975 resultados para Tempo limite de armazenamento


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Lo scopo di questo l'elaborato è l'analisi,lo studio e il confronto delle tecnologie per l'analisi in tempo reale di Big Data: Apache Spark Streaming, Apache Storm e Apache Flink. Per eseguire un adeguato confronto si è deciso di realizzare un sistema di rilevamento e riconoscimento facciale all’interno di un video, in maniera da poter parallelizzare le elaborazioni necessarie sfruttando le potenzialità di ogni architettura. Dopo aver realizzato dei prototipi realistici, uno per ogni architettura, si è passati alla fase di testing per misurarne le prestazioni. Attraverso l’impiego di cluster appositamente realizzati in ambiente locale e cloud, sono state misurare le caratteristiche che rappresentavano, meglio di altre, le differenze tra le architetture, cercando di dimostrarne quantitativamente l’efficacia degli algoritmi utilizzati e l’efficienza delle stesse. Si è scelto quindi il massimo input rate sostenibile e la latenza misurate al variare del numero di nodi. In questo modo era possibile osservare la scalabilità di architettura, per analizzarne l’andamento e verificare fino a che limite si potesse giungere per mantenere un compromesso accettabile tra il numero di nodi e l’input rate sostenibile. Gli esperimenti effettuati hanno mostrato che, all’aumentare del numero di worker le prestazioni del sistema migliorano, rendendo i sistemi studiati adatti all’utilizzo su larga scala. Inoltre sono state rilevate sostanziali differenze tra i vari framework, riportando pro e contro di ognuno, cercando di evidenziarne i più idonei al caso di studio.


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The key aspect limiting resolution in crosswell traveltime tomography is illumination, a well known result but not as well exemplified. Resolution in the 2D case is revisited using a simple geometric approach based on the angular aperture distribution and the Radon Transform properties. Analitically it is shown that if an interface has dips contained in the angular aperture limits in all points, it is correctly imaged in the tomogram. By inversion of synthetic data this result is confirmed and it is also evidenced that isolated artifacts might be present when the dip is near the illumination limit. In the inverse sense, however, if an interface is interpretable from a tomogram, even an aproximately horizontal interface, there is no guarantee that it corresponds to a true interface. Similarly, if a body is present in the interwell region it is diffusely imaged in the tomogram, but its interfaces - particularly vertical edges - can not be resolved and additional artifacts might be present. Again, in the inverse sense, there is no guarantee that an isolated anomaly corresponds to a true anomalous body because this anomaly can also be an artifact. Jointly, these results state the dilemma of ill-posed inverse problems: absence of guarantee of correspondence to the true distribution. The limitations due to illumination may not be solved by the use of mathematical constraints. It is shown that crosswell tomograms derived by the use of sparsity constraints, using both Discrete Cosine Transform and Daubechies bases, basically reproduces the same features seen in tomograms obtained with the classic smoothness constraint. Interpretation must be done always taking in consideration the a priori information and the particular limitations due to illumination. An example of interpreting a real data survey in this context is also presented.


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The key aspect limiting resolution in crosswell traveltime tomography is illumination, a well known result but not as well exemplified. Resolution in the 2D case is revisited using a simple geometric approach based on the angular aperture distribution and the Radon Transform properties. Analitically it is shown that if an interface has dips contained in the angular aperture limits in all points, it is correctly imaged in the tomogram. By inversion of synthetic data this result is confirmed and it is also evidenced that isolated artifacts might be present when the dip is near the illumination limit. In the inverse sense, however, if an interface is interpretable from a tomogram, even an aproximately horizontal interface, there is no guarantee that it corresponds to a true interface. Similarly, if a body is present in the interwell region it is diffusely imaged in the tomogram, but its interfaces - particularly vertical edges - can not be resolved and additional artifacts might be present. Again, in the inverse sense, there is no guarantee that an isolated anomaly corresponds to a true anomalous body because this anomaly can also be an artifact. Jointly, these results state the dilemma of ill-posed inverse problems: absence of guarantee of correspondence to the true distribution. The limitations due to illumination may not be solved by the use of mathematical constraints. It is shown that crosswell tomograms derived by the use of sparsity constraints, using both Discrete Cosine Transform and Daubechies bases, basically reproduces the same features seen in tomograms obtained with the classic smoothness constraint. Interpretation must be done always taking in consideration the a priori information and the particular limitations due to illumination. An example of interpreting a real data survey in this context is also presented.


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As atuais preocupações quanto à escassez das reservas de petróleo e o agravamento do efeito estufa, pela emissão de CO2,levam a cultura da mamona a ser uma das fontes para energia renovável. Sabe-se que ao longo do ciclo da mamona são produzidos racemos de várias ordens, que se desenvolvem sob diferentes condições ambientais, podendo provocar variações na qualidade das sementes. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar a interferência da colheita e de cinco períodos de armazenamento na qualidade sanitária das sementes de mamona, cultivar IAC-2028. Para tanto, foram instalados os testes de germinação e sanidade, logo após a colheita e aos 3; 6; 9 e 12 meses de armazenamento em condições não controladas de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar. As avaliações foram feitas em esquema de parcela subdividida no tempo, onde as parcelas foram constituídas por cinco épocas trimestrais de avaliação e as sub- parcelas por 11 tratamentos. Os resultados sugerem que todos os racemos podem ser colhidos em uma única etapa, sem que ocorram perdas de qualidade das sementes.


