960 resultados para Therapeutic applications
ABSTRACT: Nanotechnology in its widest sense seeks to exploit the special biophysical and chemical properties of materials at the nanoscale. While the potential technological, diagnostic or therapeutic applications are promising there is a growing body of evidence that the special technological features of nanoparticulate material are associated with biological effects formerly not attributed to the same materials at a larger particle scale. Therefore, studies that address the potential hazards of nanoparticles on biological systems including human health are required. Due to its large surface area the lung is one of the major sites of interaction with inhaled nanoparticles. One of the great challenges of studying particle-lung interactions is the microscopic visualization of nanoparticles within tissues or single cells both in vivo and in vitro. Once a certain type of nanoparticle can be identified unambiguously using microscopic methods it is desirable to quantify the particle distribution within a cell, an organ or the whole organism. Transmission electron microscopy provides an ideal tool to perform qualitative and quantitative analyses of particle-related structural changes of the respiratory tract, to reveal the localization of nanoparticles within tissues and cells and to investigate the 3D nature of nanoparticle-lung interactions.This article provides information on the applicability, advantages and disadvantages of electron microscopic preparation techniques and several advanced transmission electron microscopic methods including conventional, immuno and energy-filtered electron microscopy as well as electron tomography for the visualization of both model nanoparticles (e.g. polystyrene) and technologically relevant nanoparticles (e.g. titanium dioxide). Furthermore, we highlight possibilities to combine light and electron microscopic techniques in a correlative approach. Finally, we demonstrate a formal quantitative, i.e. stereological approach to analyze the distributions of nanoparticles in tissues and cells.This comprehensive article aims to provide a basis for scientists in nanoparticle research to integrate electron microscopic analyses into their study design and to select the appropriate microscopic strategy.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are regulators of gene expression that control many biological processes in development, differentiation, growth and metabolism. Their expression levels, small size, abundance of repetitive copies in the genome and mode of action pose unique challenges in studies elucidating the function of miRNAs. New technologies for identification, expression profiling and target gene validation, as well as manipulation of miRNA expression in vivo, will facilitate the study of their contribution to biological processes and disease. Such information will be crucial to exploit the emerging knowledge of miRNAs for the development of new human therapeutic applications.
Synthetic modified oligonucleotides are of interest for diagnostic and therapeutic applications, as their biological stability, pairing selectivity, and binding strength can be considerably increased by the incorporation of unnatural structural elements. Homo-DNA is an oligonucleotide homologue based on dideoxy-hexopyranosyl sugar moieties, which follows the Watson-Crick A-T and G-C base pairing system, but does not hybridize with complementary natural DNA and RNA. Homo-DNA has found application as a bioorthogonal element in templated chemistry applications. The gas-phase dissociation of homo-DNA has been investigated by ESI-MS/MS and MALDI-MS/MS, and mechanistic aspects of its gas-phase dissociation are discussed. Experiments revealed a charge state dependent preference for the loss of nucleobases, which are released either as neutrals or as anions. In contrast to DNA, nucleobase loss from homo-DNA was found to be decoupled from backbone cleavage, thus resulting in stable products. This renders an additional stage of ion activation necessary in order to generate sequence-defining fragment ions. Upon MS(3) of the primary base-loss ion, homo-DNA was found to exhibit unspecific backbone dissociation resulting in a balanced distribution of all fragment ion series.
