111 resultados para Superfluid


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Neutron stars are some of the most fascinating objects in Nature. Essentially all aspects of physics seems to be represented inside them. Their cores are likely to contain deconfined quarks, hyperons and other exotic phases of matter in which the strong interaction is the dominant force. The inner region of their solid crust is penetrated by superfluid neutrons and their magnetic fields may reach well over 1012 Gauss. Moreover, their extreme mean densities, well above the densities of nuclei, and their rapid rotation rates makes them truly relativistic both in the special as well as in the general sense. This thesis deals with a small subset of these phenomena. In particular the exciting possibility of trapping of gravita-tional waves is examined from a theoretical point of view. It is shown that the standard condition R < 3M is not essential to the trapping mechanism. This point is illustrated using the elegant tool provided by the optical geometry. It is also shown that a realistic equation of state proposed in the literature allows stable neutron star models with closed circular null orbits, something which is closely related to trapped gravitational waves. Furthermore, the general relativistic theory of elasticity is reviewed and applied to stellar models. Both static equilibrium as well as radially oscillating configurations with elasticsources are examined. Finally, Killing tensors are considered and their applicability to modeling of stars is discussed


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This thesis reports on the experimental investigation of controlled spin dependent interactions in a sample of ultracold Rubidium atoms trapped in a periodic optical potential. In such a situation, the most basic interaction between only two atoms at one common potential well, forming a micro laboratory for this atom pair, can be investigated. Spin dependent interactions between the atoms can lead to an intriguing time evolution of the system. In this work, we present two examples of such spin interaction induced dynamics. First, we have been able to observe and control a coherent spin changing interaction. Second, we have achieved to examine and manipulate an interaction induced time evolution of the relative phase of a spin 1/2-system, both in the case of particle pairs and in the more general case of N interacting particles. The first part of this thesis elucidates the spin-changing interaction mechanism underlying many fascinating effects resulting from interacting spins at ultracold temperatures. This process changes the spin states of two colliding particles, while preserving total magnetization. If initial and final states have almost equal energy, this process is resonant and leads to large amplitude oscillations between different spin states. The measured coupling parameters of such a process allow to precisely infer atomic scattering length differences, that e.g. determine the nature of the magnetic ground state of the hyperfine states in Rubidium. Moreover, a method to tune the spin oscillations at will based on the AC-Zeeman effect has been implemented. This allowed us to use resonant spin changing collisions as a quantitative and non-destructive particle pair probe in the optical lattice. This led to a series of experiments shedding light on the Bosonic superfluid to Mott insulator transition. In a second series of experiments we have been able to coherently manipulate the interaction induced time evolution of the relative phase in an ensemble of spin 1/2-systems. For two particles, interactions can lead to an entanglement oscillation of the particle pair. For the general case of N interacting particles, the ideal time evolution leads to the creation of spin squeezed states and even Schrödinger cat states. In the experiment we have been able to control the underlying interactions by a Feshbach resonance. For particle pairs we could directly observe the entanglement oscillations. For the many particle case we have been able to observe and reverse the interaction induced dispersion of the relative phase. The presented results demonstrate how correlated spin states can be engineered through control of atomic interactions. Moreover, the results point towards the possibility to simulate quantum magnetism phenomena with ultracold atoms in optical traps, and to realize and analyze many novel quantum spin states which have not been experimentally realized so far.


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This thesis describes experiments which investigate ultracold atom ensembles in an optical lattice. Such quantum gases are powerful models for solid state physics. Several novel methods are demonstrated that probe the special properties of strongly correlated states in lattice potentials. Of these, quantum noise spectroscopy reveals spatial correlations in such states, which are hidden when using the usual methods of probing atomic gases. Another spectroscopic technique makes it possible to demonstrate the existence of a shell structure of regions with constant densities. Such coexisting phases separated by sharp boundaries had been theoretically predicted for the Mott insulating state. The tunneling processes in the optical lattice in the strongly correlated regime are probed by preparing the ensemble in an optical superlattice potential. This allows the time-resolved observation of the tunneling dynamics, and makes it possible to directly identify correlated tunneling processes.


