145 resultados para Tomjanovich, Rudy


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Human epithelial kidney cells (HEK) were prepared to coexpress α1A, α2δ with different β calcium channel subunits and green fluorescence protein. To compare the calcium currents observed in these cells with the native neuronal currents, electrophysiological and pharmacological tools were used conjointly. Whole-cell current recordings of human epithelial kidney α1A-transfected cells showed small inactivating currents in 80 mM Ba2+ that were relatively insensitive to calcium blockers. Coexpression of α1A, βIb, and α2δ produced a robust inactivating current detected in 10 mM Ba2+, reversibly blockable with low concentration of ω-agatoxin IVA (ω-Aga IVA) or synthetic funnel-web spider toxin (sFTX). Barium currents were also supported by α1A, β2a, α2δ subunits, which demonstrated the slowest inactivation and were relatively insensitive to ω-Aga IVA and sFTX. Coexpression of β3 with the same combination as above produced inactivating currents also insensitive to low concentration of ω-Aga IVA and sFTX. These data indicate that the combination α1A, βIb, α2δ best resembles P-type channels given the rate of inactivation and the high sensitivity to ω-Aga IVA and sFTX. More importantly, the specificity of the channel blocker is highly influenced by the β subunit associated with the α1A subunit.


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We report on an ~63 ks Chandra observation of the X-ray transient Swift J195509.6+261406 discovered as the afterglow of what was first believed to be a long-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB 070610). The outburst of this source was characterized by unique optical flares on timescales of second or less, morphologically similar to the short X-ray bursts usually observed from magnetars. Our Chandra observation was performed ~2 years after the discovery of the optical and X-ray flaring activity of this source, catching it in its quiescent state. We derive stringent upper limits on the quiescent emission of Swift J195509.6+261406, which argues against the possibility of this object being a typical magnetar. Our limits show that the most viable interpretation on the nature of this peculiar bursting source is a binary system hosting a black hole or a neutron star with a low-mass companion star (<0.12 M ☉) and with an orbital period smaller than a few hours.


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To effectively assess and mitigate risk of permafrost disturbance, disturbance-p rone areas can be predicted through the application of susceptibility models. In this study we developed regional susceptibility models for permafrost disturbances using a field disturbance inventory to test the transferability of the model to a broader region in the Canadian High Arctic. Resulting maps of susceptibility were then used to explore the effect of terrain variables on the occurrence of disturbances within this region. To account for a large range of landscape charac- teristics, the model was calibrated using two locations: Sabine Peninsula, Melville Island, NU, and Fosheim Pen- insula, Ellesmere Island, NU. Spatial patterns of disturbance were predicted with a generalized linear model (GLM) and generalized additive model (GAM), each calibrated using disturbed and randomized undisturbed lo- cations from both locations and GIS-derived terrain predictor variables including slope, potential incoming solar radiation, wetness index, topographic position index, elevation, and distance to water. Each model was validated for the Sabine and Fosheim Peninsulas using independent data sets while the transferability of the model to an independent site was assessed at Cape Bounty, Melville Island, NU. The regional GLM and GAM validated well for both calibration sites (Sabine and Fosheim) with the area under the receiver operating curves (AUROC) N 0.79. Both models were applied directly to Cape Bounty without calibration and validated equally with AUROC's of 0.76; however, each model predicted disturbed and undisturbed samples differently. Addition- ally, the sensitivity of the transferred model was assessed using data sets with different sample sizes. Results in- dicated that models based on larger sample sizes transferred more consistently and captured the variability within the terrain attributes in the respective study areas. Terrain attributes associated with the initiation of dis- turbances were similar regardless of the location. Disturbances commonly occurred on slopes between 4 and 15°, below Holocene marine limit, and in areas with low potential incoming solar radiation


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Modelling the susceptibility of permafrost slopes to disturbance can identify areas at risk to future disturbance and result in safer infrastructure and resource development in the Arctic. In this study, we use terrain attributes derived from a digital elevation model, an inventory of permafrost slope disturbances known as active-layer detachments (ALDs) and generalised additive modelling to produce a map of permafrost slope disturbance susceptibility for an area on northern Melville Island, in the Canadian High Arctic. By examining terrain variables and their relative importance, we identified factors important for initiating slope disturbance. The model was calibrated and validated using 70 and 30 per cent of a data-set of 760 mapped ALDs, including disturbed and randomised undisturbed samples. The generalised additive model calibrated and validated very well, with areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.89 and 0.81, respectively, demonstrating its effectiveness at predicting disturbed and undisturbed samples. ALDs were most likely to occur below the marine limit on slope angles between 3 and 10° and in areas with low values of potential incoming solar radiation (north-facing slopes).


