837 resultados para User Centred Design
Käytettävien ohjelmistojen suunnittelu tuo hyötyjä loppukäyttäjälle sekä muille sidosryhmille. Verkkokaupassa käytettävyys on elintärkeää, koska asiakkaat vaihtavat helposti seuraavalle sivustolle, mikäli he eivät löydä etsimäänsä. Tutkimusten mukaan käytettävyys vaikuttaa ostopäätöksen tekemiseen. Lisäksi käytettävyydellä on merkitystä asiakastyytyväisyyteen, joka taas vaikuttaa asiakasuskollisuuteen. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkittiin, miten käytettävyyttä suunnitellaan käytännössä verrattuna teoreettisiin suosituksiin. Tapaustutkimuksen kohteena oli huonekaluja myyvän kansainvälisen yrityksen verkkokaupan uudistamiseen tähtäävä projekti. Uudistamistarve nousi aikaisemman verkkokauppaversion puutteellisesta käytettävyydestä. Projekti toteutettiin ketterällä Scrum-menetelmällä. Empiirinen aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoitujen haastattelujen avulla. Haastateltavat olivat käyttökokemuksen suunnitteluun osallistuvia henkilöitä. Haastattelujen teemat laadittiin teoreettisen aineiston pohjalta. Teoreettisessa osuudessa tutkittiin käytettävyyden suunnitteluun liittyviä periaatteita, prosessia ja menetelmiä. Aikaisemmasta tutkimuksesta löydettiin 12 periaatetta, jotka tukevat ja luonnehtivat käyttäjäkeskeistä suunnittelua. Käytettävyyttä suunnitellaan käyttäjäkeskeisen prosessin avulla. Eri prosessimallit pitivät keskeisinä asioina käyttökontekstin määrittelyä ja ymmärtämistä, mitattavia käytettävyysvaatimuksia, suunnitteluratkaisujen empiiristä arviointia sekä suunnitteluprosessin iteratiivisuutta. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin, mitä suunnittelumenetelmiä tutkijat ehdottavat käytettävyyden suunnitteluun ja mitä kyselytutkimusten perusteella todellisuudessa käytetään. Verkkokauppaprojektissa käytettävyyden suunnittelu erosi osittain teoreettisista suosituksista. Käyttökontekstitietoa ei ollut kaikilla projektiin osallistuvilla, eikä käytettävyysvaatimuksia ollut asetettu teorian tarkoittamalla tavalla. Yhtäläisyyksiäkin löytyi. Verkkokauppaprojektissa suunnitteluratkaisuja arvioitiin empiirisesti todellisten käyttäjien edustajien avulla. Suunnitteluprosessi oli iteratiivinen eli suunnitteluratkaisuja oltiin valmiita muuttamaan arvioinnin tuloksena. Tutkimuksen perusteella suositellaan, että verkkokauppaprojektissa parannettaisiin kommunikointia, koska käyttökontekstitieto ei saavuttanut kaikkia projektissa työskenteleviä. Teorian tulisi entisestään korostaa kommunikoinnin tärkeyttä. Tutkimuksen perusteella esitetään myös, että teoria ohjaisi paremmin vaatimusmäärittelyjen tekemiseen käytännössä. Avainsanat: Käytettävyys, käyttäjäkeskeinen suunnittelu, käytettävyyden periaatteet, käytettävyyden suunnittelumenetelmät, ketterä ohjelmistokehitys, tapaustutkimus
This research establishes that the study of mobility and transportation is multi-disciplinary and highly complex, involving the diverse interplay between infrastructural and psychological factors. Coincidently, a new paradigm in personal mobility is developing. A new generation of mobility solutions is becoming widely available in the form of car and ride sharing services. These services build on the assumption that customers no longer need ownership of a product in order to benefit from it. With the emergence of this new paradigm, this paper presents a methodological review of current practises used by the wider research community. Therefore, this research piece aims to explore methodological approaches involved in the study the effect of community on an individual’s attitudes, perceptions and behaviours of future mobility solutions. The results of this review indicate that the majority of published literature uses quantitative methods as opposed to qualitative and even fewer studies have sought to understand the human factors in these new mobility solutions. This gap in knowledge is a valuable opportunity for design. Inherently qualitative and human focused, design research can fill this gap in knowledge by applying distinctly user-centred methods such as persona design, narrative storytelling, and in-depth observations to discover deeper human insights.
There is growing pressure on the construction industry to deliver energy efficient, sustainable buildings but there is evidence to suggest that, in practice, designs regularly fail to achieve the anticipated levels of in-use energy consumption. One of the key factors behind this discrepancy is the behavior of the building occupants. This paper explores how insights from experimental psychology could potentially be used to reduce the gap between the predicted and actual energy performance of buildings. It demonstrates why traditional methods to engage with the occupants are not always successful and proposes a model for a more holistic approach to this issue. The paper concludes that achieving energy efficiency in buildings is not solely a technological issue and that the construction industry needs to adopt a more user-centred approach.
The paradigm of ubiquitous computing has become a reference for the design of Smart Spaces. Current trends in Ambient Intelligence are increasingly related to the scope of Internet of Things. This paradigm has the potential to support cost-effective solutions in the fields of telecare, e-health and Ambient Assisted Living. Nevertheless, ubiquitous computing does not provide end users with a role for proactive interactions with the environment. Thus, the deployment of smart health care services at a private space like the home is still unsolved. This PhD dissertation aims to define a person-environment interaction model to foster acceptability and users confidence in private spaces by applying the concept of user-centred security and the human performance model of seven stages of action.