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Research in fundamental physics with the free neutron is one of the key tools for testing the Standard Model at low energies. Most prominent goals in this field are the search for a neutron electric dipole moment (EDM) and the measurement of the neutron lifetime. Significant improvements of the experimental performance using ultracold neutrons (UCN) require reduction of both systematic and statistical errors.rnThe development and construction of new UCN sources based on the superthermal concept is therefore an important step for the success of future fundamental physics with ultracold neutrons. rnSignificant enhancement of today available UCN densities strongly correlates with an efficient use of an UCN converter material. The UCN converter here is to be understood as a medium which reduces the velocity of cold neutrons (CN, velocity of about 600 m/s) to the velocity of UCN (velocity of about 6 m/s).rnSeveral big research centers around the world are presently planning or constructing new superthermal UCN sources, which are mainly based on the use of either solid deuterium or superfluid helium as UCN converter.rnThanks to the idea of Yu.Pokotilovsky, there exists the opportunity to build competitive UCN sources also at small research reactors of the TRIGA type. Of course these smaller facilities don't promise high UCN densities of several 1000 UCN/cm³, but they are able to provide densities around 100 UCN/cm³ for experiments.rnIn the context of this thesis, it was possible to demonstrate succesfully the feasibility of a superthermal UCN source at the tangential beamport C of the research reactor TRIGA Mainz. Based on a prototype for the future UCN source at the Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRMII) in munich, which was planned and built in collaboration with the Technical University of Munich, further investigations and improvements were done and are presented in this thesis. rnIn parallel, a second UCN source for the radial beamport D was designed and built. The comissioning of this new source is foreseen in spring 2010.rnAt beamport D with its higher thermal neutron flux, it should be possible to increase the available UCN densities of 4 UCN/cm³ by minimum one order of magnitude.


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In this thesis, we investigate mixtures of quantum degenerate Bose and Fermi gases of neutral atoms in threedimensional optical lattices. Feshbach resonances allow to control interspecies interactions in these systems precisely, by preparing suitable combinations of internal atomic states and applying external magnetic fields. This way, the system behaviour can be tuned continuously from mutual transparency to strongly interacting correlated phases, up to the stability boundary.rnThe starting point for these investigations is the spin-polarized fermionic band insulator. The properties of this non-interacting system are fully determined by the Pauli exclusion principle for the occupation of states in the lattice. A striking demonstration of the latter can be found in the antibunching of the density-density correlation of atoms released from the lattice. If bosonic atoms are added to this system, isolated heteronuclear molecules can be formed on the lattice sites via radio-frequency stimulation. The efficiency of this process hints at a modification of the atom number distribution over the lattice caused by interspecies interaction.rnIn the following, we investigate systems with tunable interspecies interaction. To this end, a method is developed which allows to assess the various contributions to the system Hamiltonian both qualitatively and quantitatively by following the quantum phase diffusion of the bosonic matter wave.rnBesides a modification of occupation number statistics, these measurements show a significant renormalization of the bosonic Hubbard parameters. The final part of the thesis considers the implications of this renormalization effect on the many particle physics in the mixture. Here, we demonstrate how the quantum phase transition from a bosonic superfluid to a Mott insulator state is shifted towards considerably shallower lattices due to renormalization.


