898 resultados para Women - Legal status, laws, etc - Victoria


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Dans le domaine des brevets d'invention, la notion d'inventeur pose des difficultés particulières dans le contexte universitaire. L'une d'elles concerne l'identification de l'inventeur. La loi canadienne est très claire sur ce point: un brevet est accordé « à l'inventeur ». Cela peut être problématique quand on a affaire à une équipe de chercheurs composée de personnes qui n'ont pas le même statut: professeur régulier de l'Université, professeur chercheur payé par une subvention de recherche, chercheur qui s'est joint temporairement à l'équipe, étudiants gradués ou non, etc. Une autre problématique concerne la question de savoir si une Université peut prétendre qu'elle s'est fait céder les droits des brevetés, soit parce qu'ils ont le statut d'employé, ou par le libellé d'une clause dans une convention collective, ou par l'existence d'une politique adoptée sur ce sujet. Le présent texte cherche à faire connaître l'état du droit sur ces questions.


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The article discusses the present status of weblogs and examines whether legal standards applicable to traditional press and media should be applied to that specific forum. The analysis is based on two key documents: the Draft Report on the concentration and pluralism in the media in European Union (2007/2253(INI)) of the European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education presented in March 2008 and a landmark decision of the Polish Supreme Court from July 26, 2007 (IV KK 174/07) in the light of present judicial tendency in other European countries. The first of the mentioned documents calls for the “clarification of the legal status of different categories of weblog authors and publishers as well as disclosure of interests and voluntary labelling of weblogs”. It emphasizes that the “undetermined and unindicated status of authors and publishers of weblogs causes uncertainties regarding impartiality, reliability, source protection, applicability of ethical codes and the assignment of liability in the event of lawsuits”. The position of the European Parliament, expressed in the document, raises serious questions on the limits of freedom of thought and speech on the Internet and on the degree of acceptable state control. A recent Polish Supreme Court decision, which caused quite a stir in the Polish Internet community, seems to head in the very direction recommended by the EP Culture Committee. In a case of two editors of a web journal (“czasopismo internetowe”) called “Szyciepoprzemysku”, available on-line, accused of publishing a journal without the proper registration, the Polish Supreme Court stated that “journals and periodicals do not lose the character of a press release due solely to the fact that they appear in the form of an  Internet transmission”, and that ‘’the publishing of press in an electronic form, available on the Internet, requires  registration”. The decision was most surprising, as prior lower courts decisions declined the possibility to register Internet periodicals. The accused were acquitted in the name of the constitutional principle of the rule of law (art. 7 of the Polish Constitution) and the ensuing obligation to protect the trust of a citizen to the state (a conviction in this case would break the collateral estoppel rule), however the decision quickly awoke media frenzy and raised the fear of a need to register all websites that were regularly updated. The spokesman of the Polish Supreme Court later explained that the sentence of the Court was not intended to cause a mass registration of all Internet “periodicals” and that neither weblogs nor Internet sites, that were regularly updated, needed registration. Such an interpretation of the Polish press law did not appear clear based only on the original text of the judgment and the decision as such still raises serious practical questions. The article aims to examine the status of Internet logs as press and seeks the compromise between the concerns expressed by European authorities and the freedom of thought and speech exercised on the Internet.