The respiratory tract is an attractive target organ for novel diagnostic and therapeutic applications with nano-sized carriers, but their immune effects and interactions with key resident antigen-presenting cells (APCs) such as dendritic cells (DCs) and alveolar macrophages (AMs) in different anatomical compartments remain poorly understood. Polystyrene particles ranging from 20 nm to 1,000 nm were instilled intranasally in BALB/c mice, and their interactions with APC populations in airways, lung parenchyma, and lung-draining lymph nodes (LDLNs) were examined after 2 and 24 hours by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. In the main conducting airways and lung parenchyma, DC subpopulations preferentially captured 20-nm particles, compared with 1,000-nm particles that were transported to the LDLNs by migratory CD11blow DCs and that were observed in close proximity to CD3+ T cells. Generally, the uptake of particles increased the expression of CD40 and CD86 in all DC populations, independent of particle size, whereas 20-nm particles induced enhanced antigen presentation to CD4+ T cells in LDLNs in vivo. Despite measurable uptake by DCs, the majority of particles were taken up by AMs, irrespective of size. Confocal microscopy and FACS analysis showed few particles in the main conducting airways, but a homogeneous distribution of all particle sizes was evident in the lung parenchyma, mostly confined to AMs. Particulate size as a key parameter determining uptake and trafficking therefore determines the fate of inhaled particulates, and this may have important consequences in the development of novel carriers for pulmonary diagnostic or therapeutic applications.
Amniotic fluid cells (AFCs) have been proposed as a valuable source for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. However, before clinical implementation, rigorous evaluation of this cell source in clinically relevant animal models accepted by regulatory authorities is indispensable. Today, the ovine model represents one of the most accepted preclinical animal models, in particular for cardiovascular applications. Here, we investigate the isolation and use of autologous ovine AFCs as cell source for cardiovascular tissue engineering applications. Fetal fluids were aspirated in vivo from pregnant ewes (n = 9) and from explanted uteri post mortem at different gestational ages (n = 91). Amniotic non-allantoic fluid nature was evaluated biochemically and in vivo samples were compared with post mortem reference samples. Isolated cells revealed an immunohistochemical phenotype similar to ovine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and showed expression of stem cell factors described for embryonic stem cells, such as NANOG and STAT-3. Isolated ovine amniotic fluid-derived MSCs were screened for numeric chromosomal aberrations and successfully differentiated into several mesodermal phenotypes. Myofibroblastic ovine AFC lineages were then successfully used for the in vitro fabrication of small- and large-diameter tissue-engineered vascular grafts (n = 10) and cardiovascular patches (n = 34), laying the foundation for the use of this relevant pre-clinical in vivo assessment model for future amniotic fluid cell-based therapeutic applications. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Whereas research has demonstrated that phobic or fearful individuals overestimate the likelihood of incurring aversive consequences from an encounter with feared stimuli, it has not yet been systematically investigated whether these individuals also overestimate the likelihood (i.e., the frequency) of such encounters. In the current study, spider-fearful and control participants were presented with background information that allowed them to estimate the overall likelihood that different kinds of animals (spiders, snakes, or birds) would be encountered. Spider-fearful participants systematically overestimated the likelihood of encountering a spider with respect to the likelihood of encountering a snake or a bird. No such expectancy bias was observed in control participants. The results thus strengthen our idea that there indeed exist two different types of expectancy bias in high fear and phobia that can be related to different components of the fear response. A conscientious distinction and examination of these two types of expectancy bias are of potential interest for therapeutic applications.
Triabin, a 142-residue protein from the saliva of the blood-sucking triatomine bug Triatoma pallidipennis, is a potent and selective thrombin inhibitor. Its stoichiometric complex with bovine α-thrombin was crystallized, and its crystal structure was solved by Patterson search methods and refined at 2.6-Å resolution to an R value of 0.184. The analysis revealed that triabin is a compact one-domain molecule essentially consisting of an eight-stranded β-barrel. The eight strands A to H are arranged in the order A-C-B-D-E-F-G-H, with the first four strands exhibiting a hitherto unobserved up-up-down-down topology. Except for the B-C inversion, the triabin fold exhibits the regular up-and-down topology of lipocalins. In contrast to the typical ligand-binding lipocalins, however, the triabin barrel encloses a hydrophobic core intersected by a unique salt-bridge cluster. Triabin interacts with thrombin exclusively via its fibrinogen-recognition exosite. Surprisingly, most of the interface interactions are hydrophobic. A prominent exception represents thrombin’s Arg-77A side chain, which extends into a hydrophobic triabin pocket forming partially buried salt bridges with Glu-128 and Asp-135 of the inhibitor. The fully accessible active site of thrombin in this complex is in agreement with its retained hydrolytic activity toward small chromogenic substrates. Impairment of thrombin’s fibrinogen converting activity or of its thrombomodulin-mediated protein C activation capacity upon triabin binding is explained by usage of overlapping interaction sites of fibrinogen, thrombomodulin, and triabin on thrombin. These data demonstrate that triabin inhibits thrombin via a novel and unique mechanism that might be of interest in the context of potential therapeutic applications.
