991 resultados para TRANSFER MATRIX SPECTRUM
We report on a consanguineous, Afghani family with two sisters affected with characteristic facial features, multiple contractures, progressive joint and skin laxity, hemorrhagic diathesis following minor trauma and multisystem fragility-related manifestations suggestive of a diagnosis of musculocontractural Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). This novel form of connective tissue disorder was recently reported in patients of Japanese, Turkish, and Indian descent who were formerly classified as having EDS type VIB and has now been recognized to be a part of spectrum including patients previously classified as having adducted thumb-clubfoot syndrome. We identified a previously unreported mutation in the CHST14 gene, which codes for the enzyme dermatan 4-O-sulfotransferase. We discuss the prenatal presentation, detailed clinical manifestations, and neurological findings in two sisters with this newly described musculocontractural EDS-CHST14 type. We demonstrate that fibroblasts from one of our patients produce more chondroitin sulfate than normal and show lower than normal deposition of collagens I and II and fibrillin 1-containing microfibrills. These findings suggest that the imbalance in the glycosaminoglycan content in developing tissues might interfere with normal deposition of other extracellular matrix components and ultimately contribute to the development of the phenotype observed in these patients. Furthermore, we ruled out the contribution of intrinsic platelet factors to the bleeding diathesis observed in some affected individuals. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Evolution of compositions in time, space, temperature or other covariates is frequentin practice. For instance, the radioactive decomposition of a sample changes its composition with time. Some of the involved isotopes decompose into other isotopes of thesample, thus producing a transfer of mass from some components to other ones, butpreserving the total mass present in the system. This evolution is traditionally modelledas a system of ordinary di erential equations of the mass of each component. However,this kind of evolution can be decomposed into a compositional change, expressed interms of simplicial derivatives, and a mass evolution (constant in this example). A rst result is that the simplicial system of di erential equations is non-linear, despiteof some subcompositions behaving linearly.The goal is to study the characteristics of such simplicial systems of di erential equa-tions such as linearity and stability. This is performed extracting the compositional differential equations from the mass equations. Then, simplicial derivatives are expressedin coordinates of the simplex, thus reducing the problem to the standard theory ofsystems of di erential equations, including stability. The characterisation of stabilityof these non-linear systems relays on the linearisation of the system of di erential equations at the stationary point, if any. The eigenvelues of the linearised matrix and theassociated behaviour of the orbits are the main tools. For a three component system,these orbits can be plotted both in coordinates of the simplex or in a ternary diagram.A characterisation of processes with transfer of mass in closed systems in terms of stability is thus concluded. Two examples are presented for illustration, one of them is aradioactive decay
RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLIC En biologie, si une découverte permet de répondre à quelques questions, en général elle en engendre beaucoup d'autres. C'est ce qui s'est produit récemment dans le monde des kallicréines. De la famille des protéases, protéines ayant la faculté de couper plus ou moins spécifiquement d'autres protéines pour exercer un rôle biologique, la famille des kallicréines humaines n'était composée que de 3 membres lors du siècle dernier. Parmi eux, une kallicréine mondialement utilisée pour détecter le cancer de la prostate, le PSA. En 2000, un chercheur de l'hôpital universitaire Mont Sinaï à Toronto, le Professeur Eleftherios Diamandis, a découvert la présence de 12 nouveaux gènes appartenant à cette famille, situés sur le même chromosome que les 3 premières kallicréines. Cette découverte majeure a placé les spécialistes des kallicréines face à une montagne d'interrogations car les fonctions de ces nouvelles protéases étaient totalement inconnues. La kallicréine humaine 14 (hK14) présente un intérêt particulier, car elle se retrouve associée à différents cancers, notamment les carcinomes ovariens et mammaires. Cette association ne répond cependant pas à la fonction de cette protéase. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse était donc de découvrir, dans un premier temps, la spécificité de cette nouvelle kallicréine, c'est-à-dire le type de coupure qu'elle engendre au niveau des protéines qu'elle cible. Utilisant une technologie de pointe qui exploite la propriété des bactériophages à se répliquer dans les bactéries à l'infini, des dizaines de millions de combinaisons protéiques aléatoires ont été présentées à hK14, qui a pu sélectionner celles qui lui étaient favorables pour la coupure. Cette technique qualitative porte le nom de Phage Display Substrate. Une fois la sélection réalisée, il fallait transférer ces séquences coupées ou substrats dans un système permettant de donner une valeur quantitative à l'efficacité de coupure. Pour cela nous avons développé une technologie qui permet d'évaluer cette efficacité en utilisant des protéines fluorescentes de méduse, modifiées génétiquement, dont l'excitation de la première (CFP : cyan fluorescent protein) par la lumière à une certaine longue d'onde permet le transfert d'énergie à la seconde (YFP : yellow fluorescent protein), via un substrat qui les lie. Pour que ce transfert d'énergie se produise, il faut que les deux protéines fluorescentes soient proches, comme c'est le cas lorsqu'elles sont liées par un substrat. La coupure de ce lien provoque un changement de transfert d'énergie qui est quantifiable en utilisant un spectrofluoromètre. Cette technologie permet donc de suivre la réaction d'hydrolyse (coupure) des protéases. Afin de poursuivre certaines expériences permettant de mieux comprendre la fonction biologique d'hK14 ainsi que son éventuelle implication dans le cancer, nous avons développé des inhibiteurs spécifiques d'hK14. Les séquences qui on été le plus efficacement coupées par hK14 ont été utilisées pour transformer deux types d'inhibiteurs classiques, qui circulent dans notre sang, en inhibiteurs d'hK14 hautement efficaces et spécifiques. Selon les résultats obtenus in vitro, ils pourront être évalués in vivo en tant que traitement potentiel contre le cancer. RESUME Les protéases sont des enzymes impliquées dans des processus physiologiques mais aussi parfois pathologiques. La famille des kallicréines tissulaires humaines représente le plus grand groupe de protéases humaines, dont plusieurs pourraient participer au développement de certaines maladies. D'autre part, ces protéases sont apparues comme des marqueurs de pathogénicité potentiels, notamment dans les cas de cancers hormono-dépendants. La kallicréine humaine 14 a été récemment découverte et son implication dans quelques maladies, particulièrement dans le cas de tumeurs, semble probable. En effet, son expression génique est augmentée au niveau des tissus cancéreux de la prostate et du sein et son expression protéique s'est révélée plus élevée dans le sérum de patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein ou des ovaires. Cependant, comme c'est le cas pour la plupart des kallicréines, sa fonction est encore inconnue. Afin de mieux connaître son rôle biologique et/ou pathologique, nous avons décidé de caractériser son activité enzymatique. Nous avons tout d'abord mis au point un système de substrats entièrement biologique permettant d'étudier in vitro l'activité des protéases. Ce système est basé sur le phénomène de FRET, à savoir le transfert d'énergie de résonance fluorescente qui intervient entre deux molécules fluorescentes voisines si le spectre d'émission de la protéine donneuse chevauche le spectre d'excitation de la protéine receveuse. Nous avons fusionné de manière covalente une protéine fluorescente bleue (CFP) et une jaune (YFP) en les liant avec diverses séquences. Par clivage de la séquence de liaison, une perte du transfert d'énergie peut être mesurée par un spectrofluoromètre. Cette technologie représente un moyen facile de suivre la réaction d'hydrolyse des protéases. Les conditions optimales de production de ces substrats CFP-YFP ont été déterminées, de même que les paramètres pouvant éventuellement influencer le FRET. Ce système possède une grande résistance à la protéolyse non spécifique et est applicable à un grand nombre de protéase. Contrairement aux substrats fluorogéniques, il permet d'étudier les acides aminés se trouvant des deux côtés du site de clivage. Ce système étant entièrement biologique, il est le reflet des interactions protéine-protéine et représente un outil biologique facile, bon marché et rapide pour caractériser les protéases. Dans un premier temps, hK14 a été mise en présence d' une banque de haute diversité de pentapeptides aléatoires présentée à la surface de phages afin d'identifier des substrats spécifiques. Ensuite, le système CFP-YFP a été employé pour trier les peptides sélectionnés afin d'identifier les séquences de substrats les plus sensibles et spécifiques pour hK14. Nous avons montré, qu'en plus de sa prévisible activité de type trypsine, hK14 possède aussi