930 resultados para Teacher student relationship


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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O presente estudo é relativo às práticas docentes no ensino de ciências em uma Escola de Aplicação tida como escola diferenciada positivamente em termos da qualidade de suas práticas de ensino, das condições de trabalho de seus professores e pelo suposto interesse de atualização permanente para assegurar aprendizagem significativa aos estudantes e prepará-los para exercer a cidadania. Meu objetivo foi identificar parâmetros de diferenciação qualitativa do ensino na área de Ciências, considerando justamente que a experimentação pedagógica foi uma das vertentes que dirigiu a criação de ‘escolas de aplicação’ no País. Esta investigação se desenvolve em uma modalidade de pesquisa narrativa por meio da qual se objetiva evidenciar, a partir do relato dos estudantes sobre suas experiências no ensino de ciências, como se configuram as práticas de ensino, especialmente em termos de: a) seleção de conteúdos, b) abordagens teórico-metodológicas do ensino, c) interação professor aluno e aluno-aluno em classe e fora desta, bem como d) práticas, critérios e procedimentos de avaliação do ensino e da aprendizagem. Procurei investigar como os alunos percebem e que valores atribuem às práticas de ensino de Ciências, configuradas especialmente como “boas aulas de ciências”. Tendo como foco os relatos dos estudantes de 5ª a 8ª séries da escola pesquisada, sobre as práticas de ensino de ciências que vivenciam, assumo como premissa, que estes possuem idéias, percepções e concepções acerca do processo de ensino e de aprendizagem. As análises por mim procedidas apontam para uma prática de ensino reprodutiva e memorativa, pouco diferente das práticas tradicionais usuais das escolas comuns. No tocante à natureza das aulas e à temática dessas aulas, pouco se valoriza os conhecimentos prévios dos estudantes, predominando um tipo de aula em que os alunos passivamente se limitam a observar o trabalho docente, reproduzem ou repetem quando solicitados aspectos de conteúdos/conhecimento informativo de temas e assuntos das ciências fechados no programa a cumprir e descontextualizados, sem qualquer relação com a realidade, com o mundo em que os estudantes vivem. A guisa de conclusão, considero que as possibilidades e os limites desse ensino obsoleto e ultrapassado de Ciências evidenciados pelos estudantes põem em questão o ensino atual da área e colocam desafios para esta escola de aplicação e para seus professores, em função principalmente das condições privilegiadas de uma escola de aplicação. Torna-se imprescindível que se retome tais práticas de ensino para atualizá-las ao se buscar refletir coletivamente sobre os conteúdos que podem ser significativos para os estudantes, sua relação com o mundo de hoje, bem como sobre as metodologias para tratamento dos conteúdos das Ciências na perspectiva da efetiva construção da aprendizagem significativa dos estudantes, preparando-os de fato para a cidadania.


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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The article analyses three school exams of Elementary School, two belonging to a mother and one of her son, which were kept and provided to the researcher by the mother. The first two exams were dated March 30 and November 13, 1935 of the 3rd grade of Grupo Escolar Fernando Lobo in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. The third one was produced at Grupo Escolar Coronel Amâncio Bueno in Jaguariúna, São Paulo in March 28, 1963 in a 4th grade class. The analysed data all together point out school products which are the result of the relationship between teacher, student and school culture. School exams are as important documents as the notebooks in order to understand the school culture, and as this paper tries to indicate, they are the means for the insertion into the world of written culture. The methodology based on the microanalysis of these documents reveals records about the structure of the exams and the Brazilian school curriculum in the teaching of Portuguese as a mother tongue in 1935 e 1963.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Recent national education policy documents have emphasized the importance of methodologies and problem-centered learning processes. The purpose of this article is to promote reflection on the problem-based learning (PBL) understood as a methodology that favors learning processes and the active role of students. PBL emerged in undergraduate medical and has been gaining ground not only in higher education but also in basic education. This conception of teaching-learning breaks with the traditional relationship teacher-student- knowledge, introducing new dynamics of relationships between subjects and those with knowledge. From this perspective the educational performance turns and brings new challenges to the teacher.


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Caring teachers have been identified as a critical component of successful interventions with at-risk students, however just what constitutes a caring teacher is less well understood. Specifically, what are the behaviors, characteristics, and beliefs of caring teachers, and how are they impacted by the contexts within which they work? The purpose of this multiple case study was to understand more about caring teachers who work with at-risk students in secondary schools located in a Midwestern city and thereby to add complexity to the literature. Two middle school teachers and two high school teachers were recruited to participate. They were observed on multiple occasions and interviewed twice. The data from these observations and interviews were initially analyzed case by case; the cross case analysis based on the results from the individual case resulted in 6 themes that were present across the four cases. The following themes were identified: the role of relationships, perspective on at-risk students, providing opportunities for students to develop a positive sense of themselves, the value of a positive classroom experience for both students and teacher, negotiating power, and flexibility. Implications of this research for psychologists, educators, and policy makers, as well as future research are also discussed.


