312 resultados para Szego recurrences
Introducción: El sincope vasovagal es la principal causa de pérdida transitoria de la consciencia. Las guías internacionales de tratamiento del síncope recomiendan con un nivel de evidencia débil, el implante de marcapasos para pacientes refractarios al tratamiento médico que tienen respuesta cardioinhibitoria. Hasta el momento no existe una revisión sistemática que resuma la mejor evidencia disponible a la fecha sobre la estimulación con marcapasos en síncope vasovagal para disminuir recurrencias. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados acerca del uso del marcapasos en síncope vasovagal para disminuir recurrencias. Resultados: La búsqueda inicial arrojó un total de 299 resultados, de los cuales solo 8 cumplieron los criterios de selección. Se evaluó la recurrencia de síncopes en el grupo de estimulación con marcapasos comparada con el grupo sin estimulación. Con diferencias metodológicas marcadas en los estudios seleccionados en general no hay una evidencia sólida para asegurar que el marcapasos disminuye recurrencias de síncope vasovagal. Discusión: El marcapasos en síncope vasovagal no tiene efecto benéfico en disminución de recurrencias cuando se implanta a toda la población refractaria al tratamiento médico para disminuir recurrencias. Solamente un grupo con características clínicas muy seleccionadas podría beneficiarse de la estimulación con marcapasos para disminuir recurrencias de síncope. Conclusión: La evidencia disponible sugiere que el marcapasos no tiene efecto en disminución de recurrencias en todo el grupo de pacientes con síncope vasovagal refractarios a tratamiento médico.
Els estudis de supervivència s'interessen pel temps que passa des de l'inici de l'estudi (diagnòstic de la malaltia, inici del tractament,...) fins que es produeix l'esdeveniment d'interès (mort, curació, millora,...). No obstant això, moltes vegades aquest esdeveniment s'observa més d'una vegada en un mateix individu durant el període de seguiment (dades de supervivència multivariant). En aquest cas, és necessari utilitzar una metodologia diferent a la utilitzada en l'anàlisi de supervivència estàndard. El principal problema que l'estudi d'aquest tipus de dades comporta és que les observacions poden no ser independents. Fins ara, aquest problema s'ha solucionat de dues maneres diferents en funció de la variable dependent. Si aquesta variable segueix una distribució de la família exponencial s'utilitzen els models lineals generalitzats mixtes (GLMM); i si aquesta variable és el temps, variable amb una distribució de probabilitat no pertanyent a aquesta família, s'utilitza l'anàlisi de supervivència multivariant. El que es pretén en aquesta tesis és unificar aquests dos enfocs, és a dir, utilitzar una variable dependent que sigui el temps amb agrupacions d'individus o d'observacions, a partir d'un GLMM, amb la finalitat d'introduir nous mètodes pel tractament d'aquest tipus de dades.