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En los últimos años, es cada vez más frecuente que las necesidades puntuales de personal que tienen las empresas se cubran mediante trabajadores adscritos a una ETT. El elevado grado de aceptación de la contratación a través de esta vía no sólo deriva del hecho de ser un medio más flexible de contratación, sino tambien de los menores costes salariales que implican la contratación de trabajadores de empresas de trabajo temporal; siendo este el principio incentivo para su utilización. Así pues, el recurso de la contratación de los trabajadores de las empresas de trabajo temporal no sólo constituye un medio para atender a necesidades temporales de la empresa usuaria, sino que además se ha constituido en un medio de reducir los costes salariales. El aspecto más destacable de la relación que se crea , desde el punto de vista del trabajador, es que el empleador es la ETT, pese a que la prestación se realiza, fisicamente en la empresa usuaria. La contratación de trabajadores con la finalidad de cederlos con carácter temporal a otras empresas para hacer frente a necesidades conyunturales ha sido tradicionalmente prohibida por los ordenamientos laborales y considerada como tráfico ilegal de mano de obra, asimilándola a la actividad de intermediación en el mercado de trabajo con fines lucrativos, por estimar que ambas figuras podían atentar contra derechos fundamentales de los trabajadores. Sin embargo desde finales de la decada de los sesenta, los países centrales de la Unión Europea, teniendo ratificado, al igual que España, el convenio 96 de la OIT, han venido regulando la actividad de las empresas de trabajo temporal por entender que su actuación, cuando se desarrolla de forma debidamente controlada, lejos de perjudicar a los trabajadores por ellas contratados pueden canalizar un volumen muy importante de empleo cuya especialización e inmediatez en la respuesta, sobre todo en el sector de servicios, no puede ofrecerse a través de mecanismos tradicionales. Por otra parte, para los trabajadores constituye un mecanismo importante para acceder a la actividad laboral y familiarizarse con la vida de la empresa, posibilitando además una cierta diversificación profesional y formación polivalente, a la vez, que en determinados casos, facilita a ciertos colectivos un sistema de trabajo que les permiter compaginar la actividad laboral con otras ocupaciones no productivas o responsabilidades familiares. La puesta en marcha de la legislación reguladora del trabajo temporal ha cubierto un importante vacio que existia en la gestión de las empresas en el área de recursos humanos, fomentando el contrato de carácter fijo y regularizando situaciones de temporalidad.


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El incremento desmedido en el número de desastres naturales, sumado a la frecuencia con que estos ocurren a lo largo del mundo entero, ha evidenciado una de las mayores preocupaciones de los Estados: el desplazamiento forzado de la población por esta causa y la delicada situación de derechos humanos que esto implica, por lo cual los Organismos Internacionales han instado en reiteradas oportunidades a los Estados para actuar conjunta y prontamente para evitar que esta siga siendo una de las causas más altas de desplazamiento. Esta migración forzada pone de presente una problemática al no existir una posición universalmente aceptada sobre cuál es la condición jurídica de las personas que, por causa de los desastres naturales, deben dejarlo todo; la ausencia de esta categorización conlleva a la inexistencia de un marco legal internacional aplicable y con ello, a un vacío en la regulación interna de los Estados. Esta investigación pretende analizar los conceptos de migración existentes en el derecho internacional y establecer si la condición jurídica de quienes deben dejarlo todo por causa de los desastres naturales encaja dentro de alguna de estas categorías o si se hace necesario crear una nueva categoría que atienda las particularidades del contexto de este fenómeno migratorio, desde una perspectiva de derechos humanos. Para esto, se realizan reflexiones sobre tales conceptos así como un análisis de algunos casos de referencia, incluyendo la situación vivida en Colombia con la Ola Invernal de 2010, buscando realizar algunas propuestas de posibles soluciones jurídicamente viables.


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Los precios de transferencia ocupan el interés de los Estados en el mundo actual al constituir uno de los retos fundamentales del Derecho Internacional Tributario. En el seno de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE), creada en 1961, se discutieron y desarrollaron diversas propuestas para regular el fenómeno. Estas, se materializaron en Modelos de Convenios Tributarios e instrumentos de soft law, que hoy en día constituyen los principios internacionalmente aceptados en la materia. Las Guías de la OCDE sobre precios de transferencia para empresas multinacionales y administraciones tributarias son el cuerpo normativo de soft law que se erigen, en el Ordenamiento Internacional, como el norte de las legislaciones a nivel interno para efectos de regulación de dicha temática. Su adopción por parte de los países miembros y no miembros de la OCDE se enfrenta a problemas teóricos derivados del quebrantamiento del decantado principio de reserva de ley tributaria y el respeto por la seguridad jurídica, razón por la cual su incorporación ha variado de Estado a Estado. El presente trabajo recoge la experiencia en varios países europeos y latinoamericanos y pretende proponer una fórmula de adopción en Colombia, coherente con los principios constitucionales tributarios y con virtualidad de superar las críticas realizadas por la doctrina a la aplicación directa de las Guías.


