971 resultados para Vehicle electrical systems.


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A custom designed microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) micro-hotplate, capable of operating at high temperatures (up to 700 C), was used to thermo-optically characterize fluorescent temperature-sensitive nanosensors. The nanosensors, 550 nm in diameter, are composed of temperature-sensitive rhodamine B (RhB) fluorophore which was conjugated to an inert silica sol-gel matrix. Temperature-sensitive nanosensors were dispersed and dried across the surface of the MEMS micro-hotplate, which was mounted in the slide holder of a fluorescence confocal microscope. Through electrical control of the MEMS micro-hotplate, temperature induced changes in fluorescence intensity of the nanosensors was measured over a wide temperature range. The fluorescence response of all nanosensors dispersed across the surface of the MEMS device was found to decrease in an exponential manner by 94%, when the temperature was increased from 25 C to 145 C. The fluorescence response of all dispersed nanosensors across the whole surface of the MEMS device and individual nanosensors, using line profile analysis, were not statistically different (p < 0.05). The MEMS device used for this study could prove to be a reliable, low cost, low power and high temperature micro-hotplate for the thermo-optical characterisation of sub-micron sized particles. The temperature-sensitive nanosensors could find potential application in the measurement of temperature in biological and micro-electrical systems. The Authors. © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The paper is concerned with the identification of theoretical preview steering controllers using data obtained from five test subjects in a fixed-base driving simulator. An understanding of human steering control behaviour is relevant to the design of autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicle controls. The driving task involved steering a linear vehicle along a randomly curving path. The theoretical steering controllers identified from the data were based on optimal linear preview control. A direct-identification method was used, and the steering controllers were identified so that the predicted steering angle matched as closely as possible the measured steering angle of the test subjects. It was found that identification of the driver's time delay and noise is necessary to avoid bias in identification of the controller parameters. Most subjects' steering behaviour was predicted well by a theoretical controller based on the lateral/yaw dynamics of the vehicle. There was some evidence that an inexperienced driver's steering action was better represented by a controller based on a simpler model of the vehicle dynamics, perhaps reflecting incomplete learning by the driver. Copyright © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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针对传统的分层式体系结构在UUV 控制系统开发设计、维护和升级过程中所遇到的困难,首先分析了集中式控制和管理方法的不足和原因。在此基础上,借鉴自主计算的思想,提出了分散控制和管理的体系结构。这种方法把系统中每个独立的功能模块都抽象成为具有相同模型的控制基元,称之为“自主基元”,然后通过自主基元层次式、嵌套式的组织,构成完整的系统。分析表明,这种方法能够缩短控制系统的开发周期,也降低了维护和升级的难度。


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Fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) offer the potential of ultra-low emissions combined with high efficiency. Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells being developed for vehicles require hydrogen as a fuel. Due to the various pathways of hydrogen generation, both onboard and off-board, the question about which fuel option is the most competitive for fuel cell vehicles is of great current interest. In this paper, a life-cycle assessment (LCA) model was made to conduct a comprehensive study of the energy, environmental, and economic (3E) impacts of FCVs from well to wheel (WTW). In view of the special energy structure of China and the timeframe, 10 vehicle/fuel systems are chosen as the study projects. The results show that methanol is the most suitable fuel to serve as the ideal hydrogen source for fuel cell vehicles in the timeframe and geographic regions of this study. On the other hand, gasoline and pure hydrogen can also play a role in short-term and regional applications, especially for local demonstrations of FCV fleets. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Lee M.H., Bell J. and Coghill G.M., Ambiguities and Deviations in Qualitative Circuit Analysis, in Proc. QR?2001, 15th Int. Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, San Antonio, Texas, May 2001, pp51-58.


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Sauze, C. and Neal, M. 'An Autonomous Sailing Robot for Ocean Observation', in proceedings of TAROS 2006, Guildford, UK, Sept 4-6th 2006, pages 190-197.


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The harsh environment presented by engines, particularly in the exhaust systems, often necessitates the use of robust and therefore low bandwidth temperature sensors. Consequently, high frequencies are attenuated in the output. One technique for addressing this problem involves measuring the gas temperature using two sensors with different time-constants and mathematically reconstructing the true gas temperature from the resulting signals. Such a technique has been applied in gas turbine, rocket motor and combustion research. A new reconstruction technique based on difference equations has been developed and its effectiveness proven theoretically. The algorithms have been successfully tested and proven on experimental data from a rig that produces cyclic temperature variations. These tests highlighted that the separation of the thermocouple junctions must be very small to ensure that both sensors are subjected to the same gas temperatures. Exhaust gas temperatures were recorded by an array of thermocouples during transient operation of a high performance two-stroke engine. The results show that the increase in bandwidth arising from the dual sensor technique allowed accurate measurement of exhaust gas temperature with relatively robust thermocouples. Finally, an array of very fine thermocouples (12.5 - 50 microns) was used to measure the in-cycle temperature variation in the exhaust.


