393 resultados para Traumatisme craniocérébral léger


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Ce mémoire en recherche-création s’articule en deux parties, soit un roman et un essai. La résilience des corps, roman à double narration, met en scène Clara et Romain, un couple dont l’avenir est ébranlé par une grossesse surprise. Dans les chapitres s’alternent les voix des deux personnages, tant dans le passé que dans le présent. La voix de Clara se démultiplie, elle qui souffre de schizophrénie. L’essai Femmes sans enfant : une impossibilité? Analyse de La lune dans un HLM de Marie-Sissi Labrèche et d’Un léger désir de rouge d’Hélène Lépine répond à un questionnement soulevé durant l’écriture du roman, soit « Une femme peut-elle dire, sans se justifier, qu’elle ne veut pas d’enfant? ». Les romans La lune dans un HLM de Marie-Sissi Labrèche et Un léger désir de rouge d’Hélène Lépine sont analysés avec une perspective féministe, de façon à faire ressortir la thématique du refus de la maternité dans le discours et dans les actes des personnages.


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Des études récentes ont rapporté que les individus âgés avec un trouble cognitif léger (TCL) ont de plus grandes activations en lien avec la réalisation d’une tâche cognitive que des personnes âgées saines. Des auteurs ont proposé que ces hyperactivations pourraient refléter des processus de plasticité cérébrale compensatoires ayant lieu pendant la phase précoce de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Des processus de compensations fonctionnelles pourraient émerger en réponse à une perte d’intégrité structurelle dans les régions du cerveau normalement requises pour compléter une tâche. Dans ce mémoire, j’ai évalué cette hypothèse chez des personnes avec TCL en faisant appel à une tâche de mémoire de travail comportant plusieurs niveaux de difficulté ainsi qu’aux techniques d’imagerie par résonnance magnétique (IRM) structurelle et fonctionnelle. Des analyses de régression multiples ont été utilisées afin d’identifier les régions cérébrales dont l’activité variait en fonction de l’intégrité neuronale telle que définie par le volume de l’hippocampe. Les valeurs estimées des paramètres du signal de ces régions furent ensuite extraites afin de procéder à des analyses corrélationnelles sur la performance ainsi que sur le volume de différentes structures cérébrales. Les résultats indiquent des hyperactivations dans les régions frontales droites chez les participants TCL souffrant d’une plus grande atteinte neuronale. De plus, le niveau d’activation est négativement corrélé au volume de structures frontales et pariétales. Ces résultats indique la présence d’une hyperactivation compensatoire dans la phase du TCL associée à la réalisation d’une tâche de mémoire de travail.


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Des études récentes ont rapporté que les individus âgés avec un trouble cognitif léger (TCL) ont de plus grandes activations en lien avec la réalisation d’une tâche cognitive que des personnes âgées saines. Des auteurs ont proposé que ces hyperactivations pourraient refléter des processus de plasticité cérébrale compensatoires ayant lieu pendant la phase précoce de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Des processus de compensations fonctionnelles pourraient émerger en réponse à une perte d’intégrité structurelle dans les régions du cerveau normalement requises pour compléter une tâche. Dans ce mémoire, j’ai évalué cette hypothèse chez des personnes avec TCL en faisant appel à une tâche de mémoire de travail comportant plusieurs niveaux de difficulté ainsi qu’aux techniques d’imagerie par résonnance magnétique (IRM) structurelle et fonctionnelle. Des analyses de régression multiples ont été utilisées afin d’identifier les régions cérébrales dont l’activité variait en fonction de l’intégrité neuronale telle que définie par le volume de l’hippocampe. Les valeurs estimées des paramètres du signal de ces régions furent ensuite extraites afin de procéder à des analyses corrélationnelles sur la performance ainsi que sur le volume de différentes structures cérébrales. Les résultats indiquent des hyperactivations dans les régions frontales droites chez les participants TCL souffrant d’une plus grande atteinte neuronale. De plus, le niveau d’activation est négativement corrélé au volume de structures frontales et pariétales. Ces résultats indique la présence d’une hyperactivation compensatoire dans la phase du TCL associée à la réalisation d’une tâche de mémoire de travail.


