989 resultados para Vidal, Françoise Fénelon.
La recerca ha de tenir ben clars els seus objectius: coneixer quina és la realitat, i proposar petites millores, que facin més rendibles els mitjans que s'hi aboquen, que facin més felices i mes lliures les persones implicades, que garanteixin l'acompliment dels objectius pretesos i que heneficiïn el màxim nombre possible d'homes i dones
En 1979 Y. Lacoste a publié dans la revue "Hérodote" un article surprenant intitulé "A bas Vidal ... Viva Vidal" qui exhumait la dernière œuvre de Vidal de la Blache: La france de I'Est (Loraine-Alsace) (1917). Dans cet article, Lacoste faisait l'éloge de certains aspects économiques, sociaux et surtout géopolitiques, non traités dans le traditionnel modèle vidalien. Nous tenterons d'approfondir dans cet essai l'une des questions qu'a induite l'article de Lacoste, a savoir la place qu'occupe la Géographie Politique dans l'école vidalienne. Les différents travaux et actions des disciples de Vidal ont fait preuve d’un grand intérêt pour la Géographie Politique en abandonnant provisoirement le schéma descriptif prope à la géographie régionale française. À la fin de la première guerre mondiale, le problème frontalier de l'Alsace-Loraine devient l'axe central de La France de I'Est; On a fait ressortir les éléments géopolitiques de cette œuvre a fin de démontrer que l'aspect géopolitique de l'école vidalienne est méconnu
Se trata de una unidad didáctica para trabajar la poesía con alumnos de los tres ciclos de primaria. El artículo contiene los resultados obtenidos por un grupo de profesores al aplicar esta unidad didáctica a los tres ciclos de primaria. Incluye los objetivos y contenidos trabajados, las aplicaciones didácticas y una parte práctica para cada ciclo, donde se trabaja el verso, la rima, el ritmo, la entonación, etc..
El interés de este estudio de caso es comprender y explicar la apropiación del espacio público urbano no sólo como un vínculo cotidiano entre el territorio y sus ciudadanos, sino, además, como un proceso dialéctico que, genera significado, identidad y apego al lugar. En este sentido se analizan las formas de apropiación nocturnas del Parque de los Hippies a partir de una muestra poblacional de jóvenes entre 18-28 años, a la luz de los parámetros de Enric Pol y Tomeu Vidal. Evidenciando que desde un acercamiento cotidiano a la realidad urbana, que reconozca la significación histórica, social, cultural y económica de los territorios, así como las dinámicas de convivencia y conflictos que se presentan en dichos espacios, se puede, desde el enfoque de gestión y desarrollo urbanos, generar recomendaciones para movilizar acciones que resalten y preserven los valores urbanos multidimensionales del lugar; fortalezcan algunas de sus formas de apropiación y, promuevan la convivencia entre las distintas formas y sus actores.
Basado en un Coloquio Internacional con el mismo título celebrado en L'École des Mines d'Albi, 25-27 de junio de 2008
Entrevista a Carmen P??rez Vidal, profesora titular del Departamento de Traducci??n y Filolog??a de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra, y vicerrectora de Promoci??n Ling????stica, desde el a??o 2005. Responde a preguntas relacionadas con los programas AICLE (Aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lenguas) y EICLE (Enfoque integrado de contenidos y lenguas).
Mención honorífica de la convocatoria de premios 'Irene: la paz comienza en casa 2008'
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
La part A és un estudi filològic introductori de l'obra teatral La viuda astuta, de 1818, traduïda al menorquí per Vicenç Albertí i Vidal de l'obra La vedova scaltra de Carlo Goldoni. Hi torbem un recorregut per la vida, obra, marc intel·lectual i trajectòria de la activitat traductora d'Albertí. Així mateix hi trobem una localització de La vedova Scaltra dins la primera etapa de la reforma goldoniana. I finalment s'hi desenvolupa l'estudi comparatiu-lingüístic de La vedova Scaltra amb la versió catalana d'Albertí. La part B consta de la transcripció comentada, amb 153 notes, del manuscrit de La viuda astuta. La part C és la transcripció integral de l'obra original, seguint l'edició Giuseppe Ortolani, 1936, que s'acara amb la part D que és la traducció catalana realitzada per la doctoranda.
The worldwide transformations that took place in the 20th century redefined the cities fate in this new century. The consolidation of urbanization, the technological revolution that fostered globalization, the economic restructuration and informalization, modified space and time concepts, bringing populations closer together and provoking political transformations. They made contemporaries cities protagonists of world events and as a consequence of such processes, worthlessness spaces appeared and cities all over the world started to bet on the strategy of acting in this problematic areas through initiatives aimed at promoting intentional transformations to obtain a multidimensional valorization urban, financial, environmental, cultural and social. In short, such urban initiatives intend to make cities more competitive, sustainable, creative, productive and fair. Also in Brazil, countless worthless spaces appeared in waterfronts, central areas, and deactivated industrial/urbanized areas, as well as in sub-used or misused areas lacking infrastructure and public services where it is imperative and urgent to perform urban initiatives. This research proposes as a thesis that urban initiatives, when carried out based on an adequate politicalinstitutional model, transform and give value to worthless spaces in their multiple dimensions, offering better quality of life to their residents and helping to fulfill the social role of the city. We intend to prove this thesis through the analysis of national and international cases and by introducing thoughts, critique and guidelines as a contribution to the improvement of the urban initiatives implementation processes, in particular to those regarding worthless areas of Brazilian cities
This work presents an analysis of the method of intervention used in the craft of design by SEBRAE in Rio Grande do Norte under the viewpoint of the actors involved, especially the craftsmen and design consultants. The research methodology used was based on the ergonomic work analysis - AET, applying observational techniques and interactive. Data tabulated from the matrix to include comments were analyzed in order to allow the generation of qualitative and quantitative information. The results of this research allow us to affirm that for the process of innovation through the design of intervention are satisfactory for all involved, it is necessary that the bonds of interaction are established and the joint actions in the innovation process to bear fruit in favor sustainability of artisan groups
This dissertation presents and discusses the results of an applied research on the accessibility of residents in a Long Term Care Institution (LTCIs) in the city of Natal- RN. The main objective of this research is to suggest projectual improvements that maximize the accessibility in a LTCIs of Natal-RN, considering the aspects of mobility, safety, comfort and independence of elderly residents. Moreover, one should consider the specific characteristics of the user population, capabilities and limitations of the biological process of aging, which causes damage to the neurological system, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular and progressively affects on visual acuity, balance and locomotion of elderly people. This research has a qualitative approach and divided into four phases: exploratory, bibliographical and documentary research, mapping of the LTCIs of Natal-RN, case study. The phase of the mapping presented an overview of accessibility on LTCIs of Natal-RN. The institution of the case study was defined based on the overall assessment of accessibility and ergonomics criteria, preceded by an application of an Ergonomic Work Analysis to understand the accessibility of the elderly people. Interactional and observational methods were used to collect field data. To this end, an intense process of social construction was conducted, involving the elderly residents, caregivers, health professionals and general servants and LTCIs´ managers. It was found that the NBR 9050 is not comprehensive to solve the diversity of accessibility problems found in LTCIs. All LTCIs investigated were in disconformity to the NBR 9050. In the case study, it was found that the inappropriate design hinders the daily activities of the elderly people and is a source of risk of accidents. The environment, facilities and lack of assistive technologies hinder the autonomy of the elderly people, and this LTCI requires ergonomic intervention to improve the accessibility, autonomy and security of the elderly people
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)