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The adoption of each new level of automotive emissions legislation often requires the introduction of additional emissions reduction techniques or the development of existing emissions control systems. This, in turn, usually requires the implementation of new sensors and hardware which must subsequently be monitored by the on-board fault detection systems. The reliable detection and diagnosis of faults in these systems or sensors, which result in the tailpipe emissions rising above the progressively lower failure thresholds, provides enormous challenges for OBD engineers. This paper gives a review of the field of fault detection and diagnostics as used in the automotive industry. Previous work is discussed and particular emphasis is placed on the various strategies and techniques employed. Methodologies such as state estimation, parity equations and parameter estimation are explained with their application within a physical model diagnostic structure. The utilization of symptoms and residuals in the diagnostic process is also discussed. These traditional physical model based diagnostics are investigated in terms of their limitations. The requirements from the OBD legislation are also addressed. Additionally, novel diagnostic techniques, such as principal component analysis (PCA) are also presented as a potential method of achieving the monitoring requirements of current and future OBD legislation.


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A lack of suitable high-performance cathode materials has become the major barrier to their applications in future advanced communication equipment and electric vehicle power systems. In this paper, we have developed a layer-by-layer self-assembly approach for fabricating a novel sandwich nanoarchitecture of multilayered LiV3O8 nanoparticle/graphene nanosheet (M-nLVO/GN) hybrid electrodes for potential use in high performance lithium ion batteries by using a porous Ni foam as a substrate. The prepared sandwich nanoarchitecture of M-nLVO/GN hybrid electrodes exhibited high performance as a cathode material for lithium-ion batteries, such as high reversible specific capacity (235 mA h g-1 at a current density of 0.3 A g-1), high coulombic efficiency (over 98%), fast rate capability (up to a current density of 10 A g-1), and superior capacity retention during cycling (90% capacity retention with a current density of 0.3 A g-1 after 300 cycles). Very significantly, this novel insight into the design and synthesis of sandwich nanoarchitecture would extend their application to various electrochemical energy storage devices, such as fuel cells and supercapacitors.


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Several phenomena present in electrical systems motivated the development of comprehensive models based on the theory of fractional calculus (FC). Bearing these ideas in mind, in this work are applied the FC concepts to define, and to evaluate, the electrical potential of fractional order, based in a genetic algorithm optimization scheme. The feasibility and the convergence of the proposed method are evaluated.


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Na sociedade atual, a preocupação com o ambiente, por um lado, e com o conforto e a segurança, por outro, faz com que a sustentabilidade energética se assuma como uma forma de intervenção adequada às exigências de qualidade de vida e à eficiência no âmbito da economia. Nesta conformidade, é incontornável a mais-valia do Smart Panel, um quadro elétrico inteligente criado com vista à consecução daqueles desideratos, o que motivou o tema do presente trabalho. Assim, pretende-se demonstrar as potencialidades do Smart Panel, um novo conceito de quadro elétrico que visa a otimização da sua funcionalidade na gestão dinâmica e pragmática das instalações elétricas, nomeadamente no que respeita ao controlo, monitorização e atuação sobre os dispositivos, quer in loco quer, sobretudo, à distância. Para a consecução deste objetivo, concorrem outros que o potenciam, designadamente a compreensão do funcionamento do quadro elétrico (QE) tradicional, a comparação deste com o Smart Panel e a demonstração das vantagens da utilização desta nova tecnologia. A grande finalidade do trabalho desenvolvido é, por um lado, colocar a formação académica ao serviço de um bom desempenho profissional futuro, por outro ir ao encontro da tendência tecnológica inerente às necessidades que o homem, hoje, tem de controlar. Deste modo, num primeiro momento, é feita uma abordagem geral ao quadro eléctrico tradicional a fim de ser compreendido o seu funcionamento, aplicações e potencialidades. Para tanto, a explanação inclui a apresentação de conceitos teóricos subjacentes à conceção, produção e montagem do QE. São explicitados os diversos componentes que o integram e funções que desempenham, bem como as interações que estabelecem entre si e os normativos a que devem obedecer, para conformidade. Houve a preocupação de incluir imagens coadjuvantes das explicações, descrições e procedimentos técnicos. No terceiro capítulo é abordada a tecnologia Smart Panel, introduzindo o conceito e objetivos que lhe subjazem. Explicita-se o modo de funcionamento deste sistema que agrupa proteção, supervisão, controlo, armazenamento e manutenção preventiva, e demonstra-se de que forma a capacidade de leitura de dados, de comunicação e de comando do quadro elétrico à distância se afigura uma revolução tecnológica facilitadora do cumprimento das necessidades de segurança, conforto e economia da vida moderna. Os capítulos quarto, quinto e sexto versam uma componente prática do trabalho. No capítulo quarto é explanado um suporte formativo e posterior demonstração do kit de ensaio, que servirá de apoio à apresentação da tecnologia Smart Panel aos clientes. Além deste suporte de formação, no quinto capítulo é elaborada uma lista de procedimentos de verificação a serem executados aos componentes de comunicação que integram o Smart Panel, para fornecimento ao quadrista. Por fim, no sexto capítulo incluem-se dois casos de estudo: o estudo A centra-se na aplicação da tecnologia Smart Panel ao projeto de um QE tradicional, que implica fazer o levantamento de toda a aparelhagem existente e, de seguida, proceder à transposição para a tecnologia Smart Panel por forma a cumprir os requisitos estabelecidos pelo cliente. O estudo de caso B consiste na elaboração de um projeto de um quadro eléctrico com a tecnologia Smart Panel em função de determinados requisitos e necessidades do cliente, por forma a garantir as funções desejadas.