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This thesis reports on the realization, characterization and analysis of ultracold bosonic and fermionic atoms in three-dimensional optical lattice potentials. Ultracold quantum gases in optical lattices can be regarded as ideal model systems to investigate quantum many-body physics. In this work interacting ensembles of bosonic 87Rb and fermionic 40K atoms are employed to study equilibrium phases and nonequilibrium dynamics. The investigations are enabled by a versatile experimental setup, whose core feature is a blue-detuned optical lattice that is combined with Feshbach resonances and a red-detuned dipole trap to allow for independent control of tunneling, interactions and external confinement. The Fermi-Hubbard model, which plays a central role in the theoretical description of strongly correlated electrons, is experimentally realized by loading interacting fermionic spin mixtures into the optical lattice. Using phase-contrast imaging the in-situ size of the atomic density distribution is measured, which allows to extract the global compressibility of the many-body state as a function of interaction and external confinement. Thereby, metallic and insulating phases are clearly identified. At strongly repulsive interaction, a vanishing compressibility and suppression of doubly occupied lattice sites signal the emergence of a fermionic Mott insulator. In a second series of experiments interaction effects in bosonic lattice quantum gases are analyzed. Typically, interactions between microscopic particles are described as two-body interactions. As such they are also contained in the single-band Bose-Hubbard model. However, our measurements demonstrate the presence of multi-body interactions that effectively emerge via virtual transitions of atoms to higher lattice bands. These findings are enabled by the development of a novel atom optical measurement technique: In quantum phase revival spectroscopy periodic collapse and revival dynamics of the bosonic matter wave field are induced. The frequencies of the dynamics are directly related to the on-site interaction energies of atomic Fock states and can be read out with high precision. The third part of this work deals with mixtures of bosons and fermions in optical lattices, in which the interspecies interactions are accurately controlled by means of a Feshbach resonance. Studies of the equilibrium phases show that the bosonic superfluid to Mott insulator transition is shifted towards lower lattice depths when bosons and fermions interact attractively. This observation is further analyzed by applying quantum phase revival spectroscopy to few-body systems consisting of a single fermion and a coherent bosonic field on individual lattice sites. In addition to the direct measurement of Bose-Fermi interaction energies, Bose-Bose interactions are proven to be modified by the presence of a fermion. This renormalization of bosonic interaction energies can explain the shift of the Mott insulator transition. The experiments of this thesis lay important foundations for future studies of quantum magnetism with fermionic spin mixtures as well as for the realization of complex quantum phases with Bose-Fermi mixtures. They furthermore point towards physics that reaches beyond the single-band Hubbard model.


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Estudamos transições de fases quânticas em gases bosônicos ultrafrios aprisionados em redes óticas. A física desses sistemas é capturada por um modelo do tipo Bose-Hubbard que, no caso de um sistema sem desordem, em que os átomos têm interação de curto alcance e o tunelamento é apenas entre sítios primeiros vizinhos, prevê a transição de fases quântica superfluido-isolante de Mott (SF-MI) quando a profundidade do potencial da rede ótica é variado. Num primeiro estudo, verificamos como o diagrama de fases dessa transição muda quando passamos de uma rede quadrada para uma hexagonal. Num segundo, investigamos como a desordem modifica essa transição. No estudo com rede hexagonal, apresentamos o diagrama de fases da transição SF-MI e uma estimativa para o ponto crítico do primeiro lobo de Mott. Esses resultados foram obtidos usando o algoritmo de Monte Carlo quântico denominado Worm. Comparamos nossos resultados com os obtidos a partir de uma aproximação de campo médio e com os de um sistema com uma rede ótica quadrada. Ao introduzir desordem no sistema, uma nova fase emerge no diagrama de fases do estado fundamental intermediando a fase superfluida e a isolante de Mott. Essa nova fase é conhecida como vidro de Bose (BG) e a transição de fases quântica SF-BG que ocorre nesse sistema gerou muitas controvérsias desde seus primeiros estudos iniciados no fim dos anos 80. Apesar dos avanços em direção ao entendimento completo desta transição, a caracterização básica das suas propriedades críticas ainda é debatida. O que motivou nosso estudo, foi a publicação de resultados experimentais e numéricos em sistemas tridimensionais [Yu et al. Nature 489, 379 (2012), Yu et al. PRB 86, 134421 (2012)] que violam a lei de escala $\\phi= u z$, em que $\\phi$ é o expoente da temperatura crítica, $z$ é o expoente crítico dinâmico e $ u$ é o expoente do comprimento de correlação. Abordamos essa controvérsia numericamente fazendo uma análise de escalonamento finito usando o algoritmo Worm nas suas versões quântica e clássica. Nossos resultados demonstram que trabalhos anteriores sobre a dependência da temperatura de transição superfluido-líquido normal com o potencial químico (ou campo magnético, em sistemas de spin), $T_c \\propto (\\mu-\\mu_c)^\\phi$, estavam equivocados na interpretação de um comportamento transiente na aproximação da região crítica genuína. Quando os parâmetros do modelo são modificados de maneira a ampliar a região crítica quântica, simulações com ambos os modelos clássico e quântico revelam que a lei de escala $\\phi= u z$ [com $\\phi=2.7(2)$, $z=3$ e $ u = 0.88(5)$] é válida. Também estimamos o expoente crítico do parâmetro de ordem, encontrando $\\beta=1.5(2)$.


