étnica do grupo Xambá e da cultura negra em Pernambuco. A questão principal, porém, foi verificar se o Memorial e o Museu, como espaços de preservação, criam em seus membros um sentimento de pertencimento. Para a pesquisa foram coletados dados bibliográficos, documentais, no site do terreiro, na cartilha do grupo, em vídeos, plantas, em entrevistas formais com os criadores do museu e informais com outros membros do grupo, mas principalmente através da observação participante nas visitas dirigidas ao Museu e nos toques. Durante a pesquisa verificou-se que uma parte do grupo se destaca pela busca de sua visibilidade como estratégia de reivindicação de direitos sociais. Busca esta que procura legitimar a tradição usando categorias como autenticidade e pureza e pela presença de pesquisadores e pessoas ilustres, além da afirmação da importância do Museu para a construção do patrimônio cultural do negro no Estado. Um ganho substancial nesta busca pela visibilidade foi a concessão do título de Quilombo Urbano, alguns anos após a criação do Museu, sugerindo que este contribuiu para o reconhecimento do local como espaço de preservação de práticas culturais de descendentes de africanos. Há outros elementos que representam vitórias, na luta pelo reconhecimento, ou seja, um empoderamento para o grupo, como o nome de Xambá, dado ao Terminal Integrado de Passageiros construído próximo ao terreiro dentro do perímetro do Quilombo. Além da visibilidade para o grupo, o Museu trouxe outros ganhos, ele cria uma coesão entre seus membros, que passam a se ver como um grupo, como uma nação.


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An MPhil programme, delivered by the Engineering Department at the University of Cambridge, claims to be excellent at preparing graduates for manufacturing industry careers. The course uses a combination of different educational experiences, including industry-based assignments, industrial visits and practical exercises. This research explores how problem solving skills are developed during the first module, Induction, which is designed to enable students to undertake their first industrial assignment. From the literature, four conditions necessary for skill development were identified: Provision of a skill description, making explicit key components A number of different experiences with a range of contextual variables A teaching process which includes regular feedback and student reflection Students motivated to learn. These were used to construct a skill development framework (SDF). Using a case study research design, multiple types of evidence were collected to test for the above conditions using both classroom observation and questionnaire methods. The results confirmed the presence of the SDF conditions at different levels, with reflection aspects considered the weakest. Conflicting results were obtained regarding the students' self-awareness of skill levels. A plausible explanation is a change in the students' frame of reference. This initial study set out to develop a better understanding of the process of skill development. Whilst the SDF appears reasonable, there is a need for further work in three broad areas of defining skills, assessing skills and developing reflection skills.


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This study was based on the cognitive-metacognitive model of mathematical problem solving established by Lester & Garofalo(1985). The method of protocal analysis was used and 19 excellent students(9 male and 10 female) & 19 learning-disabled students(11 male and 8 female) in middle school(grade 3)were tested and interviewed during they solved plane geometry problems. The main results showed as follows: (1) There was a significant difference between excellent students and learning-disabled students on time-assignment when they solved plane geometry problems. Excellent students used more time on phase organization and less time on phase execution. There was no difference on phases orientation and verification. (2) Excellent students showed higher metacognitive level than learning-disabled students. The deference existed in phases orientation and organization. Excellent students reported more metacognitive sentences in phases orientation and organization than learning-disabled students. They had more self-awareness and goal-awareness. They had more "knowledge about what they know" and "knowledge about what they should use". They designed more globle goal and subgoals and made more self-evaluation. (3) Both the excellent students' and learning-disabled students' self-checking level should be improved.


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My Portfolio of Exploration tackles the difficult question as to whether adult mental development can be accelerated and if so how. Rooted in constructive-developmental ideas, adult mental development is explained as an evolutionary unfolding of human capability. Going beyond this I look at the possibility of advancing development as transformational growth in adulthood in the belief that a broader perspective leads to increased effectiveness in professional life. Initially I explored my own meaning making, to make sense of my experiences, knowledge, relationships and my own motivations. This exploration has provided me with a ‘developmental bridge’ between my current way of knowing and a new more enlightened way. I have come to view my way of making meaning in the world as an evolving and progressive sequence of emotional and cognitive development. Through the formation of new stretching experiences, increased self - awareness and reflection my previous perspective has been overtaken by a more complex form of being aware of myself, others and the world. I refer to this process of growth as transformation. As part of my own transformational work I have conducted an inquiry into transformational growth and learning in the early academic life of university undergraduates. The result shows how accelerated adult mental development can be achieved in an academic environment ably preparing students for the workplace. This new model of education is part of a truly unique and exciting model signalling ground-breaking change for the undergraduate experience. The overhaul of a traditional BA degree in Economics into a world-class transformational programme is discussed through-out my Portfolio. Central to my broadening awareness is the challenge and nurturing required to awaken the student’s ‘internal authority’ . This involves stimulating students to take ownership for their own thinking, steering them away from the passivity and complacency of thinking through the minds of others. In doing so, the ultimate aim of renewing the BA is to narrow the developmental ‘mismatch’ which exists for m any college students between them and the world of work, by encouraging and inviting them to take on the challenge of thinking independently. Mindfulness, awareness, and personal authority are treated with reverence throughout the exploration as I consider them core parts of the students engaging with development. Engagement is construed as an active and open-minded process of awareness involving planning and reviewing one’s own goals and performance, engaging in constructive feedback, reflection and new action. I conclude with a view that the journey of adult mental development is relentless and that undergraduate education represents a crucial beginning. The value and relevance of transformational education rooted in developmental principles provides a significant opportunity in advancing development and perspectives at the start of adult life.


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Background: Clinical decisions which impact directly on patient safety and quality of care are made during acute asthma attacks by individual doctors on the basis of their knowledge and experience. These include administration of systemic corticosteroids (CS), oral antibiotics, and admission to hospital. Clinical judgement analysis provides a methodology for comparing decisions between practitioners with different training and experience, and improving decision making. Methods: Stepwise linear regression was used to select clinical cues based on visual analogue scale assessments of the propensity of 62 clinicians to prescribe a short course of oral CS (decision 1), a course of antibiotics (decision 2), and/or admit to hospital (decision 3) for 60 â??paperâ?? patients. Results:When compared by specialty, paediatriciansâ?? models for decision 1 were more likely to include as a cue level of alertness (54% v. 16%); for decision 2 presence of crepitations (49% v. 16%), and less likely to include inhaled CS (8% v. 40%), respiratory rate (0% v. 24%), and air entry (70% v. 100%). When compared to other grades, the models derived for decision 3 by consultants/general practitioners were more likely to include wheeze severity as a cue (39% v. 6%). Conclusions: Clinicians differed in their use of individual cues and the number included in their models. Patient safety and quality of care will benefit from clarification of decision making strategies as general learning points during medical training, in the development of guidelines and care pathways, and by clinicians developing self-awareness of their own preferences.