202 resultados para Swertschkoff, Wladimir,


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Nossa pretensão ao elaborar esta dissertação foi a de descrever, embora, de maneira superficial, uma boa parte das operações e análises envolvidas com o mercado a termo em mercadorias, face à atualidade do tema e, a escassez de bons textos em língua portuguesa. Quanto aos números alcançados por empresas nacionais e estrangeiras que operam no País, esperamos que eles sirvam de base para posterior e mais ampla averiguação, dotando público e autoridades de uma visão maior dos inúmeros problemas ligados a essa área.


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Analisa a influência da criação de linhas de financiamento, com taxas subsidiadas, sobre a estrutura financeira dessas empresas, tecendo algumas considerações sobre sua política de financiamento. Aborda os efeitos do endividamento sobre a alavancagem financeira. Analisa os efeitos da política de contenção dos preços pelo CIP Conselho Interministerial de Preços) sobre a alavancagem operacional. Verifica a contribuição dos Incentivos de IPI criados pelo Decreto Lei n. 1547/77 , como fonte de fundos dessas empresas.


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Fucan is a term used to denominate a family of sulfated polysaccharides rich in L-fucose. They are extracted mainly from the extracellular matrix of brown algae and echinoderms. The brown alga Spatoglossum schröederi (Dictyotaceae) has three heterofucans named A, B and C. Our research group have been extracted non anticoagulant heterofucan from S. schröederi which possess antithrombotic activity in vivo. However, their toxicity in vitro and in vivo has not yet been determined. For the results in toxicity in vitro, we observed that the fucan A at 20, 500 and 1000 μg/plate showed no mutagenic activity in Kado test (Microsuspension), when the bacterial strains TA97a, TA98, TA100 and TA102, with and without S9 were used. The comet assay showed that fucan A (from 20 to 1000 μg/mL) did not cause any genotoxic effect on CHO cells. There was no damage to the DNA of these cells, as evidenced by the tail length and tail moment, which were similar to that found for the negative control. The fucan A from S. schröederi was administered at 20 μg/g of rat (dose which it showed high antithrombotic activity) during two months. After that, the animals were killed and examined. The data showed that fucan A did not cause any change in biochemistry and hematological parameters, as well as, in the morphology and size of the rat s organs analyzed. In conclusion, this study indicates that fucan is a compound with potential pharmacological that has no toxicity


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This dissertation establishes a viewpoint in the Social Cience Field of the Nymphs image in the romanesque construction of the twentieth century based in modern archaeology. Our literary corpus is constitututed by the book of the russian author callled Wladimir Nabokov entlited Lolita and the book Presença de Anita, from a brazilian author called Mario Donato. Both works had a singular repercussion involving an erotic conception wich was faced as pornographic and baffling. We appeal to Georges Bataille‟s and Foucault‟s discussion in order to observe it through an erotic viewpoint from an inner experience not submitted to normalizations. Such experiences provoke a feeling of something unknown and it reflects wild singularities proposed by Foucault and related with many misunderstanding things presented in institutions and cultures. Furthemore Bataille‟s conception about erotism will give us conditions to analyze nymphs‟ bodies in order to see themselves from their main characteristics, such as seduction and tempting and maligning forces. We still aim to focus the paradigm of mankind and nature in the direction presented by Edgar Morin. He analyzes some feelings that nymphs provoke and their relation between men and death. In adittion, we present in this issue some questions between culture and biology, focusing on the initial period of larva (wich means the beggining), bringing up what is ready to be born, a mythical and significant body shown in the media. Lolita in the cinema and A Presença de Anita in the TV was disturbing in society and it projected the possibility of a syntaxes of desire. It can has a symbolic purpose or it can be a kind of social and cultural phenomenon, wich is an object of representation. Our purpose is to immersion/emerge in the Nimphs‟s body with adventure and its risks at the same time in wich we are crossing frontiers


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Furthered mainly by new technologies, the expansion of distance education has created a demand for tools and methodologies to enhance teaching techniques based on proven pedagogical theories. Such methodologies must also be applied in the so-called Virtual Learning Environments. The aim of this work is to present a planning methodology based on known pedagogical theories which contributes to the incorporation of assessment in the process of teaching and learning. With this in mind, the pertinent literature was reviewed in order to identify the key pedagogical concepts needed to the definition of this methodology and a descriptive approach was used to establish current relations between this conceptual framework and distance education. As a result of this procedure, the Contents Map and the Dependence Map were specified and implemented, two teaching tools that promote the planning of a course by taking into account assessment still in this early stage. Inserted on Moodle, the developed tools were tested in a course of distance learning for practical observation of the involved concepts. It could be verified that the methodology proposed by the above-mentioned tools is in fact helpful in course planning and in strengthening educational assessment, placing the student as central element in the process of teaching and learning


