963 resultados para Tectônica de placas


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Communities are present on physical, chemical and biological systems and their identification is fundamental for the comprehension of the behavior of these systems. Recently, available data related to complex networks have grown exponentially, demanding more computational power. The Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) is a cost effective alternative suitable for this purpose. We investigate the convenience of this for network science by proposing a GPU based implementation of Newman community detection algorithm. We showed that the processing time of matrix multiplications of GPUs grow slower than CPUs in relation to the matrix size. It was proven, thus, that GPU processing power is a viable solution for community dentification simulation that demand high computational power. Our implementation was tested on an integrated biological network for the bacterium Escherichia coli


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In this work polymeric composites reinforced with cotton fibers, from the textile industry, were developed in order to manufacture printed circuit boards. It was used expanded polystyrene (EPS) as a thermoplastic matrix by melting it. For the obtention of 10% and 15% of fiber volume fraction in cotton fibers composites, it was used wasted cotton fibers as an incentive of recycling and reusing of the domestic and industrial wastes as well as for Expanded Polystyrene(EPS). The mechanical properties of the composites were evaluated by tensile and flexural strength from standardized test methods. Composites were characterized by a Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Thermogravimetry (TG/DTG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and dielectric analysis. The analysis of the results showed that fiber in the composite directly influenced in the thermal and mechanical properties


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The regional geological work for the oil industry, in order to find potential areas for hydrocarbon exploration and understand the geological parameters responsible for the formation of the deposit are known importance. This work fits into that scenario, with regional research with the aid of wells and 2D and 3D seismic sold by DBEP (Database Exploration and Production). Were also used as GeoGraphix software package Landmarks modules Prizm and SeisWork 2D and 3D, and the Surfer 8 and ArcGIS 9.2 with the infrastructure provided by the 05 PRH - ANP with LSGI (Laboratory of Seismic and Geological Interpretation) located at UNESP -- Campus de Rio Claro. The work focuses on study the trend of oil-Badejo-Linguado-Pampo, producing fields since the beginning of offshore holdings. The Campos Basin is now known as the offshore basin of the country more productive, and the high structural Badejo is a structure of great importance in the basin presents itself as largely responsible for the conditioning of hydrocarbon fields Pampo, Linguado and Badejo. Therefore this work also aims to increase knowledge of the region in terms of tectonic and stratigraphic characterize the geometry of the structures associated with this major regional structure. For this we used structural contour maps of the main chrono-horizons, and Isopach maps for the purpose of better understanding the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Campos Basin locally.


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In this work polystyrene composites reinforced with recycled sisal fibers were processed, in order to apply in the manufacture of printed circuit boards. A thermoplastic matrix of recycled polystyrene was used, this material came from waste expanded polystyrene (EPS) used in appliance's packages. Composites were prepared with 15% and 25% of sisal fibers. To obtain the composites, wasted EPS and natural sisal fibers were chosen, to encourage recycling and reuse of household waste and also the use of renewable resources. The composites were analyzed by standard tensile and flexural test, in order to verify the mechanical properties of the material. The characterization of the composite was done by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) , thermogravimetry (TGA / DTG) , differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dielectric analysis . The analysis of the results showed that the percentage of fibers in the composite influences directly the thermal and mechanical properties. Plates with a lower percentage of fibers showed superior properties at a higher percentage. The composite material obtained is easy to process and it's use is feasible for the confection of printed circuit boards, considering it's mechanical, thermal and insulative properties


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Muscle activity has been studied indirectly through analyses of temperature variation in skin surface temperature on the masticatory muscles. These procedure may be an important tool for clinical evaluation and assessment of the evolution of temporomandibular disorders, as well as monitoring the adopted protocol. Thus, its utilization for identified pathological alterations on blood circulation and/or on metabolic activity in subcutaneous tissues, such as the masticatory muscles, is justified. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of occlusal splints’ thickness on the variation of surface temperature of the anterior temporal and masseter muscles during rest and clenching. It were analyzed 20 symptomatic subjects (10 males and 10 females) selected through the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) questionnaire. Temperature expressed in degrees Celsius (ºC) was measured on the surface of both muscles measured with the aid of a digital thermometer with an infrared radiation reading system. The surface temperature of the anterior temporal and masseter muscles presented significant reduction during teeth clenching in relation to the mandibular rest position. However, there were no significant differences between conditions with and without occlusal splint or between the different thicknesses of splints analyzed. Masticatory muscles showed a considerable similar behavior for both sides, and no significant distinctions were observed between male and female patients.