Gene targeting in mammalian cells has proven invaluable in biotechnology, in studies of gene structure and function, and in understanding chromosome dynamics. It also offers a potential tool for gene-therapeutic applications. Two limitations constrain the current technology: the low rate of homologous recombination in mammalian cells and the high rate of random (nontargeted) integration of the vector DNA. Here we consider possible ways to overcome these limitations within the framework of our present understanding of recombination mechanisms and machinery. Several studies suggest that transient alteration of the levels of recombination proteins, by overexpression or interference with expression, may be able to increase homologous recombination or decrease random integration, and we present a list of candidate genes. We consider potentially beneficial modifications to the vector DNA and discuss the effects of methods of DNA delivery on targeting efficiency. Finally, we present work showing that gene-specific DNA damage can stimulate local homologous recombination, and we discuss recent results with two general methodologies—chimeric nucleases and triplex-forming oligonucleotides—for stimulating recombination in cells.
A major goal of experimental and clinical hematology is the identification of mechanisms and conditions that support the expansion of transplantable hematopoietic stem cells. In normal marrow, such cells appear to be identical to (or represent a subset of) a population referred to as long-term-culture-initiating cells (LTC-ICs) so-named because of their ability to produce colony-forming cell (CFC) progeny for > or = 5 weeks when cocultured with stromal fibroblasts. Some expansion of LTC-ICs in vitro has recently been described, but identification of the factors required and whether LTC-IC self-renewal divisions are involved have remained unresolved issues. To address these issues, we examined the maintenance and/or generation of LTC-ICs from single CD34+ CD38- cells cultured for variable periods under different culture conditions. Analysis of the progeny obtained from cultures containing a feeder layer of murine fibroblasts engineered to produce steel factor, interleukin (IL)-3, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor showed that approximately 20% of the input LTC-ICs (representing approximately 2% of the original CD34+ CD38- cells) executed self-renewal divisions within a 6-week period. Incubation of the same CD34+ CD38- starting populations as single cells in a defined (serum free) liquid medium supplemented with Flt-3 ligand, steel factor, IL-3, IL-6, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, and nerve growth factor resulted in the proliferation of initial cells to produce clones of from 4 to 1000 cells within 10 days, approximately 40% of which included > or = 1 LTC-IC. In contrast, in similar cultures containing methylcellulose, input LTC-ICs appeared to persist but not divide. Overall the LTC-IC expansion in the liquid cultures was 30-fold in the first 10 days and 50-fold by the end of another 1-3 weeks. Documentation of human LTC-IC self-renewal in vitro and identification of defined conditions that permit their extensive and rapid amplification should facilitate analysis of the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes and their exploitation for a variety of therapeutic applications.
Gli acidi peptido nucleici sono potenti strumenti utilizzati in ambito biotecnologico per colpire DNA o RNA. PNA contenenti basi o backbone modificati sono attualmente studiati per migliorarne le proprietà in ambito biologico. Bersagliare i micro RNA (anti-miR) è particolarmente interessante nell’ottica di future applicazioni terapeutiche, ma strumenti computazionali che aiutino nel design di nuovi PNA anti-miR non sono stati ancora completamente sviluppati. Le proprietà conformazionali del singolo filamento di PNA (non modificato o recante modificazioni in γ) e dei duplex PNA:RNA e i processi di re-annealing e melting sono stati studiati tramite Dinamica Molecolare e Metadinamica. L’approccio computazionale consolidato, assieme a un programma modificato per la generazione delle strutture dei duplex contenenti PNA, è stato utilizzato per il virtual screening di PNA contenenti basi modificate. Sono state inoltre sintetizzate le unità per l’ottenimento del composto più promettente e una funzione idrolitica da legare al monomero finale.
