963 resultados para Visual Communication Design


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Drawing on multimodal texts produced by an Indigenous school community in Australia, I apply critical race theory and multimodal analysis (Jewitt, 2011) to decolonise digital heritage practices for Indigenous students. This study focuses on the particular ways in which students’ counter-narratives about race were embedded in multimodal and digital design in the development of a digital cultural heritage (Giaccardi, 2012). Data analysis involved applying multimodal analysis to the students’ Gamis, following social semiotic categories and principles theorised by Kress and Bezemer (2008), and Jewitt (2006, 2011). This includes attending to the following semiotic elements: visual design, movement and gesture, gaze, and recorded speech, and their interrelationships. The analysis also draws on critical race theory to interpret the students’ representations of race. In particular, the multimodal texts were analysed as a site for students’ views of Indigenous oppression in relation to the colonial powers and ownership of the land in Australian history (Ladson-Billings, 2009). Pedagogies that explore counter-narratives of cultural heritage in the official curriculum can encourage students to reframe their own racial identity, while challenging dominant white, historical narratives of colonial conquest, race, and power (Gutierrez, 2008). The children’s multimodal “Gami” videos, created with the iPad application, Tellagami, enabled the students to imagine hybrid, digital social identities and perspectives of Australian history that were tied to their Indigenous cultural heritage (Kamberelis, 2001).


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This research has identified the trends apparent in service desk design and delivery literature. By doing archival analysis, this investigation has led to the development of a generic framework which has identified three themes in service desk design – User groups, Support models, and Technology types – and two themes in service desk delivery – Direction of delivery, and Executive support level. This research also aims to provide an understanding of service desk functions and the challenges faced by organisations in delivering those functions.


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Visual content is a critical component of everyday social media, on platforms explicitly framed around the visual (Instagram and Vine), on those offering a mix of text and images in myriad forms (Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr), and in apps and profiles where visual presentation and provision of information are important considerations. However, despite being so prominent in forms such as selfies, looping media, infographics, memes, online videos, and more, sociocultural research into the visual as a central component of online communication has lagged behind the analysis of popular, predominantly text-driven social media. This paper underlines the increasing importance of visual elements to digital, social, and mobile media within everyday life, addressing the significant research gap in methods for tracking, analysing, and understanding visual social media as both image-based and intertextual content. In this paper, we build on our previous methodological considerations of Instagram in isolation to examine further questions, challenges, and benefits of studying visual social media more broadly, including methodological and ethical considerations. Our discussion is intended as a rallying cry and provocation for further research into visual (and textual and mixed) social media content, practices, and cultures, mindful of both the specificities of each form, but also, and importantly, the ongoing dialogues and interrelations between them as communication forms.


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Purpose The paper examines the concept of silent communication and its implications in marketing communication. It defines silent communication and proposes an analytic framework enabling an expanded view of marketing communication. Design/methodology/approach By explicitly adopting a customer-oriented perspective, combined with insights from service marketing and relationship communication, the paper extends current models of marketing communication. Findings The paper identifies different types of silent communication and presents new perspectives on marketing communication. The authors outline a framework for understanding how the company can/cannot control different forms of marketing communication and discuss the implications of this. Research implications/limitations The paper concentrates on a conceptual analysis, offering a number of empirical illustrations. The conceptual development creates new research issues that should lead to a deeper understanding of customers’ meaning creation, actions and reactions. Practical implications Silent communication constitutes a managerial challenge as it is often invisible to the management. The paper points to the need to develop methods to reveal the effects of silent communication as well as create guidelines for managerially handling silent communication. Originality/value The customer-based perspective and the focus on silent communication provide a completely new approach to analysing and understanding marketing communication. The paper contributes to service marketing and marketing communication research by introducing conceptualisations of silent communication that have an interest for both academic research and practitioners.


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Esta pesquisa traz um panorama do mercado jornalístico para tablet. Classifica as variações de publicações digitais. Mostra os hábitos de leitura em dispositivos móveis e as formas de negócios. Apresenta como o designer se posiciona nesse fluxo de trabalho. Analisa o caso do jornal O Globo, que, com produtos impressos e digitais, proporcionou entrevistas com designers de diversas mídias. Ainda há a análise de O Globo a Mais, revista exclusivamente digital.


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This research is set in the context of today’s societies, in which the corporate visual symbology of a business, corporation or institution constitutes an essential way to transmit its corporate image. Traditional discursive procedures can be discovered in the development of these signs. The rhetorical strategies developed by the great classical authors appear in the logo-symbols expressing the corporate values of today’s companies. Thus, rhetoric is emerging once again in the sense it had many centuries ago: A repertory of rules that, paradoxically, standardizes the deviations of language and whose control is synonymous with power. The main objective of this study is to substantiate the rhetorical construction of logos using as a model of analysis the classical process of creating discourse. This involves understanding logos as persuasive discourses addressed to a modern audience. Our findings show that the rhetorical paradigm can be considered as a creative model for the con­struction of an original logo consistent with a company’s image.