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In the nineties, cold-water coral mounds were discovered in the Porcupine Seabight (NE Atlantic, west of Ireland). A decade later, this discovery led to the drilling of the entire Challenger cold-water coral mound (Eastern slope, Porcupine Seabight) during IODP Expedition 307. As more than 50% of the sediment within Challenger Mound consists of terrigenous material, the terrigenous component is equally important for the build-up of the mound as the framework-building corals. Moreover, the terrigenous fraction contains important information on the dynamics and the conditions of the depositional environment during mound development. In this study, the first in-depth investigation of the terrigenous sediment fraction of a cold-water coral mound is performed, combining clay mineralogy, sedimentology, petrography and Sr-Nd-isotopic analysis on a gravity core (MD01-2451G) collected at the top of Challenger Mound. Sr- and Nd-isotopic fingerprinting identifies Ireland as the main contributor of terrigenous material in Challenger Mound. Besides this, a variable input of volcanic material from the northern volcanic provinces (Iceland and/or the NW British Isles) is recognized in most of the samples. This volcanic material was most likely transported to Challenger Mound during cold climatic stages. In three samples, the isotopic ratios indicate a minor contribution of sediment deriving from the old cratons on Greenland, Scandinavia or Canada. The grain-size distributions of glacial sediments demonstrate that ice-rafted debris was deposited with little or no sorting, indicating a slow bottom-current regime. In contrast, interglacial intervals contain strongly current-sorted sediments, including reworked glacio-marine grains. The micro textures of the quartz-sand grains confirm the presence of grains transported by icebergs in interglacial intervals. These observations highlight the role of ice-rafting as an important transport mechanism of terrigenous material towards the mound during the Late Quaternary. Furthermore, elevated smectite content in the siliciclastic, glaciomarine sediment intervals is linked to the deglaciation history of the British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS). The increase of smectite is attributed to the initial stage of chemical weathering processes, which became activated following glacial retreat and the onset of warmer climatic conditions. During these deglaciations a significant change in the signature of the detrital fraction and a lack of coral growth is observed. Therefore, we postulate that the deglaciation of the BIIS has an important effect on mound growth. It can seriously alter the hydrography, nutrient supply and sedimentation processes, thereby affecting both sediment input and coral growth and hence, coral mound development.


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Back Row: Todd Jager, Kevin Lynch, Paul Schmidt, Mike Gittleson, Rick Clark, Vance Bedford, Brady Hoke, Jim Herrmann, Mike DeBord, Fred Jackson, Bobby Morrison, Stan Parrish, Erik Campbell, Terry Malone, Harold Goodwin, Scott Draper, Jon Falk, Phil Bromley, Mike Elston, Chris Kurpeikis

8th Row: Eddie Davis, Eric Dean, Eddie Magnus, Ethan Perkins, Toni Grant, Brodie Killian, Jake Malacos, Jeremy Miller, Gary Rose, Rudy Smith, Jamie Young, Bob Bland, Rick Brandt, Steve Connelly, Kelly Cox, Peter Clifford, Matt Hamilton, Scott Loeffler

7th Row: Patrick McCall, James Whitley, DeWayne Patmon, Anthony Jordan, Eric Brackins, Ray Jackson, Adam Adkins, Bob Fraumann, Shawn Thompson, Todd Mossa, Bill Seymour, Eric Rosel, Demetrius Smith, Anthony Thomas, William Peterson, Johathan West, P.J. Cwayna

6th Row: David Downs, Chad Henman, Jeff Del Verne, Ryan Parini, Mark Bergin, Eric Wilson, Eric Warner, Jake Frysinger, Kurt Anderson, Maurice Williams, Ben Mast, Jason Brooks, Andy Sechler, Dan Williams, Chris Roth, Matt Johnson

5th Row: LeAundre Brown, Ian Gold, Grady Brooks, Cory Sargent, Kevin Brandt, Steve Hutchinson, Jason Kapsner, Jeff Backus, Paul Tannous, Chad Carpenter, Jerry Johnson, Tommy Hendricks, Dhani Jones, Marcus Knight, Aaron Wright