Przełom XX i XXI wieku jest okresem fundamentalnych przemian społeczno-gospodarczych i instytucjonalnych w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej połączonych z przemianami demograficznymi. Przemiany te pociągają za sobą zmianę wielu paradygmatów w naukach przestrzenno-ekonomicznych i praktyce planistyczno-decyzyjnej. Stwierdzenie to odnosi się m.in. do procesu kurczenia się miast (urban shrinkage), tj. długookresowego spadku liczby ludności powiązanego z kryzysem lokalnej gospodarki i narastającymi problemami społecznymi. Proces ten, występujący wcześniej w niektórych miastach (najczęściej starych ośrodkach przemysłowych) Europy Zachodniej i Stanów Zjednoczonych, przybrał po 1990 r. szczególnie duże rozmiary w postkomunistycznych krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Pojawiają się zatem nowe wyzwania, dotyczące z jednej strony potrzeby identyfikacji skali, tempa, form kurczenia się miast i ich przestrzennego zróżnicowania, z drugiej strony – rewizji dotychczasowych polityk miejskich, ukierunkowanych najczęściej na paradygmat wzrostu. Te przesłanki powodują, że kurczące się miasta stają się przedmiotem wielu dyskusji naukowych i praktycznych oraz międzynarodowych projektów badawczych. Niniejsza publikacja jest pokłosiem jednego z takich projektów o akronimie CIRES (Cities Regrowing Smaller. Fostering Knowledge on Regeneration Strategies in Shrinking Cities across Europe - Propagowanie wiedzy na temat strategii regeneracji w kurczących się miastach Europy), realizowanego w ramach Akcji COST, tj. Europejskiego Programu Współpracy w Dziedzinie Badań Naukowo-Technicznych. W projekcie tym, który zakończył się w 2013 r., uczestniczyli przedstawiciele wielu dyscyplin naukowych z 26 państw, w tym redaktor naukowy i autorzy kilku rozdziałów tej książki. Celem publikacji jest upowszechnienie wyników projektu CIRES w Polsce odniesionych przede wszystkim do regionu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Książka ta jest dziełem, w którego przygotowaniu brało udział 30 autorów z kraju i zagranicy. Zespół autorów wyraża przekonanie, że publikacja ta stanie się głosem w dyskusji na temat jednego z ważnych procesów określających obecną sytuację wielu miast Polski, Europy i świata.
Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i Biotechnologii
Objectives This study aimed to investigate post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) in childhood brain tumour survivors and their parents. A further aim was to explore the relationship between objective illness parameters, parent–child interactions, coping styles and PTSS. Methods A cross-sectional correlational design was employed. Fifty-two childhood brain tumour survivors, aged 8–16, and 52 parents completed a battery of questionnaires designed to assess quality of parent–child interactions, monitoring and blunting attentional coping styles and PTSS. Results Over one-third (35%) of survivors and 29% of their parents reported severe levels of PTSS (suggestive of post-traumatic stress disorder ‘caseness’). Increased parent–child conflict resolution for survivors and number of tumour recurrences for parents independently predicted the variance in PTSS. Conclusions For a substantial proportion of brain tumour survivors and their parents the process of survivorship is a considerably distressing experience.
This essay appears in the first book to examine feminist curatorship in the last 40 years. It undertakes an extended reading of Cathy de Zegher's influential exhibition, Inside the Visible, An Elliptical Traverse of 20th Century Art. In, of and From the Feminine (1995) which proposed that modern art should be understood through cyclical shifts involving the constant reinvention of artistic method and identified four key moments in 20th century history to structure its project. The essay analyses Inside the Visible's concept of an elliptical traverse to raise questions about repetitions and recurrences in feminist exhibitions of the early 1980s, the mid 1990s and 2007 asking whether and in what ways questions of feminist curating have been continuously repeated and reinvented. The essay argues that Inside the Visible was a key project in second wave feminism and exemplified debates about women's time, first theorised by Julia Kristeva. It concludes, however, that 'women's time' has had its moment, and new conceptions of feminism and its history are needed if feminist curating is not endlessly to recycle its past. The essay informs a wider collaborative project on the sexual politics of violence, feminism and contemporary art, in collaboration with Edinburgh and one of the editors of this collection.
Background Depression and anxiety are common after diagnosis of breast cancer. We examined to what extent these are recurrences of previous disorder and, controlling for this, whether shame, self-blame and low social support after diagnosis predicted onset of depression and anxiety subsequently. Method Women with primary breast cancer who had been treated surgically self-reported shame, self-blame, social support and emotional distress post-operatively. Psychiatric interview 12 months later identified those with adult lifetime episodes of major depression (MD) or generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) before diagnosis and onset over the subsequent year. Statistical analysis examined predictors of each disorder in that year. Results Of the patients, two-thirds with episodes of MD and 40% with episodes of GAD during the year after diagnosis were experiencing recurrence of previous disorder. Although low social support, self-blame and shame were each associated with both MD and GAD after diagnosis, they did not mediate the relationship of disorder after diagnosis with previous disorder. Low social support, but not shame or self-blame, predicted recurrence after controlling for previous disorder. Conclusions Anxiety and depression during the first year after diagnosis of breast cancer are often the recurrence of previous disorder. In predicting disorder following diagnosis, self-blame and shame are merely markers of previous disorder. Low social support is an independent predictor and therefore may have a causal role.
