988 resultados para Tension Parallel to grain


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An attractive microstructural possibility for enhancing the ductility of high-strength nanocrystals is to develop a bimodal grain-size distribution, in which the fine grains provide strength, and the coarser grains enable strain hardening. Annealing of nanocrystalline Ni over a range of temperatures and times led to microstructures with varying volume fractions of coarse grains and a change in texture. Tensile tests revealed a drastic reduction in ductility with increasing volume fraction of coarse grains. The reduction in ductility may be related to the segregation of sulphur to grain boundaries.


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Compared to grain sorghums, sweet sorghums typically have lower grain yield and thick, tall stalks which accumulate high levels of sugar (sucrose, fructose and glucose). Unlike commercial grain sorghum (S. bicolor ssp. bicolor) cultivars, which are usually F1 hybrids, commercial sweet sorghums were selected as wild accessions or have undergone limited plant breeding. Although all sweet sorghums are classified within S. bicolor ssp. bicolor, their genetic relationship with grain sorghums is yet to be investigated. Ninety-five genotypes, including 31 sweet sorghums and 64 grain sorghums, representing all five races within the subspecies bicolor, were screened with 277 polymorphic amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Cluster analysis separated older sweet sorghum accessions (collected in mid 1800s) from those developed and released during the early to mid 1900s. These groups were emphasised in a principle component analysis of the results such that sweet sorghum lines were largely distinguished from the others, particularly by a group of markers located on sorghum chromosomes SBI-08 and SBI-10. Other studies have shown that QTL and ESTs for sugar-related traits, as well as for height and anthesis, map to SBI-10. Although the clusters obtained did not group clearly on the basis of racial classification, the sweet sorghum lines often cluster with grain sorghums of similar racial origin thus suggesting that sweet sorghum is of polyphyletic origin within S. bicolor ssp. bicolor.


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Three defects on barley grain can impact on the price paid to grain growers. Black point (BP), kernel staining (KS) and pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) can result in malting barley being downgraded to feed. Resistance to these defects is the best option, and in this project hundreds of breeding lines grown over three years were screened for these traits. A number of lines exhibited resistance to each defect but very few had resistance to all defects. The results from the screening program have been provided to the Australian barley breeders through the Barley Breeding Australia (BBA) program.


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Commercial formulations of methoprene have been used in a number of countries such as Australia and the USA to provide long-term protection to grain from a range of storage pests. The level of resistance in Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), the lesser grain borer, was investigated in laboratory experiments by direct exposure of adults on treated wheat. Adults of a reference homozygous resistant strain of R.dominica were exposed to treatments of 0, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20 and 40kg-1 of s-methoprene for 7 days. Mortality and progeny production were dose dependent with 98.7% mortality and complete progeny suppression at 40mgkg-1, which is 67 times the registered rate at which s-methoprene is applied as a grain protectant in Australia (0.6mgkg-1) and eight times the rate which has been used in the USA (5mgkg-1). This strain was also tested by adding adults to wheat treated at 0, 1, 3, 10 and 30mgkg-1 and determining the number of adults (progeny plus original parental adults) after 6, 8, 10 or 12 weeks of continuous exposure. The effect of s-methoprene was consistent regardless of the number of weeks of continuous exposure and average population suppression was 99.5% at 30mgkg-1. Screening of 162 field samples collected from southeast Australia in 2009 showed that 93% of samples reproduced when exposed to wheat treated with the Australian registered rate of 0.6mgkg-1. When four unselected resistant field samples from this region were tested, progeny production but not mortality was dose dependent, and all four samples produced live progeny at the highest dose of 30mgkg-1. Our results show that methoprene resistance is a serious threat to the management of R.dominica, and that strategies need to be developed to minimise the further development and spread of resistance. © 2013.


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Introduction QC, EQA and method evaluation are integral to delivery of quality patient results. To ensure QUT graduates have a solid grounding in these key areas of practice, a theory-to-practice approach is used to progressively develop and consolidate these skills. Methods Using a BCG assay for serum albumin, each student undertakes an eight week project analysing two levels of QC alongside ‘patient’ samples. Results are assessed using both single rules and Multirules. Concomitantly with the QC analyses, an EQA project is undertaken; students analyse two EQA samples, twice in the semester. Results are submitted using cloud software and data for the full ‘peer group’ returned to students in spreadsheets and incomplete Youden plots. Youden plots are completed with target values and calculated ALP values and analysed for ‘lab’ and method performance. The method has a low-level positive bias, which leads to the need to investigate an alternative method. Building directly on the EQA of the first project and using the scenario of a lab that services renal patients, students undertake a method validation comparing BCP and BCG assays in another eight-week project. Precision and patient comparison studies allow students to assess whether the BCP method addresses the proportional bias of the BCG method and overall is a ‘better’ alternative method for analysing serum albumin, accounting for pragmatic factors, such as cost, as well as performance characteristics. Results Students develop understanding of the purpose and importance of QC and EQA in delivering quality results, the need to optimise testing to deliver quality results and importantly, a working knowledge of the analyses that go into ensuring this quality. In parallel to developing these key workplace competencies, students become confident, competent practitioners, able to pipette accurately and precisely and organise themselves in a busy, time pressured work environment.