une très surprenante activité de type chymotrypsine. Les séquences les plus sensibles ont été choisies pour cribler la banque de donnée Swissprot, permettant ainsi l'identification de 6 substrats protéiques humains potentiels pour hK14. Trois d'entre eux, la laminine α-5, le collagène IV et la matriline-4, qui sont des composants de la matrice extracellulaire, ont démontré une grande susceptibilité à l'hydrolyse par hK14. De plus, la séparation éléctrophorétique a montré que la dégradation de la laminine α-5 et de la matriline-4 par hK14 devait se produire aux sites identifiés par la technologie du phage display. Pour terminer, nous avons transformé, par mutagenèse dirigée, deux serpines (inhibiteurs de protéases de type sérine) connues, AAT et ACT (alpha anti-trypsine et alpha anti-chymotrypsine), qui inhibent un vaste éventail d'enzymes humaines en inhibiteurs d'hK14 hautement efficaces et spécifiques. Ces inhibiteurs pourront être utilisés d'une part pour poursuivre certaines expériences permettant de mieux comprendre l'implication d'hK14 dans des voies physiologiques ou dans le cancer et d'autre part pour les évaluer in vivo en tant que traitement potentiel contre le cancer. SUMMARY Proteases consist of enzymes involved in physiological events, but also, in case of dysregulation, in pathogenicity. The human tissue kallikrein family represents the largest human protease cluster and includes several members that either could participate in the course of certain diseases or emerged as potential biological markers, especially in hormone dependent cancers. The human kallikrein 14 has been recently discovered and suggested implications in some disorders, particularly in tumors since its gene expression is up-regulated in prostate and breast cancer tissues and its protein expression increased in the serum of patients with breast and ovarian cancers. However, like most kallikreins, its function remains unknown. To better understand hK14 biological and/or pathological role, we decided to characterize its enzymatic activity. First of all, we developped a biological system suitable for in vitro study of protease activity. This system is based on the so-called FRET phenomenon, that is the Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer that occurs between two nearby fluorescent proteins if the emission spectrum of the donor overlaps the excitation spectrum of the acceptor. We fused covalently a cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and a yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) with diverses sequences. Upon cleavage of the linker sequence by protease, the loss of energy transfer can be measured by a spectrofluorometer allowing an easy following of hydrolysis reaction. The optimal conditions to produce in bacterial system these CFP-YFP substrates were determined as well as the parameters that could eventually influence the FRET. This system demonstrated a high degree of resistance to non-specific proteolysis and applicability to various conditions corresponding to a great number of existing proteases. Other avantages are the possibility to study the amino acids located both sides of the cleavage site as well as the interest to work in a full biological system reflecting protein-protein interaction. A phage substrate library with exhaustive diversity was used prior to CFP-substrate-YFP system to isolate specific human kallikrein 14 substrates. After that the CFP-YFP system was used to sort peptides and identify highly sensitive and specific substrate sequences for hK14. We showed that besides its predictable trypsin-like activity, hK14 also possesses a surprising chymotrypsin-like activity. The screening of the Swissprot database was achieved with the most sensitive sequences and allowed the identification of 6 potential human protein substrates for hK14. Three of them, laminin α-5, collagen IV and matrilin-4, which are components of the extracellular matrix were incubated with hK14, by which they were efficiently hydrolyzed. Moreover, electrophoretic separation revealed that degradation of laminin α-5 and matrilin-4 by hK14 generated fragments with identical molecular size than the predicted N-terminal fragments that would result from hK14 specific cleavage, proving the value of phage display substrate to identify potential substrates. Finally, with site-directed mutagenesis, we transformed two well-known serpins (serine protease inhibitors), AAT and ACT (alpha anti-trypsin and alpha anti-chymotrypsin), which inhibit a vast spectrum of human enzymes into highly efficient and specific hK14 inhibitors. These inhibitors will be used to pursue experiments that could help understand hK14 implication in physiological pathways as well as in cancer biology and also to perform their in vivo evalution as potential cancer treatment.