An overview is given of a user interaction monitoring and analysis framework called BaranC. Monitoring and analysing human-digital interaction is an essential part of developing a user model as the basis for investigating user experience. The primary human-digital interaction, such as on a laptop or smartphone, is best understood and modelled in the wider context of the user and their environment. The BaranC framework provides monitoring and analysis capabilities that not only records all user interaction with a digital device (e.g. smartphone), but also collects all available context data (such as from sensors in the digital device itself, a fitness band or a smart appliances). The data collected by BaranC is recorded as a User Digital Imprint (UDI) which is, in effect, the user model and provides the basis for data analysis. BaranC provides functionality that is useful for user experience studies, user interface design evaluation, and providing user assistance services. An important concern for personal data is privacy, and the framework gives the user full control over the monitoring, storing and sharing of their data.
This paper suggests ways for educators and designers to understand and merge priorities in order to inform the development of mobile learning (m-learning) applications that maximise user experiences and hence learning opportunities. It outlines a User Experience Design (UXD) theory and development process that requires designers to conduct a thorough initial contextual inquiry into a particular domain in order to set project priorities and development guidelines. A matrix that identifies the key contextual considerations namely the social, cultural, spatial, technical and temporal constructs of any domain is presented as a vital tool for achieving successful UXD. The frame of reference provided by this matrix ensures that decisions made throughout the design process are attributable to a desired user experience. To illustrate how the proposed UXD theory and development process supports the creation of effective m-learning applications, this paper documents the development process of MILK (Mobile Informal Learning Kit). MILK is a support tool that allows teachers and students to develop event paths that consist of a series SMS question and answer messages that lead players through a series of checkpoints between point A and point B. These event paths can be designed to suit desired learning scenarios and can be used to explore a particular place or subject. They can also be designed to facilitate formal or informal learning experiences.
Web design elements are significantly important for web designers to understand target users in terms of effective communication design and to develop a successful web site. However, web design elements generally known are broad and various that are hardly conceived and classified, so many practitioners and design researchers approach to web design elements based on graphic and visual design that mainly focus on print media design. This paper discusses about web design elements in terms of online user experience, as web media certainly differs from print media. It aims to propose a fundamentally new concept, called 'UEDUs: User Experience Design Units' which enables web designers to define web design elements and conceptualise user experience depending on the purpose of web site development.
An airport is one of the largest and most complex systems in modern society. Observational field studies have been conducted to investigate passenger experiences in, and interactions within, an international airport. Based on these studies, this paper discusses how activities mediate people’s experiences in the airport. For example, moving through the security screening process is discussed from both passenger and staff perspectives. The applied coding scheme ensured research rigor. The findings illustrate that passenger activities are complex and shared, and only partially supported by current terminal design. Thus, this research has the potential to impact on airport design to facilitate passenger flow through airport precincts.
Scalable video coding of H.264/AVC standard enables adaptive and flexible delivery for multiple devices and various network conditions. Only a few works have addressed the influence of different scalability parameters (frame rate, spatial resolution, and SNR) on the user perceived quality within a limited scope. In this paper, we have conducted an experiment of subjective quality assessment for video sequences encoded with H.264/SVC to gain a better understanding of the correlation between video content and UPQ at all scalable layers and the impact of rate-distortion method and different scalabilities on bitrate and UPQ. Findings from this experiment will contribute to a user-centered design of adaptive delivery of scalable video stream.
Agricultural adoption of innovation has traditionally been described as slow to diffuse. This paper therefore describes a case study grounded in PD to address a disruptive technology/system within the livestock industry. Results of the process were positive, as active engagement of stakeholders returned rich data. The contribution of the work is also presented as grounds for further design research in the livestock industry.
This paper examines the issues surrounding the successful design and development of tangible technology for optimal engagement in playful activities. At present there is very little data on how, and in what contexts, tangible interactions with technology promote lasting engagement and immersion. The framework at the core of this paper has been designed to guide the effective design of tangible technology for immersive interaction. The paper investigates the relationship between tangible user interfaces (TUI) characteristics of representation and control, and immersive flow experiences produced through balancing skill and challenge in user interaction.
Designing for engagement towards healthier lifestyles through food image sharing : the case of I8DAT
This paper introduces the underlying design concepts of I8DAT, a food image sharing application that has been developed as part of a three-year research project – Eat, Cook, Grow: Ubiquitous Technology for Sustainable Food Culture in the City (http://www.urbaninformatics .net/projects/food) – exploring urban food practices to engage people in healthier, more environmentally and socially sustainable eating, cooking, and growing food in their everyday lives. The key aim of the project is to produce actionable knowledge, which is then applied to create and test several accessible, user-centred interactive design solutions that motivate user-engagement through playful and social means rather than authoritative information distribution. Through the design and implementation processes we envisage to integrate these design interventions to create a sustainable food network that is both technical and socio-cultural in nature (technosocial). Our primary research locale is Brisbane, Australia, with additional work carried out in three reference cities with divergent geographic, socio-cultural, and technological backgrounds: Seoul, South Korea, for its global leadership in ubiquitous technology, broadband access, and high population density; Lincoln, UK, for the regional and peri-urban dimension it provides, and Portland, Oregon, US, for its international standing as a hub of the sustainable food movement.
Healthy and sustainable food is gaining more attention from consumers, industry, and researchers. Yet many approaches to date are limited to information dissemination, advertisement or education. We have embarked on a three year collaborative research project (2011 – 2013) to explore urban food practices – eating, cooking, growing food – to support the well-being of people and the environment. Our overall goal is to employ a user-centred interaction design research approach to inform the development of entertaining, real-time, mobile and networked applications, engaging playful feedback to build motivation. Our aspiration for this study is to deliver usable and useful mobile and situated interaction prototypes that employ individual and group strategies to foster food cultures that provide new pathways to produce, share and enjoy food that is green, healthy, and fun.