987 resultados para Sunflower Leaves
We conducted a study of the patterns and dynamics of oxidized fatty acid derivatives (oxylipins) in potato leaves infected with the late-blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans. Two 18-carbon divinyl ether fatty acids, colneleic acid and colnelenic acid, accumulated during disease development. To date, there are no reports that such compounds have been detected in higher plants. The divinyl ether fatty acids accumulate more rapidly in potato cultivar Matilda (a cultivar with increased resistance to late blight) than in cultivar Bintje, a susceptible cultivar. Colnelenic acid reached levels of up to approximately 24 nmol (7 microgram) per g fresh weight of tissue in infected leaves. By contrast, levels of members of the jasmonic acid family did not change significantly during pathogenesis. The divinyl ethers also accumulated during the incompatible interaction of tobacco with tobacco mosaic virus. Colneleic and colnelenic acids were found to be inhibitory to P. infestans, suggesting a function in plant defense for divinyl ethers, which are unstable compounds rarely encountered in biological systems.
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES Aging enhances frequency of chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases or periodontitis. Here we reproduced an age-dependent model of the periodontium, a fully physiological approach to periodontal conditions, to evaluate the impact of dietary fat type on gingival tissue of young (6 months old) and old (24 months old) rats. METHODS/FINDINGS Animals were fed life-long on diets based on monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) as virgin olive oil, n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-6PUFA), as sunflower oil, or n-3PUFA, as fish oil. Age-related alveolar bone loss was higher in n-6PUFA fed rats, probably as a consequence of the ablation of the cell capacity to adapt to aging. Gene expression analysis suggests that MUFA or n-3PUFA allowed mitochondria to maintain an adequate turnover through induction of biogenesis, autophagy and the antioxidant systems, and avoiding mitochondrial electron transport system alterations. CONCLUSIONS The main finding is that the enhanced alveolar bone loss associated to age may be targeted by an appropriate dietary treatment. The mechanisms involved in this phenomenon are related with an ablation of the cell capacity to adapt to aging. Thus, MUFA or n-3PUFA might allow mitochondrial maintaining turnover through biogenesis or autophagy. They might also be able to induce the corresponding antioxidant systems to counteract age-related oxidative stress, and do not inhibit mitochondrial electron transport chain. From the nutritional and clinical point of view, it is noteworthy that the potential treatments to attenuate alveolar bone loss (a feature of periodontal disease) associated to age could be similar to some of the proposed for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, a group of pathologies recently associated with age-related periodontitis.
INTRODUCTION: The analysis of glucosinolates (GS) is traditionally performed by reverse-phase liquid chromatography coupled to ultraviolet detection after a time-consuming desulphation step, which is required for increased retention. Simpler and more efficient alternative methods that can shorten both sample preparation and analysis are much needed. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the feasibility of using ultrahigh-pressure liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC-QTOFMS) for the rapid profiling of intact GS. METHODOLOGY: A simple and short extraction of GS from Arabidopsis thaliana leaves was developed. Four sub-2 µm reverse-phase columns were tested for the rapid separation of these polar compounds using formic acid as the chromatographic additive. High-resolution QTOFMS was used to detect and identify GS. RESULTS: A novel charged surface hybrid (CSH) column was found to provide excellent retention and separation of GS within a total running time of 11 min. Twenty-one GS could be identified based on their accurate mass as well as isotopic and fragmentation patterns. The method was applied to determine the changes in GS content that occur after herbivory in Arabidopsis. In addition, we evaluated its applicability to the profiling of other Brassicaceae species. CONCLUSION: The method developed can profile the full range of GS, including the most polar ones, in a shorter time than previous methods, and is highly compatible with mass spectrometric detection.
Wounding initiates a strong and largely jasmonate-dependent remodelling of the transcriptome in the leaf blades of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). How much control do jasmonates exert on wound-induced protein repatterning in leaves? Replicated shotgun proteomic analyses of 2.5-mm-wide leaf strips adjacent to wounds revealed 106 differentially regulated proteins. Many of these gene products have not emerged as being wound regulated in transcriptomic studies. From experiments using the jasmonic acid (JA)-deficient allene oxide synthase mutant we estimated that approximately 95% of wound-stimulated changes in protein levels were deregulated in the absence of JA. The levels of two tonoplast proteins already implicated in defense response regulation, TWO-PORE CHANNEL1 and the calcium-V-ATPase ACA4 increased on wounding, but their transcripts were not wound inducible. The data suggest new roles for jasmonate in controlling the levels of calcium-regulated pumps and transporters, proteins involved in targeted proteolysis, a putative bacterial virulence factor target, a light-dependent catalyst, and a key redox-controlled enzyme in glutathione synthesis. Extending the latter observation we found that wounding increased the proportion of oxidized glutathione in leaves, but only in plants able to synthesize JA. The oxidizing conditions generated through JA signaling near wounds help to define the cellular environment in which proteome remodelling occurs.