To modulate alloreactivity after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, "suicide" gene-modified donor T cells (GMCs) have been administered with an allogeneic T-cell-depleted marrow graft. We previously demonstrated that such GMCs, generated after CD3 activation, retrovirus-mediated transduction, and G418 selection, had an impaired Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivity, likely to result in an altered control of EBV-induced lymphoproliferative disease. To further characterize the antiviral potential of GMCs, we compared the frequencies of cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific CD8+ T (CMV-T) cells and EBV-specific CD8+ T (EBV-T) cells within GMCs from CMV- and EBV-double seropositive donors. Unlike anti-EBV responses, the anti-CMV responses were not altered by GMC preparation. During the first days of culture, CMV-T cells exhibited a lower level of CD3-induced apoptosis than did EBV-T cells. In addition, the CMV-T cells escaping initial apoptosis subsequently underwent a higher expansion rate than EBV-T cells. The differential early sensitivity to apoptosis could be in relation to the "recent activation" phenotype of EBV-T cells as evidenced by a higher level of CD69 expression. Furthermore, EBV-T cells were found to have a CD45RA-CD27+CCR7- effector memory phenotype, whereas CMV-T cells had a CD45RA+CD27-CCR7- terminal effector phenotype. Such differences could be contributive, because bulk CD8+CD27- cells had a higher expansion than did bulk CD8+CD27+ cells. Overall, ex vivo T-cell culture differentially affects apoptosis, long-term proliferation, and overall survival of CMV-T and EBV-T cells. Such functional differences need to be taken into account when designing cell and/or gene therapy protocols involving ex vivo T-cell manipulation.
In this study we investigated the effect of medial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) on the global characteristics of brain connectivity estimated by topological measures. We used DSI (Diffusion Spectrum Imaging) to construct a connectivity matrix where the nodes represents the anatomical ROIs and the edges are the connections between any pair of ROIs weighted by the mean GFA/FA values. A significant difference was found between the patient group vs control group in characteristic path length, clustering coefficient and small-worldness. This suggests that the MTLE network is less efficient compared to the network of the control group.
The electron hole transfer (HT) properties of DNA are substantially affected by thermal fluctuations of the π stack structure. Depending on the mutual position of neighboring nucleobases, electronic coupling V may change by several orders of magnitude. In the present paper, we report the results of systematic QM/molecular dynamic (MD) calculations of the electronic couplings and on-site energies for the hole transfer. Based on 15 ns MD trajectories for several DNA oligomers, we calculate the average coupling squares 〈 V2 〉 and the energies of basepair triplets X G+ Y and X A+ Y, where X, Y=G, A, T, and C. For each of the 32 systems, 15 000 conformations separated by 1 ps are considered. The three-state generalized Mulliken-Hush method is used to derive electronic couplings for HT between neighboring basepairs. The adiabatic energies and dipole moment matrix elements are computed within the INDO/S method. We compare the rms values of V with the couplings estimated for the idealized B -DNA structure and show that in several important cases the couplings calculated for the idealized B -DNA structure are considerably underestimated. The rms values for intrastrand couplings G-G, A-A, G-A, and A-G are found to be similar, ∼0.07 eV, while the interstrand couplings are quite different. The energies of hole states G+ and A+ in the stack depend on the nature of the neighboring pairs. The X G+ Y are by 0.5 eV more stable than X A+ Y. The thermal fluctuations of the DNA structure facilitate the HT process from guanine to adenine. The tabulated couplings and on-site energies can be used as reference parameters in theoretical and computational studies of HT processes in DNA
Electronic coupling Vda is one of the key parameters that determine the rate of charge transfer through DNA. While there have been several computational studies of Vda for hole transfer, estimates of electronic couplings for excess electron transfer (ET) in DNA remain unavailable. In the paper, an efficient strategy is established for calculating the ET matrix elements between base pairs in a π stack. Two approaches are considered. First, we employ the diabatic-state (DS) method in which donor and acceptor are represented with radical anions of the canonical base pairs adenine-thymine (AT) and guanine-cytosine (GC). In this approach, similar values of Vda are obtained with the standard 6-31 G* and extended 6-31++ G* basis sets. Second, the electronic couplings are derived from lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMOs) of neutral systems by using the generalized Mulliken-Hush or fragment charge methods. Because the radical-anion states of AT and GC are well reproduced by