868 resultados para Weakness
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino Especial – ramo de Problemas de Cognição e Multideficiência
Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Perfil Estruturas
Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system that affects more often young adults in the prime of his career and personal development, with no cure and unknown causes. The most common signs and symptoms are fatigue, muscle weakness, changes in sensation, ataxia, changes in balance, gait difficulties, memory difficulties, cognitive impairment and difficulties in problem solving MS is a relatively common neurological disorder in which various impairments and disabilities impact strongly on function and daily life activities. Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the implications of an Intervention Program of Physical Activity (IPPA) in quality of life in MS patients, six months after the intervention.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe, progressive disease first described by Meryon in 1852 and later by Guillaume Duchene. It is the most common and severe form of childhood muscular dystrophy, affecting 1 in 3500 live male births. Is caused by an X—linked recessive genetic disorder resulting in a deficiency of the dystrophin protein, responsible for linking contractile proteins to the sarcolemma. Diagnosis is not always easy and the first symptoms are often related to weakness and difficulty or delay in acquiring the ability to perform simple activities. Progressive weakness leads to the use of compensatory strategies in order to maintain the ability to walk and perform other activities. Respiratory muscles are also affected and the complications resulting from its impairments are frequently the cause of early death of these patients. The advances in DMD management has increased life expectancy of these children with the need for adequate care in adulthood. DMD manifestations include muscle weakness, contractures, respiratory and cardiac complications. Some authors also refer that one-third of patients have difficulties with learning and delayed global development because the gene that encodes dystrophyn expresses various dystrophin isoforms that are found in Schwann and Purkinje celis in the brain. Body functions and structure impairments like muscle weakness, contractures and reduced range of motion lead to limitations in activities, i.e., impairments affect the performance of tasks by the individual. In a physiotherapist’s point of view analysing these limitations is mandatory because physiotherapy’s final purpose is to restore or preserve the ability to perform ADL and to improve quality of life.
The trajectory planning of redundant robots through the pseudoinverse control leads to undesirable drift in the joint space. This paper presents a new technique to solve the inverse kinematics problem of redundant manipulators, which uses a fractional differential of order α to control the joint positions. Two performance measures are defined to examine the strength and weakness of the proposed method. The positional error index measures the precision of the manipulator's end-effector at the target position. The repeatability performance index is adopted to evaluate if the joint positions are repetitive when the manipulator execute repetitive trajectories in the operational workspace. Redundant and hyper-redundant planar manipulators reveal that it is possible to choose in a large range of possible values of α in order to get repetitive trajectories in the joint space.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino dos 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
Introdução: A Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA) é considerada uma das doenças neuromusculares (DNM) com características mais limitantes e fatais, sendo caracterizada por fraqueza muscular progressiva. Objectivo: Analisar a evolução da Capacidade Vital e da Máxima Capacidade Inspiratória em doentes com ELA e a sua relação causal com a função bulbar. Procedimentos: A partir de uma população alvo de 203 pacientes com ELA, foram incluídos no estudo aqueles que tinham entre 2 a 4 testes de função respiratória considerados válidos (CV <2000ml) perfazendo um total de 22 indivíduos. As medidas CV e MCI foram analisadas. Resultados: A CV diminuiu ao longo do tempo (media±desvio padrão no 1ºmomento de avaliação =1779,5±692,3; media±desvio padrão no 4ºmomento de avaliação =1108,6±475,7). O comportamento da MCI foi mais estável ao longo dos 4 momentos de avaliação. Avaliou-se a correlação entre as duas variáveis, destacando-se a relação existente entre as duas nos doentes bulbares (coeficiente = 1). Quando avaliada a diferença entre a CV e a MCI, verificamos que o nível de significância no grupo (n=22) aumentou ao longo do tempo. Ao comparamos esta diferença por subgrupos, registou-se uma diferença significativa apenas nos doentes bulbares (1ºmomento – p=0,008 e último momento de avaliação – p 0). Conclusão: Nos doentes com disfunção bulbar a CV diminui ao longo do tempo. A relação entre MCI e CV é um bom factor preditivo da evolução e prognóstico da doença e de diagnóstico do envolvimento da musculatura bulbar.