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Since the beginning of the last century several laws have gradually reformed the prison system. In spite of their adequacy during the periods of their enforcement some of the measures have never been put into practice. Nevertheless it is worth mentioning the legislator main concern regarding the taking care of prisoners, namely with the Prison Reform of 1979 pioneer in the building of the new European prison law. The Law no. 115/2009 of 12th of October currently in force ensures the prisoners’ rights towards the administration by reformulating their legal status and by reinforcing their privileges when serving prison sentence. Those rights are focused on the human dignity and on the effective cooperation with the community.


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In Hobbesian terminology, ‘unwritten laws’ are natural laws enforced within a polity, by a non-sovereign judge, without some previous public promulgation. This article discusses the idea in the light of successive Hobbesian accounts of ‘law’ and ‘obligation’. Between De Cive and Leviathan, Hobbes dropped the idea that natural law is strictly speaking law, but he continued to believe unwritten laws must form a part of any legal system. He was unable to explain how such a law could claim a legal status. His loyalty to the notion, in spite of all the trouble that it caused, is a sign of his belief that moral knowledge is readily accessible to all.


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This article explores the interactions between disabled forced migrants with care needs and professionals and the restrictive legal, policy and practice context that health and social care professionals have to confront, based on the findings of a qualitative study with 45 participants in the South-East of England. In-depth interviews were conducted with 15 forced migrants who had diverse impairments and chronic illnesses (8 women and 7 men), 13 family caregivers and 17 support workers and strategic professionals working in social care and the third sector in Slough, Reading and London. The legal status of forced migrants significantly affects their entitlements to health and social care provision, resulting in prolonged periods of destitution for many families. National asylum support policies, difficult working relationships with UK Border Agency, higher eligibility thresholds and reduced social care budgets of local authorities were identified as significant barriers in responding to the support needs of disabled forced migrants and family caregivers. In this context, social workers experienced considerable ethical dilemmas. The research raises profound questions about the potential and limitations of health and social care policies, provision, and practice as means of protection and support in fulfilling the human rights of forced migrants with care needs.


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This article seeks to examine the cross-border legal recognition of same-sex relationships in the EU. Although the Member States maintain an exclusive competence in the field of family law and, thus, it is up to them to determine whether they will provide a legal status to same-sex couples within their territory, they need to exercise their powers in that field in a way that does not violate EU law. This, it is suggested, requires that Member States mutually recognize the legal status of same-sex couples and do not treat same-sex couples worse than opposite-sex couples, if the basis of the differentiation is, merely, the (homosexual) sexual orientation of the two spouses/partners. Nonetheless, the current legal framework does not make it clear that Member States are under such an obligation. The main argument of the article, therefore, is that the EU must adopt a more hands-on approach towards this issue.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical assessment of legal and regulatory impediments to effective governance of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in Kazakhstan. Design/methodology/approach – The qualitative study develops propositions from the PPP literature and then tests them against findings from in-depth interviews. Interviewees have been selected by a purposeful sampling from PPP projects in Kazakhstan as well as from national and regional PPP centres. Findings – The identified barriers to effective PPP management include irregularities in the PPP legal framework, such as lack of legal definition of a PPP and controversy with the government guarantee’s legal status for its long-term payments to partnerships; bureaucratic tariff setting for partnership services; non-existent opportunity for private asset ownership; and excessive government regulation of PPP workers’ wage rates. Practical implications – The partners’ opposing perspectives on a number of PPP issues show that management needs to identify and carefully reconcile stakeholder values in a partnership in order to achieve more effective PPP governance. Practitioners, particularly those in the public agencies, have to be concerned with ways to reduce the government overregulation of the private operators, which is likely to result in greater PPP flexibility in management and, ultimately, higher efficiency in delivering the public services. Originality/value – By elucidating multiple examples of overregulation and PPPs’ inefficiency, the paper demonstrates that the government dominance in PPP management is conceptually inappropriate. Instead, the government should adopt the concept of co-production and manage its relations with the private sector partner in a collaborative fashion.