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La investigación sobre el graffiti relacionado con el arte urbano, el diseño y la comunicación visual, la cultura social y política en la ciudad de Bogotá, son temas que concentran esta investigación. Opiniones y entrevistas fueron revelando la influencia sobre la comunidad, la sociedad civil, la política, y el enfrentamiento radical con la leyes, su clasificación y su exigencia según el estrato social han hecho de los espacios públicos de Bogotá una ciudad con paredes hablantes. Aunque no es tomado como algo malo, -para algunos- vandalismo para otros, despierta en muchos, opiniones diversas y sobre todo una subestimada valoración de los artistas hacia una expresión liberal y democrática de un sistema que los aleja de cualquier exhibición del arte tradicional.


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A ilustração como expressão, cumprindo o desígnio de comunicar visualmente, é reveladora de um modo específico de processo e pensamento. E pelo facto desse modo se constituir a partir do sentido implícito (do que não é dito), exigindo para se manifestar a participação cognitiva e afectiva do ilustrador, revela marcas de subjectividade e de poética portadoras de soluções narrativas, gráficas e plásticas originais. Essa transmutação entre as linguagens verbal e visual está impregnada de experiências, memórias e conhecimento; de tudo aquilo, enfim, que pelo corpo é percebido e sentido. Por isso se entende que configura, necessariamente, algo novo, já que não existem dois seres organicamente iguais. Tem-se como objectivo desta tese, reflectir sobre a ilustração ficcional enquanto construção de um autor na interpretação do texto de um outro, querendo, deste modo, contribuir para a afirmação do que é hoje a ilustração. Pretende-se, neste percurso, compreender os desígnios que cumpre a ilustração na actualidade e explicar o seu protagonismo no contexto presente do design de comunicação; quer-se ainda evidenciar que a prática da ilustração contamina ou influencia a prática do projecto de design; e que, por seu lado, a prática do projecto de design confere um entendimento distinto à prática da ilustração. As ilustrações que serão aqui objecto de estudo, são aquelas que manifestam um processo em cuja génese está a interpretação e o sentido que o seu autor atribui ao programa, e que se identificam, por isso, como próximas do projecto de design. O trabalho prático desenvolve-se pela selecção de autores que correspondem a esses pressupostos, pela sua entrevista e pela apresentação de projectos da sua autoria que justificam e reforçam a perspectiva teórica. Do confronto entre as respostas e os artefactos produzidos, conclui-se que a ilustração é, na singularidade do seu pensamento e enquanto recurso expressivo, configuradora de inovação semântica para o projecto de design de comunicação.


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The Joseph Priestley House Museum at Northumberland, Pennsylvania became interested in Priestley's pioneering timelines as a complement to his better known work in chemistry, electricity, biblical scholarship and political radicalism. Boyd Davis wrote this short article for the newsletter published by the Friends of the museum. The article concentrates on the connections between Priestley, his French contemporary Barbeu-Dubourg and Benjamin Franklin at the time of the struggle for American Independence, and Priestley's two key chronographic innovations: the use of drawn or printed lines to represent the duration of lives, and the associated use of dots to show when the dates of such lives are in doubt or dispute. Keywords: timeline, chronographics


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Geographical representations of topographical space come in many shapes and are a regular topic of discussion. The depiction of the invisible and maybe even illusory concept of time on the other hand, remains largely unchanged and undisputed. A uniform and arithmetic model of time fits well with the rigid structure of digital data, which might be why it has been widely adopted within HCI. In our proposal, we will present historic and contemporary approaches that offer alternative perspectives on the visual representation of time. Keywords: timeline, chronographics


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This chapter focuses on the visualisation of historical time, illustrated by key examples from the eighteenth century when the modern timeline was invented. We are fortunate in having not only surviving examples of printed timelines from the period but also explanations written by their makers, revealing the ambitions they had for visualisation. An important divergence is evident, between those who want to use rhetorical visual metaphors to tell a graphical story, and those who prefer to let the data ‘speak for itself’, allowing patterns to emerge from the distribution of data points across a surface. Keywords: timeline, chronographics


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Many actors—including scientists, journalists, artists, and campaigning organizations—create visualizations of climate change. In doing so, they evoke climate change in particular ways, and make the issue meaningful in everyday discourse. While a diversity of climate change imagery exists, particular types of climate imagery appear to have gained dominance, promoting particular ways of knowing about climate change (and marginalizing others). This imagery, and public engagement with this imagery, helps to shape the cultural politics of climate change in important ways. This article critically reviews the nascent research area of the visual representations of climate change, and public engagement with visual imagery. It synthesizes a diverse body of research to explore visual representations and engagement across the news media, NGO communications, advertising, and marketing, climate science, art, and virtual reality systems. The discussion brings together three themes which occur throughout the review: time, truth, and power. The article concludes by suggesting fruitful directions for future research in the visual communication of climate change.


