871 resultados para TRITERPENE ACIDS
Comunicação oral convidada - IL4
Comunicação em painel - P59
Phenolic acids are present in our diet in different foods. In particular, mushrooms are a good source of these molecules. Due to their bioactive properties, phenolic acids are extensively studied and there is evidence of their role in disease prevention. Nevertheless, in vivo, these compounds are metabolized and circulate in the organism as glucuronated, sulfated and methylated metabolites, displaying higher or lower bioactivity. To clarify the importance of the metabolism of phenolic acids, the knowledge about the bioactivity of the metabolites is extremely important. In this review, chemical features, biosynthesis and bioavailability of phenolic acids are discussed as well as the chemical and enzymatic synthesis of their metabolites. Finally, the metabolites bioactive properties are compared with that of the corresponding parental compounds.
In the present study, the ethanolic extracts of fourteen edible mushrooms were investigated for their anti-inflammatory potential in LPS (lipopolysaccharide) activated RAW 264.7 macrophages. Furthermore the extracts were chemically characterized in terms of phenolic acids and related compounds. The identified molecules (p-hydroxybenzoic, p-coumaric and cinnamic acids) and their glucuronated and methylated derivatives obtained by chemical synthesis were also evaluated for the same bioactivity, in order to establish structure-activity relationships and to comprehend the effects of in vivo metabolism reactions in the activity of the compounds. The extracts of Pleurotus ostreatus, Macrolepiota procera, Boletus impolitus and Agaricus bisporus revealed the strongest anti-inflammatory potential (EC50 values 96 ± 1 to 190 ± 6 µg/mL, and also the highest concentration of cinnamic acid (656 to 156 µg/g), which was also the individual compound with the highest anti-inflammatory activity. The derivatives of p-coumaric acid revealed the strongest properties, specially the derivative methylated in the carboxylic group (CoA-M1) that exhibited similar activity to the one showed by dexamethaxone used as anti-inflammatory standard; by contrast, the derivatives of p-hydroxybenzoic revealed the lowest inhibition of NO production. All in all, whereas the conjugation reactions change the chemical structure of phenolic acids and may increase or decrease their activity, the glucuronated and methylated derivatives of the studied compounds are still displaying anti-inflammatory activity.
Synthesis gas, a mixture of CO, H2, and CO2, is a promising renewable feedstock for bio-based production of organic chemicals. Production of medium-chain fatty acids can be performed via chain elongation, utilizing acetate and ethanol as main substrates. Acetate and ethanol are main products of syngas fermentation by acetogens. Therefore, syngas can be indirectly used as a substrate for the chain elongation process.
El cáncer se origina por mutaciones, competición y selección natural en células somáticas de tejidos de diferentes órganos,siendo un proceso complejo y multifactorial que ocurre en una secuencia de etapas: iniciación, promoción y progresión (1). Factores hereditarios,genéticos y epigenéticos como los lípidos dietarios, estrés oxidativo, hormonas, pesticidas y otros, influyen tanto en el desarrollo como en la inhibición de esta enfermedad (2). Datos epidemiológicos y experimentales tanto nuestros como de otros laboratorios han demostrado que el consumo de dietas ricas en ácidos grasos de la familia n-3, n-6 o n-9 cambian la fluidez, la actividad de enzimas, el nivel de proteínas y favorecen la formación de moléculas bioactivas derivadas de los lípidos como los eicosanoides y endocanabinoides que modulan el proceso carcinogénico (3-15). Estos derivados lípídicos activan vias de señalización produciendo cambios especificos en la expresión génica, un proceso fundamental durante la transformación neoplásica (1-2).También ha sido demostrado que estos cambios en la expresión génica inducidos por derivados lipídicos modulan funciones en células cancerosas como proliferación y muerte celular, migración y producción de matriz extracelular (16-17). A pesar de estos conocimientos, la identidad de los derivados lipídicos implicados en la modulación de la expresión génica durante la transformación neoplásica asi como los mecanismos utilizados por estas moléculas permanecen aun poco conocidos. HIPOTESIS: En los modelos a utilizar en el presente proyecto, la variación lipídica de las membranas que se induzca por manipulación dietaria deberán generar también variaciones en los eicosanoides . endocanabinoides y otros peróxidos que afecten factores de transcripción nucleares como el p53 y GLI incidiendo en los mecanismos responsables de la muerte y proliferación de células cancerosas. OBJETIVOS: Nos proponemos establecer el impacto de dietas enriquecidas con ácidos grasos de las familias n-3, n-6 o n-9 sobre modelos experimentales in-vivo e in-vitro. Se estudiarán los ácidos grasos de membrana plasmática, la generación de eicosanoides y endocanabinoides derivados