Physical damage and disease are known to lead to changes in the oxylipin signature of plants. We searched for oxylipins produced in response to both wounding and pathogenesis in Arabidopsis leaves. Linoleic acid 9- and 13-ketodienes (KODEs) were found to accumulate in wounded leaves as well as in leaves infected with the pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst). Quantification of the compounds showed that they accumulated to higher levels during the hypersensitive response to Pst avrRpm1 than during infection with a Pst strain lacking an avirulence gene. KODEs are Michael addition acceptors, containing a chemically reactive alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl group. When infiltrated into leaves, KODEs were found to induce expression of the GST1 gene, but vital staining indicated that these compounds also damaged plant cells. Several molecules typical of lipid oxidation, including malonaldehyde, also contain the alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl reactivity feature, and, when delivered in a volatile form, powerfully induced the expression of GST1. The results draw attention to the potential physiological importance of naturally occurring Michael addition acceptors in plants. In particular, these compounds could act directly, or indirectly via cell damage, as powerful gene activators and might also contribute to host cell death.
Powdery mildew is an important disease of wheat caused by the obligate biotrophic fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici. This pathogen invades exclusively epidermal cells after penetrating directly through the cell wall. Because powdery mildew colonizes exclusively epidermal cells, it is of importance not only to identify genes which are activated, but also to monitor tissue specificity of gene activation. Acquired resistance of wheat to powdery mildew can be induced by a previous inoculation with the non-host pathogen B. graminis f. sp. hordei, the causal agent of barley powdery mildew. The establishment of the resistant state is accompanied by the activation of genes. Here we report the tissue-specific cDNA-AFLP analysis and cloning of transcripts accumulating 6 and 24 h after the resistance-inducing inoculation with B. graminis f. sp. hordei. A total of 25,000 fragments estimated to represent about 17,000 transcripts were displayed. Out of these, 141 transcripts, were found to accumulate after Bgh inoculation using microarray hybridization analysis. Forty-four accumulated predominantly in the epidermis whereas 76 transcripts accumulated mostly in mesophyll tissue.
Drought limits plant growth and threatens crop productivity. A barley (Hordeum vulgare) ethylene imine-induced monogenic recessive mutant cer-zv, which is sensitive to drought, was characterized and genetically mapped in the present study. Detached leaves of cer-zv lost 34.2 % of their initial weight after 1 h of dehydration. The transpiration was much higher in cer-zv leaves than in wild-type leaves under both light and dark conditions. The stomata of cer-zv leaves functioned normally, but the cuticle of cer-zv leaves showed increased permeability to ethanol and toluidine blue dye. There was a 50-90 % reduction in four major cutin monomers, but no reduction in wax loads was found in the cer-zv mutant as compared with the wild type. Two F(2) mapping populations were established by the crosses of 23-19 × cer-zv and cer-zv × OUH602. More polymorphisms were found in EST sequences between cer-zv and OUH602 than between cer-zv and 23-19. cer-zv was located in a pericentromeric region on chromosome 4H in a 10.8 cM interval in the 23-19 × cer-zv map based on 186 gametes tested and a 1.7 cM interval in the cer-zv × OUH602 map based on 176 gametes tested. It co-segregated with EST marker AK251484 in both maps. The results indicated that the cer-zv mutant is defective in cutin, which might be responsible for the increased transpiration rate and drought sensitivity, and that the F(2) of cer-zv × OUH602 might better facilitate high resolution mapping of cer-zv.
In the field, immature individuals of Ascia monuste orseis (Godart), the kale caterpillars, migrate in great proportion to other regions of the host in order to complete their development; there, they find leaves of different ages and are exposed to the nutritional variation of these leaves. The objective of this study was to find out how the change to leaves of different ages affects the A. monuste orseis performance. The experiments were carried out providing one kind of leaf during the three first instars, and afterwards providing leaves of different ages during the fourth and fifth instars, since it is in these two instars that the changing movement prevails in that species. The parameters to measure performance were time of development (both to complete the three first instars and the fourth and fifth instars), ingestion of food, incorporated biomass, digestive indices that evaluated efficiency in food utilization, relative growth and intake rates, percentage of emergence, weight and size of the adults. In general, the caterpillars which were first fed on new leaves presented a better performance, but this study concluded that the A. monuste orseis caterpillars have shown skills to compensate food with lower nutritional value or less abundant in nature.
We provide here a detailed protocol for studying the changes in electrical surface potential of leaves. This method has been developed over the years by plant physiologists and is currently used in different variants in many laboratories. The protocol records surface potential changes to measure long-distance electrical signals induced by diverse stimuli such as leaf wounding or current injection. This technique can be used to determine signaling speeds, to measure the connectivity between different plant organs and-by exploiting mutant plants-to identify transporters and ion channels involved in electrical signaling. The approach can be combined with the analysis of mRNA expression and of metabolite concentrations to correlate electrical signaling to specific physiological events. We describe how to use this protocol on Arabidopsis, looking at the effects of leaf wounding; however, it is broadly applicable to other plants and can be used to study other aspects of plant physiology. After wound infliction, surface potential recording takes ∼20 min per plant.