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Trabalho de natureza profissional para a atribuição do Título de Especialista do Instituto Politécnico do Porto, na área de Design, defendido a 23-02-2015.


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Cette étude traite de la complexité des enjeux de la mise en lumière urbaine et de sa conception. Le but est de déceler les mécanismes opératoires du projet d’éclairage afin de générer une analyse et une compréhension de ce type d’aménagement. Cette recherche met à jour les enjeux lumineux à différents niveaux comme l’urbanisme, l’environnement, la culture, la communication, la vision et la perception mais aussi au niveau des acteurs et de leurs pratiques sur le terrain. En utilisant une approche qualitative déductive, cette recherche théorique cherche à mieux comprendre les différentes significations du phénomène lumineux : comment dans la réalité terrain ces enjeux de la lumière sont compris, interprétés et traduits au travers de la réalisation des projets et des processus mis en place pour répondre aux besoins d’éclairage ? La pertinence de cette recherche est de questionner les enjeux complexes de la mise en lumière afin de savoir comment concevoir un « bon éclairage ». Comment se déroule un projet d’éclairage de sa conception à sa réalisation ? Quels sont les différents acteurs, leurs modes d’intervention et leurs perceptions du projet d’éclairage ? Le but est de vérifier comment ces enjeux se concrétisent sur le terrain, notamment au travers de l’activité et de l’interprétation des professionnels. Nous souhaitons créer un modèle opératoire qui rende compte des enjeux et du processus de ce type de projet. Modèle qui servira alors de repère pour la compréhension des mécanismes à l’œuvre comme le contexte, les acteurs, les moyens et les finalités des projets. Une étude des recherches théoriques nous permettra de comprendre la polysémie du phénomène lumineux afin d’en déceler la complexité des enjeux et de créer une première interprétation de ce type de projet. Nous déterminerons théoriquement ce que recouvre la notion de « bon éclairage » qui nous permettra de créer une grille analytique pour comparer notre approche avec la réalité sur le terrain. Ces recherches seront ensuite confrontées au recueil des données des études de cas, des stages en urbanisme et en conception lumière, et des interviews de professionnels dans le domaine. Nous confronterons les enjeux définis théoriquement aux collectes de données issues du terrain. Ces données seront collectées à partir de projets réalisés avec les professionnels durant la recherche immersive. La recherche-action nous permettra de collaborer avec les professionnels pour comprendre comment ils sélectionnent, déterminent et répondent aux enjeux des projets d’éclairage. Nous verrons grâce aux entretiens semi-dirigés comment les acteurs perçoivent leurs propres activités et nous interprèterons les données à l’aide de la « théorisation ancrée » pour dégager le sens de leurs discours. Nous analyserons alors les résultats de ces données de manière interprétative afin de déterminer les points convergeant et divergent entre les enjeux théoriques définis en amont et les enjeux définis en aval par la recherche-terrain. Cette comparaison nous permettra de créer une interprétation des enjeux de la mise en lumière urbaine dans toutes leurs complexités, à la fois du point de vue théorique et pratique. Cette recherche qualitative et complexe s’appuie sur une combinaison entre une étude phénoménologique et les méthodologies proposées par la « théorisation ancrée ». Nous procéderons à une combinaison de données issues de la pratique terrain et de la perception de cette pratique par les acteurs de l’éclairage. La recherche d’un « bon éclairage » envisage donc par une nouvelle compréhension l’amélioration des outils de réflexion et des actions des professionnels. En termes de résultat nous souhaitons créer un modèle opératoire de la mise en lumière qui définirait quels sont les différents éléments constitutifs de ces projets, leurs rôles et les relations qu’ils entretiennent entre eux. Modèle qui mettra en relief les éléments qui déterminent la qualité du projet d’éclairage et qui permettra de fournir un outil de compréhension. La contribution de ce travail de recherche est alors de fournir par cette nouvelle compréhension un repère méthodologique et analytique aux professionnels de l’éclairage mais aussi de faire émerger l’importance du phénomène de mise en lumière en suscitant de nouveaux questionnements auprès des activités liées au design industriel, à l’architecture et à l’urbanisme.