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The sorghum core breeding program has had a long history of contributing to the productivity of the industry particularly through its contributions to traits such as midge resistance and stay-green and also through its contribution to grain yield per se. 100% of the commercial hybrids on the market have some genetics from the program. In this presentation we will provide an overview of what the program does, how the benefits of its research get to industry and the future directions of the program. With respect to the latter we will focus on opportunities to increase grain yield.


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This review focuses on key trends in resistance to chemical treatments in stored product pests, and advances in resistance management, with an emphasis on resistance to the fumigant phosphine. Findings: Phosphine resistance continues to be a major concern. In particular, phosphine resistance in Cryptolestes ferrugineus has emerged as a serious issue, with some populations exhibiting the strongest level detected so far for this fumigant. In response, a 'quick knock down test' has been established to deliver industry and scientists 'same day' advice on the resistance status of field samples; sulfuryl fluoride is being developed as a 'resistance breaker' and phosphine dosages are being revised to manage this problem. There has been major progress in identifying the genes responsible for phosphine resistance and the development of molecular resistance diagnostics for key pests. Several studies on Rhyzopertha dominica have demonstrated that molecular screening can be used to determine the frequency of resistance alleles in samples collected from farm storages. Despite on-going research in several pests, there is no definitive answer to the question of whether there is a fitness cost associated phosphine resistance, with some studies showing a clear cost and others none. Evidence continues to emerge of resistance to grain protectants, including the juvenile hormone analogue methoprene. The development and adoption of spinosad, as a next generation 'green' treatment, and the use of protectant combinations provides opportunities to counter the problem of protectant resistance.Directions for future research: A uniform set of protocols should be developed for phosphine resistance detection for all major species. It should combine 'quick tests' and molecular diagnostics to be adopted internationally. Research is required on the establishment of a decision making system that integrates newly developed grain protectants and fumigants, other alternative control methods, as well as an accurate and rapid resistance detection system for early warning of the emergence of new resistances.


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Krishnan's reciprocity theorem in colloid optics, ρ{variant}u=1+l/ρ{variant}h/1+1/ρ{variant}v is generalised for the case when the scattering medium is subjected to an external orienting field. It is shown theoretically that a general relation of the type IBA=I′AB results in this case, where IBA is the intensity of the component of the scattered light having its electric vector inclined at an angle B to the vertical with the incident light polarised at an angle A to the vertical, the external field direction being parallel to the incident beam. I′AB is the corresponding intensity with the magnetic field parallel of the scattered ray. Experimental verification of the above generalisation is also given.


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Nanostructured ZnFe2O4 ferrites with different grain sizes were prepared by high energy ball milling for various milling times. Both the average grain size and the root mean square strain were estimated from the x-ray diffraction line broadening. The lattice parameter initially decreases slightly with milling and it increases with further milling. The magnetization is found to increase as the grain size decreases and its large value is attributed to the cation inversion associated with grain size reduction. The Fe-57 Mossbauer spectra were recorded at 300 K and 77 K for the samples with grain sizes of 22 and 11 nm. There is no evidence for the presence of the Fe2+ charge state. At 77 K the Mossbauer spectra consist of a magnetically ordered component along with a doublet due to the superparamagnetic behaviour of small crystalline grains with the superparamagnetic component decreasing with grain size reduction. At 4.2 K the sample with 11 nm grain size displays a magnetically blocked state as revealed by the Mossbauer spectrum. The Mossbauer spectrum of this sample recorded at 10 K in an external magnetic field of 6 T applied parallel to the direction of gamma rays clearly shows ferrimagnetic ordering of the sample. Also, the sample exhibits spin canting with a large canting angle, maybe due to a spin-glass-like surface layer or grain boundary anisotropies in the material.


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The flow and heat transfer over an upstream moving non-isothermal wall with a parallel free stream have been considered. The magnetic field has been applied in the free stream parallel to the wall and the effect of induced magnetic field has been included in the analysis. The boundary layer equations governing the steady incompressible electrically conducting fluid flow have been solved numerically using a shooting method. This problem is interesting because a solution exists only when the ratio of the wall velocity does not exceed a certain critical value and this critical value depends on the magnetic field and magnetic Prandtl number. Also dual solutions exist for a certain range of wall velocity.