The new generations of SRAM-based FPGA (field programmable gate array) devices are the preferred choice for the implementation of reconfigurable computing platforms intended to accelerate processing in real-time systems. However, FPGA's vulnerability to hard and soft errors is a major weakness to robust configurable system design. In this paper, a novel built-in self-healing (BISH) methodology, based on run-time self-reconfiguration, is proposed. A soft microprocessor core implemented in the FPGA is responsible for the management and execution of all the BISH procedures. Fault detection and diagnosis is followed by repairing actions, taking advantage of the dynamic reconfiguration features offered by new FPGA families. Meanwhile, modular redundancy assures that the system still works correctly
Resumo Objectivos: Avaliação da Tosse em doentes com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica (DPOC). Identificar e determinar a relação dos factores preditivos que contribuem para a deterioração da capacidade de tosse nestes indivíduos. Tipo de estudo: Estudo observacional descritivo de natureza transversal. Definição dos casos: Os critérios de diagnóstico da DPOC são o quadro clínico e o Gold standard para diagnóstico da DPOC – a espirometria. População-alvo: Todos os utentes com patologia primária de DPOC diagnosticada que se desloquem ao serviço de função respiratória do Hospital de Viseu, para realizar provas. Método de Amostragem: Foi utilizada uma amostra aleatória constituída por todos os indivíduos, que cumpriram os critérios de inclusão, conscientes e colaborantes, que aceitaram participar neste estudo. Dimensão da amostra: Uma amostra de 55 indivíduos que se deslocaram ao serviço de função respiratória, entre Janeiro e Junho de 2009, para realizar provas de função respiratória. Condução do estudo: Os utentes que aceitaram participar neste estudo foram sujeitos a um questionário de dados clínicos e realizaram 5 testes: índice de massa corporal (IMC), estudo funcional respiratório e gasometria arterial, avaliação da força dos músculos respiratórios (PImax e PEmax) e avaliação do débito máximo da tosse (Peak Cough Flow). Análise estatística: Foram obtidos dados caracterizadores da amostra em estudo, sendo posteriormente correlacionado o valor de débito máximo da tosse (Peak Cough Flow) com os resultados obtidos para as avaliações do IMC, estudo funcional respiratório, PImax e PEmax, gasometria, avaliação da capacidade de Tosse e número de internamentos no último ano por agudização da DPOC. Tendo sido encontrados os valores de correlação entre o Peak Cough Flow e os restantes parâmetros. Resultados: Após análise dos resultados, foram obtidos os valores de Peak Cough Flow para a população com DPOC e verificou-se valores diminuídos em comparação com os valores normais da população, tendo-se verificado maiores valores de PCF em indivíduos do sexo masculino, em comparação aos valores do sexo feminino. Foi analisada a relação entre o PCF e a idade, peso, altura e IMC, não tendo sido encontrada relação, dado que a tosse não apresenta uma variação segundo os valores antropométricos, tal como a relação com os valores espirométricos. Quanto aos parâmetros funcionais respiratórios foram analisadas as relações com o PCF. Verificou-se relações significativas entre o PCF e o FEV1, a FVC, o PEF, apresentando uma relação positiva, onde maiores valores destes parâmetros estão correlacionados com maiores picos de tosse. Quanto a RAW e RV, o PCF apresenta uma relação negativa, onde uma maior resistência da via aérea ou doentes mais hiperinsuflados leva a menores valores de PCF. Por outro lado não foi encontrada relação entre o PCF e a FRC e o TLC. Quanto à força dos músculos respiratórios, verificou-se relação significativa com o PImax e a PEmax em que a fraqueza ao nível dos músculos respiratórios contribuem para um menor valor de PCF. Relativamente aos valores da gasometria arterial, verificou-se relação entre o PCF e a PaO2 de forma positiva, em que doentes hipoxémicos apresentam menores valores de tosse, e a PaCO2, de forma negativa, em que os doentes hipercápnicos apresentam menores valores de PCF tendo sido verificada relação entre o PCF e o pH e sO2. Quanto à relação entre o número de internamentos por agudização da DPOC no último ano e o PCF verificou-se uma relação significativa, onde um menor valor de PCF contribui para