Hidrolipodistrofia ginóide (H.L.D.G.), a celulite, é comumente tratada com cosméticos contendo extratos vegetais. O estudo realizado foi: ultra-sonografia na avaliação da espessura da hipoderme e a microcirculação cutânea; uso de termômetro infravermelho na medida da temperatura e análise das medidas antropométricas da uma formulação cosmética anticelulítica contendo extrato hidroglicólico de Trichilia catigua e Ptychopetalum olacoides Bentham (catuaba e marapuama). Foram realizadas medidas iniciais e após aplicação da formulação. Os resultados apresentaram alterações estatisticamente significativas para a temperatura cutânea e medidas antropométricas. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas medidas da hipoderme e microcirculação. Considerando os resultados, a formulação avaliada possui potencial ação coadjuvante na redução da hidrolipodistrofia ginóide. As técnicas podem ser associadas em conjunto com a avaliação sensorial e apreciabilidade cosmética. Os requisitos chaves para a reprodutibilidade das técnicas incluem ambiente controlado, monitoramento e climatização dos voluntários, procedimentos de medidas padronizados, protocolos de aplicação realístico e operadores qualificados.
Os implantes mamários de silicone têm sido empregados, tanto nas cirurgias de aumento das mamas, quanto na reconstrução do tecido mamário após mastectomia. A segurança biológica dos implantes de silicone merece estudo relacionado aos processos de esterilização empregados, pois podem constituir-se em fator de comprometimento da estrutura química do polímero e, conseqüentemente, da biocompatibilidade. Este estudo consistiu na avaliação da biocompatibilidade de implantes mamários de silicone após terem sido submetidos aos processos de esterilização por calor seco, radiação gama e óxido de etileno. O parâmetro avaliado foi a viabilidade celular, empregando o método de difusão em agar e de captura do vermelho neutro. As amostras compreenderam implantes de silicone gel lisos, texturizados e revestidos com poliuretano e implantes texturizados pré-cheios com solução salina. Também foi realizado o teste de endotoxinas bacterianas pelo método do LAL e determinação da taxa de migração do gel de silicone (teste de bleed). Os três métodos de esterilização mostraram-se igualmente eficientes pela comprovação da condição de esterilidade dos implantes através de metodologia descrita na Farmacopéia Americana 27 edição. Os níveis de endotoxinas bacterianas dos implantes, também atenderam aos requisitos dos compêndios oficiais. Na avaliação da biocompatibilidade todos os implantes, independente dos processos de esterilização utilizados, apresentaram ausência de citotoxicidade. Os resultados do teste de bleed mostraram uma maior taxa de migração de gel para os implantes de superfície lisa em comparação com os implantes de superfície texturizada e revestida com poliuretano, quando esterilizados por calor seco. Ao comparar a taxa de migração do gel para os implantes de superfície lisa esterilizados por calor seco e óxido de etileno, obteve-se uma maior taxa de migração para aqueles implantes esterilizados por óxido de etileno. As diferentes avaliações realizadas neste estudo abrangeram aspectos biológicos, químicos e físicos relevantes para garantir um produto de boa qualidade e que, por assegurar a manutenção da característica de biocompatibilidade, resulta na segurança biológica deste tipo de implante.