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Landscape is the result of interaction between tectonic, weathering and pedogenetic processes, so it is necessary to understand the morphogenesis and relate it to the landforms and landscape. Therefore, this project comprises a geomorphological characterization of some areas associated with the fault zones of Taubaté Basin, at the surroundings of the cities from São José dos Campos to Taubaté SP, emphasizing the Quaternary landscape evolution, where the normal faults played an important role in controling and they were originated, mostly, from the reactivation of Precambrian fault zones by tectonic action. The rift valley scenario is highlighted in the region, identifying the sharp relief from the basin boundary, featuring both Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira, and a central depressed area where the Taubaté Basin is located. Deforming or modifying basin features are identified, promoting the rearrangement and conditioning of the drainage network and relief, which indicates the presence of morphostructures, conducting to the deduction of a late tectonic process


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Stricter environmental policies are shown necessary to ensure an effective pollutant emission control. It is expected for the present year of 2015, that Brazil will assume, at the 21th United Nation's Climate Change Conference (COP21), implementation of commitment to a low carbon economy. This positioning affects the industrial environment, so that is deemed necessary to search for new technologies, less aggressive to the environment, so the adequacies to the new emission policies do not cause a negative effect on production. Almost all of the processes performed in the steel industry demand burning fuel and, therefore, flue gases are sent to the atmosphere. In this present work is discussed the utilization of heat exchangers so, by recovering part of the available heat from the flue gases of certain industrial process, the combustion air is preheated. The combustion air preheat results in less energy requirement, i.e., less need of fuel consumption and, in addition, minor amount of pollutants to be emitted. Due to better fitting to the process, it is studied the utilization of spiral plate heat exchangers. The heat exchanger dimensioning is made by an iterative method implemented in the software Microsoft Excel. Subsequently are analyzed the gains in terms of process's thermal efficiency improvement and the percentage of fuel saving. The latter implies in reduction of the same percentage of greenhouse gases emission


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Stricter environmental policies are shown necessary to ensure an effective pollutant emission control. It is expected for the present year of 2015, that Brazil will assume, at the 21th United Nation's Climate Change Conference (COP21), implementation of commitment to a low carbon economy. This positioning affects the industrial environment, so that is deemed necessary to search for new technologies, less aggressive to the environment, so the adequacies to the new emission policies do not cause a negative effect on production. Almost all of the processes performed in the steel industry demand burning fuel and, therefore, flue gases are sent to the atmosphere. In this present work is discussed the utilization of heat exchangers so, by recovering part of the available heat from the flue gases of certain industrial process, the combustion air is preheated. The combustion air preheat results in less energy requirement, i.e., less need of fuel consumption and, in addition, minor amount of pollutants to be emitted. Due to better fitting to the process, it is studied the utilization of spiral plate heat exchangers. The heat exchanger dimensioning is made by an iterative method implemented in the software Microsoft Excel. Subsequently are analyzed the gains in terms of process's thermal efficiency improvement and the percentage of fuel saving. The latter implies in reduction of the same percentage of greenhouse gases emission


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Placas de granitos são amplamente empregadas no revestimento de pisos na forma de ladrilhos assentados com argamassa industrializada. Recentemente, tem crescido o interesse no uso de sistemas não aderentes (sem argamassa) com placas de rocha. Porém, na literatura muito pouco foi publicado a respeito. O presente trabalho avaliou as propriedades físico-mecânicas de três granitos com grande aceitação comercial, e determinou as espessuras necessárias para estas das placas serem usadas como lajes de 200 cm de largura por 300 cm de comprimento, apoiadas pelas quatro extremidades em vigas de concreto. As propriedades testadas para o projeto estrutural das placas de granito foram: resistência à compressão, resistência à flexão por três pontos, módulo de elasticidade e coeficiente de Poisson. Foram também determinados o coeficiente de atrito e a resistência à abrasão profunda para a avaliação do desempenho do piso, de acordo com o uso e o ambiente de exposição,. Os resultados indicaram que o charnockito Verde Labrador deve ser usado com espessura de 30 mm, restrita a ambientes internos. O sienogranito e o monzogranito podem ser empregados em ambientes internos e externos. As placas do monzogranito Cinza Castelo devem possuir espessura de 20 mm, e as do sienogranito Vermelho Brasília devem possuir 30 mm de espessura.


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El tratamiento de las diferentes patologías que se asientan en la mucosa bucal puede realizarse a partir de la aplicación de terapias tópicas o administración de sustancias por vía sistémica. Se presenta una efectiva técnica terapéutica basada en la confección de cubetas de acetato blandas, termomoldeadas. Estos recipientes se utilizan para realizar la oclusión de las drogas que permanecerán en contacto con la mucosa afectada, para lograr una mayor disponibilidad de la medicación, y disminuir el trauma que ocasiona el contacto de la mucosa con la superficie dentaria, para de esta manera asegurarnos el éxito terapéutico.


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