uma maior taxa de internamento por agudização da DPOC. Conclusão: Este conjunto de conclusões corrobora a hipótese inicialmente formulada, de que o Peak Cough Flow se encontra diminuído nos indivíduos com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica onde a variação do PCF se encontra directamente relacionada com os parâmetros funcionais respiratórios, com a força dos músculos respiratórios e com os valores de gasometria arterial. ABSTRACT: Aims: Cough evaluation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients. Identify and determine the relation of the predictive factors that contribute to the cough capacity degradation in this type of patients. Type of study: Descriptive observational study of transversal nature. Case definition: The COPD diagnosis criteria are the clinical presentation and the gold standard to the COPD diagnosis- the Spirometry. Target Population: Every patients, with primary pathology of COPD diagnosed, who went to the respiratory function service of Viseu hospital to perform tests. Sampling Method: It was used a random sample constituted by all the, conscious and cooperating individuals, who complied with the inclusion criteria and who accepted to make part of this study. Sample size: A sample of 55 individuals that went to the respiratory function service between January and June 2009 to perform respiratory function tests. Study: The patients who accepted to make part of this study were submitted to a clinical data questionary and performed 5 tests: body mass index (BMI), respiratory functional study, arterial blood gas level, evaluation of respiratory muscles strength (maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximum expiratory pressure (MEP)), and Peak Cough Flow evaluation. Statistic Analysis: Were obtained characterizing data of the sample in study, and later correlated the value of the Peak Cough Flow with the results from the evaluation of the body mass index (BMI), the respiratory functional study the MIP and MEP, the arterial blood gas level and also with the ability to cough evaluation and the number of hospitalizations in the last year for COPD exacerbations. The values of correlation between the Peak Cough Flow and the other parameters were found. Results: After analyzing the results, were obtained the values of Peak Cough Flow for the population with COPD. There were decreased values compared with the population normal values, having been found higher values of PCF in males compared to female values. It was analyzed the relation between the PCF and the age, weight, height and BMI but no relation was found on account of the fact that the cough does not show a variation according to anthropometric parameters, such as the relation with spirometric values. As for the respiratory functional parameters were analyzed relations with the PCF. There were significant relations between the PCF and FEV1, the FVC, the PEF, presenting a positive relation, where higher values of these parameters are correlated with higher incidence of cough. Concerning the RAW and RV, the PCF has a negative relation, in which a higher airway resistance or in more hyperinflated patients, leads to lower values of PCF. On the other hand no correlation was found between the PCF and the FRC and TLC. Regarding the respiratory muscle strength, there was a significant relation with the MIP and MEP, in which the weakness at the level of respiratory muscles contribute to a lower value of PCF. For values of arterial blood gas level, there was no relation between the PCF and PaO2, in a positive way, in which patients with hypoxemia present lower values of cough, and PaCO2, in a negative way in which hypercapnic patients had lower values of PCF, having being founded a relation between the PCF and the pH and sO2. As for the relation between the number of hospitalizations for COPD exacerbation in the last year and the PCF was found a significant relation, in which a smaller value of PCF contributes to a higher rate of hospitalization for COPD exacerbation. Conclusion: This set of findings supports the hypothesis first formulated that Peak Cough Flow is decreased in individuals with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, in which the variation of the PCF is directly related to the respiratory function parameters, the strength of respiratory muscles and the values of arterial blood gases.