4th Row: J.R. Ford, Kenneth Jackson, Tate Schanski, Jason Cummings, Rob Renes, Jeff Holtry, Pat Kratus, Lance Ostram, Jason Clyne, Jared Chandler, Kevin Bryant, Jeff Smokevitch, Chad Stock, Brandon Kornblue, Manus Edwards

3rd Row: Clarence Williams, DaydrionTaylor, Charles Woodson, DiAllo Johnson, James Hall, Steve Frazier, Tom Brady, Jeff Potts, Chris Ziemann, Tai Streets, Aaron Shea, Josh Williams, Jason Vinson, Brent Washington, Darren Petterson

2nd Row: Jay Feely, Todd Brooks, Marcus Ray, Kraig Baker, Sam Sword, Nate Miller, Juaquin Feazell, Mark Campbell, JerameTuman, Clint Copenhaver, Noah Parker, Mike Singletary, Scott Parachek, Andre Weathers, Russell Shaw

Front Row: Dr. Gerald O'Connor, Brian Griese, Colby Keefer, Eric Mayes, Rob Swett, Zach Adami, Glen Steele, Head Coach Lloyd Carr, Ben Huff, Chris Howard, Chris Floyd, David Crispin, Jon Jansen, Scott Dreisbach, Terrence Quinn


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Back Row: Paul Schmidt, Mike Gittleson, Rick Clark, Vance Bedford, Brady Hoke, Jim Herrmann, Mike DeBord, Fred Jackson, Bobby Morrison, Stan Parrish, Erik Campbell, Terry Malone, Scot Loeffler, Jon Falk, Phil Bromley, Mike Elston

8th Row: Tim Murphy, Dave Dean, Dr. Edward Wojtys, Dr. C. Daniel Hendrickson, Danielle Tiernan, Steve Connelly, Dwight Mosely, Scott Panique, Kirk Moundros, Tad Van Pelt, Mike Sajdak, Pete Clifford, Rob Abin, Rick Brandt, Mark Ouimet, Kelly Cox, Eric Dean, Buster Stanley, Jim Schneider

7th Row: Daydrion Taylor, Todd Howard, Walter Cross, Evan Coleman, Julius Curry, Justin Fargas, Hayden Epstein, Larry Foote, Shawn Lazarus, Victor Hobson, Dave Armstrong, Deitan Dubuc, Jonathan Goodwin, John Wood, Dennis Baker, Jason Ptak, Kyle Froelich, Paul Tannous

6th Row: Aaron Richards, Cyle Young, P.J. Cwayna, Jeremy Miller, Michael Manning, Jake Malacos, Brodie Killian, Gary Rose, Rudy Smith, Joe Denay, Bennie Joppru, Dan Rumishek, Dave Petruziello, Drew Henson, Dave Terrell, Marquise Walker, Cato June

5th Row: Patrick McCall, James Whitley, William Peterson, Anthony Thomas, Ray Jackson, Bill Seymour, Shawn Thompson, Kurt Anderson, Jason Brooks, Ben Mast, Adam Adkins, Todd Mossa, Bob Fraumann, Eric Brackins, Eric Rosel, DeWayne Patmon, Anthony Jordan

4th Row: Manus Edwards, Chris Roth, Dan Williams, LeAundre Brown, Eric Wilson, Chad Carpenter, Ian Gold, Marcus Knight, Eric Warner, Maurice Williams, Jake Frysinger, Grady Brooks, Cory Sargent, Ryan Parini, Andy Sechler, Jeff Del Verne

3rd Row: Brent Washington, Kevin Bryant, Jeff Smokevich, Mark Bergin, Kenneth Jackson, Jeff Holtry, David Brandt, Steve Hutchinson, Jeff Backus, Jason Kapsner, Tommy Hendricks, Dhani Jones, Jared Chandler, Tate Schanski, Brandon Kornblue, Matt Johnson

2nd Row: Jay Feely, Darren Petterson, Jason Vinson, Noah Parker, Aaron Shea, James Hall, Steve Frazier, Chris Ziemann, Jeff Potts, Tom Brady, Josh Williams, Patrick Kratus, DiAllo Johnson, Rob Renes, Kraig Baker

Front Row: Head Coach Lloyd Carr, Marcus Ray, Andre Weathers, Nate Miller, Sam Sword, Juaquin Feazell, Mark Campbell, Jon Jansen, Jerame Tuman, Clint Copenhaver, Tai Streets, Scott Dreisbach, Chris Singletary, Clarence Williams