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In this work, we investigate the quantum dynamics of a model for two singlemode Bose-Einstein condensates which are coupled via Josephson tunnelling. Using direct numerical diagonalization of the Hamiltonian, we compute the time evolution of the expectation value for the relative particle number across a wide range of couplings. Our analysis shows that the system exhibits rich and complex behaviours varying between harmonic and non-harmonic oscillations, particularly around the threshold coupling between the delocalized and selftrapping phases. We show that these behaviours are dependent on both the initial state of the system and regime of the coupling. In addition, a study of the dynamics for the variance of the relative particle number expectation and the entanglement for different initial states is presented in detail.


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We review the role of strong electronic correlations in quasi-two-dimensional organic charge transfer salts such as (BEDT-TTF)(2)X, (BETS)(2)Y, and beta'-[Pd(dmit)(2)](2)Z. We begin by defining minimal models for these materials. It is necessary to identify two classes of material: the first class is strongly dimerized and is described by a half-filled Hubbard model; the second class is not strongly dimerized and is described by a quarter-filled extended Hubbard model. We argue that these models capture the essential physics of these materials. We explore the phase diagram of the half-filled quasi-two-dimensional organic charge transfer salts, focusing on the metallic and superconducting phases. We review work showing that the metallic phase, which has both Fermi liquid and 'bad metal' regimes, is described both quantitatively and qualitatively by dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). The phenomenology of the superconducting state is still a matter of contention. We critically review the experimental situation, focusing on the key experimental results that may distinguish between rival theories of superconductivity, particularly probes of the pairing symmetry and measurements of the superfluid stiffness. We then discuss some strongly correlated theories of superconductivity, in particular the resonating valence bond (RVB) theory of superconductivity. We conclude by discussing some of the major challenges currently facing the field. These include parameterizing minimal models, the evidence for a pseudogap from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments, superconductors with low critical temperatures and extremely small superfluid stiffnesses, the possible spin- liquid states in kappa-(ET)(2)Cu-2(CN)(3) and beta'-[Pd(dmit)(2)](2)Z, and the need for high quality large single crystals.


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We discuss the superfluid phase transition of a strongly interacting Fermi gas with unequal ( asymmetric) chemical potentials in two pairing hyperfine states, and map out its phase diagram near the BCS-BEC crossover. Our approach includes the fluctuation contributions of preformed Cooper pairs to the thermodynamic potential at finite temperature. We show that, below a critical difference in chemical potentials between species, a normal gas is unstable towards the formation of either a finite-momentum paired Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconducting phase or a uniform superfluid, depending on the asymmetry and interaction strengths. We determine the value of critical chemical potential mismatch, and find that it is consistent with a recent measurement by Zwierlein et al. ( Science, 311 ( 2006) 492).


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We propose phase diagrams for an imbalanced (unequal number of atoms or Fermi surface in two pairing hyperfine states) gas of atomic fermions near a broad Feshbach resonance using mean-field theory. Particularly, in the plane of interaction and polarization we determine the region for a mixed phase composed of normal and superfluid components. We compare our prediction of phase boundaries with the recent measurement and find a good qualitative agreement.