Coccidioidomycosis is an endemic infection with a relatively limited geographic distribution: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Paraguai, Argentina and the southwest of the United States. In these countries, the endemic area is restricted to the semiarid desert like regions which are similar to the northeast of Brazil. Case report: The patient is a 32 year-old male, born in the state of Bahia (Northeast of Brazil) and has been living in São Paulo (Southeast) for 6 years. He was admitted at Hospital das Clínicas, at the Department of Pneumology in October 1996, with a 6 month history of progressive and productive cough, fever, malaise, chills, loss of weight, weakness and arthralgia in the small joints. Chest x-rays and computerized tomography disclosed an interstitial reticulonodular infiltrate with a cavity in the right upper lobe. The standard potassium hydroxide preparation of sputum and broncoalveolar lavage demonstrated the characteristic thickened wall spherules in various stages of development. Sabouraud dextrose agar, at 25° C and 30° C showed growth of white and cottony aerial micelium. The microscopic morphology disclosed branched hyphae characterized by thick walled, barrel shaped arthroconidia alternated with empty cells. The sorological studies with positive double immunodiffusion test, and also positive complement fixation test in 1/128 dilution confirmed the diagnosis. The patient has been treated with ketoconazole and presents a favorable clinical and radiological evolution
Ao longo dos últimos anos, vários esforços e estudos foram feitos com o objetivo de colocar a fibra ótica no mercado, como um sistema preferencial de monitorização das mais diversas obras de Engenharia. Os sensores baseados na tecnologia em fibra ótica apresentam vantagens reconhecidas pelos mais diversos especialistas, sendo atualmente reconhecida como uma das soluções mais eficazes. Na engenharia Civil, a monitorização das grandes obras tem ganho uma importância crescente. Neste contexto, a monitorização de convergências em túneis visa o controlo da respectiva integridade estrutural ao longo da construção e a exploração da obra. Atualmente a solução de monitorização estrutural de túneis utilizada pela FiberSensing é uma solução desenhada em conjunto com a EPOS e o Cegeo (IST), baseada em sensores de Bragg em Fibra Ótica: o SysTunnel. O objetivo do estudo de uma solução alternativa encontra-se no facto do SysTunnel apresentar algumas debilidades no algoritmo de cálculo, sendo para o seu cálculo necessário a introdução de um parâmetro relacionado com o solo envolvente do túnel, facto que introduz incertezas no cálculo das convergências. O presente relatório tem como finalidade documentar o estágio curricular realizado na FiberSensing, entre 01/02/2014 a 31/07/2014. Este estágio teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma solução alternativa de monitorização estrutural baseada na tecnologia das redes de Bragg para a monitorização das convergências em túneis.
From January, 1984 to March, 1999, 31 children under 15 y old (ages 1-14 y, median 8 y) were admitted after being bitten by rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus ssp). One patient was classified as "dry-bite", 3 as mild envenoming, 9 as moderate envenoming and 18 as severe envenoming. Most patients had neuromuscular manifestations, such as palpebral ptosis (27/31), myalgia (23/31) and weakness (20/31). Laboratory tests suggesting rhabdomyolysis included an increase in total blood creatine kinase (CK, 28/29) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, 25/25) levels and myoglobinuria (14/15). The main local signs and symptoms were slight edema (20/31) and erythema (19/31). Before antivenom (AV) administration, blood coagulation disorders were observed in 20/25 children that received AV only at our hospital (incoagulable blood in 17/25). AV early reactions were observed in 20 of these 25 cases (9/9 patients not pretreated and 11/16 patients pretreated with hydrocortisone and histamine H1 and H2 antagonists). There were no significant differences in the frequency of patients with AV early reactions between the groups that were and were not pretreated (Fisher's exact test, p = 0.12). Patients admitted less than and more than 6 h after the bite showed the same risk of developing severe envenoming (Fisher's exact test, p = 1). No children of the first group (< 6 h) showed severe complications whereas 3/6 children admitted more than 6 h post-bite developed acute renal failure. Patients bitten in the legs had a higher risk of developing severe envenoming (Fisher's exact test, p = 0.04). There was a significant association between both total CK and LDH blood enzyme levels and severity (p < 0.001 for CK and p < 0.001 for LDH; Mann-Whitney U test). No deaths were recorded.