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Atualmente os sistemas Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) fazem parte do dia-a-dia de muitas empresas. Esta tecnologia tem evoluído significativamente ao longo da última década, tornando-se mais acessível e fácil de utilizar. Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de um sistema de localização de veículos para smartphone Android. Para tal, foram desenvolvidas duas aplicações: uma aplicação de localização para smarphone Android e uma aplicação WEB de monitorização. A aplicação de localização permite a recolha de dados de localização GPS e estabelecer uma rede piconet Bluetooth, admitindo assim a comunicação simultânea com a unidade de controlo de um veículo (ECU) através de um adaptador OBDII/Bluetooth e com até sete sensores/dispositivos Bluetooth que podem ser instalados no veículo. Os dados recolhidos pela aplicação Android são enviados periodicamente (intervalo de tempo definido pelo utilizador) para um servidor Web No que diz respeito à aplicação WEB desenvolvida, esta permite a um gestor de frota efetuar a monitorização dos veículos em circulação/registados no sistema, podendo visualizar a posição geográfica dos mesmos num mapa interativo (Google Maps), dados do veículo (OBDII) e sensores/dispositivos Bluetooth para cada localização enviada pela aplicação Android. O sistema desenvolvido funciona tal como esperado. A aplicação Android foi testada inúmeras vezes e a diferentes velocidades do veículo, podendo inclusive funcionar em dois modos distintos: data logger e data pusher, consoante o estado da ligação à Internet do smartphone. Os sistemas de localização baseados em smartphone possuem vantagens relativamente aos sistemas convencionais, nomeadamente a portabilidade, facilidade de instalação e baixo custo.


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Työssä on pyritty löytämään ratkaisuvaihtoehtoja pesulaitteen horisontaalisen harjan nostomekanismin parantamiseksi. Nostomekanismia pyrittiin kehittämään vähemmän huoltoa vaativaksi, toimintavarmemmaksi sekä kustannuksiltaan halvemmaksi. Uusia vaihtoehtoja mekanismille pyrittiin löytämään järjestelmällisen ideoinnin avulla, käyttäen hyödyksi alan kirjallisuutta, käytössä olevia pesulaitteita sekä jokapäiväisessä elämässä eteen tulleita havaintoja. Korroosiota aiheuttavat olosuhteet, horisontaalisen harjakokoonpanon pitkä liikerata sekä paino asettavat erityisvaatimuksia uudelle mekanismille. Lisäksi mekanismin täytyy liikuttaa harjaa vertikaalisessa suunnassa vakiona pysyvällä nopeudella. Valittuja ratkaisuvaihtoehtoja tarkasteltiin pistearvioinnin avulla ennen jatkokehittelyn aloittamista. Alustavassa komponenttien mitoituksessa pyrittiin mekanismin komponenteille löytämään oikea valmistusmateriaali sekä komponenttien geometriset mitat. Mekanismin valmistuskustannuksia eri valmistusmenetelmien kesken kartoitettiin yhteydenotoilla eri konepajojen kanssa. Alustavien kustannuslaskelmien perusteella jatkokehittelyyn otetun mekanismin kustannukset on 70 prosenttia pienemmät kuin nykyisen mekanismin kustannukset. Osien vähyys sekä mekanismin yksinkertaisuus lisää nostomekanismin luotettavuutta sekä vähentää tarvittavia huoltotoimenpiteitä.


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Passive solar building design is the process of designing a building while considering sunlight exposure for receiving heat in winter and rejecting heat in summer. The main goal of a passive solar building design is to remove or reduce the need of mechanical and electrical systems for cooling and heating, and therefore saving energy costs and reducing environmental impact. This research will use evolutionary computation to design passive solar buildings. Evolutionary design is used in many research projects to build 3D models for structures automatically. In this research, we use a mixture of split grammar and string-rewriting for generating new 3D structures. To evaluate energy costs, the EnergyPlus system is used. This is a comprehensive building energy simulation system, which will be used alongside the genetic programming system. In addition, genetic programming will also consider other design and geometry characteristics of the building as search objectives, for example, window placement, building shape, size, and complexity. In passive solar designs, reducing energy that is needed for cooling and heating are two objectives of interest. Experiments show that smaller buildings with no windows and skylights are the most energy efficient models. Window heat gain is another objective used to encourage models to have windows. In addition, window and volume based objectives are tried. To examine the impact of environment on designs, experiments are run on five different geographic locations. Also, both single floor models and multi-floor models are examined in this research. According to the experiments, solutions from the experiments were consistent with respect to materials, sizes, and appearance, and satisfied problem constraints in all instances.