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Back Row: Paul Schmidt, Mike Gittleson, Mike Elston, Teryl Austin, Brady Hoke, Jim Herrmann, Mike DeBord, Fred Jackson, Bobby Morrison, Stan Parrish, Erik Campbell, Terry Malone, Scot Loeffler, Jon Falk, Scott Draper, Phil Bromley, Jim Schneider

8th Row: Tim Murphy, Dr. Edward Wojtys, Dr. C. Daniel Hendrickson, Kevin Undeen, Mark Borgman, Brian Smalls, Michael Kaselitz, Joe Ghannam, Tommy Huff, Dave Eklund, Rick Brandt, Bob Bland, Mark Ouimet, Kelly Cox, Dennis Coyle, Zach Adami

7th Row: Jason Clyne, Brandon Williams, Greg Brooks, Shantee Orr, Jeremy LeSueur, Carl Biggs, Dave Pearson, Ronald Bellamy, Tyrece Butler, John Navarre, Andy Mignery, Andy Brown, Grant Bowman, Courtney Morgan, Phil Brabbs*, Kyle Blerlein, Chris Roth

6th Row: P.J. Cwayna, TommyJones, Tad Van Pelt, Dwight Mosley, Scott Panique, Stephen Baker, Blake Nasif, Joe Sgroi, Tony Pape, Demeterius Soloman, Norman Boebert, John Spytek, Phil Brackins, B.J. Askew, Charles Drake, Brent Cummings, Ryan Beard, Jon Shaw

5th Row: Aaron Richards, Jason Ptak, Todd Howard, Walter Cross, Julius Curry, Justin Fargas, Bennie Joppru, Dan Rumishek, Dave Petruziello, Shawn Lazarus, Victor Hobson, Dave Armstrong, Deitan Dubuc, Cato June, John Wood, Kyle Froelich, Kirk Moundros

4th Row: Mark Bergin, Cyle Young, Bob Fraumann, Kurt Anderson, Todd Mossa, Rudy Smith, Evan Coleman, Hayden Epstein, Larry Foote, Joe Denay, Drew Henson, Dave Terrell, Marquise Walker, Gary Rose, Michael Manning, Jeremy Miller

3rd Row: Matt Johnson, Ryan Parini, James Whitley, Bill Seymour, Anthony Thomas, Shawn Thompson, Adam Adkins, Jake Frysinger, Ben Mast, Eric Brackins, Eric Rosel, DeWayne Patmon, Dan Williams, Cory Sargent, Brandon Kornblue

2nd Row: Tate Schanski, Jeff Smokevitch, Kevin Bryant, Eric Wilson, Grady Brooks, David Brandt, Steve Frazier, Steve Hutchinson, Jeff Backus, Jason Kapsner, Andy Sechler, Eric Warner, Ken Jackson, Jeff Del Verne

Front Row: Chris Ziemann, Josh Williams, Tom Brady, Patrick Kratus, DiAllo Johnson, Rob Renes, Head Coach Lloyd Carr, Dhani Jones, Ian Gold, Marcus Knight, Tommy Hendricks, Aaron Shea, James Hall


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Top Row: trainer Mark Healy, grad asst. Ernie Sellers, asst. coach Mike Boyd, head coach Bill Frieder, aast. coach Bud VanDeWege, mngr. Bill Mitchell

Middle Row: equip. mngr. Bob Hurst, Paul Jokisch, Robert Henderson, Roy Tarpley, co-captain Ike Person, co-captain Leo Brown, Tim McCormick, Butch Wade, Jon Antonides

Front Row: mngr. Bill Fleming, Ron Gibas, Richard Rellford, Dan Pelekoudas, Eric Turner, Leslie Rockymore, Robert McFarland, Gerard Rudy, Phil Giroux


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Standing: Ike Person, Richard Rellford, Paul Jokisch, Robert Henderson, Roy Tarpley, Jon Antonides, Tim McCormick, Leo Brown, Butch Wade, Gerard Rudy, Leslie Rockymore, Robert McFarland, Ron Gibas


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Back Row: coach Bill Frieder, asst. coach Steve Fisher, asst. coach David Hammer, asst. coach Mike Boyd, Charles DeGlopper, Ron Gibas, Gary Grant, Garde Thompson, grad. asst. Bill Mitchell, mngr. Phil Giroux, equip. mngr. Bob Hurst, trainer Dan Minert

Front Row: Antoine Joubert, Gerard Rudy, Butch Wade, Robert Henderson, Roy Tarpley, Steve Stoyko, Richard Rellford, Leslie Rockymore


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.