Two clinical cases of patients who survived after numerous attacks of Africanized bees (600 and 1500 bee stings, respectively) are reported. Clinical manifestation was characterized by diffuse and widespread edema, a burning sensation in the skin, headache, weakness, dizziness, generalized paresthesia, somnolence and hypotension. Acute renal failure developed and was attributed to hypotension, intravascular hemolysis, myoglobinuria due to rhabdomyolysis and probably to direct toxic effect of the massive quantity of injected venom. They were treated with antihistaminic, corticosteroids and fluid infusion. One of them had severe acute renal failure and dialysis was required. No clinical complication was observed during hospital stay and complete renal function recovery was observed in both patients. In conclusion, acute renal failure after bee stings is probably due to pigment nephropathy associated with hypovolemia. Early recognition of this syndrome is crucial to the successful management of these patients.
Serum- and/or- cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples obtained from 190 patients suffering from chronic, progressive neurological disease were screened for the presence of human T-cell lymphotropic viruses type I (HTLV-I) and type II (HTLV-II) antibodies over a six-year period (1996 to 2001) in Belém, Pará, Brazil. Patients were of both sexes (male subjects, 52%) with ages ranging from 2 to 79 years (mean, 35.9). Overall, 15 (7.9%) subjects - of whom 12 (80%) were female adults - reacted HTLV-I/II-seropositive when screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Serum samples from 14 of these patients were also analyzed using a recombinant Western blot (WB) assay that yielded HTLV-I-, HTLV-II-, and HTLV-I/II- reactivities for 10 (71.4%), 3 (21.4%) and 1 (7.2%) of them, respectively. The yearly rates of HTLV-I/II antibodies ranged from 2.6% (2001) to 21.7% (2000), with progressively increasing seropositivities from 1998 to 2000. Altogether, walking difficulty (n = 5 subjects), spasticity (n = 4) and leg weakness (n = 3) accounted for 80% of symptoms recorded among the 15 patients whose sera had antibodies to HTLV-I/II as detected by ELISA. These findings provide evidence that both HTLV-I and HTLV-II play a role in the development of chronic myelopathy in Belém, Pará, Northern Brazil.
From February, 1981 to May, 2001, 63 children under 15 y old (ages 2 - 15 y, median = 8 y, mean ± 1 SD = 8 ± 3 y) presenting 70 episodes of Paracoccidioidomycosis were admitted. The main clinical manifestations and laboratory features observed upon admission were: lymph node enlargement (87.1%), fever (75.7%), weakness (48.6%), pallor (41.4%), hepatomegaly (40%), splenomegaly (35.7%), anemia (90%), hypergammaglobulinemia (88.5%), eosinophilia (75.5%) and hypoalbuminemia (72.5%). Moderate to severe malnutrition was detected in 35.7% of the episodes (Gomez's criterion). Radiographic and technetium studies showed bone lesions in 20 of the episodes, most of them being multiple lytic lesions, involving both long (70%) and plain bones (30%). First line treatment consisted of an association of sulfametoxazole-trimethoprin, which was used, exclusively, in 50 episodes. Follow-up of hemoglobin levels, number of eosinophils in the peripheral blood, albumin and gammaglobulin serum levels revealed significant sequential improvement one and six months after hospital admission, being quite useful to evaluate treatment effectiveness. Six patients died (9.3%) and four developed sequelae (6.3%) . In conclusion, the juvenile and disseminated forms can be observed in about 70% of the episodes of PCM occurring in children younger than 15 y old, most of them presenting with a febrile lymphoproliferative syndrome associated to anemia, eosinophilia and hypergammaglobulinemia.