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La dépression est le trouble psychiatrique le plus fréquent dans la population ayant subi un traumatisme cranio-cérébral (TCC). Les blessures aux autres parties du corps, les problèmes de santé, la douleur et les migraines semblent liés à la dépression post-TCC. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de mieux comprendre ces liens. Les taux de dépression chez les individus ayant des blessures aux autres parties du corps au moment du TCC ou de la douleur significative, des migraines, la prise d’analgésiques ou des problèmes de santé comorbides à 4, 8 et 12 mois post-blessure ont été comparés à ceux des gens qui ne présentent pas ces facteurs. Ensuite, l’influence de ces variables à 4 mois post-TCC sur le risque de développer la dépression au cours de la première année post-TCC a été analysé. Le risque de présenter une dépression au cours de la première année post-TCC est plus élevé pour les individus qui rapportent des blessures aux membres inférieurs au moment du TCC et de la douleur significative, des migraines, la prise d’analgésiques et des problèmes de santé comorbides à 4 mois post-blessure. Une histoire de dépression pré-morbide demeure la variable avec la plus grande force prédictive d’une dépression post-TCC. Ces résultats démontrent l’importance de suivis ciblés pour la population TCC présentant ces facteurs.


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The Woods Bagot 2007 refurbishment of the Qantas and British Airways Bangkok Business lounge in the Survarnabhumi Airport features wall finishes designed by wallpaper designer, Florence Broadhurst (1899-1977) and Thai Silk trader, Jim Thompson (1906-1967). This distinctive selection, which is proclaimed on the airport’s website, of patterned wall surfaces side by side draws attention to their striking similarities and their defining differences . Thompson and Broadhurst would appear to be worlds apart, but here in the airport their work brings them together. Thompson, the son of a wealthy cotton family in America, worked as an architect before joining the army. He moved to Bangkok to start The Thai Silk Company in 1948. Broadhurst was born on a farm in Mt. Perry, Queensland. She began her career as a performance artist, as part of an Australian troupe in Shanghai, moving onto pursue a career in fashion design, catering to the middle and upper classes in London. Upon her return to Australia, Broadhurst started a print design company in 1959. Both Broadhurst and Thompson pursued multiple careers, lived many lives, and died under mysterious circumstances. Broadhurst was murdered in 1977 at her Sydney print warehouse, which remains an unsolved crime. Thompson disappeared in Malaysia in 1967 and his body has never been found. This chapter investigates the parallels between Thompson and Broadhurst and what lead them to design such popular patterns for wall surfaces towards the end of their careers. While neither designer was a household name, their work is familiar to most, seen in the costume and set design of films, on the walls of restaurants and cafes and even in family homes. The reason for the popularity of their patterns has not previously been analysed. However, this chapter suggests that the patterns are intriguing because they contain something of their designers’ identities. It suggests that the coloured surface provides a way of camouflaging and hiding its subjects’ histories, such that Broadhurst and Thompson, consciously or unconsciously, used the patterned surface as a plane in which their past lives could be buried. The revealing nature of the stark white wall, compared with the forgiveness provided by the pattern in which to hide, is elaborated by painter and advocate for polychromatic architecture, Fernand Léger in his essay, “The Wall, The Architect, The Painter (1965).” Léger writes that, “the modern architect has gone too far in his magnificent attempts to cleanse through emptiness,” and that the resultant white walls of modernity create ‘an impalpability of air, of slick, brilliant new surfaces where nothing can be hidden any longer …even shadows don’t dare to enter’. To counter the exposure produced by the white wall, Thompson and Broadhurst designed patterned surfaces that could harbour their personal histories. Broadhurst and Thompson’s works share a number of commonalities in their design production, even though their work in print design commenced a decade apart. Both designers opted to work more with traditional methods of pattern making. Broadhurst used hand-operated screens, and Thompson outsourced work to local weavers and refrained from operating out of a factory. Despite humble beginnings, Broadhurst and Thompson enjoyed international success with their wall patterns being featured in a number of renowned international hotels in Bahrain, Singapore, Sydney, and London in the 1970s and 1980s. Their patterns were also transferred to fabric for soft furnishings and clothing. Thompson’s patterns were used for costumes in films including the King and I and Ben Hur. Broadhurst’s patterns were also widely used by fashion designers and artists, such as Akira Isogowa‘s costume design for Salome, a 1998 production by the Sydney Dance Company. Most recently her print designs have been used by skin illustrator Emma Hack, in a series of works painting female bodies into Broadhurst’s patterns. Hack’s works camouflage the models’ bodies into the patterned surface, assimilating subject and surface, hinting at there being something living within the patterned wall. More than four decades after Broadhurst’s murder and five decades since Thompson’s disappearance, their print designs persist as more than just a legacy. They are applied as surface finishes with the same fervour as when the designs were first released. This chapter argues that the reason for the ongoing celebration of their work is that there is the impalpable presence of the creator in the patterns. It suggests that the patterns blur the boundary between subject and surface.