de las vias COX y LOX Además se determinará el efecto de los peróxidos en la expresión y actividad de los factores nucleares de transcripción p53 y GLI como mecanismos responsables de la muerte y proliferación celular. MATERIALES Y MÉTODO: Se utilizará un modelo in-vivo de cáncer de mama empleando ratones C57BL6J inducidos con DMBA que se alimentarán con una dieta base semi-sintética suplemetada con diferentes PUFAs (Chia: n-3, Maíz: n-6 y Oleico: n-9 , empleada en estudios previos (8).Modelos in vitro: se utilizarán lineas celulares cancerígenas humanas de mama MCF-7 y MDA, las cuales se tratarán exógenamente con diferentes PUFAS (GLA:n-6,EPA:n-3, Oleico n-9)(9). Se determinarán ácidos grasos de membranas por Cromatografía de gas (CG)(10-11). El análisis de eicosanoides en células tumorales se realizará por HPLC (9-11). Los endocanabinoides por GC-Espectometría de Masa (18).La formación de peróxidos intracelulares se determinará por análisis de Glutation reducido (GSH)(16).La apoptosis se medirá por actividad caspasas y por Citometria de flujo usando Annexina V FICT (19).La expresión celular de Tp53 y GLI se realizará por Western Blot, PCR e inmunohistoquímica (20-21).RESULTADOS ESPERADOS: Se espera que los lípidos añadidos en las dietas de ratones inyectados con DMBA o al medio de cultivo de células tumorales de mama o páncreas modifiquen los ácidos grasos de membrana y sus derivados lipídicos los eicosanoides y endocanabionoides que suponemos afectarán la activación y expresión de factores de transcripción regulando la carcinogénesis. IMPORTANCIA: Diseñar nuevos modelos experimentales para implementar en terapias génicas y aplicar los resultados sobre factores nutricionales que pudieran actuar como inhibidores o promotores del desarrollo del cáncer en humanos.
Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2014
Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2014
Amino acids have been reported to increase endogenous glucose production in normal human subjects during hyperinsulinemia: however, controversy exists as to whether insulin-mediated glucose disposal is inhibited under these conditions. The effect of an amino acid infusion on glucose oxidation rate has so far not been determined. Substrate oxidation rates, endogenous glucose production, and [13C]glucose synthesis from [13C]bicarbonate were measured in six normal human subjects during sequential infusions of exogenous glucose and exogenous glucose with (n = 5) or without (n = 5) exogenous amino acids. Amino acids increased endogenous glucose production by 84% and [13C]glucose synthesis by 235%. Glucose oxidation estimated from indirect calorimetry decreased slightly after amino acids, but glucose oxidation estimated from [13C]glucose-13CO2 data was increased by 14%. It is concluded that gluconeogenesis is the major pathway of amino acid degradation. During amino acid administration, indirect calorimetry underestimates the true rate of glucose oxidation, whereas glucose oxidation calculated from the 13C enrichment of expired CO2 during [U-13C]glucose infusion does not. A slight stimulation of glucose oxidation during amino acid infusion, concomitant with an increased plasma insulin concentration, indicates that amino acids do not inhibit glucose oxidation.
IDX-1 (islet/duodenum homeobox-1) is a transcription factor expressed in the duodenum and pancreatic beta and delta cells. It is required for embryonic development of the pancreas and transactivates the Glut2, glucokinase, insulin, and somatostatin genes. Here we show that exposure of isolated rat pancreatic islets to palmitic acid induced a approximately 70% decrease in IDX-1 mRNA and protein expression as well as 40 and 65% decreases in the binding activity of IDX-1 for its cognate cis-regulatory elements of the Glut2 and insulin promoters, respectively. The inhibitory effect of palmitic acid required its mitochondrial oxidation since it was prevented by the carnitine palmitoyltransferase I inhibitor bromopalmitic acid. The palmitic acid effect on IDX-1 was correlated with decreases in GLUT2 and glucokinase expression of 40 and 25%, respectively, at both the mRNA and protein levels. Insulin and somatostatin mRNA expression was also decreased by 40 and 60%, whereas glucagon mRNA expression was not modified. After 48 h of exposure to fatty acids, total islet insulin, somatostatin, and glucagon contents were decreased by 85, 55, and 65%, respectively. At the same time, total hormone release was strongly stimulated (13-fold) for glucagon, whereas its was only marginally increased for insulin and somatostatin (1.5- and 1.7-fold, respectively). These results indicate that elevated fatty acid levels 1) negatively regulate Idx-1 expression; 2) decrease the expression of genes transactivated by IDX-1 such as those for GLUT2, glucokinase, insulin, and somatostatin; and 3) lead to an important increase in glucagon synthesis and secretion. Fatty acids thus have pleiotropic effects on pancreatic islet gene expression, and the negative control of Idx-1 expression may be an initial event in the development of these multiple defects.