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Evidências que o leite produzido e consumido no Brasil nem sempre apresenta a qualidade desejada têm gerado a discussão e desenvolvimento de novas políticas de incentivo à produção leiteira, resultando no desenvolvimento do Programa Nacional de Melhoria da Qualidade do Leite. em complementação, em 2002 o Ministério da Agricultura publicou a Instrução Normativa 51 (IN51), com importantes inovações em relação à conservação e transporte do leite cru, além de estabelecimento de um padrão de qualidade para esse tipo de leite (10(6) UFC/mL), a ser implantado em diferentes prazos nas diferentes regiões do país, a partir de 2005. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar se o leite cru produzido em quatro áreas de quatro estados produtores de leite no Brasil estaria, nesse momento, em condições de cumprir o estabelecido na IN 51, especialmente quanto ao atendimento dos padrões microbiológicos previstos. Amostras de leite cru, coletadas em 210 diferentes propriedades nas regiões de Viçosa, MG (47), Pelotas, RS (50), Londrina, PR (63) e Botucatu, SP (50), foram analisadas quanto aos níveis de contaminação por aeróbios mesófilos, utilizando o PetrifilmTM AC. Parcela significativa das amostras (48,6%) apresentaram contagens acima do determinado pela IN51, sendo 21,3% na região de Viçosa (MG), 56,0% na região de Pelotas (RS), 47,6% na região de Londrina (PR) e 68,0% na região de Botucatu (SP). Considerando as diferenças de cada região, foi possível observar a importância da refrigeração na conservação e transporte da produção, bem como da implantação de boas práticas e assistência técnica nas propriedades. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que a adequação às normas estabelecidas pela IN51 pode ser mais difícil em algumas regiões do que em outras, sendo fundamental a adoção da refrigeração na conservação e no transporte da produção, e de programas regionais de assistência a produtores leiteiros.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar as intensidades do ponto de compensação respiratório (PCR), limiar anaeróbio de concentração fixa (OBLA3,5) e limiar anaeróbio de lactato de aumento abrupto lactacidêmico (LAnLAC) determinadas em diferentes ergômetros. Para isso, onze mesatenistas (19±1 anos) realizaram testes incrementais máximos no cicloergômetro, ergômetro de braço, esteira e em teste específico para o tênis de mesa. Durante esses esforços, foram mensuradas as repostas lactacidêmica e respiratória. Na análise intraergômetro, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o PCR, LAnLAC e OBLA3,5 no ergômetro de braço (63,4±4,8W, 66,9±4,5W e 64,5±6,1W, respectivamente), esteira (11,4±0,4km.h-1, 11,3±0,3km.h-1 e 11,1±0,3km.h-1, respectivamente) e teste específico (40,5±1,8bolas.min-1, 42,6±3,6bolas.min-1 e 42,8±5,6bolas.min-1, respectivamente); apenas no cicloergômetro foi verificado menor valor de OBLA3,5 (131,9±6,6W) em relação ao PCR (149,3±4,9W) e o LAnLAC (149,3±4,7W). No entanto, fortes e significativas correlações foram verificadas no teste específico entre todos esses métodos (r entre 0,83 a 0,95), entre o PCR e OBLA3,5 no ergômetro de braço (r=0,78) e entre OBLA3,5 e LAnLAC na esteira (r=0,76). Desse modo, podemos concluir que o PCR, OBLA3,5 e LAnLAC parecem corresponder ao mesmo fenômeno fisiológico, principalmente, no teste específico para o tênis de mesa.


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Ivermectin is one of the most widely used antiparasitic drugs globally. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chronic effects of perinatal exposure to ivermectin on male reproductive parameters in rats. Pregnant rats were treated daily by oral gavage with 0.4 or 1.6 mg kg -1 of ivermectin or vehicle, from gestational day 6 until post-natal day 10. In the adulthood stage, there were significant reductions in the relative testicular weight of rats exposed to the low dose and in relative prostate weight of male rats exposed to the high dose of ivermectin. Furthermore, the animals exposed to the low dose also presented an increased seminal vesicle weight compared to controls. However, neither of the ivermectin doses interfered in daily sperm production, sperm number in testis, or sexual behavior of exposed males. In conclusion, perinatal exposure to ivermectin neither altered the male reproductive system development markedly, nor produced any adverse effects on the parameters evaluated. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.


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This work presents the structural characterization of Ti-10Si-5B and Ti-20Si-10B (at-%) alloys produced by high-pressure assisted sintering. Sintering was performed in air at 1100 and 1200°C for 60 s using pressure levels of 5 GPa. Structural evaluation of sintered samples was conducted by means of scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectrometry. Samples were successfully consolidated after sintering, which presented theoretical density values higher than 99%. The microstructures of the sintered Ti-10Si-5B and Ti-20Si-10B alloys revealed the presence of the TiSS, TiB, TiB2, Ti5Si3, Ti5Si4, TiSi, and TiSi2.phases. A small amount of Ti6Si2B was formed after high-pressure assisted sintering of the Ti-20Si-10B alloy (5GPa, 1100°C for 60 s) indicating that equilibrium structures were not achieved during short sintering times. No oxygen and carbon contamination was detected in structures of Ti-Si-B alloys after high-pressure sintering at 1100 and 1200°C without controlled atmosphere. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.