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L’oggetto di questa tesi è un fenomeno didattico osservato in due valutazioni standardizzate nazionali INVALSI, legato all’atteggiamento degli studenti mentre svolgono task di matematica. L’effetto, che abbiamo denotato effetto “età della Terra”, è stato interpretato in questa ricerca attraverso l’interazione e il confronto di diversi costrutti teorici che spiegano come questo effetto, che può essere considerato come una tipica situazione di contratto didattico, è generato dalla relazione studente-insegnante ma può diventare più strettamente legato al rapporto che hanno gli studenti con la matematica. Inizialmente abbiamo condotto uno studio dei risultati statistici delle valutazioni standardizzate nazionali (Rash Analysis). Il primo step della sperimentazione è consistito nella preparazione, validazione e somministrazione di 612 questionari a studenti di diversi livelli scolastici e basandoci sui risultati dei questionari abbiamo condotto interviste di gruppo. L’analisi quantitativa e qualitativa dei risultati ha confermato la presenza dell’effetto “età della Terra” e ha mostrato che questo effetto è indipendente dal livello scolastico e dall’età degli studenti, dal contenuto matematico e dal contesto dei task proposti. La seconda parte della ricerca è stata volta ad indagare la cause di questo effetto. Abbiamo infatti individuato un principio regolativo che condizione l’azione degli studenti mentre fanno attività matematica e abbiamo condotto molte interviste individuali per indagarlo. Il comportamento degli studenti intervistati è stato così studiato e classificato con i costrutti del quadro teorico.


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In the past ten years, reading comprehension instruction has received significant attention from educational researchers. Drawing on studies from cognitive psychology, reader response theory, and language arts research, current best practice in reading comprehension instruction is characterized by a strategies approach in which students are taught to think like proficient readers who visualize, infer, activate schema, question, and summarize as they read. Studies investigating the impact of comprehension strategy instruction on student achievement in reading suggest that when implemented consistently the intervention has a positive effect on achievement. Research also shows, however, that few teachers embrace this approach to reading instruction despite its effectiveness, even when the conditions for substantive professional development (i.e. prolonged engagement, support, resources, time) are present. The interpretive case study reported in this dissertation examined the year-long experience of one fourth grade teacher, Ellen, as she leanled about comprehension strategy instruction and attempted to integrate the approach in her reading program. The goal of the study was to extend current understanding of the factors that support or inhibit an individual teacher's instructional decision making. The research explored how Ellen's academic preparation, beliefs about reading comprehension instruction, and attitudes toward teacher-student interaction influenced her efforts to employ comprehension strategy instruction. Qualitative methods were the basis of this study's research design. The primary methods for collecting data included pre- and post-interviews, field notes from classroom observations and staff development sessions, infonnal interviews, e-mail correspondence, and artifacts such as reading assignments, professional writing, school newsletters, and photographs of the classroom. Transcripts from interviews, as well as field notes, e-mail, and artifacts, were analyzed according to grounded theory's constant-comparative method. The results of the study suggest that three factors were pivotal in Ellen's successful implementation of reading strategy instruction: Pedagogical beliefs, classroom relationships, and professional community. Research on instructional change generally focuses on issues of time, resources, feedback, and follow-through. The research reported here recognizes the importance of these components, but expands contemporary thinking by showing how, in Ellen's case, a teacher's existing theories, her relationship with her students, and her professional interaction with peers impact instructional decisions.


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The following article deals with knowledge, relationships, representations and values that pupils together with teachers perform daily at school. It includes our research project called "Adolescence and School" which has been implemented since 1995 in our Institution, subject called "Psychological Foundation on education". Throughout its development, we have tried to get to know about in what positions teachers and students are towards knowledge. Our purpose is to make a critic- reflexive perspective possible on the part of university students who are to become teachers, as regards their knowledge on how students are formed on the E.G.B and Polimodal school levels. What plays one of the main roles on the student's career choice is their getting closer to the educative institution as well as to their teachers and the culture of the school. We have chosen a qualitative perspective for this article. Our proceedings on the working field are focused on teacher's interviews and on the participation of two or three students that had access to the concretion of a semi-structured interview. A central topic within teacher's and student's speeches were the topics dealt in class and their motivation, been there a convergence with respect to the effects that these factors have over learning. Therefore, there is no reflection by the actors as regards the role that intention and willingness play in teacher-student-knowledge relationship and its projection in the teaching-learning process.


