938 resultados para Transmissão vetorial


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This work describes the study and the implementation of the speed control for a three-phase induction motor of 1,1 kW and 4 poles using the neural rotor flux estimation. The vector speed control operates together with the winding currents controller of the stator phasis. The neural flux estimation applied to the vector speed controls has the objective of compensating the parameter dependences of the conventional estimators in relation to the parameter machine s variations due to the temperature increases or due to the rotor magnetic saturation. The implemented control system allows a direct comparison between the respective responses of the speed controls to the machine oriented by the neural rotor flux estimator in relation to the conventional flux estimator. All the system control is executed by a program developed in the ANSI C language. The main DSP recources used by the system are, respectively, the Analog/Digital channels converters, the PWM outputs and the parallel and RS-232 serial interfaces, which are responsible, respectively, by the DSP programming and the data capture through the supervisory system


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The development of wireless sensor networks for control and monitoring functions has created a vibrant investigation scenario, covering since communication aspects to issues related with energy efficiency. When source sensors are endowed with cameras for visual monitoring, a new scope of challenges is raised, as transmission and monitoring requirements are considerably changed. Particularly, visual sensors collect data following a directional sensing model, altering the meaning of concepts as vicinity and redundancy but allowing the differentiation of source nodes by their sensing relevancies for the application. In such context, we propose the combined use of two differentiation strategies as a novel QoS parameter, exploring the sensing relevancies of source nodes and DWT image coding. This innovative approach supports a new scope of optimizations to improve the performance of visual sensor networks at the cost of a small reduction on the overall monitoring quality of the application. Besides definition of a new concept of relevance and the proposition of mechanisms to support its practical exploitation, we propose five different optimizations in the way images are transmitted in wireless visual sensor networks, aiming at energy saving, transmission with low delay and error recovery. Putting all these together, the proposed innovative differentiation strategies and the related optimizations open a relevant research trend, where the application monitoring requirements are used to guide a more efficient operation of sensor networks


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The electric energy is essential to the development of modern society and its increasing demand in recent years, effect from population and economic growth, becomes the companies more interested in the quality and continuity of supply, factors regulated by ANEEL (Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica). These factors must be attended when a permanent fault occurs in the system, where the defect location that caused the power interruption should be identified quickly, which is not a simple assignment because the current systems complexity. An example of this occurs in multiple terminals transmission lines, which interconnect existing circuits to feed the demand. These transmission lines have been adopted as a feasible solution to suply loads of magnitudes that do not justify economically the construction of new substations. This paper presents a fault location algorithm for multiple terminals transmission lines - two and three terminals. The location method is based on the use of voltage and current fundamental phasors, as well as the representation of the line through its series impedance. The wavelet transform is an effective mathematical tool in signals analysis with discontinuities and, therefore, is used to synchronize voltage and current data. The Fourier transform is another tool used in this work for extract voltage and current fundamental phasors. Tests to validate the location algorithm applicability used data from faulty signals simulated in ATP (Alternative Transients Program) as well as real data obtained from oscillographic recorders installed on CHESF s lines.


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This work presents in a simulated environment, to analyze the length of cable needed counterweight connected to ground rod, able to avoid the phenomenon of flashover return, back flashover, the insulator chains of transmission lines consisting of concrete structures when they are subjected to lightning standardized regarding certain resistivity values of some kinds of soil and geometric arrangements of disposal of grounding systems structures


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This paper describes the study, computer simulation and feasibility of implementation of vector control speed of an induction motor using for this purpose the Extended Kalman Filter as an estimator of rotor flux. The motivation for such work is the use of a control system that requires no sensors on the machine shaft, thus providing a considerable cost reduction of drives and their maintenance, increased reliability, robustness and noise immunity as compared to control systems with conventional sensors


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A necrose da haste da soja é causada por um vírus do gênero Carlavirus transmitido pela mosca branca Bemisia tabaci, também infectante de feijão e identificado como Cowpea mild mottle virus (CpMMV). Neste trabalho foram realizados testes para determinação do número de moscas-brancas B. tabaci biótipo B necessários para transmissão do vírus em feijoeiro e soja. Na sequência foram realizados dois outros testes, com 10 insetos por planta. Avaliaram-se períodos de acesso à aquisição (PAA) de 'Jalo' para 'Jalo', e o efeito de períodos de acesso à inoculação (PAI). Foram visualmente constatados sintomas típicos do carlavírus como mosaico, clareamento de nervuras, necrose sistêmica e redução de crescimento. Houve transmissão do vírus para 'BT-2' de feijão e 'BRS-132' de soja com apenas um inseto por planta, sendo mais eficaz nesta última espécie. A taxa de transmissão do vírus foi maior com o aumento do número de insetos por planta. E o PAA foi determinado após 15' de tempo para aquisição, e o PAI com 5 min e aumentando os períodos de acesso a aquisição e inoculação aumentou-se a taxa de transmissão.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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GABAergic neurotransmission has been implicated in many aspects of learning and memory, as well as mood and anxiety disorders. The amygdala has been one of the major focuses in this area, given its essential role in modulating emotionally relevant memories. However, studies with male subjects are still predominant in the field. Here we investigated the consequences for an aversive memory of enhancing or decreasing GABAergic transmission in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA). Wistar female rats were trained in the plus-maze discriminative avoidance task, in which they had to learn to avoid one of the enclosed arms where an aversive stimulus consisting of a bright light and a loud noise was given (day 1). Fifteen minutes before the test session (day 2) animals received 0,2 μL infusions of either saline solution, the GABAergic agonist muscimol (0,05 mg/ml), or the GABAergic antagonist bicuculine (0,025 mg/ml) bilaterally intra-BLA. On the test day, females in proestrous or estrous presented adequate retrieval and did not extinguish the task, while females in metestrous or diestrous presented impaired retrieval. In the first group, muscimol infusion impaired retrieval and bicuculline had no effect, suggesting naturally low levels of GABAergic transmission in the BLA of proestrous and estrous females. In the second group, muscimol infusion had no effect and bicuculline reversed retrieval impairment, suggesting naturally high levels of GABAergic transmission in the BLA of metestrous and diestous females. Additionally, proestrous and estrous females presented higher anxiety levels compared to metestrous and diestrous females, which could explain better performance of this group. On the other hand, BLA GABAergic system did not interfere with the innate fear response because drug infusions had no effect in anxiety. Thus, retrieval alterations caused by the GABAergic drugs were probably related specifically to memory processes


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The use of analogies in high school is often useful for chemistry teaching, either on textbooks or by teachers in the classroom.This use is justified by the large number of abstract concepts that rules this course. Analogies are conceptualized by several authors, which converge on the idea that these are tools that seek a way to elucidate an unknown concept by comparing it to a familiar one, relating their similar and dissimilar features. An analysis on a survey of analogies found in high school chemistry textbooks and chemical equilibrium studies is performed in order to verify whether they are leading to misconceptions for their use by students and/or for their use by teachers in the classroom, or whether they promote a learning facilitation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)