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We perform numerical simulations of finite temperature quantum turbulence produced through thermal counterflow in superfluid 4He, using the vortex filament model. We investigate the effects of solid boundaries along one of the Cartesian directions, assuming a laminar normal fluid with a Poiseuille velocity profile, whilst varying the temperature and the normal fluid velocity. We analyze the distribution of the quantized vortices, reconnection rates, and quantized vorticity production as a function of the wall-normal direction. We find that the quantized vortex lines tend to concentrate close to the solid boundaries with their position depending only on temperature and not on the counterflow velocity. We offer an explanation of this phenomenon by considering the balance of two competing effects, namely the rate of turbulent diffusion of an isotropic tangle near the boundaries and the rate of quantized vorticity production at the center. Moreover, this yields the observed scaling of the position of the peak vortex line density with the mutual friction parameter. Finally, we provide evidence that upon the transition from laminar to turbulent normal fluid flow, there is a dramatic increase in the homogeneity of the tangle, which could be used as an indirect measure of the transition to turbulence in the normal fluid component for experiments.


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We study the statistical and dynamical behavior of turbulent Kelvin waves propagating on quantized vortices in superfluids and address the controversy concerning the energy spectrum that is associated with these excitations. Finding the correct energy spectrum is important because Kelvin waves play a major role in the dissipation of energy in superfluid turbulence at near-zero temperatures. In this paper, we show analytically that the solution proposed by [L’vov and Nazarenko, JETP Lett. 91, 428 (2010)] enjoys existence, uniqueness, and regularity of the prefactor. Furthermore, we present numerical results of the dynamical equation that describes to leading order the nonlocal regime of the Kelvin-wave dynamics. We compare our findings with the analytical results from the proposed local and nonlocal theories for Kelvin-wave dynamics and show an agreement with the nonlocal predictions. Accordingly, the spectrum proposed by L’vov and Nazarenko should be used in future theories of quantum turbulence. Finally, for weaker wave forcing we observe an intermittent behavior of the wave spectrum with a fluctuating dissipative scale, which we interpreted as a finite-size effect characteristic of mesoscopic wave turbulence.


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The small-scale energy-transfer mechanism in zero-temperature superfluid turbulence of helium-4 is still a widely debated topic. Currently, the main hypothesis is that weakly nonlinear interacting Kelvin waves (KWs) transfer energy to sufficiently small scales such that energy is dissipated as heat via phonon excitations. Theoretically, there are at least two proposed theories for Kelvin-wave interactions. We perform the most comprehensive numerical simulation of weakly nonlinear interacting KWs to date and show, using a specially designed numerical algorithm incorporating the full Biot-Savart equation, that our results are consistent with the nonlocal six-wave KW interactions as proposed by L'vov and Nazarenko.


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We argue that the physics of interacting Kelvin Waves (KWs) is highly nontrivial and cannot be understood on the basis of pure dimensional reasoning. A consistent theory of KW turbulence in superfluids should be based upon explicit knowledge of their interactions. To achieve this, we present a detailed calculation and comprehensive analysis of the interaction coefficients for KW turbuelence, thereby, resolving previous mistakes stemming from unaccounted contributions. As a first application of this analysis, we derive a local nonlinear (partial differential) equation. This equation is much simpler for analysis and numerical simulations of KWs than the Biot-Savart equation, and in contrast to the completely integrable local induction approximation (in which the energy exchange between KWs is absent), describes the nonlinear dynamics of KWs. Second, we show that the previously suggested Kozik-Svistunov energy spectrum for KWs, which has often been used in the analysis of experimental and numerical data in superfluid turbulence, is irrelevant, because it is based upon an erroneous assumption of the locality of the energy transfer through scales. Moreover, we demonstrate the weak nonlocality of the inverse cascade spectrum with a constant particle-number flux and find resulting logarithmic corrections to this spectrum.