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The following article deals with knowledge, relationships, representations and values that pupils together with teachers perform daily at school. It includes our research project called "Adolescence and School" which has been implemented since 1995 in our Institution, subject called "Psychological Foundation on education". Throughout its development, we have tried to get to know about in what positions teachers and students are towards knowledge. Our purpose is to make a critic- reflexive perspective possible on the part of university students who are to become teachers, as regards their knowledge on how students are formed on the E.G.B and Polimodal school levels. What plays one of the main roles on the student's career choice is their getting closer to the educative institution as well as to their teachers and the culture of the school. We have chosen a qualitative perspective for this article. Our proceedings on the working field are focused on teacher's interviews and on the participation of two or three students that had access to the concretion of a semi-structured interview. A central topic within teacher's and student's speeches were the topics dealt in class and their motivation, been there a convergence with respect to the effects that these factors have over learning. Therefore, there is no reflection by the actors as regards the role that intention and willingness play in teacher-student-knowledge relationship and its projection in the teaching-learning process.


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The following article deals with knowledge, relationships, representations and values that pupils together with teachers perform daily at school. It includes our research project called "Adolescence and School" which has been implemented since 1995 in our Institution, subject called "Psychological Foundation on education". Throughout its development, we have tried to get to know about in what positions teachers and students are towards knowledge. Our purpose is to make a critic- reflexive perspective possible on the part of university students who are to become teachers, as regards their knowledge on how students are formed on the E.G.B and Polimodal school levels. What plays one of the main roles on the student's career choice is their getting closer to the educative institution as well as to their teachers and the culture of the school. We have chosen a qualitative perspective for this article. Our proceedings on the working field are focused on teacher's interviews and on the participation of two or three students that had access to the concretion of a semi-structured interview. A central topic within teacher's and student's speeches were the topics dealt in class and their motivation, been there a convergence with respect to the effects that these factors have over learning. Therefore, there is no reflection by the actors as regards the role that intention and willingness play in teacher-student-knowledge relationship and its projection in the teaching-learning process.


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Research performed under contract with the National Institute of Mental Health.


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There is evidence that alienation from science is linked to the dominant discourse practices of science classrooms (cf. Lemke, J. L. (1990). Talking Science: Language, Learning, and Values. Norwood, NJ: Ablex). Yet, in secondary science education it is particularly hard to find evidence of curriculum reform that includes explicit changes in pedagogic discourses to accommodate the needs of students from a wide range of backgrounds. However, such evidence does exist and needs to be highlighted wherever it is found to help address social justice concerns in science education. In this article, I show how critical discourse analysis can be used to explore a way of challenging the dominant discourse in teacher-student interactions in science classrooms. My findings suggest a new way of moving toward more socially just science curricula in middle years and secondary classrooms by using hybrid discourses that can serve emancipatory purposes. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals. Inc.


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This study aimed to build a virtual learning environment for application of the nursing process based on the NANDA-I, NOC, NIC and ICNP® . Faced with problems related to learning of the nursing process and classifications, there is an urgent need to develop innovative teaching resources that modify the relationship between students and teachers. The methodology was based on the steps inception, development, construction and transition, and the software development process Rational Process Unifield. The team involved in the development of this environment was composed by researchers and students of The Care and Epidemiological Practice in Health and Nursing and Group of the Software Engineering curse of the Federal University Rio Grande do Norte, with the participation of the Lisbon and Porto Schools of Nursing, in Portugal. In the inception stage the inter research communication was in order to define the functions, features and tools for the construction process. In the preparation, step the planning and modeling occurred, which resulted in the creation of a diagram and a architectural drawings that specify the features and functionality of the software. The development, unit testing and integrated in interfaces of the modules and areas (administrator, teacher, student, and construction of the NP). Then the transition step was performed, which showed complete and functioning system, as well as the training and use by researchers with its use in practice. In conclusion, this study allowed for the planning and the construction of an educational technology, and it is expected that its implementation will trigger a substantial change in the learning of the nursing process and classifications, with the student being active agent of the learning process. Later, an assessment will be made of functional performance, which will enable the software development, with a feedback, correction of defects and necessary changes. It is believed that the software increment after the reviews, this tool grow further and help insert this methodology and every language under the educational and health institutions, promoting paradigmatic desired change by nursing.