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Face aos padrões atuais de vida, em que despendemos a maior parte do nosso tempo no interior de edifícios, com um nível de conforto que ninguém quer abdicar, urge o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de climatização sustentáveis. Devido a uma combinação única de fatores, casas de baixo consumo de energia (e também casas passivas) em Portugal, são particularmente adequadas de explorar as vantagens da energia solar térmica, especialmente quando combinado com armazenamento sazonal de energia. No entanto nenhum exemplo documentado existe de como esta sinergia pode ser explorada com sucesso em Portugal, ilustrando assim o modo em que a necessidade de aquecimento pode ser colmatada de uma forma sustentável sem o uso de combustíveis fósseis. A energia solar é uma excelente alternativa de fonte de energia para aquecimento de edifícios. Um principal fator que limita a sua aplicação é que é uma fonte de energia com uma disponibilidade média de variação cíclica. O uso de armazenamento sazonal de energia pode reduzir substancialmente o custo do sistema solar que é capaz de fornecer até 100% das necessidades energéticas dos edifícios. Estes sistemas são projetados para armazenar a energia solar durante o verão e reter o calor armazenado para posterior utilização durante o inverno; Abstract: SEASONAL SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE FOR LOW TEMPERATURE HEATING BUILDINGS. Given the current standards of living, where we spent most of our time inside buildings, with a level of Comfort that no one wants to give up, urges the development of sustainable climate control technologies. Due to a unique combination of factors, low energy (and also passive) houses in Portugal are particularly well suited to exploiting the advantages of solar thermal energy especially when combined with seasonal energy storage. However no documented example there of how this synergy can be exploited successfully in Portugal, illustrating the way in which the need for heating can be addressed in a sustainable manner without the use of fossil fuels. Solar energy is an important alternative energy source for heating applications. One main factor that limits its application is that it is an energy source with an average availability of cyclical variation. The use of seasonal thermal energy storage can substantially reduce the cost of solar energy systems that can supply up to 100% of buildings energy needs. Such systems are designed to collect solar energy during the summer and retain the stored heat for use during the winter.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o tempo que as sementes podem ser armazenadas sem que ocorra prejuízo à manutenção da sua germinabilidade.


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Faz vários anos que se sabe como os blogueiros e outros comentaristas on-line independentes criticam, corrigem, e de outra maneira desafiam o jornalismo convencional, porém isto ainda não foi plenamente aceito pelos jornalistas; as hostilidades entre as empresas de mídia e a nova geração de jornalistas cidadãos continuam a irromper de vez em quando. O antigo monopólio de gatekeeping mantido pela mídia de massa tem sido desafiado pela nova prática de gatewatching: feita pelos blogueiros individuais e pelas comunidades de comentaristas que podem não fazer reportagem das notícias de primeira mão, porém fazem a curation e avaliam as notícias e outras informações fornecidas pelas fontes oficiais, e assim prestam um serviço importante. E isto ocorre atualmente com cada vez mais rapidez, quase em tempo real: usando as redes sociais mais recentes, que divulgam, compartilham, comentam, questionam e desacreditam as matérias noticiosas dentro de minutos, e usando plataformas adicionais que possibilitam a colaboração ad hoc rápida e eficaz entre os usuários. Quando centenas de voluntários podem provar dentro de alguns poucos dias que um ministro alemão foi culpado de plágio sério, quando o mundo inteiro fica sabendo de terremotos e tsunamis pelo Twitter – como é que o jornalismo consegue acompanhar tudo isto?


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Radical-directed dissociation of gas phase ions is emerging as a powerful and complementary alternative to traditional tandem mass spectrometric techniques for biomolecular structural analysis. Previous studies have identified that coupling of 2-[(2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-oxyl)methyl] benzoic acid (TEMPO-Bz) to the N-terminus of a peptide introduces a labile oxygen-carbon bond that can be selectively activated upon collisional activation to produce a radical ion. Here we demonstrate that structurally-defined peptide radical ions can also be generated upon UV laser photodissociation of the same TEMPO-Bz derivatives in a linear ion-trap mass spectrometer. When subjected to further mass spectrometric analyses, the radical ions formed by a single laser pulse undergo identical dissociations as those formed by collisional activation of the same precursor ion, and can thus be used to derive molecular structure. Mapping the initial radical formation process as a function of photon energy by photodissociation action spectroscopy reveals that photoproduct formation is selective but occurs only in modest yield across the wavelength range (300-220 nm), with the photoproduct yield maximised between 235 and 225 nm. Based on the analysis of a set of model compounds, structural modifications to the TEMPO-Bz derivative are suggested to optimise radical photoproduct yield. Future development of such probes offers the advantage of increased sensitivity and selectivity for radical-directed dissociation. © 2014 the Owner Societies.