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Of the many different variations that can occur in human sexual formation, transsexualism no doubt remains the least understood by the wider Australian community. As a consequence, the process of attaining human rights to legal status, privacy, dignity and freedom from discrimination for those who experience this unusual condition has been a slow and sometimes frustrating one. The article seeks to introduce the reader to some of the more recent developments in the international jurisprudence of transsexualism and the underlying medical evidence that has supported them. It also offers criticism of the belated attempt by the State of Victoria,  with the Births, Deaths & Marriages Registration (Amendment) Act 2004, to establish certain statutory rights in this regard. While the legislation was enacted with the stated and very laudable purpose of providing for the  correction of birth records on the Register of Births of those people with transsexualism who have altered their phenotypic sex by hormonal  medication and surgery, the article argues it has also served to remove other equally important rights already won and proposes that a final remedy will only be found, as on previous occasions, in the courts.


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The decision of the Family Court of Australia in the matter of Re Alex1demonstrated yet again that there's nothing .like a bit of under-age sex to raise the armchair experts from their usual near-supine positions. The  opinions of commentators like Bill Muehlenberg,2 John Flemming3 and Babette Francis4 and even, unfortunately, the July 2004 "According to Merit" article5 have been unlikely to advance the profession's understanding of the complex issues faced by people experiencing transsexualism. The factors that should be considered in determining a person's sex for the purpose of the law in Australia are now well-settled, yet controversies over diagnoses, access to treatment and consequent legal status continue almost unabated as Alex's case has so aptly demonstrated.


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Two glaring omissions in the research on sports fans are on women fans and on how people become fans. In this paper we begin to address both of these issues by examining how women become fans of Australian rules football (AFL). From data generated in single-person and focus group interviews with women AFL supporters conducted in Victoria and NSW, we use their accounts to map-out four ways in which they became fans. We show that at the heart of each of these paths to fandom are the close ties that the women formed in their social networks – either as children through their kin, or later in life through others that entered their networks. Women become fans, we argue, because of the strong social ties that they have with people who are existing fans.


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In recent years it has become increasingly common for drug detection dogs to be active in and around public transport, busy nightclub precincts, music festivals and dance parties. However, the legal status of police using drug detection dogs is anything but clear in many parts of Australia. The aim of this article is to outline the nature and scope of the powers available to police at common law and under statute that allow their use.


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Objectives : The association between lower socioeconomic status (SES), obesity, lifestyle choices and adverse health consequences are well documented, however to date the relationship between these variables and area-based SES (equivalised for advantage and disadvantage) has not been examined simultaneously in one population or with more than tertiary divisions of SES. We set out to examine the risk factors for obesity and metabolic disorders in the same population across quintiles of area-based SES.

Methods :
We performed a descriptive cross-sectional study using existing data from a population-based random selection of women aged 20–92 years (n = 1110) recruited from the Barwon Statistical Division, South Eastern Australia.

Results :
All measures of adiposity were inversely associated with SES, and remained significant after adjusting for age. Lifestyle choices associated with adiposity and poorer health, including smoking, larger serving sizes of foods, and reduced physical activity, were significantly associated with individuals from lower SES groups.

Conclusions :
Greater measures of adiposity and less healthy lifestyle choices were observed in individuals from lower SES. Significant differences in body composition were identified between quintiles 1 and 5, whereas subjects in the mid quintiles had relatively similar measures. The inverse relationship between SES, obesity and less healthy lifestyle underscores the possibility that these associations may be causal and should be investigated further.