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Grave sculpture as interpreter of life and death. Grave sculptures done by Heikki Häiväoja, Kain Tapper and Matti Peltokangas 1952-2002. The thoughts of Philippe Ariès and Erwin Panofsky on western funeral art constitute the starting point of this study. These scholars speak about the 20th century as a period of decline regarding western funeral art. The reason for this situation lies, according to them, in the fact that death has been rejected and become a private affair in modern society. Especially Panofsky sees an important reason for the decay of funeral art also in the separation of death from religion. In this study, I approach the view of Ariès and Panofsky from the angle of Finnish funeral art. The subject of the study is grave sculptures of three Finnish sculptors: Heikki Häiväoja, Kain Tapper and Matti Peltokangas, from 1952 to 2002. (The analysis of the grave sculptures has been performed with the Iconology of Erwin Panofsky. The analysis has been deepened by the ideas of a graveyard as a semiotic text according to Werner Enninger and Christa Schwens. In order to confirm their argumentation, they analyse the graveyard text with the model of communicative functions of Roman Jakobson and verify that the graveyard is a cultural text according to Juri Lotman.) Results of the study In the grave sculptures of the sculptors, different worldviews appear alongside Christian thoughts indicating a new stage in the tradition of funeral art. In the grave sculptures characterised as Christian, the view of life after death is included. In these memorials the direction of life is prospective, pointing to the life beyond. Death is a border, beyond which one is unable to see. Nevertheless the border is open or marked by the cross. On this open border, death is absence of pain, glory and new unity. In memorials with different worldviews, the life beyond is a possibility which is not excluded. Memorials interpret life retrospectively; life is a precious memory which wakens grief and longing. Many memorials have metaphysical and mystic features. In spite of democratization the order and valuation of social classes appear in some memorials. The old order also materializes in the war memorials relating the same destiny of the deceased. Different burial places, nevertheless, do not indicate social inequality but are rather signs of diversity. The sculptors' abstract means of modern funeral art deepen the handling of the subject matter of death and reveal the mystery of it. Grave sculptures are a part of Finnish and sacral modern art, and there is an interaction between funeral art and modern art. Modern art acquires a new dimension, when grave sculptures become a part of its field. Grave sculptures offer an alternative to anonymous burying. The memorial is a sign of the end of life; it gives death significance and publicity and creates a relation to the past of the society. In this way, grave sculptures are a part of the chain of memory of the western funeral art, which extends throughout Antiquity until ancient Egypt. (In this study I have spoken of funeral art as a chain of memory using the thoughts of Danièle Hervieu-Léger.) There are no signs of decay in the grave sculptures, on the contrary the tradition of funeral art continues in them as a search for the meaning of life and death and as an intuitive interpretation of death. As such, grave sculptures are part of the Finnish discussion of death.


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O fenômeno da factividade, no âmbito da linguística, em sentido amplo, está relacionado à propriedade que certos itens lexicais ou determinados predicadores gramaticais possuem de introduzir um pressuposto, que pode estar implícito ou explícito. No domínio verbal, Kiparsky e Kiparsky (1971) remetem a um conjunto de verbos, os quais admitem uma sentença como complemento e cujo uso pressupõe a veracidade da proposição aí expressa. Em termos aquisicionais, não há consenso acerca da idade em que factividade estaria dominada. Hopmann e Maratsos (1977), por exemplo, propuseram que seu domínio se daria a partir dos 6 anos. Para Abbeduto e Rosenberg (1985), no entanto, isso ocorreria mais cedo, por volta dos 4 anos de idade. Já Schulz (2002; 2003), defende uma aquisição gradual, que se daria por estágios e se estenderia até os 7;0 anos de idade. Léger (2007), por sua vez, afirma que o domínio da factividade, especificamente dos semifactivos, só se daria após os 11 anos. Scoville e Gordon (1979), por fim, propõem que só por volta dos 14 anos a criança seria capaz de dominar a factividade em todos os seus aspectos. Essa falta de consenso corrobora a ideia de uma aquisição gradual, uma vez que esse fenômeno envolve vários aspectos: identificação de uma subclasse de verbos, uma interpretação semântica específica, uma subcategorização sintática variável entre as línguas e um comportamento característico no que diz respeito ao movimento-QU. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo geral contribuir para os estudos sobre aquisição da factividade, particularmente no que diz respeito ao português, debruçando-se mais especificamente sobre dois aspectos pouco explorados na literatura da área: uma questão de variação translinguística, que diz respeito à possibilidade de se admitirem complementos não-finitos factivos em português, e a questão da interpretação de interrogativas-QU em contextos factivos, com propriedades características de ilha fraca. O quadro obtido é discutido frente às análises linguísticas propostas para os verbos/ predicados factivos, que têm considerado uma distinção sintática (KIPARSKY E KIPARSKY, 1971; MELVOLD, 1991; SCHULZ, 2003; AUGUSTO, 2003; LIMA, 2007), com repercussões de ordem lógico/ semântica (LEROUX E SCHULZ, 1999; SCHULZ, 2002; 2003)