Objectives: To evaluate risk factors for recurrence of carcinoma of the uterine cervix among women who had undergone radical hysterectomy without pelvic lymph node metastasis, while taking into consideration not only the classical histopathological factors but also sociodemographic, clinical and treatment-related factors. Study design: This was an exploratory analysis on 233 women with carcinoma of the uterine cervix (stages IB and IIA) who were treated by means of radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy, with free surgical margins and without lymph node metastases on conventional histopathological examination. Women with histologically normal lymph nodes but with micrometastases in the immunohistochemical analysis (AE1/AE3) were excluded. Disease-free survival for sociodemographic, clinical and histopathological variables was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method. The Cox proportional hazards model was used to identify the independent risk factors for recurrence. Results: Twenty-seven recurrences were recorded (11.6%), of which 18 were pelvic, four were distant, four were pelvic + distant and one was of unknown location. The five-year disease-free survival rate among the study population was 88.4%. The independent risk factors for recurrence in the multivariate analysis were: postmenopausal status (HR 14.1; 95% CI: 3.7-53.6; P < 0.001), absence of or slight inflammatory reaction (HR 7.9; 95% CI: 1.7-36.5; P = 0.008) and invasion of the deepest third of the cervix (FIR 6.1; 95% CI: 1.3-29.1; P = 0.021). Postoperative radiotherapy was identified as a protective factor against recurrence (HR 0.02; 95% CI: 0.001-0.25; P = 0.003). Conclusion: Postmenopausal status is a possible independent risk factor for recurrence even when adjusted for classical prognostic factors (such as tumour size, depth of turnout invasion, capillary embolisation) and treatment-related factors (period of treatment and postoperative radiotherapy status). (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives: (1) To compare the anatomopathological variables and recurrence rates in patients with early-stage adenocarcinoma (AC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the uterine cervix; (2) to identify the independent risk factors for recurrence. Study design: This historical cohort study assessed 238 patients with carcinoma of the uterine cervix (113 and IIA), who underwent radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymph node dissection between 1980 and 1999. Comparison of category variables between the two histological types was carried out using the Pearson`s X-2 test or Fisher exact test. Disease-free survival rates for AC and SCC were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method and the curves were compared using the log-rank test. The Cox proportional hazards model was used to identify the independent risk factors for recurrence. Results: There were 35 cases of AC (14.7%) and 203 of SCC (85.3%). AC presented lower histological grade than did SCC (grade 1: 68.6% versus 9.4%; p < 0.001), lower rate of lymphovascular space involvement (25.7% versus 53.7%; p = 0.002), lower rate of invasion into the middle or deep thirds of the uterine cervix (40.0% versus 80.8%; p < 0.001) and lower rate of lymph node metastasis (2.9% versus 16.3%; p = 0.036). Although the recurrence rate was lower for AC than for SCC (11.4% versus 15.8%), this difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.509). Multivariate analysis identified three independent risk factors for recurrence: presence of metastases in the pelvic lymph nodes, invasion of the deep third of the uterine cervix and absence of or slight inflammatory reaction in the cervix. When these variables were adjusted for the histological type and radiotherapy status, they remained in the model as independent risk factors. Conclusion: The AC group showed less aggressive histological behavior than did the SCC group, but no difference in the disease-free survival rates was noted. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Although the biodimensional anatomical expander-implant system (BEIS) is a reliable technique, little information has been available regarding outcome following nipple-areola sparing mastectomy (NSM). To perform the resection of glandular tissue, while improving the surgical access and maintaining the nipple-areola vascularization we have developed a new approach for NSM based on the double concentric periareolar incision (DCPI). The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility, surgical planning and its outcome following NSM. 18 patients underwent NSM reconstructions. Mean time of follow-up was 29 months. The technique was indicated in patients with small/moderate volume breasts. Flap complications were evaluated and information on aesthetic results and patient satisfaction were collected. 