LUMOs of the neutral base pairs calculated without diffuse functions, the estimated values of Vda are in good agreement with the couplings obtained for radical-anion states using the DS method. However, when the calculation of a neutral stack is carried out with diffuse functions, LUMOs of the system exhibit the dipole-bound character and cannot be used for estimating electronic couplings. Our calculations suggest that the ET matrix elements Vda for models containing intrastrand thymine and cytosine bases are essentially larger than the couplings in complexes with interstrand pyrimidine bases. The matrix elements for excess electron transfer are found to be considerably smaller than the corresponding values for hole transfer and to be very responsive to structural changes in a DNA stack
We include solvation effects in tight-binding Hamiltonians for hole states in DNA. The corresponding linear-response parameters are derived from accurate estimates of solvation energy calculated for several hole charge distributions in DNA stacks. Two models are considered: (A) the correction to a diagonal Hamiltonian matrix element depends only on the charge localized on the corresponding site and (B) in addition to this term, the reaction field due to adjacent base pairs is accounted for. We show that both schemes give very similar results. The effects of the polar medium on the hole distribution in DNA are studied. We conclude that the effects of polar surroundings essentially suppress charge delocalization in DNA, and hole states in (GC)n sequences are localized on individual guanines
A previously developed high performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) procedure for the simultaneous determination of antidementia drugs, including donepezil, galantamine, memantine, rivastigmine and its metabolite NAP 226-90, was transferred to an ultra performance liquid chromatography system coupled to a tandem mass spectrometer (UPLC-MS/MS). The drugs and their internal standards ([(2)H(7)]-donepezil, [(13)C,(2)H(3)]-galantamine, [(13)C(2),(2)H(6)]-memantine, [(2)H(6)]-rivastigmine) were extracted from 250μL human plasma by protein precipitation with acetonitrile. Chromatographic separation was achieved on a reverse phase column (BEH C18 2.1mm×50mm; 1.7μm) with a gradient elution of an ammonium acetate buffer at pH 9.3 and acetonitrile at a flow rate of 0.4mL/min and an overall run time of 4.5min. The analytes were detected on a tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in positive electrospray ionization mode, and quantification was performed using multiple reaction monitoring. The method was validated according to the recommendations of international guidelines over a calibration range of 1-300ng/mL for donepezil, galantamine and memantine, and 0.2-50ng/mL for rivastimgine and NAP 226-90. The trueness (86-108%), repeatability (0.8-8.3%), intermediate precision (2.3-10.9%) and selectivity of the method were found to be satisfactory. Matrix effects variability was inferior to 15% for the analytes and inferior to 5% after correction by internal standards. A method comparison was performed with patients' samples showing similar results between the HPLC-MS and UPLC-MS/MS procedures. Thus, this validated UPLC-MS/MS method allows to reduce the required amount of plasma, to use a simplified sample preparation, and to obtain a higher sensitivity and specificity with a much shortened run-time.
Background. Early identification of pathogens from blood cultures using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry may optimize the choice of empirical antibiotic therapy in the setting of bloodstream infections. We aimed to assess the impact of this new technology on the use of antibiotic treatment in patients with gram-negative bacteremia. Methods. We conducted a prospective observational study from January to December 2010 to evaluate the sequential and separate impacts of Gram stain reporting and MALDI-TOF bacterial identification performed on blood culture pellets in patients with gram-negative bacteremia. The primary outcome was the impact of MALDI-TOF on empirical antibiotic choice. Results. Among 202 episodes of gram-negative bacteremia, Gram stain reporting had an impact in 42 cases (20.8%). MALDI-TOF identification led to a modification of empirical therapy in 71 of all 202 cases (35.1%), and in 16 of 27 cases (59.3%) of monomicrobial bacteremia caused by AmpC-producing Enterobacteriaceae. The most frequently observed impact was an early appropriate broadening of the antibiotic spectrum in 31 of 71 cases (43.7%). In total, 143 of 165 episodes (86.7%) of monomicrobial bacteremia were correctly identified at genus level by MALDI-TOF. Conclusions. In a low prevalence area for extended spectrum betalactamases (ESBL) and multiresistant gram-negative bacteria, MALDI-TOF performed on blood culture pellets had an impact on the clinical management of 35.1% of all gram-negative bacteremia cases, demonstrating a greater impact than Gram stain reporting. Thus, MALDI-TOF could become a vital second step beside Gram stain in guiding the empirical treatment of patients with bloodstream infection.