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Wydział Neofilologii Instytut Filologii Romańskiej


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In a landmark book published in 2000, the sociologist Danièle Hervieu-Léger defined religion as a chain of memory, by which she meant that within religious communities remembered traditions are transmitted with an overpowering authority from generation to generation. After analysing Hervieu-Léger’s sociological approach as overcoming the dichotomy between substantive and functional definitions, this article compares a ritual honouring the ancestors in which a medium becomes possessed by the senior elder’s ancestor spirit among the Shona of Zimbabwe with a cleansing ritual performed by a Celtic shaman in New Hampshire, USA. In both instances, despite different social and historical contexts, appeals are made to an authoritative tradition to legitimize the rituals performed. This lends support to the claim that the authoritative transmission of a remembered tradition, by exercising an overwhelming power over communities, even if the memory of such a tradition is merely postulated, identifies the necessary and essential component for any activity to be labelled “religious”.


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La presente investigación trata de poner énfasis en la importancia del paisaje en Deserto Rosso de Michelangelo Antonioni, erigiéndose este como elemento fundamental de la trama argumental del filme. Partiendo de esta premisa, se analiza el significado de dicho paisaje en el contexto socioartístico de los años 60. La interacción del hombre con su entorno parece ser el punto de partida para una reflexión más profunda sobre el devenir humano. Las nuevas conquistas estéticas alcanzadas y el análisis históricoartístico de los precedentes más inmediatos del filme, sitúan a Deserto Rosso como obra cumbre de la neovanguardia posmoderna europea.


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Dissertação de mest., Ciências da Educação e da Formação (Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa), Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2011


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There is a general consensus that new service delivery models are needed for children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Emerging principles to guide service delivery include the use of graduated levels of intensity and evidence-based services that focus on function and participation. Interdisciplinary, community-based service delivery models based on best practice principles are needed. In this case report, we propose the Apollo model as an example of an innovative service delivery model for children with DCD. We describe the context that led to the creation of a program for children with DCD, describe the service delivery model and services, and share lessons learned through implementation. The Apollo model has 5 components: first contact, service delivery coordination, community-, group- and individual-interventions. This model guided the development of a streamlined set of services offered to children with DCD, including early-intake to share educational information with families, community interventions, inter-disciplinary and occupational therapy groups and individual interventions. Following implementation of the Apollo model, waiting times decreased and numbers of children receiving services increased, without compromising service quality. Lessons learned are shared to facilitate development of other practice models to support children with DCD.


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A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Arts