83.3% had tumors measuring 2 cm or less (T1) and 72.1% were stage 0 and 1. All patients presented peripherally tumors located (at least 5 cm from the nipple). Skin complications occurred in 11.1%. One patient (5.5%) presented small skin necrosis and a wound dehiscence was observed in one patient (5.5%). The aesthetic result was good/very good in 94.4 percent and the majority of patients were very satisfied/satisfied. No local recurrences were observed. All complications except one were treated by a conservative approach. DCPI-BEIS is a simple and reliable technique for NSM reconstruction. The success depends on patient selection, coordinated planning with the oncologic surgeon and careful intra-operative and post-operative management. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Clinical trials documented alarming post-treatment Plasmodium vivax recurrence rates caused by recrudescence of surviving asexual blood stages, relapse from hypnozoites, or new infections. Here we describe high rates of P vivax recurrence (26-40% 180 days after treatment) in two cohorts of rural Amazonians exposed to low levels of malaria transmission after a vivax malaria episode treated with chloroquine-primaquine. Microsatellite analysis of 28 paired acute infection and recurrence parasites showed only two pairs of identical haplotypes (consistent with recrudescences or reactivation of homologous hypnozoites) and four pairs of related haplotypes (sharing alleles at 11-13 of 14 microsatellites analyzed). Local isolates of P vivax were extraordinarily diverse and rarely shared the same haplotype, indicating that frequent recurrences did not favor the persistence or reappearance of clonal lineages of parasites in the Population. This fast haplotype replacement rate may represent the typical population dynamics Of neutral polymorphisms in parasites from low-endemicity areas.
Uma potra da raça Quarto de Milha com dois meses de idade apresentava aumento de volume bilateral na região da parótida desde algumas horas após o nascimento. Por exame radiográfico diagnosticou-se timpanismo bilateral de bolsa gutural. Realizou-se a abertura cirúrgica da bolsa gutural esquerda e fenestrou-se o septo medial das bolsas guturais. Adicionalmente, procedeu-se à ressecção parcial da mucosa na abertura do orifício guturo-faríngeo. A afecção foi debelada, sem recidivas.
Analytical study of therapeutic nonrandomized intervention type, intra-group controlled, with the aim of analyzing the cost-effectiveness of compression therapy with manipulated Unna boot in relation to conventional therapy in the healing of venous ulcers (VU) of patients treated in ambulatory clinic. The study population was composed by patients with VU treated by angiologists in Surgical Clinic Ambulatory of the Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL) with a sample of 18 patients. It obtained the assent of the HUOL Ethics in Research Committee (Protocol 276/09). Data collection was performed over a period of four months by the own master's student and 34 nursing students, through the application of the research instrument in the admission of patients to the study and in the ten subsequent evaluations, performed at the time of changing Unna boot, weekly, for a maximum period of 10 weeks. The data were analyzed with SPSS 15.0 software, using descriptive and inferential statistics, and presented as tables, charts and graphs. Among those surveyed, prevailed: females, mean age 57.6 years, low education and income levels, most retired, unemployed or off work, with the standing position more than six hours per day and up to eight hours daily of domestic or occupational activities. In health status profile of respondents there were predominantly sleep, rest and inadequate elevation of the lower limbs, no smoking and/or alcohol use, presence of hypertension and no use of drugs. Most presented the first VU for over 10 years, recurrences, present VU for more than five years, involvement of left leg, in malleolar and / or distal leg region, mild edema, hyperpigmentation, lipodermatosclerosis, telangiectasies, reticular and varicose veins, mild pain, serous exudate in moderate quantity, small lesions (up to 50cm2), with predominance of granulation tissue and / or epithelialization and demarcated, elevated and irregular borders, with crusts and macerated. Most patients