Aim: We have studied human adult cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) based on high aldehyde dehydrogenase activity (ALDH-hi), a property shared by many stem cells across tissues and organs. However, the role of ALDH in stem cell function is poorly known. In humans, there are 19 ALDH isoforms with different biological activities. The isoforms responsible for the ALDH-hi phenotype of stem cells are not well known but they may include ALDH1A1 and ALDH1A3 isoforms, which function in all-trans retinoic acid (RA) cell signaling. ALDH activity has been shown to regulate hematopoietic stem cell function via RA. We aimed to analyze ALDH isoform expression and the role of RA in human CPC function. Methods: Human adult CPCs were isolated from atrial appendage samples from patients who underwent heart surgery for coronary artery or valve disease. Atrial samples were either cultured as primary explants or enzymatically digested and sorted for ALDH activity by FACS. ALDH isoforms were determined by qRT-PCR. Cells were cultured in the presence or absence of the specific ALDH inhibitor DEAB, with or without RA. Induction of cardiac-specific genes in cells cultured in differentiation medium was measured by qRT-PCR. Results: While ALDH-hi CPCs grew in culture and could be expanded, ALDH-low cells grew poorly. CPC isolated as primary explant outgrowths expressed high levels of ALDH1A3 but not of other isoforms. CPCs isolated from cardiospheres expressed relatively high levels of all the 11 isoforms tested. In contrast, expanded CPCs and cardiosphere-derived cells expressed low levels of all ALDH isoforms. DEAB inhibited CPC growth in a dose-dependent manner, whereas RA rescued CPC growth in the presence of DEAB. In differentiation medium, ALDH-hi CPCs expressed approximately 300-fold higher levels of cardiac troponin T compared with their ALDH-low counterparts. Conclusions: High ALDH activity identifies human adult cardiac cells with high growth and cardiomyogenic potential. ALDH1A3 and, possibly, ALDH1A1 isoforms account for high ALDH activity and RA-mediated regulation of CPC growth.
Free amino acids (AAs) in human plasma are derivatized with 3-(4-carboxybenzoyl)quinoline-2-carboxaldehyde (CBQCA) and analyzed by capillary electrophoresis (CE) with laser induced fluorescence (LIF) detection. The labeling procedure is significantly improved over results reported previously. Derivatization can be completed in 40 min, with concentrations as low as 4 x 10(-8) M successfully labeled in favourable cases. Twenty-nine AAs (including 2 internal standards) are identified and can be reproducibly separated in 70 min. Migration time RSD values for 23 of these AAs were calculated and found in the range from 0.5 to 4%. The rapid derivatization procedure and the resolution obtained in the separation are sufficient for a semi-quantitative, emergency diagnosis of several inborn errors of metabolism (IEM). Amino acid profiles for both normal donor plasma samples and plasma samples of patients suffering from phenylketonuria, tyrosinemia, maple syrup urinary disease, hyperornithinemia, and citrullinemia are studied.
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of water (WE) and ethanolic (EE) extracts of Scoparia dulcis L. were investigated in rats and mice, and compared to the effects induced by Glutinol, a triterpene isolated by purification of EE. Oral adminsitration (p.o.) of either WE or EE (up to 2 g/Kg) did not alter the normal spontaneous activity of mice and rats. The sleeping time induced by sodium pentobarbital (50 mg/Kg, i.p.) was prolonged by 2 fold in mice pretreated with 0.5 g/Kg EE, p.o. Neither extract altered the tail flick response of mice in immersion test, but previous administration of EE (0.5 g/Kg, p.o.) reduced writhings induced by 0.8% acetic acid (0.1 ml/10 g, i.p.) in mice by 47% EE (0.5 and 1 g/Kg, p.o.) inhibited the paw edema induced by carrageenan in rats by respectively 46% and 58% after 2 h, being ineffective on the paw edema induced by dextran. No significant analgesic or anti-edema effects were detected in animals pretreated with WE (1 g/Kg, p.o.). Administration of Glutinol (30 mg/Kg, p.o.) reduced writhing induced by acetic acid in mice by 40% and the carrageenan induced paw edema in rats by 73%. The results indicate that the analgesic activity of S dulcis L. may be explained by explained by an anti-inflammatory activity probably related to the triterpene Glutinol.
Two kinds of small extrachromosomal nucleic acid elements were found in the bovine babesias, Babesia bovis and B. bigemina. One element with an apparent size of 5.5 kilobase pairs (kbp) is a double stranded RNA related to virus like particles. Another molecule is a double stranded DNA with a molecular size of about 6.2 kbp. Southern blot comparison of restriction DNA fragments of the latter molecule, which is present in both B. bovis and B. bigemina is described.