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Potenital pathways for the deactivation of hindered amine light stabilisers (HALS) have been investigated by observing reactions of model compounds-based on 4-substituted derivatives of 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl (TEMPO)-with hydroxyl radicals. In these reactions, dilute aqueous suspensions of photocatalytic nanoparticulate titanium dioxide were irradiated with UV light in the presence of water-soluble TEMPO derivatives. Electron spin resonance (ESR) and electrospray ionisation mass-spectrometry (ESI-MS) data were acquired to provide complementary structural elucidation of the odd-and even-electron products of these reactions and both techniques show evidence for the formation of 4-oxo-TEMPO (TEMPONE). TEMPONE formation from the 4-substituted TEMPO compounds is proposed to be initiated by hydrogen abstraction at the 4-position by hydroxyl radical. High-level ab initio calculations reveal a thermodynamic preference for abstraction of this hydrogen but computed activation barriers indicate that, although viable, it is less favoured than hydrogen abstraction from elsewhere on the TEMPO scaffold. If a radical is formed at the 4-position however, calculations elucidate two reaction pathways leading to TEMPONE following combination with either a second hydroxyl radical or dioxygen. An alternate mechanism for conversion of TEMPOL to TEMPONE via an alkoxyl radical intermediate is also considered and found to be competitive with the other pathways. ESI-MS analysis also shows an increased abundance of analogous 4-substituted piperidines during the course of irradiation, suggesting competitive modification at the 1-position to produce a secondary amine. This modification is confirmed by characteristic fragmentation patterns of the ionised piperidines obtained by tandem mass spectrometry. The conclusions describe how reaction at the 4-position could be responsible for the gradual depletion of HALS in pigmented surface coatings and secondly, that modification at nitrogen to form the corresponding secondary amine species may play a greater role in the stabilisation mechanisms of HALS than previously considered.


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Many insect clades, especially within the Diptera (true flies), have been considered classically ‘Gondwanan’, with an inference that distributions derive from vicariance of the southern continents. Assessing the role that vicariance has played in the evolution of austral taxa requires testing the location and tempo of diversification and speciation against the well-established predictions of fragmentation of the ancient super-continent. Several early (anecdotal) hypotheses that current austral distributions originate from the breakup of Gondwana derive from studies of taxa within the family Chironomidae (non-biting midges). With the advent of molecular phylogenetics and biogeographic analytical software, these studies have been revisited and expanded to test such conclusions better. Here we studied the midge genus Stictocladius Edwards, from the subfamily Orthocladiinae, which contains austral-distributed clades that match vicariance-based expectations. We resolve several issues of systematic relationships among morphological species and reveal cryptic diversity within many taxa. Time-calibrated phylogenetic relationships among taxa accorded partially with the predicted tempo from geology. For these apparently vagile insects, vicariance-dated patterns persist for South America and Australia. However, as often found, divergence time estimates for New Zealand at c. 50 mya post-date separation of Zealandia from Antarctica and the remainder of Gondwana, but predate the proposed Oligocene ‘drowning’ of these islands. We detail other such ‘anomalous’ dates and suggest a single common explanation rather than stochastic processes. This could involve synchronous establishment following recovery from ‘drowning’ and/or deleteriously warming associated with the mid-Eocene climatic optimum (hence ‘waving’, which refers to cycles of drowning events) plus new availability of topography providing of cool running waters, or all these factors in combination. Alternatively a vicariance explanation remains available, given the uncertain duration of connectivity of Zealandia to Australia–Antarctic–South America via the Lord Howe and Norfolk ridges into the Eocene.


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Resumen: Encontrar un sentido en la historia supone caminar por la delgada frontera situada entre lo necesario y el azar. Perdemos la historia en cuanto elegimos un extremo y olvidamos el otro. Merlau-Ponty propone, entonces, un modo de interpretar el devenir histórico articulando estos opuestos en una dialéctica, para encontrar una racionalidad histórica que no olvide la sin razón. Pero no sólo la historia en general, sino también la vida en particular de cada hombre se mueve en este límite, y la autora lo describe recurriendo a la obra La insoportable levedad del ser de Milan Kundera.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XVI - Saúde e Sanitarismo. Apresenta tabela com os limites de alcoolemia para condutores de veículos em diversos países.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XVII - Segurança Pública e Defesa Nacional.


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Investiga se o legislador, em sua atuação como produtor de normas jurídicas por intermédio do devido processo legislativo, está adstrito ao princípio da proibição de retrocesso social, que seria um limite constitucional implícito à atuação do Poder Legislativo. Como questão preliminar, que guarda íntima relação com a proibição de retrocesso social, traça-se um breve esboço sobre a teoria da constituição dirigente.