A Araucaria angustifolia é uma conífera endêmica das regiões sul e sudeste do Brasil sendo considerada uma espécie em extinção devido ao extenso extrativismo madeireiro. Atualmente, existem inúmeros projetos visando o reflorestamento e o uso sustentável deste pinheiro. Em vista destes pontos, o estudo das propriedades dos componentes das folhas com o intuito da utilização destes com fins comerciais tornou-se de extrema importância. As suas folhas foram submetidas à extração com solventes e foram identificados seis biflavonóides majoritários, dentre estes a amentoflavona e a ginkgetina, que são apontados como agentes contra inflamações e artrites. A fração rica de biflavonóides (BFF) extraída da araucaria foi testada frente a sua atividade em proteger contra danos em biomoléculas provocadas por espécies reativas de oxigênio, capacidade em quelar metais e proteção contra raios UV. A capacidade do BFF em proteger contra danos provocados por espécies reativas de oxigênio foi comparado com compostos conhecidamente antioxidantes, como o α-tocoferol, Trolox®, quercetina, rutina e com padrões de biflavonóides, a amentoflavona e ginkgetina. O BFF demonstrou que possui uma constante de supressão do 1O2 (50 x 106 M-1s-1), superior ao da quercetina (9 x 106 M-1s-1) e foi o mais eficiente na proteção contra quebras de simples fita em DNA plasmidial, provocado por esta espécie reativa. Ainda em relação à proteção de DNA plasmidial o BFF foi capaz de proteger também contra estes danos provocados através da reação de Fenton, apesar de não demonstrar a mesma eficiência da quercetina que mostrou ser um potente protetor destes danos. O BFF protegeu contra lipoperoxidação em lipossomos de fosfatidilcolina induzida por raios UV e reação de Fenton. Em análises realizadas com espectrometria de massas foi observada a formação de complexos destes biflavonóides com íons metálicos como ferro, cobre e alumínio que possuem um papel importante na formação de radicais livres. Em relação à capacidade fotoprotetora do BFF, este inibiu a formação de dímeros de pirimidina que são apontados como causadores de câncer de pele induzidos, principalmente por radiação UV-B. Esta ação protetora foi superior àquela conferida ao p-metoxicinamato de octila, um conhecido fotoprotetor. Com o intuito de permitir a solubilização do BFF em soluções aquosas e assim, avaliar a ação do BFF em células, incorporou-se o BFF em ciclodextrina. Essa inclusão favoreceu a incorporação de BFF em células CV1-P na concentração aproximada de 0,4 µg/ml após 24 horas de incubação. Essa concentração incorporada não demonstrou ser tóxica para as células no teste com MTT. Assim, o BFF tem despertado grande interesse em relação ao seu potencial na utilização nas mais variadas áreas como cosmética, alimentos e fitoterápicos.
All retinal disorders, regardless of their aetiology, involve the activation of oxidative stress and apoptosis pathways. The administration of neuroprotective factors is crucial in all phases of the pathology, even when vision has been completely lost. The retina is one of the most susceptible tissues to reactive oxygen species damage. On the other hand, proper development and functioning of the retina requires a precise balance between the processes of proliferation, differentiation and programmed cell death. The life-or-death decision seems to be the result of a complex balance between pro- and anti-apoptotic signals. It has been recently shown the efficacy of natural products to slow retinal degenerative process through different pathways. In this review, we assess the neuroprotective effect of two compounds used in the ancient pharmacopoeia. On one hand, it has been demonstrated that administration of the saffron constituent safranal to P23H rats, an animal model of retinitis pigmentosa, preserves photoreceptor morphology and number, the capillary network and the visual response. On the other hand, it has been shown that systemic administration of tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA), the major component of bear bile, to P23H rats preserves cone and rod structure and function, together with their contact with postsynaptic neurons. The neuroprotective effects of safranal and TUDCA make these compounds potentially useful for therapeutic applications in retinal degenerative diseases.
Chromones and xanthones are oxygen-containing heterocyclic compounds with bioactive properties widely reported in the literature, specially concerning to their antioxidant properties. The search for new natural and synthetic chromone and xanthone derivatives order to evaluate and discover new structural features rendering optimized biological effects has been a challenge. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the scavenging activity of reactive oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen (RNS) species of new synthetic hydroxylated chromones and xanthones (Fig. 1) using in vitro non-cellular systems. These compounds exhibited scavenger effects dependent on the concentration, with IC50 values found at the micromolar range. The overall scavenging activity of chromones was better than xanthones, specially the one of chromone 3A. In conclusion, the novel tested chromone and xanthone scaffolds proved to be promising pharmacophores with potential therapeutic applications as antioxidant agents.