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Many wormlike micellar systems exhibit appreciable shear thinning due to shear-induced alignment. As the micelles get aligned introducing directionality in the system, the viscoelastic properties are no longer expected to be isotropic. An optical-tweezers-based active microrheology technique enables us to probe the out-of-equilibrium rheological properties of a wormlike micellar system simultaneously along two orthogonal directions-parallel to the applied shear, as well as perpendicular to it. While the displacements of a trapped bead in response to active drag force carry signature of conventional shear thinning, its spontaneous position fluctuations along the perpendicular direction manifest an orthogonal shear thickening, an effect hitherto unobserved. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010


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The modification of the axisymmetric viscous flow due to relative rotation of the disk or fluid by a translation of the boundary is studied. The fluid is taken to be compressible, and the relative rotation and translation velocity of the disk or fluid are time-dependent. The nonlinear partial differential equations governing the motion are solved numerically using an implicit finite difference scheme and Newton's linearisation technique. Numerical solutions are obtained at various non-dimensional times and disk temperatures. The non-symmetric part of the flow (secondary flow) describing the translation effect generates a velocity field at each plane parallel to the disk. The cartesian components of velocity due to secondary flow exhibit oscillations when the motion is due to rotation of the fluid on a translating disk. Increase in translation velocity produces an increment in the radial skin friction but reduces the tangential skin friction.


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Mo3O5(OH)(2)(AsO4)(2) was prepared at 100 degrees C from an aqueous solution of MoO3 containing arsenic and nitric acids. It crystallises in the monoclinic system, a = 13.024(1)Angstrom, b = 7.2974 (2) Angstrom, c = 13.281(1) Angstrom, beta = 121.124(8)degrees, Z = 4, space group C2/c. The structure was determined by Rietveld refinement from X-ray powder diffraction data. The three-dimensional structure is built up from MoO6 and MoO5OH octahedra and AsO4 tetrahedra sharing corners. The octahedra share two opposite vertices forming zigzag chains that run parallel to [10(1) over bar]. Each AsO4 tetrahedron is connected to four octahedra, two of which belong to the same chain, thus linking three chains. The resulting covalent framework is similar to that of beta VOPO4 in which one tetrahedral P site for every three is empty. The two protons are likely to be bonded to two (out of four) unshared oxygen atoms surrounding this empty site. All the Mo atoms are strongly off-centred in the octahedra; and the off-centring is disordered. The disorder is discussed in terms of Mo shifts perturbed by a disordered hydrogen bonding scheme.


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Experimental studies were performed to investigate the role and influence of grain movement on macrosegregation and microstructure evolution during equiaxed solidification. Casting experiments were performed with a grain-refined Al-Cu alloy in a rectangular sand mold. For the aluminum alloy studied, the equiaxed grains are lighter than the bulk melt and thus float up. Experiments were designed to investigate floatation phenomena of equiaxed grains in the presence of thermosolutal convection. Cooling curves were recorded at key locations in both the casting and the chill. Quantitative image analysis and spatial chemical analysis were performed on the solidified casting to observe the chemical and microstructural inhomogeneity created by the melt convection and solid floatation. Several notable features that can be attributed to grain movement were observed in temperature histories, macrosegregation patterns, and microstructures. In our experiments, the floatation of grains influences the thermal conditions and the overall flow direction in the casting cavity. In some cases, the induced flow resulting from the grain movement caused a flow reversal. This in turn influences the solidification direction, microstructure evolution, and the overall macrosegregation behavior.


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We report crack formation in alumina films grown on Si(100), caused by annealing in a controlled oxidizing ambient. The films were grown in a low-pressure CVD reactor, using aluminium acetylacetonate as precursor. High purity argon and nitrous oxide were employed as carrier and oxidizing gas, respectively. The films were characterized by optical microscopy and SEM/EDAX. The proportion and chemical nature of the heteroatoms, namely C and H, incorporated into the films from the precursor, were characterized by XPS, and FTIR. As-deposited films do not exhibit any cracks, while post-deposition annealing results in cracks. Apart from the delamination of the films, annealing in nitrous oxide ambient leads to an unusual crack geometry, which we term the “railway-track”. These twin cracks are very straight and run parallel to each other for as much as several millimeters. Often, two such linear tracks meet at exactly 90°. Between some of these tracks lie bullet-like structures with very sharp tips, oriented in a specific direction. As cracks are generally activated by residual stress, both thermal and intrinsic, the origins of the stresses that generate these linear cracks are discussed. The redistribution of stress, arising from the removal of C and H during annealing, will also be discussed. An attempt has been made to correlate the formation of cracks with the crystal structure of the film.