reported that in the 10 weeks prior to admission, made bandages at home and / or Basic Health Unit and / or ambulatory, with nursing aides or technicians, daily, and on weekends or holidays, performed by patients themselves, using healing ointment on the lesion, being observed granulation / epithelialization and increase in VU prevalent in the 10 weeks of traditional treatment. After follow up with manipulated Unna boot, was observed a decrease of lesions in all study patients, with complete healing in 27.8% of those between 1 and 5 weeks of treatment, with satisfactory evolution of the lesions, pain and ankle and calf circumferences, and unsatisfactory development of the borders of ulcers, edema, sleep, rest and elevation of the lower limbs, especially in more chronic patients. Furthermore, patients who achieved total healing and exhibited the greatest percentage reduction of lesions had a higher number of wound healing factors (ρ = 0.01 and ρ = 0.027, respectively). The manipulated Unna boot showed better results in those patients with shorter duration of injury, leading them to a satisfactory outcome within a short period of treatment. After the cost-effectiveness analysis, we conclude that the manipulated Unna boot is more effective than conventional therapy in the healing process of VU and is more cost-effective in patients with shorter lesions (ρ = 0.001), shorter treatment (ρ = 0.000) and greater number of wound healing factors (ρ = 0.005).
The therapeutic adherence is still a big problem among people with venous ulcers (VU) because the treatment is long, expensive and demand changes in lifestyle. In this context, this study aims to examine treatment adherence and quality of life (QOL) of people with VU assisted at primary health care. This is an analytical, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach to treatment and data analysis. The study had the scenario 13 Family Health Units and 02 Units Mixed of Natal. The target population consisted of 44 persons with UV indicated by the teams of the Family Health Strategy between February and April 2014. Three instruments were used: an instrument to characterize the sociodemographic, health and care aspects, the Multidimensional Scale of Adherence Therapy composed of the dimensions: healthy lifestyle, compressive therapy and neurovascular monitoring and the Charing Cross Venous Ulcer Questionnaire (CCVUQ) that evaluates QOL in persons with VU composed by the domains: Total Score, Social Interaction, Domestic Activities, Aesthetics and Emotional State. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, CAAE: 07556312.0.0000.5537. The data concerning the sociodemographic characteristics showed that there was a predominance of females (65.9%), age range as of 60 years (59.1%) and income of up to 1 minimum wage (81.8%). With the characterization of health, it was evident that most people reported chronic diseases (63.6%), sleep more than 6 hours (81.8%), present pain (81.8%), denying alcoholism (86 4%) and smoking (77.3%) and showed a number greater than or equal to 1 (77.3%) recurrences. Concerning the therapeutic adherence was found that in the dimension compressive therapy there poor adherence. No associations between the domains of adherence and sociodemographic and health variables were found. Was observed, however, better adherence among individuals without pain and with higher schooling. When analyzed the averages of the dimensions of therapeutic adherence with the care characteristics there was statistical significance between: adherence to compression therapy and guidance for use of compressive therapy (p = 0.002) and guidance for regular exercise (p = 0.026). Considering the mean of total score of CCVUQ (mean 51.47, SD 18.33) it is observed that the overall QOL of respondents has approximate value of the median of the scale (50). The mean of the domain Social Interaction (mean 44.23, SD 21.38) and Domestic Activities (mean 45.70, SD 23.21) were those who reported better QOL. There were weak correlations but significant between adherence to healthy lifestyle and Domains Total Score (p = 0.012), social interaction (p-value = 0.048), Aesthetics (p-value = 0.025) and Emotional State (0.017) of CCVUQ. From the data analysis it is concluded that among people with UV, there poor adherence to compressive therapy. Furthermore, we found no statistically significant association between treatment adherence and sociodemographic and health characteristics. It is added that there was a correlation between the healthy lifestyle dimension and domains CCVUQ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)