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Abstract : Textural division of a mineral in pyramids, with their apices located at the centre of the mineral and their bases corresponding to the mineral faces is called textural sector zoning. Textural sector zoning is observed in many metamorphic minerals like andalousite and garnet. Garnets found in the graphite rich black shales of the Mesozoic cover of the Gotthard Massif display textural sector zoning. The morphology of this sector zoning is not the same in different types of black shales observed in the Nufenen pass area. Garnets in foliated black shales display a well developed sector zoning while garnets found in cm-scale layered black shales display well developed sectors in the direction of the schistosity plane. This sector zoning is always associated with up to 30μm sized birefringent lamellae emanating radial from the sector boundaries. They alternate with isotrope lamellae. The garnet forming reaction was determined using singular value decomposition approach and results compared to thermodynamic calculations. It is of the form chl + mu + cc + cld = bt + fds + ank + gt + czo and is similar in both layered and foliated black shales. The calculated X(O) is close to 0.36 and does not significantly vary during the metamorphic history of the rock. This corresponds to X CO2, X CH4, and X H2O BSE imaging of garnets on oriented-cuts revealed that the orientation of the lamellae found within the sectors is controlled by crystallography. BSE imaging and electron microprobe analysis revealed that these lamellae are calcium rich compared to the isotropic lamellae. The addition of Ca to an almandine rich garnet causes a small distortion of the X site and potentially, ordering. Ordered and disordered garnet might have very similar free energies for this composition. Hence, two garnets with different composition can be precipitated with minor overstepping of the reaction. It is enough that continued nucleation of a new garnet layer slightly prefers the same structure to assure a fiber-like growth of both garnet compositions side by side. This hypothesis is in agreement with the thermodynamic properties of the garnet solid solution described in the literature and could explain the textures observed in garnets with these compositions. To understand the differences in sector zoning morphology, and crystal growth kinetics, crystal size distribution were determined in several samples using 2D spatial analysis of slab surfaces. The same nucleation rate law was chosen for all cases. Different growth rate law for non-layered black shales and layered black shales were used. Garnet in layered black shales grew according to a growth rate law of the form R=kt ½. The transport of nutrient is the limiting factor. Transport will occur preferentially on the schistosity planes. The shapes of the garnets in such rocks are therefore ovoid with the longest axis parallel to the schistosity planes. Sector zoning is less developed with sectors present only parallel to the schistosity planes. Garnet in non-layered blackshales grew according to a growth rate law of the form R=kt. The limiting factor is the attachment at the surface of the garnet. Garnets in these rocks will display a well developed sector zoning in all directions. The growth rate law is thus influenced by the texture of the rock. It favours or hinders the transport of nutrient to the mineral surface. Résumé : La zonation sectorielle texturale consiste en la division d'un cristal en pyramides dont les sommets sont localisés au centre du minéral. La base de ces pyramides correspond aux faces du minéral. Ce type de zonation est fréquemment observé dans les minéraux métamorphiques tels que l'andalousite ou le grenat. Les grenats présents dans les marnes riches en graphites de la couverture Mésozoïque du Massif du Gotthard présent une zonation sectorielle texturale. La morphologie de cette zonation n'est pas la même dans les marnes litées et dans les marnes foliées. Les grenats des marnes foliées montrent des secteurs bien développés dans 3 directions. Les grenats des marnes litées montrent des secteurs développés uniquement dans la direction des plans de schistosité. Cette zonation sectorielle est toujours associée à des lamelles biréfringentes de quelques microns de large qui partent de la limite des secteurs et qui sont perpendiculaires aux faces du grenat. Ces lamelles alternent avec des lamelles isotropes. La réaction de formation du grenat a été déterminée par calcul matriciel et thermodynamique. La réaction est de la forme chl + mu + cc + cld= bt + fds + ank + gt + czo. Elle est similaire dans les roches litées et dans les roches foliées. L'évaluation des conditions fluides montrent que le X(O) est proche de 0.36 et ne change pas de façon significative durant l'histoire métamorphique de la roche. Des images BSE sur des coupes orientées ont révélé que l'orientation de lamelles biréfringentes est contrôlée parla crystallographie. La comparaison des analyses à la microsonde électronique et des images BSE révèle également que les lamelles biréfringentes sont plus riches en calcium que les lamelles isotropes. L'addition de calcium va déformer légèrement le site X et ainsi créer un ordre sur ce site. L'énergie interne d'un grenat ordré et d'un grenat désordonné sont suffisamment proches pour qu'un léger dépassement de l'énergie de la réaction de formation permette la coexistence des 2 types de grenat dans le même minéral. La formation de lamelles est expliquée par le fait qu'un grenat préférera la même structure. Ces observations sont en accord avec la thermodynamique des solutions solides du grenat et permet d'expliquer les structures similaires observées dans des grenats provenant de lithologies différentes. Une étude de la distribution des tailles des grenats et une modélisation de la croissance a permis de mettre en évidence 2 mécanismes de croissance différents suivant la texture de la roche. Dans les 2 cas, la loi de nucléation est la même. Dans les roches litées, la loi de croissance est de forme R=kt½. Le transport des nutriments est le facteur limitant. Ce transport a lieu préférentiellement dans la direction des niveaux de schistosité. Les grenats ont une forme légèrement allongée car la croissance des secteurs est facilitée sur les niveaux de schistosité. La croissance des grenats dans les roches foliées suit une loi de croissance de la forme R=kt. Les seuls facteurs limitant la croissance sont les processus d'attachement à la surface du grenat. La loi de croissance de ces grenats est donc contrainte par la texture de la roche. Cela se marque par des différences dans la morphologie de la zonation sectorielle.