This study aimed to evaluate, in controlled laboratory conditions (temperature of 25±2 °C, relative humidity of 60±10%, and 14/10 h L/D photoperiod), the larval development of Spodoptera eridania (Cramer, 1784) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) fed with leaves of Bt maize expressing Cry1F and Cry1F + Cry1A.105 + Cry2Ab2 insecticide proteins and its non-Btisoline. Maize leaves triggered 100% of mortality on S. eridania larvae independently of being Bt or non-Bt plants. However, it was observed that in overall Bt maize (expressing a single or pyramided protein) slightly affects the larval development of S. eridania, even under reduced leaf consumption. Therefore, these results showed that Cry1F and Cry1F + Cry1A.105 + Cry2Ab2 can affect the larval development of S. eridania, although it is not a target pest of this plant; however, more research is needed to better understand this evidence. Finally, this study confirms that non-Bt maize leaves are unsuitable food source to S. eridania larvae, suggesting that they are not a potential pest in maize fields.
Damage-inducible defenses in plants are controlled in part by jasmonates, fatty acid-derived regulators that start to accumulate within 30 s of wounding a leaf. Using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, we sought to identify the 13-lipoxygenases (13-LOXs) that initiate wound-induced jasmonate synthesis within a 190-s timeframe in Arabidopsis thaliana in 19 single, double, triple and quadruple mutant combinations derived from the four 13-LOX genes in this plant. All four 13-LOXs were found to contribute to jasmonate synthesis in wounded leaves: among them LOX6 showed a unique behavior. The relative contribution of LOX6 to jasmonate synthesis increased with distance from a leaf tip wound, and LOX6 was the only 13-LOX necessary for the initiation of early jasmonate synthesis in leaves distal to the wounded leaf. Herbivory assays that compared Spodoptera littoralis feeding on the lox2-1 lox3B lox4A lox6A quadruple mutant and the lox2-1 lox3B lox4A triple mutant revealed a role for LOX6 in defense of the shoot apical meristem. Consistent with this, we found that LOX6 promoter activity was strong in the apical region of rosettes. The LOX6 promoter was active in and near developing xylem cells and in expression domains we term subtrichomal mounds.
Mimicry has evolved in plants for a number of traits, both floral and vegetative. The discovery of a vine that mimics the leaf shape of different hosts poses new questions about the function of leaf mimicry, interplant signalling and leaf development.
Levels of the enzymes that produce wound response mediators have to be controlled tightly in unwounded tissues. The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) fatty acid oxygenation up-regulated8 (fou8) mutant catalyzes high rates of alpha -linolenic acid oxygenation and has higher than wild-type levels of the alpha -linolenic acid-derived wound response mediator jasmonic acid (JA) in undamaged leaves. fou8 produces a null allele in the gene SAL1 (also known as FIERY1 or FRY1). Overexpression of the wild-type gene product had the opposite effect of the null allele, suggesting a regulatory role of SAL1 acting in JA synthesis. The biochemical phenotypes in fou8 were complemented when the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) sulfur metabolism 3'(2'), 5'-bisphosphate nucleotidase MET22 was targeted to chloroplasts in fou8. The data are consistent with a role of SAL1 in the chloroplast-localized dephosphorylation of 3'-phospho-5'-adenosine phosphosulfate to 5'-adenosine phosphosulfate or in a closely related reaction (e.g. 3',5'-bisphosphate dephosphorylation). Furthermore, the fou8 phenotype was genetically suppressed in a triple mutant (fou8 apk1 apk2) affecting chloroplastic 3'-phospho-5'-adenosine phosphosulfate synthesis. These results show that a nucleotide component of the sulfur futile cycle regulates early steps of JA production and basal JA levels.
Nitrate reductase is the first enzyme in the pathway of nitrate reduction by plants, followed by glutamine synthetase, which incorporates ammonia to glutamine. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase activity, total soluble protein content, N and Ni content in coffee leaves during fruit development under field conditions to establish new informations to help assess the N nutritional status and fertilizer management. The experimental design was in randomized complete blocks, arranged in a 3 x 6 factorial design, with five replications. The treatments consisted of 3 N rates (0 - control, 150 and 300 kg ha-1) and six evaluation periods (January, February, March, April, May, and June) in six-year-old coffee (Coffea arabica L.) plants of Catuaí Vermelho IAC 44 cv. The nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase activities, leaf soluble protein, and N concentrations increased linearly with the N rates. During fruit development, the enzyme activity, leaf soluble protein and N content decreased, due to the leaf senescence process caused by nutrient mobilization to other organs, e.g, to the berries. Leaf Ni increased during fruit development. Beans and raisin-fruits of plants well-supplied with N had higher Ni contents. Enzyme activities, total leaf N and leaf soluble protein, evaluated during the green fruit stage in March, were significantly correlated with coffee yield. These variables can therefore be useful for an early assessment of the coffee N nutritional status as well as coffee yield and N fertilization management.