We present an extensive study of the structural and optical emission properties in aluminum silicates and soda-lime silicates codoped with Si nanoclusters (Si-nc) and Er. Si excess of 5 and 15¿at.¿% and Er concentrations ranging from 2×1019 up to 6×1020¿cm¿3 were introduced by ion implantation. Thermal treatments at different temperatures were carried out before and after Er implantation. Structural characterization of the resulting structures was performed to obtain the layer composition and the size distribution of Si clusters. A comprehensive study has been carried out of the light emission as a function of the matrix characteristics, Si and Er contents, excitation wavelength, and power. Er emission at 1540¿nm has been detected in all coimplanted glasses, with similar intensities. We estimated lifetimes ranging from 2.5¿to¿12¿ms (depending on the Er dose and Si excess) and an effective excitation cross section of about 1×10¿17¿cm2 at low fluxes that decreases at high pump power. By quantifying the amount of Er ions excited through Si-nc we find a fraction of 10% of the total Er concentration. Upconversion coefficients of about 3×10¿18¿cm¿3¿s¿1 have been found for soda-lime glasses and one order of magnitude lower in aluminum silicates.
We report a spectroscopic study about the energy transfer mechanism among silicon nanoparticles (Si-np), both amorphous and crystalline, and Er ions in a silicon dioxide matrix. From infrared spectroscopic analysis, we have determined that the physics of the transfer mechanism does not depend on the Si-np nature, finding a fast (< 200 ns) energy transfer in both cases, while the amorphous nanoclusters reveal a larger transfer efficiency than the nanocrystals. Moreover, the detailed spectroscopic results in the visible range here reported are essential to understand the physics behind the sensitization effect, whose knowledge assumes a crucial role to enhance the transfer rate and possibly employing the material in optical amplifier devices. Joining the experimental data, performed with pulsed and continuous-wave excitation, we develop a model in which the internal intraband recombination within Si-np is competitive with the transfer process via an Auger electron"recycling" effect. Posing a different light on some detrimental mechanism such as Auger processes, our findings clearly recast the role of Si-np in the sensitization scheme, where they are able to excite very efficiently ions in close proximity to their surface. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics.
Gene transfer and expression in eukaryotes is often limited by a number of stably maintained gene copies and by epigenetic silencing effects. Silencing may be limited by the use of epigenetic regulatory sequences such as matrix attachment regions (MAR). Here, we show that successive transfections of MAR-containing vectors allow a synergistic increase of transgene expression. This finding is partly explained by an increased entry into the cell nuclei and genomic integration of the DNA, an effect that requires both the MAR element and iterative transfections. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis often showed single integration events, indicating that DNAs introduced in successive transfections could recombine. High expression was also linked to the cell division cycle, so that nuclear transport of the DNA occurs when homologous recombination is most active. Use of cells deficient in either non-homologous end-joining or homologous recombination suggested that efficient integration and expression may require homologous recombination-based genomic integration of MAR-containing plasmids and the lack of epigenetic silencing events associated with tandem gene copies. We conclude that MAR elements may promote homologous recombination, and that cells and vectors can be engineered to take advantage of this property to mediate highly efficient gene transfer and expression.
This project demonstrated the capabilities for load testing bridges in Iowa, developed and presented a webinar to local and state engineers, and produced a spreadsheet and benefit evaluation matrix that others can use to preliminarily assess where bridge testing may be economically feasible given truck traffic and detour lengths.